The Abomination Arsenal: Part 6

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Check out this guest blog submitted from our friends at the Order of the Amber Die! This is part 6 in their adventures in the Abomination Vaults. Find previous entries in the links below.

The Black Powder Cadre met its match!

It took eight levels of the Abomination Vaults to finally run into something that not only exposed a severe weakness in our party, but also exploited it. Again, and again. Let’s see, what could possibly shut down a party of mostly human gunslingers? Magical darkness should be near the top of the list. Make it heightened darkness, just to mess with those darkvision elixirs. How about a community of creatures that can throw darkness back at our desperados like a box of bang snaps? Well, the caligni we encountered on level eight did exactly that, and hit us from so many directions in the dark that we had to snag a high Perception DC just to find our own wounds. Then we learned there was another community of caligni below us on level nine. Yeah, this was a rough marathon.

To get to level nine we had to get past level eight, and we were in new territory here. We had switched authors from Vanessa Hoskins to Stephen Radney-MacFarland—a grizzled veteran whose plethora of work in this industry takes us back to when our own veterans had a lot more hair. In fact, level eight of the Abomination Vaults paid homage to an adventure module that carries plenty of nostalgia around our table: Against the Cult of the Reptile God. We first played it in ‘96, and our GM liked it so much that he ran it again for us in 2005 and 2009. Level eight of the Vaults even hinted at some of our favorite scenes from the soggy, humid dungeon we remember: the infamous “mud room,” the off-limits door with a very clear warning on it, boats to traverse the level, and even the naga boss you can only reach by water.

If you need to catch up on this project:

For this marathon we were joined again by Joe O’Brien from the Glass Cannon Network, rocking the same Beast Gunner archetype as before. Joe wanted more of our typical marathon experience this time, which means playing fourteen or more hours in a day, crashing on an air mattress near the table, then doing it all over again at 6:00 a.m. when Adam blasts our soundtrack to wake the team. You’ll eat well though, and there’s always a bonfire at the end of the weekend. To Glass Cannon fans, we’ll say that Joe handled the extreme playtime pretty well, and is starting to stack up some session hours for that Order of the Amber Die membership!

  • Adventure: Eyes of Empty Death
  • Marathon Length: 62 hours, 30 minutes
  • Session Hours: 38 hours, 30 minutes
Joe from the Glass Cannon Network sitting at the table A group photo of the Order of the Amber Die play group under a black light

Highlights from Marathon 6:

□ On level eight we found ourselves surrounded in a temple by caligni stalkers and their endless darkness. Put it this way: we got good at flat checks. As if things couldn’t get worse, something called an owb showed up. A creature with a background as shadowy as the caligni themselves, this thing can turn you from our cadre’s shared blue colors to drab gray—and even turn your gun gray, which is where we drew the line. Joe came through with the Beast Gunner, landing a couple of devastating shots from his drake rifle that allowed us to walk away alive and most importantly, blue.

□ If you’ve followed our projects over the years, then you know we despise gugs, in-game and out. We came across another one, which held something called a fulcrum lens that we unfortunately needed. One of our snipers, Mazatl, practicing the Way of the Spellshot and wearing what Erick calls “dungeon camo,” crept into position. Erick is even known to wear a ghillie suit at the table to mimic his cloak of elvenkind. Can you find Mazatl in the photo? The sniper aimed for the head and landed the first shot, but the gug still tore into us for six rounds before we put it down.

□ Think you can predict what a Pathfinder megadungeon has in store for you? Enter level nine, with its 10-foot scale in the original version of the adventure. We’re going to have to lay this one out on the patio to get a full pic for the next blog. It’s also level nine where you really get a sense of just how interconnected this megadungeon is to the Darklands that surround it, which is evident as the worked stone in the levels above has now shifted to caverns. Since we’ve delved The Emerald Spire and measured its square footage, we can say that level nine is what helps the Abominaton Vaults achieve its title as the largest megadungeon in Pathfinder history!

□ A massive dungeon level just meant more reach for our shooters. We’d been waiting nine levels to see the 150’ range on both the harmona and arquebus truly rip, and honestly, in a dungeon we never thought we’d see it. When Breen spotted four ceustodaemons on some kind of guard duty, it just meant long range fun. We opened initiative, and one was on the ground before they heard the shots.

□ Level nine was full of towering bioluminescent fungi, which meant breaking out the blacklights for the truest experience. It also meant getting ourselves into a fungal forest firefight with reaper skull puffballs. Don’t be fooled by the name like we were; these things are badass. Go look at the illustration inside Eyes of Empty Death and tell us that the miniatures we had to represent them weren’t darn near perfect, too. Better yet, an exploded puffball is worth 150 gp! Zoric, the cadre’s Unexpected Sharpshooter, scored both money shots and made it rain.

Character Deaths

□ None, but everyone in this party owes another thank you to Breen, Way of the Pistolero. When you’re surrounded by hostiles and bleeding out, it’s our pistol phenom that will pull you to safety and cauterize your wounds—popping off rounds in the process.

A closeup on the game space glowing under a dark light A closeup on the game space glowing under a dark light

The Arsenal

Order of the Amber Die doesn’t have a session zero before our campaigns begin. We start somewhere around session negative eight. In one of those meetings, our player captain had us brainstorm ways that we might cause awkward encounters throughout an Adventure Path by making an entire party of gunslingers. No one suggested anything close to what we came across on level eight of the Vaults. We encountered some drow who took us to their outpost on the level below, packed with none other than the Darklands equivalent of our own gunslingers: the Drow Shootist archetype and their repeating crossbows. We hit it off almost instantly, and soon we were sharing stories over a game of cards, including tales of the best and luckiest shots we’ve landed during our time in the Vaults. Even the art for Quara, their leader, showed her with a bandolier and a set of dueling boots that matched plenty of members in our cadre. She also had a scar across her face from—guess what—a gug. Naturally, we ended up at their firing range, where they allowed Vlai to have his dwarven scattergun (with large bore modifications) for a friendly competition. With all three targets destroyed in a single 15’ radius hit, we won.

Best Quote from Marathon 6

(fierce battle in a caligni temple)

Adam: “Caligni stalker is near death, cornered, attacks Axayaca. Gotta go to the Amber Die for this one.”

Matt (to Joe): “This is when the Amber Die usually goes off.”

Joe: “...”

Adam: “First attack hits… Second attack… 20! Attack you again, agile, -8 penalty… NATURAL 20!”

Current Situation

Well, we’ve made it to the final game of the season—this next marathon is the last one either way. We’re trying not to let the pressure get to us; we keep telling ourselves it’s just another marathon. If we do succeed in defeating Belcorra, then drow aid must be accounted for. Not only are they a source of items, trade, and safety, but the drow have become our friends—we certainly don’t have many on the surface. From conversations with their scouts, we’ve learned of a dragon’s lair on level nine. The drow avoid it. Which, of course, meant that we took a party vote to fight it. Come on, you know it’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any Pathfinder player to slay a dragon with a party of gunslingers!

A top down view of an enemy camp on a square tile map A top down view of a square tiled map

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Our table was brought to life with the help of Blue Table Painting for the miniatures, and Black Bard Studios for custom adventure-specific miniatures/terrain.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Great photos, as always! Nice to see Joe getting some play time with the Order.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

AMAZING! Thank you for taking us along for the ride. It is very much appreciated.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

It's insane to me that even the drawn-on walls and doors look gorgeous in how sharp and clear they are. I'd be curious to know how they do the doors at least. I imagine a stencil along with a way to align it really well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The set is just gorgeous!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Elorebaen wrote:
AMAZING! Thank you for taking us along for the ride. It is very much appreciated.

It's our pleasure. Thank you for supporting us. The thing that stands out most for me this marathon was that we actually made some friends! Considering our track record with most people we came across, this was outstanding. While not everyone hated us and we redeemed ourselves in a few eyes, our relations with the town were rocky more than once. But the drow outpost was full of new people and included a lot of brash shooters. We had finally found our people. It added a nice social component to the game that we had been missing a bit and gave us a layered experience.

Order of the Amber Die

3 people marked this as a favorite.
VestOfHolding wrote:
It's insane to me that even the drawn-on walls and doors look gorgeous in how sharp and clear they are. I'd be curious to know how they do the doors at least. I imagine a stencil along with a way to align it really well.

Thanks, that marker was kind to me! No stencil for the doors, just years of practice and some patience. Each door is done in four separate lines, and big doors like this are much easier than 5ft wide doors. Doors in general are more forgiving than other aspects, since they can be adjusted without having to erase them, just by extending the short sides of the door frame. Now the purple watercolor effect for the crystal chamber, that was tough!

If you are into drawing your own maps for tabletop play, there are a few time lapse videos on our YouTube where you can see how I draw the doors (and everything else). If you want more detailed walkthroughs of the maps that end up here on the blog, those are on our Patreon.

If you liked this little outpost map, wait till you see the map of level 10 that we have coming in the next report!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fumarole wrote:
Great photos, as always! Nice to see Joe getting some play time with the Order.

Thank you! It was fun sitting next to Joe for this marathon. With Joe being our guest appearance and me being one of the newest members of OAD, we had each other's backs. We needed to, and things got even more dangerous on level nine 9 when Adam turned on the black lights. That's my character sheet with the glow in the dark highlights!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Awesome. Nice to see there actually are some down sides to team Overwhelming Firepower, but y'all are champs and pivoted.

Order of the Amber Die

Gristoufle wrote:
The set is just gorgeous!

Thanks, I can’t wait to see the dragon setup!

Fun fact about OAD: We’ve been using GroupMe to help organize our projects. As you can imagine, a decision like whether or not to fight a dragon resulted in some strong, divided opinions in the Black Powder Cadre. To see where we each officially stood, our GM called for a secret vote using GroupMe.

What the Cadre didn’t know until just now, is that I voted to try to go slay the dragon and make off with the loot!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

These are always my favourite batreps, and seeing the glee in Joe's eyes on that picture makes me smile. You can tell he's loving every second of it, you made his dream come true!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Belabras wrote:
Awesome. Nice to see there actually are some down sides to team Overwhelming Firepower, but y'all are champs and pivoted.

It really has been a wild dungeon crawl to say the least. It is so cool to experience the unexpected advantages of an all-ranged party. After a bunch of encounters that easily go your way, you start to feel untouchable. But the DARKNESS! Talk about a humbling moment, for sure. Tess is our girl for both ranged and melee and often has no problem running up on a foe and point-blank showing them what she’s made of. How frustrating when the caligni just turned off the lights and decided to flank her! How dare they! Fortunately, with some lucky rolls and serious re-strategizing, we were able to survive in those dark corners of the vaults. Mrs. Rajani started to take trophies from enemies that wielded darkness against us and proudly wear them so all future darkness foes knew what she was capable of. The rest of the slingers weren’t too thrilled with these trophies being carried around with them but everyone has a quirk, ya know? It takes more than turning the lights off to take us out!

Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nCore wrote:
These are always my favourite batreps, and seeing the glee in Joe's eyes on that picture makes me smile. You can tell he's loving every second of it, you made his dream come true!

Thanks, we always have fun putting these reports together. We like to accumulate everyone's favorite moments before we decide on which highlights will make it to the final few for each report -- this one had so many great moments we didn't want to cut!

Joe ended up playing in three different marathons for this project, and we had such good times that I know he'll find his way into the next one somewhere along the line.

We'll also have another celebrity guest at our table for the upcoming project this fall...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So you made some Drow friends, eh? Too bad they're about to suffer a sudden Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure . . . .

Order of the Amber Die

1 person marked this as a favorite.
UnArcaneElection wrote:

So you made some Drow friends, eh? Too bad they're about to suffer a sudden Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure . . . .

Too true. This series of encounters and the role the drow played in our journey made for a perfect farewell!

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