Be A Monster! Pledge Now for Roll for Combat Kickstarter’s Final Week

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Roll for Combat is a partner who is publishing their own line of Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks and adventures under the Battlezoo brand. Check out this update of the New Battlezoo Kickstarter Campaign from Roll for Combat’s Director of Game Design, Mark Seifter!

The Roll For Combat Kickstarter lineup of Battlezoo Eldamon, Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange & Unusual, Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters, and the Eldamon Battles Card Game

Receive massive savings with the Roll For Combat Battlezoo Kickstarter before it ends this week! © Roll for Combat. This image is not avaible subject to the Community Use Policy.

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters lets you play the monster, with a creative monster ancestry each month of 2023, plus a final compilation book as a capstone with additional content! The ancestries are demons, gremlins, intelligent weapons, dungeons expanded (you can get the original dungeon ancestry for free at, oni, nymphs, doppelgangers, minotaurs, slimes, sthenos, mimics, and sidhe. Each ancestry will receive roughly twice as much content as a standard size ancestry, such as those presented in the Core Rulebook or Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. Thanks to stretch goals, we’ve already expanded demons to double that size, doppelgangers to add a doppelborn versatile heritage, and more! Plus, pledging now will guarantee the Foundry VTT module is included with your order for free!

The Kickstarter also introduces Battlezoo Eldamon, which allows you to befriend, train, battle, and evolve ancient and playful monsters based on 10+ elemental types, such as fire, ice, and death in your Pathfinder game! Included are the eldamon trainer class that focuses on befriending eldamon and the elemental avatar class that attunes with the eldamon within them. There’s also an Eldamon Battles Card Game, allowing you to battle in fast-paced strategic duels.

Last but not least, Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange & Unusual features 150 award-winning monsters from the 2021 RPG Superstar contest, which is licensed from Paizo. In addition to the monsters, inside you’ll find an expansion of the monster parts system from Battlezoo Bestiary with new imbued properties for elements and more, plus the aberrant soul archetype, which allows you to slowly transform into an aberration.

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters will allow you to play as a demon, gremlin, intelligent weapon, dungeon, oni, nymph, doppelganger, minotaur, slime, stheno, mimic, and sidhe.

Battlezoo Ancestries: Year of Monsters lets you play the monster, with a creative monster ancestry each month of 2023, plus a final compilation book as a capstone with additional content! © Roll for Combat. This image is not avaible subject to the Community Use Policy.

We’re proud to have some of the most support on Kickstarter from Pathfinder players, and we’re excited to unlock more goals and explore strange and unusual new worlds with you! Hop on over to and pledge now! And if you have any questions, let me know in the comments below.

Mark Seifter
Director of Game Design, Roll for Combat

Author Bio:
I’m Mark Seifter, Roll for Combat director of game design and Paizo’s former design manager, and one of the four leads on the creation of Pathfinder Second Edition. I’m @markseifter on twitter. Check out my Twitch stream with Linda Zayas-Palmer, Arcane Mark, Tuesdays at 7 PM Pacific, and Saturdays at 10 AM Pacific at, as well as my Roll for Combat Live Youtube stream with Stephen Glicker at Both shows cover a variety of RPG and Pathfinder topics! You can also join my discord at!

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

11 people marked this as a favorite.

We're rolling through stretch goals now too! In addition to the ones mentioned on the blog, we also added light and darkness elements and double-sized oni, and there's more coming up as well, like a nymphborn versatile heritage, mind element, and (to my chagrin) a stretch goal where I'll be forced to perform a terrible Eldarap. Plus centaurs!

Verdant Wheel

Cool, what would be the diference between demon and oni ancestries ?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Draco Bahamut wrote:
Cool, what would be the diference between demon and oni ancestries ?

Good question! The lore and abilities are pretty different, in keeping with demons and oni in the game. Check out a bit of oni lore and demon lore in these reddit posts!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Already done! Despite all complaints from my pocketbook. ^^'

EDIT: God's I hope we make that Eldamon rap goal. I will gladly give every other stretch goal for it. <3

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am so thrilled with this kickstarter. When I first got into ttrpg a few years ago, one of the first things I wanted to do was play Pokemon using 5e rules. I'd done a bit of online roleplaying as a kid on an old pokemon fan forum back in the day, which essentially introduced me to the hobby (back when Satanic panic was in full swing, oh the stories I could tell). In any case, while there are some cool homebrew systems out there, I'd never found anything that got me excited. Up until freaking Mark Seifter's mad genius came in to save the day.

I'm in love with the system described so far, minimizing GM workload and player bookkeeping by simplifying the Eldamon catching system and creating an entire sidegame for Eldamon battles. The Eldamon themselves look incredibly fantastical and cute/cool, oozing with personality, in a way that makes me feel Pokemon nostalgia all over again. Love that unique storytelling style: exploring a world filled with strange and magical beasts – any one of which you can befriend and partner up with – watching your pet grow and evolve alongside you, until they become so ethereally powerful you'd barely recognize them compared to their form when you started. The day my pdf comes in I plan to start up an Eldamon campaign with my group (hopefully about the time current pirate campaign ends). Thanks so much for making the dream happen, Mark! You're my hero.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks so much Opsylum! :o

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Instant pledge for me!

That said - I'm trying to get the Year of Monsters Hardcover after pledging for the PDF. The site says to use the pledge manager to add it on for $30. However, when I try to select it as an add-on, it wants to charge me an extra $130.

How do I do this?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MaxAstro wrote:

Instant pledge for me!

That said - I'm trying to get the Year of Monsters Hardcover after pledging for the PDF. The site says to use the pledge manager to add it on for $30. However, when I try to select it as an add-on, it wants to charge me an extra $130.

How do I do this?

Huh, I'm not sure, I was told it was a $30 add just like you were trying to do. I've asked Stephen, the publisher, and I'll get back to you if he has any ideas.

EDIT: Update-it's in the Backerkit. So what you can do if you still want to help earn stretch goals is pledge the $30 now and use it in the Backerkit later. Or you can wait and add the money in the Backerkit afterwards.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
EDIT: Update-it's in the Backerkit. So what you can do if you still want to help earn stretch goals is pledge the $30 now and use it in the Backerkit later. Or you can wait and add the money in the Backerkit afterwards.

Oh, okay, so I'll be able to add it in after the campaign closes? If I want to increase my pledge now, should I put that in the "bonus support" field on Kickstarter?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe so, just somewhere generic. It should give you credit on Backerkit which you could use to get the $30 add-on. The reason for Backerkit is that it can handle the conditional of "$30 add-on but only for those who had the pdfs" better.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for the help Mark!

I'm super excited about this project (over the course of the past day I've gone from "I'll just get the year of monsters PDF" to getting the hardcover and the Eldamon hardcover too...) but I don't use Kickstarter much. ^^;;

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Awesome! I'm really excited about all of these too. If you are getting those two hardcovers starting from the Year of Monsters pdf tier, I could be wrong but I think the "All Hardcover Books" will also get you the Eldamon pdf, the Battlezoo Bestiary pdf and hardcover, and more of the digital assets, for about the same price you are currently pledging (I think it is only $10 more). The All Hardcover tier is a really good deal.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You son of a behir, I'm in. :)

The kickstarter isn't over, is it? Asking because I tried to enter a pledge and nothing happened, and I was wondering if it was me missing the window or Kickstarter not playing nice with my screen reader.

Perpdepog wrote:
The kickstarter isn't over, is it? Asking because I tried to enter a pledge and nothing happened, and I was wondering if it was me missing the window or Kickstarter not playing nice with my screen reader.

It's still going for another 26 hours, so I'd try again on a PC and pledge while you can!

Ezekieru wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
The kickstarter isn't over, is it? Asking because I tried to enter a pledge and nothing happened, and I was wondering if it was me missing the window or Kickstarter not playing nice with my screen reader.
It's still going for another 26 hours, so I'd try again on a PC and pledge while you can!

I am on a PC, but I also figured out the issue. I'd somehow gotten logged out when I wasn't paying attention, lol. Super excited for this!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I mentioned this on Reddit as well, but I wish you could back for an individual Ancestry, or buy them a la carte. If all I want is Minotaurs, my only option is to pledge for $99.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Really hoping we get to gremlins. I love the little balls of chaos and entropy.

keftiu wrote:
I mentioned this on Reddit as well, but I wish you could back for an individual Ancestry, or buy them a la carte. If all I want is Minotaurs, my only option is to pledge for $99.

You might pledge $1 for access to the pledge manager. Maybe they'll offer them as singles there? Or if enough of the other ancestries pique your interest later on, you'll be able to get the full set for the kickstarter's lower price. Whatever works best for you, of course. I can easily imagine seeing them being offered as singles after the kickstarter's over with. Every extra +1 in the backers count sure helps more Mark Seifter magic find its way into the world though!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The Kickstarter is done! And we got to x2 Gremlins and Mark doing the Elda-Rap just in the nick of time. Sucks we won't get the Spirit Element or Centaurs this time around, but there's always next year's KS!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am absolutely over the moon we made it to the Eldarap. I simply cannot wait to hear the full thing. The preview was great!!

Can't wait to add all these Ancestries to my table! Looking forward to the next KS!!

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