The Abomination Vaults Kickstarter campaign has reached over 75% funding!

Monday, June 12, 2023

What an amazing response we have received from Pathfinder fans on the Abomination Vaults game Kickstarter campaign! Already above 75% and going strong.

You are showing us that there’s a genuine appetite for this game, and this gives us even more energy and enthusiasm that will in turn be channeled back into this project. There is still some ground to cover, but everyone at BKOM wants to thank all who have been supporting us thus far. This game wouldn’t feel as tangible without the community’s support.

Available on GOG

First, some good news: many of you have been asking for it... and today we're super happy to give it to you!Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults will be available on GOG! At the end of our campaign, pledgers will be able to choose through a form we'll send you whether you'd like to receive your digital copy of the game for Steam or GOG.

Two Stretch Goals Revealed

As we are getting closer to our main funding goal, the time has come to share with you the first two Stretch Goals of our campaign. We are pretty excited about them! We've received a lot of feedback and questions from the community regarding customization, so we know many of you will be thrilled to learn these Stretch Goals are all about giving players more customization options that will enhance the way you play and look in the game.

Introducing Nezrin Fizzletop’s Alchemitorium, a potion-crafting system, and Talia’s Tailoring Emporium, a wardrobe system that will come with the Brimstone Set, an awesome alternative outfit. We’ll give you more details on these in the next few days!


Last week, we introduced some new add-ons to the campaign. We added the possibility to add an Extra Digital download (Steam) for all our pledgers. For those who pledged to one of our Collector’s boxes or Special Tiers, we also added the option to complete your miniature collection in order to get the full party of four, and the possibility to add the Custom Dice Set & Bag designed by FanRoll.

BKOM Studios Kickstarter Dice and Bag. Bright blue dice with purple numbers

For the moment, as per Kickstarter rules, physical shippable add-ons will only be available for backers already pledging for a shippable reward. But please note that pledgers will be able to add digital rewards as add-ons at the end of the campaign via the Pledge Manager.

Miniatures Reveal

We were also thrilled to reveal a sneak peek of Ezren and Amiri’s exclusive miniatures. We’ll make you wait a bit more to discover Harsk and Kyra, but know that our design team is putting the finishing touch on them, making sure they look amazing.

Grey unpainted miniatures of Amiri the iconic barbarian and Ezren the Iconic Wizard

New Reward Tiers

Since many of you in the community asked for it, we decided to add a new digital bundle to the campaign: the Double-Up Digital Bundle. With this bundle, you’ll get two digital downloads of the game (Steam) for you and a friend to partner up and play Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults.

And we’re not done yet! We love receiving feedback from the community about our current rewards and getting ideas on what you would like. We’re still early in the campaign and many surprises are still yet to come.

Please continue to spread the word and watch this space as more exciting stuff is about to be revealed! Be sure to join the conversation on Discord to help us shape the rest of the campaign. Let’s turn this epic quest into a reality! We are working hard at it.

Support The Kickstarter!

—the BKOM Studios team

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Tags: Abomination Vaults Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Second Edition Video Games
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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Saw on steam the other BKOM pathfinder game and that one is kinda lowering my expectations again ^_^; Vampire survivor type pathfinder game just doesn't feel very pathfinder to me, but maybe I'm just being grumpy

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Agreed. I wish them luck, but these are not the games for me.

Odd that there is no link in the post to the kickstarter.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's the big blue Support the Kickstarter! text near the bottom.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Happy to support the kickstarter for another avenue for different people to get into the world of Golarion and Pathfinder. Looking forward to playing it too.

Scarab Sages

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Wish Paizo hadn't done this, Abomination Vaults has some glorious RP opportunities, where you can negotiate with various factions of residents, plan quests and side quests within the dungeon and interact back with the town.

The ARPG format removes all of this and replaces it with a tedious, dull mouse clicking exercise.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lucio wrote:

Wish Paizo hadn't done this, Abomination Vaults has some glorious RP opportunities, where you can negotiate with various factions of residents, plan quests and side quests within the dungeon and interact back with the town.

The ARPG format removes all of this and replaces it with a tedious, dull mouse clicking exercise.

I’m not sure that this takes anything away from the existing IP, and if anything, could definitely be a gateway for those who enjoy the fast paced action gameplay genre and are interested in the cultural milieu it occurs in, who want more and are thus introduced to Pathfinder.

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Lucio wrote:
The ARPG format removes all of this and replaces it with a tedious, dull mouse clicking exercise.

Can you explain more about how this video game is a replacement for the print version?

As far as I know, it's an addition to the available options and simply a different way for Paizo to tell this story.

I too prefer role playing to mouse clicking, but I'm having trouble understanding how other people playing this interferes with my enjoyment.

The Kickstarter itself, even the FAQ there, specifically states Steam only. It is the primary reason I have not backed the project. If it actually ends up on GOG I'll pick it up then.

AlexSledge wrote:
The Kickstarter itself, even the FAQ there, specifically states Steam only. It is the primary reason I have not backed the project. If it actually ends up on GOG I'll pick it up then.

Not anymore. They've already changed that:"Set to release on PC (Steam & GOG)."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It seems the funding for this Kickstarter project is much slower than I expected. Considering the huge successes of other Pathfinder Kickstarter projects, I thought this project will achieve the various stretch goals in no time. I wonder why Pathfinder players don't like this project. Perhaps Hack & Slash ARPG is not their liking?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Aenigma wrote:
It seems the funding for this Kickstarter project is much slower than I expected. Considering the huge successes of other Pathfinder Kickstarter projects, I thought this project will achieve the various stretch goals in no time. I wonder why Pathfinder players don't like this project. Perhaps Hack & Slash ARPG is not their liking?

Eh, less, sure, but not liking it at all? False. Not every Kickstarter needs to get five times their funding goal to be a success. This one has been successfully funded, and is about to hit their second stretch goal. They're fine, lol.

Aenigma wrote:
It seems the funding for this Kickstarter project is much slower than I expected. Considering the huge successes of other Pathfinder Kickstarter projects, I thought this project will achieve the various stretch goals in no time. I wonder why Pathfinder players don't like this project. Perhaps Hack & Slash ARPG is not their liking?

The Kickstarter has been fine so far, but a lot of Pathfinder fans didn't like the ARPG take on the Pathfinder IP mostly because we are kinda spoiled by Owlcat with their CRPG games, we were expecting a CRPG since that is the best way to translate a TTRPG to a videogame.

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