Red Dragon

Dyenome's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Aenigma wrote:
It seems the funding for this Kickstarter project is much slower than I expected. Considering the huge successes of other Pathfinder Kickstarter projects, I thought this project will achieve the various stretch goals in no time. I wonder why Pathfinder players don't like this project. Perhaps Hack & Slash ARPG is not their liking?

The Kickstarter has been fine so far, but a lot of Pathfinder fans didn't like the ARPG take on the Pathfinder IP mostly because we are kinda spoiled by Owlcat with their CRPG games, we were expecting a CRPG since that is the best way to translate a TTRPG to a videogame.