N Grippli Magus 6
![]() OK, lots of spell stuff! Agalych can take 10 for a 19, which is good enough to get everything he's after. Not sure if you're recording who we copied off of as well as which, so will break it down!
From Albert's spellbook he wrote:
From Carina's spellbook he wrote:
From Gaius's spellbook he wrote:
From Sigias's spellbook he wrote:
Scribing costs: 1st lvl x 16 * 10 = 160 gp2nd lvl x 10 * 40 = 400 gp 3rd lvl x 6 * 90 = 540 gp 4th lvl x 2 * 160 = 320 gp ____________________________ Total: 1420 gp And only 62 pages required, so don't even need to buy a new book =) ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych dumps the collection of charms on the table. "These did not seem to do their task." He says. "Was the place called Sparkleglim. Many unfriendly creatures, goblins, kobolds. The kobolds tunnel up from below, and laid many traps. Many." "Scared off for now." He shrugs slightly. "But might return." He nods towards the rescuees. "Those ones would know more." ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() 1d12 ⇒ 5 Lets hope someone actually can speak draconic =) Agalych makes a strange sound you're pretty sure could not come from a human throat, part startlement, part irritation. as the kobold flings a last ditch fireball. "Stupid kobold better have useful knowhows on missing peoples." He mutters. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych pulls out a small pearl and twirls it in his hand for a moment, as he looks back the way the kobold fled. "Should we chase down that one, perhaps having answers?" He takes a few hesitant steps in that direction. "It will not have gone far, with its eyes blinded." Blinded, its moving half speed at best, so is probably only one round off. =) ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Ha, fear my damage then! AoO, haste, good hope: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 10 + 1 + 2 = 15, for 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 damage. Bah, nm.
As the kobold staggers away, Agalych takes a quick swipe at it with his blade, though doesn't really put much effort into it, as his attention is turning towards those foes still in the fray. His legs suddenly bound him across the room. In two quick leaps he's standing along the edge of the black tentacles writhing through the air. He says a quick arcane spell, then opens his mouth. A long tongue thrusts forward, reaching across the space towards the kobold that just threw the exploding bead. Cast shocking grasp, then use his tongue to deliver it with reach from outside the black tentacles! Touch attack vs grey, haste, good hope: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 30, doing 5d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 6, 6, 6) = 25 electricity damage ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Venture Teller Play b'Post wrote:
Blind forces him to move half speed, but don't see any reason it would stop a withdraw (just restrict him to a partial withdraw)... but even with a withdraw, he would not avoid the AoO, as he had to move north one then northeast... and would still provoke on the second square. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() GM, your init format makes it hard to know which ones are which. Can you put a reference to the token colors in there at least? As arrows wiz by, Agalych leaps into action, a bit slower than the others, but into it none-the-less! With a hastily uttered word, small arcs of electricty start running along his arm and the edge of his small blade, as he bounds towards the kobold on the left, slashing the charged kukri across its abdomen Swift action to make the kukri Keen. Cast shocking grasp, then move in and stab the black kobold to hopefully deliver it. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25, for 1d3 ⇒ 1 damage plus 5d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 2, 5) = 21 electric damage. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10 Agalych follows along, near the front, eyes rotating in all directions as he observes the strange caverns, though doesn't really understand much of what he's looking at. Gaius Gallonica wrote: Gaius is now fatigued, can anyone activate a scroll of lesser restoration? Gaius was already fatigued (from the deathtrap summons)... does this move you to exhausted? ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych follows the others, though once they circle around to the other end of the cavern full of bones, he keeps an careful eye on it, still not sure there isn't more danger there. "This one wonders if maybe we chose the wrong lead?" He says quietly, as they yet again find no clues to the missing travelers. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Uh oh! Will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Agalych suddenly feels a dark energy descending on him, and lets out a panicked chirruping sound, as he looks around trying to determine the cause! Agalych jumped there in round 2 (1st round he drew and used the wand) Feeling the floor itself trying to suck him, and his life force, down into itself. Almost instinctively, his legs push off, and he leaps away from the location, but not unscathed! Dunno where he'd instinctively jump, probably to the last spot he thought was safe. "This one thinks there are far more dangers in this place than we know." He murmurs weakly. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() GM:
Agalych jumped across the first pit, beside Carini, not in front of the crack in the wall (I moved my token and everything! =))... though admittedly where things are is a bit cryptic, as you don't show them as we spot them, only after we deal with them.
Certainly wasn't jumping directly in front of it. Agalych lands beside Carini, then looks back towards Gaius as the later calls his warning. The little grippli frowns, though stays to protect the fortune teller, if it is indeed as dangerous as Gaius seems to be implying. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() "That does not seem like it belongs there." Agalych says, pointing towards the crack in the wall with the strange silver thing in it. With no warning, his legs suddenly extend, and he leaps across the nearer pit with barely any effort at all, to get a closer look. Take a 10, can automatically jump up to 20' He pauses a moment to look watch Abram's progress out of the pit, before adding, "This one wonders if these are the last of them." ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Knowledge (dungeon): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 So close! =) "A lair of some sort?" Agalych says, his eyes pivoting in all directions, trying to spot clues to whatever it might be. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 "Whatever it is, the goblins were not afraid of it." He adds, examining one of the bones. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych picks up one of the bows, and eyes it dubiously... before throwing it over his shoulder, and snagging a few arrows. Given that all the weapons and armor are going to be small sized... I'm guessing that I'm the only one that can use them =)
He goes over to observe Gaius as the tiefling works on the pit trap, offering a few suggestions as he does so. Disable aid another: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych flashes a small silvery kukri, slashing at the goblin with a quick strike, then saying a simple arcane spell, and striking at it a second time. 5' step, then spell combat. Channeling ray of frost through the second kukri attack (via close range arcana) melee: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 10 - 2 = 28, for 1d4 ⇒ 1 damage. cast defensively vs DC 15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
confirm: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 10 - 2 = 16, for an additional 1d4 ⇒ 3 damage. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych gets quieter, as they move further into the cave system. The general atmosphere of the place seems to be disturbing him slightly, and he spends more time looking around for things that are not really there, then paying attention to what his companions are saying. The blackened room gives him extra pause, and he looks at the walls closely, trying to determine what might have caused such wide-spread scorching! ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Which direction is which? Don't see a compass rose! =) Agalych will examine the discarded charms warily, then collect them all, tucking them away where their light can not be seen. Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Agalych's eyes rotate to look off towards the west as he thinks he hears something also. "This one hears things as well." He says. "An illusion perhaps?" His head tilts slightly, as it tries to pick out what it might be. "Perhaps a haunt? "Maybe a lure, to draw the unwary. Perhaps this is what has lured the missing persons?" He follows Alonso and Albert as they follow the sounds, cautious of some sort of trap. Knowledge (dungeon): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 As they reach the next room, he calls for caution. "The damage to the walls, is not as severe as it seems. They are far more solid than they appear." Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() "This one did not expect such beauty so far below the forest canopy." Agalych says quietly at the sight of the sparkling crystals and pool. "If travelers disappear in this area, such a thing as that would be a good lure, yes?" He adds, looking around for signs of danger. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Have no particular information gathering skills, so will follow someone else, and aid another! Agalych has no desire to wander off on his own, nor is he comfortable trying to figure out the social niceties of talking to the locals. So instead he goes with one of the other Pathfinders, trying to help where he can. Diplomacy aid: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19 whoever needs/wants a +2 aid bonus, go ahead and have the grippli following you =) ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych eyes the note, and points to one of the entries. "That one there." He says, indicating the Sparklegrim Passage. "Many disappearances it says. That seems like the sort of place we look for, yes?" "We spend much time walking... much time talking... but no time looking." He adds, worriedly. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych looks up at the scaffolding and structures branching off of it, and feels for the first time, strangely comforted. "This looks very much like the villages of this one's homeland." He says, his eyes rotating around in different directions, taking it all in. "This one had not realized humans lived like this." He smiles slightly. The little grippli does not appear to be paying much attention to the mission going on around him ever since they entered Kaer Maga, instead mostly just absorbing the sights and sounds of the city. ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Agalych stares at the strange new city with half wonder and half trepidation, his small grippli form easily overlooked by the cities many inhabitants. Eventually, he falls in behind Abram, letting the warrior act as a prow in who's wake he follows. The tavern throws him a little as well, far too crowded and active for his liking. He nods companionably at the three newcomers, though does not speak, instead continuing to watch the surrounding throng with fearful interest. edit: huh... whaddya know, it went through! ![]()
N Grippli Magus 6
![]() Gaius Gallonica wrote: Gaius looks over to his small coompanion. Perhaps they were meant to keep things in? he suggests. One eye rotates to look at Gaius, blinking, before both return to staring at the towering walls of Kaer Maega. "This one finds that no less comforting." He says, in response.