New Releases: Crash, Infestation, Doom, and Apocalypse!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Do you see a theme in the dire titles of this month’s new releases? Clearly, heroes are needed at such a time as this. We present our new releases now available at your favorite local game store, online retailer, and here at You won’t be bored!

Unleash Your Hero with Pathfinder Second Edition!

Pathfinder Extinction Curse Adventure Path: The Apocalypse Prophet book cover

The Apocalypse Prophet

The Apocalypse Prophet is a Pathfinder adventure written by Lyz Liddell for four 18th-level characters. This adventure concludes the Extinction Curse Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a traveling circus as they unravel a plot to eradicate all life from the islands of the Inner Sea. This volume also includes a gazetteer of the forbidding Kortos Mountains, an examination of relics left by the dead god Aroden, new monsters, and new rules.

Pathfinder Spell Card Deck packaging. Boxes include primal spell cards, divine spell cards, focus spell cards, occult spell cards, and arcane spell cards.

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Arcane

Magic explodes from your fingertips when you hold Pathfinder Spell Cards in hand! This must-have accessory for arcane spellcasters contains more than 200 spell reference cards, covering every arcane spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Divine

Call down the glory of the gods with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for divine spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every divine spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Focus

Get the most out of your inner magical power with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for focus spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every focus spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Occult

Your hero knows the mysterious secrets of the multiverse, so how come you're always flipping through the rulebook when it comes time to cast a spell? This invaluable set of Pathfinder Spell Cards contains more than 200 spell reference cards for every occult spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving you just as much mastery over the secrets of Pathfinder's magic as your player character!

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Primal

Unleash the fury of the natural world with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for primal spellcasters contains more than 175 spell reference cards, covering every primal spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Pathfinder Cathedral Flip Mat cover. Illustration of a square grid on stone tiles with a round spell circle in the center of the grid

Pathfinder Flip-Mat Classics: Cathedral

Smile in pride as your players mumble desperate prayers to gods benevolent or malign while they fight for their lives upon Flip-Mat Classics: Cathedral! This gorgeous double-sided battle-scale map features the same temple on each side, one dedicated to good and the other to evil!.

Pathfinder Society Year of the Open Road: Doom of Cassomir cover. Illustration of a moon on a tan background with a shadow of an ominous skull covering the moon

Doom of Cassomir

Doom stalks the streets of Cassomir! The people of Admiral's Fen have long been doughty pioneers and sailors, but time and tribulations both natural and economic have worn down their spirits. Amid this widespread gloom and general depression, dark forces have begun pulling strings to begin a societal collapse that could take the entire city under. Venture-Captain Hestia Themis calls on her allies in the Pathfinder Society to try and help her unravel the twisting skeins of manipulation and deceit before Cassomir's final doom is assured.

Pathfinder Society Year of the Open Road: Star-Crossed Court Cover: Atall humanoid lizardfolk wearing glasses and reading a book on a tan backgroud.

The Star-Crossed Court

On an idyllic island of the western coast of Garund, the PCs arrive at the iruxi city of Ekkeshikaar. Seeking to establish new trade relations between the lizardfolk of Ekkeshikaar and the people of Vidrian, the Pathfinder Society must navigate a delicate political landscape while thwarting the efforts of nefarious forces who seek to stop the proposed alliance by any means necessary.

Shoot for the Stars with Starfinder!

Starfinder The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path: The Cradle Infestation book cover.

The Cradle Infestation

The Cradle Infestation is a Starfinder Roleplaying Game adventure written by Vanessa Hoskins for four 9th-level characters. This adventure continues the Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path, a six-part, monthly campaign in which the players unravel the machinations of insidious aliens who have infiltrated galactic society. This volume also includes an examination of the biology and society of the floating barathus, a catalog of biotech gear, and a selection of new and mystifying monsters.

Starfinder Near Space Pawn Collection art. An Android, skittermander, a humanoid lizard-like vesk, and a humanoid dog-folk standing against a dark background

Near Space Pawn Collection

The characters and starships of Near Space and the Veskarium come alive on your tabletop with this collection of creature and starship pawns for use with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop science fantasy RPG! The Starfinder Near Space Pawn Collection presents beautiful full-color images of characters, alien creatures, and starships inspired by the Starfinder Near Space hardcover, perfect for representing your next character or deadly extraterrestrial foes! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each double-sided pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from the Starfinder Pawns Base Assortment, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. The Starfinder Near Space Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect characters and starships to bring your Starfinder campaign to life!

Starfinder Space Station Starter Set flip tile cover. A square grid over a grey metal backgrounf with the roof of a space station in the center

Space Station Starter Set

Stage the scene for epic science fantasy battles with the Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Space Station Starter Set! This boxed collection of 42 durable, double-sided full-color 6 x 6-inch map tiles provides tons of options for space station encounters, from corridor blaster battles to medical bay drama to chaos in the crew quarters! These exciting new tiles bring countless combinations to your game table!

SFS Year of Explorations Edge: Crash Down cover. A large clawed alien over a deep space background

Crash Down

While undertaking a routine surveillance mission to an uncharted world in the Vast, a freak accident occurs that causes the PCs' starship to crash on a nearby planetoid. Caught without another ship for assistance, it's up to the heroes to survive for several weeks as another Starfinder starship can be dispatched to rescue them. Can the PCs survive before succumbing to the dangers of an unexplored alien planet?

SFS Year of Explorations Edge: The Subterranean Safari cover. A large four legged, four armed alien with a tenticle coming out of its stomach standing in front of a deep space background

The Subterranean Safari

Seeking to ingratiate themselves with the Veskarium, the Starfinder Society sends a team of agents along with an influential vesk Brigadier on a hunt into the subterranean caverns of Vesk-3. As the Veskarium officer seeks to discover "the big one" of the planet's dangerous stridermander population, the PCs must protect their charge while also uncovering hidden truths about a skittermander group that dwelt in the same caves they now search.

Starfinder Society has just started a new season. Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder Adventure Card Society start new seasons in August. Now is a great time to get started with Paizo Organized Play!

See what is exciting products are coming soon, and what you may have missed, at the Paizo Product Schedule. By becoming an ongoing subscriber, you'll be sure to get the latest and greatest Pathfinder and Starfinder products shipped to you directly from the Paizo warehouse upon release.

Adventures Ahead!

Aaron Shanks
Marketing and Media Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society Starfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society
Horizon Hunters

You've put the Doom of Cassomir write up twice instead of Star Cross Court :)

Paizo Employee Developer

WOO CARDS! My family got me these for my Birthday back in February so I've been waiting to finally get my grubby little paws on them.

Oops: You have Doom of Cassomir on here twice instead of Star-Crossed Courts.

The PDF for Cradle Infestation is showing as unavailable. I figure y'all are aware and working on it but wanted to signal boost anyway to be sure.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I dig the spell cards. I've suggested elsewhere that you should do something similar for Alchemists, so I'll just repeat that here!

Marketing & Media Manager

DomHeroEllis wrote:
You've put the Doom of Cassomir write up twice instead of Star Cross Court :)

Thanks, we will get that fixed.

Marketing & Media Manager

Thomas Keller wrote:
I dig the spell cards. I've suggested elsewhere that you should do something similar for Alchemists, so I'll just repeat that here!

Noted. Seems like that would be a good idea.

The Exchange

I love the idea of the Spell Cards for PF2 and would love to see something similar for Starfinder for the various casters there to use.

Marketing & Media Manager

Malcolmxkav wrote:
I love the idea of the Spell Cards for PF2 and would love to see something similar for Starfinder for the various casters there to use.

Noted. Seems like that would be a good idea. :)

Sovereign Court

Those cards are awesome resources and gonna fly off the shelf


For some reason Crash Down is still showing as Unavailable to me. Heck. Is all that Doom leaking over to my account?

Marketing & Media Manager

Cassi wrote:
For some reason Crash Down is still showing as Unavailable to me. Heck. Is all that Doom leaking over to my account?

Noted. Looking into it.

Still no sign of new Pathfinder ACG stuff. :( Gives me a sad.

I burrow the spell cards. I've proposed somewhere else that you ought to accomplish something comparative for Alchemists, so I'll simply rehash that here!

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