Pathfinder Player Companion
Page 13—A scarab stalker's crocodile sacred animal focus grants a +8 bonus on Swim checks at 15th level.
Page 27—Add the following text to the end of the first paragraph of the Fencing Grace feat. "You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied."
Page 4—Change the last sentence of the scorpion whip's description to the following, "If you are proficient with both scorpion whips and whips, you can use a scorpion whip in either the normal way, as a typical light performance weapon, or as a whip. When you use a scorpion whip as a whip, it is otherwise equivalent to a whip, but it deals lethal damage and can harm creatures regardless of their armor bonus."
Page 8—A wrist sheath or spring-loaded wrist sheath can hold one forearm-length item. In addition to the listed examples, wrist sheaths can be used to store and deploy potions and scrolls. They cannot hold rods.
Inside Back Cover—replace "disarm, reach, trip" in the scorpion whip's Special entry with "performance".
Page 7—Characters cannot wear double-plated armor if the armor's maximum Dexterity bonus would be less than 0.
Page 8—Remove the following sentence from the description of orc hornbow: "Any effects that apply to both longbows and shortbows also apply to hornbows."
Page 10—If ammunition with jagged hooks does not have a critical multiplier of its own, use the critical multiplier of the weapon that fired the ammunition to determine the hooks' effect.
Page 12—Replace the last sentence of the dusk lantern with the following. "When a dusk lantern is shedding red light, creatures who are 10 feet away from the edge of the light's area must succeed at a DC 10 Perception check to notice the presence of the light. The DC increases by 1 for every 10 feet between the creature and the light. Creatures with darkvision take a -5 penalty on this Perception check.
Page 16—In the linguist’s codex, replace the +2 bonus on Linguistics checks when communicating in a language you do not speak with the following. “When an adventure grants a bonus to a Linguistics check if you speak a particular language, you gain that bonus.” The expanded linguist’s codex grants this benefit for Diplomacy checks as well as Linguistics checks.
Page 20—Sparring gear counts as armor for the purposes of abilities that are dependent upon wearing armor or not wearing armor, such as a monk's AC bonus.
Page 21—The aid another bonus that the allied cloak spell provides is always +2.
Page 24—A gloomstick is a nonmagical light source. When determining its interactions with various light and darkness effects, note that its darkness is equivalently powerful to the light a sunrod produces.
Page 25—The choking smoke smokestick trick references "any bonuses you add to dirty trick combat maneuvers." This refers to bonuses that you add exclusively to dirty trick combat maneuvers, not bonuses like your Strength bonus or a bonus on all combat maneuvers checks.
Page 29—Ioun spite bracers do not function for cracked and flawed ioun stones.
Pages 20 and 21—You may purchase other types of ammunition with the properties of any of the arrows listed on these pages. The ammunition costs the same as the arrow, unless the base cost of one unit of the ammunition costs 1 gp or more—in that case, add the cost of one unit of ammunition to the listed cost for the arrow.
Inside Front Cover—The available slots for piscine creatures are belt (saddle), chest, and eyes.
Page 11—Tumor familiars cannot take the protector archetype.
Page 19—Replace the first sentence of the Spell Sponge feat with "Whenever your master targets you with a spell with the range of personal, the spell's duration is doubled as if modified by the Extend Spell metamagic feat."
Page 20—In the charger archetype's mounted challenge, replace the sentence "This ability replaces share spells" with "The cavalier's mount only gains half the listed number of bonus tricks (minimum 0)."
Page 26—The saddle of the sky river occupies a creature's belt slot.
Page 9—For the purposes of the Blatherskite's Cheap Shot ability, an unarmed target that is capable of making armed attacks does not count as unarmed (see page 182 of the Core Rulebook under "armed" unarmed attacks). Additionally, when the blatherskite uses his Blatherskite's Surprise ability, his foe may attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the blatherskite's level + his Wisdom modifier (to reduce the duration of the lost Dexterity bonus to 1 round.
Page 10—When using the Casting Conduit feat, an ally who would not take any damage from the spell counts as immune.
Page 14—For the sin monk's gluttony ability, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer hit dice than half the sin monk's character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any hit points. A sin monk with the spawn of sin ability does not return to life as a sinspawn if slain, unless the player wishes to have this happen, at which point her character is marked as dead.
Page 17—The last paragraph of a splintersoul's splintered identity says that a GM may allow other classes or archetypes to follow a less strict version of a code of conduct while in an identity with an incompatible alignment. GMs have discretion over how to define this less strict code at their tables.
Page 19—The martyred bloodline's ancestral strikes deal good-aligned damage. This means that the bloodrager's ancestral strikes overcome DR/good.
Page 29—Frightshade has no effect against targets who succeed at the initial save. The effect of being shaken for an additional 1d4 rounds only applies to targets who failed the initial save.
Page 29—Sand bomb does not deal damage.
Page 30—The arrow slicer bow always grants its wielder a +2 bonus on Perception checks in Perception checks to act in the surprise round, not just when she is targeted by a ranged attack.
Page 31—The liquid inside the vial of reckless courage degrades into a nonmagical liquid 1 minute after the first time the vial is opened.
Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology
Page 20—Replace the final sentence of the full pouch spell with, “Saves against the new alchemical item’s effects use the original items save DC or the save DC of the spell, whichever is lower.” Items created with full pouch last until the next time you refresh your daily spell slots or spells per day. When using the full pouch with alchemical items that are made from combinations of other items, such as the results of a hybridization funnel, you draw out a copy of one of the component items. For example, if you used the spell on a combined acid flask/alchemist’s fire produced with a hybridization flask, you could extract either an acid flask or an alchemist’s fire, but not both.
Page 11—The Spring Heeled Style feat also functions when using a full-round action to use the Spring Attack feat
Page 18—When using the Shield Brace feat, treat the polearm or spear as a one-handed weapon. More specifically, when calculating the damage the weapon deals, it uses your Strength bonus instead of 1.5 times your Strength bonus, and it counts as a one- handed weapon when determining extra damage from the Power Attack feat. You may use Two- Weapon Fighting and other feats as if the polearm were a one handed weapon.
Page 25—The spell venomous promise's saving throw line should read, "Saving Throw Fortitude negates".
Page 4—The restored glory power does not restore expended objects such as alchemist's fire or a bead of force. A vestige bloodline sorcerer can replace her bonded object as normal.
Page 8—Replace all references to "hard cover" in the eclipse version of Auspicious Birth with "cover".
Page 10—The ioun kineticist's ioun buffer ability can store 1 point at 6th level, 2 points at 11th level, and 3 points at 16th level. The dull gray ioun stones granted by the ioun cloud ability have a resale price of 0 gp.
Page 12—An arcane warden must meet the prerequisites for any bonus feats.
Page 15—Replace the break spell arcana's last sentence to the following: "The magus must be at least 15th level and have the shielding arm arcana before selecting this arcana."
Page 20—Replace the second sentence in the Pao-Lung Self-Improvement feat's benefit entry with the following: For the next 24 hours, you gain a +1 bonus on checks of that type; the bonus increases by 1 every time you fail that type of check (maximum +5)."
Page 30—Add the following to the end of the second tenet of Osiris's paladin code: "I will show the utmost respect when exploring burial sites and recover only what I need from the dead, doing my best to avoid damaging their remains." Because Pathfinder Society scenarios often involve exploring tombs and even recovering important objects from them, this addition is intended to provide enough flexibility that a paladin of Osiris can participate in adventures.
Page 31—Using the Tekritanin ability for at least 1 hour in conjunction with a divergent language applies the ability's benefit until the end of the adventure; this ability does not permanently grant benefits to divergent languages in organized play.
Page 25—Change the prerequisites line for the sunlit strike feat to "Prerequisites: Arcane Strike, able to prepare or cast daylight."
Page 29—At 11th level, a sorcerer with the martyred bloodline adds the spell serenity (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 236) to her spell list as a bonus spell known.
Page 30—The Clergy Member trait is usable once per scenario instead of once per week. The Faith Healer trait may be used for Day Job checks.
Page 4—At 2nd level, the prowler at world’s end gains the taboo ability from the medium class. This replaces uncanny dodge. The bloodrager gains uncanny dodge at 5th level instead, in place of improved uncanny dodge. Some of the spirit powers that the bloodrager has refer to her spirit bonus. Instead of not gaining a spirit bonus at all, a prowler at world’s end gains a partial version of the spirit bonus ability at a reduced rate (+1 at 4th level, +2 at 12th level, and +3 at 20th level). She does not gain the spirit bonus benefits listed at the top of the spirit’s entry. Her spirit bonus applies only to her influence penalty and to her spirit powers.
Page 14—The contagious suggestion spell functions as follows. Whenever the standard suggestion the caster places on a creature conflicts with the part of the spell that compels it to seek out other targets to pass on the spell, the standard suggestion prevails. Once a creature successfully passes on the spell, it continues to follow the directions from the suggestion, but it loses the compulsion to pass along the suggestion.
Page 19—Remove the spells naga shape II and naga shape III from the bloodrager spell list.
Page 28—Replace the final sentence of Mindful Meditation with the following, "These bonuses increase by 1 when you reach 10 Hit Dice and every 5 Hit Dice thereafter to a maximum increase of +4 at 20 Hit Dice.
Page 31—Make the following adjustments and clarifications to the ancestor eidolon subtype. Do not apply racial adjustments to ability scores, speed, size, or languages. An ancestor eidolon cannot take feats or other abilities that would circumvent the archetype's restriction on qualifying for feats based on race. Instead of gaining a +2 on all rolls that use a specific ability score at 4th level, an ancestor eidolon gain the ability increase evolution for that ability score at 4th level. The eidolon gains the evolution a second time for the same ability score at 8th level. Ancestor eidolons with the rogue template gain 1d6 sneak attack at 4th level instead of rounding down "a number of sneak attack dice equal to 1/2 its HD" as specified in the rogue template to 0 dice of sneak attack. The humanoid appearance of an ancestor eidolon retains fantastical elements that clearly mark it as a supernatural creature.
Page 5—A slag may's awakened hag heritage benefit deals 1d4 points of bleed damage on a successful critical hit.
Page 7—A sorrow may's awakened hag heritage benefit blinds a target for 1 round on a successful critical hit if the target fails the saving throw.
Page 9—A snow may's awakened hag heritage benefit gives her immunity to extremely cold conditions, as if she were under the effects of a permanent endure elements spell (cold only) that cannot be dispelled.
Page 16—Instead of transforming into hag at 20th level, hagbound witches gain a hex at 20th level. They do not qualify for archetypes that trade out a witch's 20th level hex.
Page 17—A vellemancer's expanded wishgranter ability allows her to sacrifice prepared spells of 2nd level or higher to spontaneously cast the listed spells.
Page 26—A covenbane slayer's hag sense ability is a divination effect. However, any anti-divination defenses benefiting or created by a hag do not protect against this ability. For example, this ability bypasses the mind blank spell as provided by a hag's coven.
Page 27—A hag-riven bloodrager's hexing claws ability replaces bloodrager's entire damage reduction ability, not just the increase gained at 10th level.
Page 30—Apply the following clarifications to both the battlepot cauldron and the cauldron of fireworks. The these items do not allow their users to affect unwilling creatures with potions of spells that require willing targets. Creatures may attempt saving throws against potions of spells that allow them. Only potions may be stored in these items, not elixirs or extracts.
Page 7—Replace the text of the skinwalker's change shape ability with the following, to match the text of this ability in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5.
"A skinwalker can change shape to a bestial form as a standard action. In bestial form, a skinwalker gains a +2 racial bonus to his choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. While in this form, a skinwalker also takes on an animalistic feature that provides a special effect. Each time a skinwalker assumes bestial form, he can choose to gain two claw attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage, 60 foot darkvision, or a +1 natural armor bonus. These benefits last until the skinwalker returns to his humanoid form as a swift action. A skinwalker must first return to his humanoid form before changing to bestial form again to change benefits."
Page 9—Werebat-kin who use the Bat Shape feat transform into a flying fox (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 112).
Page 31—Adjudications for the pelt of the beast is ambiguous. Beast shape I allows its caster to transform into a Small or Medium creature of the animal type, but some of the creatures whose skins may be used to create a pelt of the beast do not have Small or Medium statistics in a Bestiary. Use the following list to adjudicate the pelt for a bat, crocodile, shark, or tiger.
- Bat: Turn into a Small bat, which appears to be an unusually large flying fox and gains abilities as a flying fox (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 112).
- Crocodile: Turn into a Medium crocodile, which appears to be a young crocodile and gains abilities as a crocodile (Bestiary 51).
- Shark: Turn into a Medium shark, which appears to be a young shark and gains abilities as a shark (Bestiary 247).
- Tiger: Turn into a Medium tiger, which appears to be a young tiger and gains abilities as a leopard (Bestiary 265).
Page 5—The ranger favored class bonus can only reduce attack roll penalties incurred due to being underwater, not attack roll penalties from other sources (such as Rapid Shot).
Page 10—Electric Eel Conduit and Electric Eel Shock are not style feats.
Page 18—A lifting bag carrying between 0 and 20 pounds returns to the surface at a rate of 60 feet per round. A lifting bag carrying more than 20 and up to 40 pounds returns to the surface at a rate of 30 feet per round.
Page 22—Firearms and techological weapons are not legal options for shadowcraft weapons.
Page 4—Waving a standard is a standard action, and is not available until 14th level when the greater banner class feature is taken.
Page 5—Dodging Dance requires a character to make one Acrobatics check per Attack of Opportunity, with a DC that increases on each subsequent check.
Page 18—Change the listed prerequisite of the Thaumaturgic Aesthetics magic trick from Deceptive to Deceitful.
Page 30—An Arch-Familiar that casts a spell with an expensive material component must supply that component.
Page 19—Replace the spirit magic spells list of the ancestors spirit with the following: unseen servant (1st), spiritual weapon (2nd), heroism (3rd), spiritual allyAPG (4th), telekinesis (5th), greater heroism (6th), ethereal jaunt (7th), vision (8th), astral projection (9th).
Page 6—PCs may qualify for the feats Deep Toxin and Powerful Poison with ranks in Craft (alchemy) instead of ranks in Craft (poison).
Page 9—PCs may qualify for the feat Toxic Spell with ranks in Craft (alchemy) instead of ranks in Craft (poison).
Page 10—"Human" is not a legal choice for the Dedicated Adversary feat, but a human ethnicity such as "Ulfen" is legal.
Page 15—The Kitsune Tricks and Kitsune's Vengeance feats are not style feats. The Kitsune Style feat allows a PC to attempt only one dirty trick combat maneuver, even if he would have additional attacks on a charge from pounce or similar abilities.
Page 2—The dogged trait's bonus can apply to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks.
Page 4—The temporary feats that an elemental monk gains from genie style do not grant additional uses of the Elemental Fist feat. Instead, the monk gains one additional use of Elemental Fist per day at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 18th levels.
Page 10—Debilitating speech has the fear descriptor.
Page 13—You can activate the immediate action from litany of duty after failing the saving throw from spells that would prevent you from taking immediate actions of your own volition (such as dominate person), intercepting the spell in the time between the failed saving throw and the time that instructions to act against your will take effect.
Page 17—For the numerical alchemy and greater numerical alchemy discoveries, note that an investigator must refer to his formula book to mix an extract, as per the investigator's alchemy ability.
Page 19—When a creature fails the Fortitude save against unflappable mein, its attack does not hit the creature protected by the spell. However, if the attacker succeeds at the Fortitude save, the attack may hit the warded creature as normal before the spell pushes the attacker back 5 feet.
Page 8—The Stirring Discourse of the Mind masterpiece can provide bonuses on Knowledge checks to perform research in a library that takes more than 10 minutes to complete. As long as the person attempting the research check begins within the masterpiece's 10-minute window, the masterpiece's bonus applies.
Page 11—The spell-like ability that the Minor Miracle feat grants does not count as the ability to cast divine spells for the purposes of fulfilling prerequisites or requirements.
Page 19—The Mighty Protector trait's last sentence should say, "If you succeed, you grant the ally a +4 bonus to AC instead of a +2 bonus against that opponent's next attack."
Page 26—The Self-Realization subdomain does allow characters who are not half-elves to cast paragon surge, bypassing the standard race-specific restriction for spells from the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide. Regardless of the race of the character who casts the spell, the character keeps all of her extraordinary and supernatural abilities, and the enhancement bonuses apply to Dexterity and Intelligence as typical for the spell.
Page 28—The Divine Fighting Technique feat qualifies you for divine fighting techniques in other sources, as long as you meet the prerequisites listed in that source. For example, you must have the same alignment as your chosen deity to qualify for the divine fighting feats on page 10 of Pathfinder Player Companion: Weapon Master's Handbook.
Page 30—The advanced benefit of Sarenrae's mercy only applies against true and worthy foes. It does not apply against unconscious, helpless, or unaware foes or foes whose CR is less than your character level -2 (minimum 1). At the GM's discretion, if you are using this feat in a way that is not in keeping with the teachings of Sarenrae, such as healing someone and then beating them again to gain hit points for yourself, you may not receive healing.
Page 31—When using the initial benefit of Urgathoa's hunger, the maximum number of temporary hit points you can gain from an attack is equal to your character level.
Page 5—A kitsune who takes the Fox Shape feat can remain in fox form indefinitely.
Page 14—The wayang spellhunter trait cannot reduce a spell's effective level below the unmodified spell's original level (for example, it does not allow you to alter a wizard's fireball into a 2nd-level spell.)
Page 22—The sword saint's brutal slash ability modifies weapon expertise as follows. Replace the second sentence of weapon expertise with "At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana or the wakizashi." The brutal slash ability also replaces mounted archer.
Page 23—When using her hair as a primary natural attack, a white-haired witch uses her Strength modifier to determine her attack bonus. She uses her Intelligence modifier instead of her strength modifier to determine her bonus to damage with this attack. Witches of races that do not normally have hair may select this archetype—this archetype supernaturally causes them to grow hair.
Page 29—Replace the void elemental school's 3rd-level spell tapestry's embrace with the spell call the void on the same page.
Page 4—When calculating the damage for a firebrand's Big Boom! ability, add any bonus damage to the attack once, rather than adding it to both the bomb damage and the firearm damage separately and gaining a double effect.
Page 5—The name of the masterpiece at the top of the second column is Blazing Rondo.
Page 21—For the mud school, a creature struck by a mud missile may attempt a Reflex save (DC 10+ half your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) to negate the blinding effect. This does not negate the bludgeoning damage.
Page 26—In the chart at the bottom of the page, a genie binder's class-granted Fortitude save and Reflex save bonus at level 2 are +1 rather than +0. Its bonuses for these saves at level 5 are +2 rather than +1.
Page 11—A familiar with the mascot archetype selects its team member(s) when its master prepares spells or at the start of the adventure.
Pages 14 and 15—The traits on these pages are available only to gnome PCs (including humans who have taken the Racial Heritage feat). They have the types listed in the text (Combat, Faith, Magic, or Social) but do not count as Race traits. You may gain any of the traits on these pages with the Adopted Trait, as specified on page 14. However, they count as traits of their listed type and not as Race Traits. For example, if you use the Adopted trait to take the Excitable trait, you have a Social trait and a Combat trait. You may use Adopted to take a Social trait from these pages as an exception to the rule against having two traits of the same type.
Page 15— The Deadly Dealer feat allows a character to enhance sets of 54 harrow cards with any enhancement that would normally be able to apply to ammunition, for the same price that it would normally cost to enhance 50 pieces of ammunition. Only harrow decks may be enhanced in this way. Decks of cards made of special materials are not available for purchase.
Page 23—The DC of the caster level check to remove the Uda Wendo's curse with remove curse is 10 + 1/2 the uda wendo's level + his Charisma modifier.
Page 4—A sacred attendant's inspiring camaraderie ability grants a competence bonus equal to the level of the cure spell cast, rather than equal to the cleric's level.
Page 4—A disciple of wholeness cannot use hone body or greater hone body to grant herself immunities using ki points.
Page 10—When a wasteland blightbreaker uses her banish blights ability, the break enchantment effect replaces the normal effect of the extract.
Page 11—If a sacramental alchemist uses any domain abilities with a limited number of daily uses, he must select the same domain any time he prepares a sacramental cognatogen for the rest of the day, tracking expended abilities as normal for that domain. For example, if a domain grants a 1/day ability, he cannot use it a second time by rebrewing his cognatogen.
Page 11—Neutralizing bomb grants an immediate new saving throw against all effects that grant ongoing saves to clear. For example, it grants an ongoing save against spells like hideous laughter, but not against effects that grant no additional saving throws beyond the initial save, such as flesh to stone.
Page 13—Add the following text from the Resurrection subdomain to the resurrection focused blessing, "Creatures returned to life in this way continue to be affected by any still-active spells, conditions, or afflictions present at the time of their death."
Page 14—Contingent spells come into effect after a specified trigger happens and cannot preempt an event. A trigger such as "when I am reduced to 20 hit points" is valid, but a trigger such as "when I would otherwise have died" is not.
Page 14—For the Fortuitous Vigor feat, the GM is the arbiter of which ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks qualify to regain vigor points. In general, having a character attempt repeated superfluous skill checks in order to regain vigor is against the spirit of this feat.
Page 15—The temporary hit points that the Unconquerable Resolve feat grants last for 1 minute.
Page 16—When a character uses the ameliorating or major ameliorating hex to grant a creature the ability to suppress a negative condition at some point in the future, this protective effect expires after 24 hours if it is not triggered.
Page 19—A faith singer may activate his domain spell-like ability during a bardic performance, taking the normal actions required to cast the spell. If the spell-like ability has an expensive material component, the bard must supply that component.
Page 20—A Pei Zin practitioner's healer's way ability heals 1d6 hit points for every 2 oracle levels she has (minimum 1d6).
Page 21—A succor oracle's perfect aid ability does not stack with other feats, class features, traits, or any other abilities that improve the bonuses she grants when using the aid another action.
Page 25—A paladin cannot apply the targeted mercy to herself on a round in which she has already performed actions that would break the sanctuary spell (for example, she cannot attack a foe and then use it to block that foe's attacks).
Page 26—A benefactor shaman can attempt to suppress a given curse with her suppress curse ability once every 24 hours.
Page 27—A character with the restoration spirit specialization hex shell of succor may use the hex once per day, plus one additional time at 11th and 19th levels.
Page 28—Under the healer's satchel item, each of the four specialized satchels (diagnosis, first aid, long-term care, and treatment) is a different magic item that costs 3,000 gp.
Page 29—A nursing necklace does not grant a +10 circumstance bonus on Heal checks to treat the wearer until the wearer has been wearing the item for 24 hours.
Page 4—Replace the last sentence of jaguar's protection with "The slayer must be at least 6th level and have the jaguar's grace talent to select this talent.
Page 5—The Father of Legends's song of valor ability can be used for a number of rounds per day per day equal to the PC's Charisma modifier plus their spirit bonus.
Page 6—Wyrwoods selecting the paladin favored class option gain a bonus spell per day of the highest level they can cast at that time (e.g. a 2nd level-spell slot if they take the fourth point in this favored class bonus at 7th level). The extra spell's level is does not increase with their paladin level.
Page 6—As typical for bonuses from the same source, the bonuses granted from consume power do not stack with themselves.
Page 7—The temporary hit points from magical heart do not stack with each other, and they last for 1 minute.
Page 10—The unicorn bloodline's 9th level bonus spell is neutralize poison. The blessing ability grants immunity to evil weapons—this means weapons that explicitly overcome DR/evil by virtue of their alignment (excluding +5 weapons).
Page 12—The following clarifications apply to the plague eater archetype. In the plague ward ability, the bonus on saving throws against disease replaces the typical bonus on saving throws against mind affecting effects. .In the spiritual inoculation ability, the +4 bonus on saving throws against disease replaces the typical +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Similarly, in greater spiritual inoculation, the plague eater grants a bonus on saving throws against disease to her allies, not a bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.
Page 13—Creatures stunned by the peafowl aspect's major form may attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of their turns to escape the effect.
Page 13—The bonus from the perfect body phrenic amplification expires if it is not used within 1 hour.
Page 13—The bonuses from the psychic defense phrenic amplification expires if it is not used within 1 hour.
Page 16—A creature can only be affected by a particular witch's beast's gift hex once per day.
Page 18—A smoke cartridge costs 35 gp.
Page 18—Firing a screaming bullet as a part of an Intimidate check does not require any additional actions. The bullet requires no attack roll and deals no damage.
Page 22—The elephant major form's ability to carry a Medium creature indicates it is a suitable mount, which does not impose the –5 penalty on Ride checks for riding an unsuitable mount.
Page 22—The Ride-By Attack ability allows the horse shifter to move and attack (e.g. make a hoof attack) as if she were using Ride-By Attack while mounted. She does not need to be a horse riding an even larger animal.
Page 23—Modify the sphinx bloodrager's bloodline as follows. The roar imposes the frightened condition, never the panicked or paralyzed conditions. The radius of the effect is 10 feet+ 5 feet for every 2 levels beyond 4th, rather than 60 feet.
Page 24—A phoenix sorcerer's bloodline arcana only affects instantaneous spells whose spell level is 1 or higher.
Page 25—An alchemist using explosive calligraphy can trigger only one rune per round. Any runes in the explosive radius of the first rune remain, and can be detonated on future rounds.
Page 5—The Terrain Celerity feat's movement speed increase based on "a creature of the same type as one of your favorite enemies" ignores your allies.
Page 8—You can activate a rockfall cloak as a free action even if it is not your turn. If another creature is in your square when you activate it, they may attempt a DC 15 Reflex save to jump to an adjacent square instead of being trapped within.
Page 9—The grasp spell imposes a scaling penalty based on the number of times you have used it "in a particular situation." To reset this penalty, a creature must spend 1 minute during which they are not climbing or clinging to a surface that they are in the process of climbing.
Page 9—The rock whip spell bypasses partial cover, cover, and improved cover, but not total cover.
Page 10—The following clarifications apply to the blightseeker alchemist. Spore bombs deal fire damage. A blightseeker cannot apply alchemist discoveries marked with an * to his bombs. A blightseeker must assign blights to all of his bombs when he prepares them at the beginning of the day. The fear-inducing blight has the fear descriptor, and the confusing blight has the mind-affecting descriptor.
Page 15—The morning sun spell bypasses undead creatures's typical immunity to harmful effects that allow a Fortitude save and cannot affect objects.
Page 16—A demon-sworn witch's cruel hex deals damage on the round that a hex is first activated. If a witch uses a grand hex and then uses cackle to extend it, she deals 4d4 damage from the grand hex plus 1d4 from the cackle. If she uses cackle to maintain the hex on subsequent rounds, she deals 1d4 damage each round from the action she spends to maintain the cackle.
Page 16—A fungal pilgrim's fungal companion does not apply the ability score adjustments from the fungal template.
Page 17—A vermin tamer's mount gains access to the belt (saddle) magic item slot.
Page 20—Harmless effects that target all allies, such as a bard's inspire courage ability, do not trigger an animus mine.
Page 21—A beastkin beserker does not adjust her ability scores when she undergoes a feral transformation. When selecting creatures for her savage rapport, the beserker must choose creatures that have statistics, and she can only take the form of a specific animal once she gains the ability to transform into an animal of that size. For example, a beastkin beserker who selects triceratops would be able to take the form of a triceratops at 12th level. She could not take the form of a younger triceratops of varying sizes at lower levels.
Page 28-29—An alchemist or investigator can craft all legal alchemical items on these pages with a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check. Drought powder requires only a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.
Page 30—A ghoulbane belt allows its wearer to use one of the listed spells once per day. This counts as the item using the spell using its caster level as typical for a magic item, not as the wearer casting the spell.
Page 3—Replace the last sentence of Mwangi Linguist with "In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher writing."
Page 4—The iron within alternate racial trait does not allow the dwarf to qualify as having a ki pool for any purpose (e.g. activating special items or qualifying for prerequisites) other than those listed in this ability.
Page 6—The deep tradition alternate racial trait's bonus on attack rolls applies only against drow, duergar, creatures of the aberration type, and creatures with the giant or orc subtypes.
Page 17—Replace the penultimate sentence in the first paragraph of First World caller's warp reality ability with the following: "If successful, he can apply two planar traits from the previous list, or any one of the following traits: no gravity, subjective directional gravity, erratic time, fire-dominant, water-dominant, minor negative-dominant, minor positive-dominant, or wild magic." The First World caller cannot apply the erratic time trait in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, yet it is included in this clarification for the sake of completeness.
Page 18—Add the following text to the end of the aura of laughter ability: "Deactivating this aura is a free action."
Page 29—Replace the penultimate sentence in the scatter sling's description with the following: "When the wielder of a scatter sling makes a ranged attack with the weapon using a nonmagical bullet as ammunition, she can have the bullet fragment into sharp pieces, dealing piercing damage equal to 1d3 plus the sling's enhancement bonus (but not other bonuses) to each target in a 15-foot cone."
Page 3—The inhabitant of illusion trait can detect illusions within 10 feet.
Page 4—For the Enlightened Noble feat's Scion of the Arts option, note that bards using versatile performance do not roll Perform checks; they substitute their bonus on Perform checks for their bonus on relevant skills.
Page 5—The Noble Stipend feat grants a PC 100 gp at the beginning of each adventure. Purchases and excess funds disappear at the end of the adventure.
Page 6—A court poet gains the following ability:
"Practiced Orator (Su): At 3rd level, a court poet gains 3 more rounds of raging song per day. He gains 3 additional rounds of raging song at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter. This ability replaces rage powers."
Page 9—Replace the first sentence of the witch watcher's diminished spellcasting ability with, "A witch watcher can cast one fewer spell of each level than normal."
Page 11—A remote bomb deals splash damage to all targets, unless a creature is in possession of the bomb at the time the alchemist triggers it (in which case it does direct hit damage to that creature, with no attack roll required).
Page 11—The perceive betrayal spell allows creatures that come within 200 feet of the caster to attempt a Will save. If they succeed, the caster does not detect traitorous intent. Effects that block divination, such as mind blank, block perceive betrayal.
Page 8—The inspire imitation alternate racial trait replaces a half-elf's Skill Focus feat.
Page 18—You can use the Competition subdomain's athletic exploit power a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Page 25—Remove the second paragraph in the Urban Hunter's altered animal companion class ability.
Page 30—The coin shot spell does not apply the caster's ability modifier (for most characters, Strength) to damage.
Page 5—Humans who take the Fey Magic racial trait do not gain Fey Thoughts.
Page 22—The Ustalavic Noble trait provides no additional starting gold.
Page 28—The carry companion spell's target line should read "One willing animal or magical beast touched."
Page 30—The prices and weights of the knight captain's lance and the war lance are switched. The knight captain's lance should cost 10,310 gp and weigh 10 lbs., and the war lance should cost 22,710 gp and weigh 13 lbs.
Page 4—Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph under Energy Types with the following, "For the purpose of the dragon resistance bloodline power, you gain DR that is bypassed by the two damage types other than the damage type that your breath weapon deals. For example, if your breath weapon deals bludgeoning damage, you gain DR/piercing or slashing. The amount of DR you gain is equal to half the energy resistance you would normally gain against all attacks of that specific damage type.
Page 4—Replace the second sentence of the second paragraph under Energy Types with the following, "For the purpose of the dragon resistance bloodline power, you gain DR that is bypassed by the two damage types other than the damage type that your breath weapon deals. For example, if your breath weapon deals bludgeoning damage, you gain DR/ piercing and slashing. The amount of DR you gain is equal to half the energy resistance you would normally gain against all attacks of that specific damage type.
Page 9—An oracle who takes the dragon magic revelation and selects a spell with an expensive material component must pay that component cost every time she uses the revelation to cast that spell.
Page 10—Dragon magic is a racial trait for elves. This racial trait replaces elven magic.
Page 12—The dragonheir scion gains fearful might at 2nd level. She gains draconic strike and draconic presence at 4th level and 6th level, respectively, replacing the fighter bonus feats she would normally gain at these levels.
Page 22—A drake rider gains skill points as indicated in the skills section on page 22, not as indicated in the table on page 23. Drakes that do not raise their intelligence scores gain 3 hit points per HD.