I want to apologize for the lack of blogs the past two weeks. I returned from Gamehole Con in Madison and critically failed my fort save, succumbing to con crud of epic proportions. My week enforced vacation provided much needed rest but resulted in some tasks not getting done. On a positive note, that means two days of organized play blogs this week, as we have this one today and our scenario reviews tomorrow.
One of the tasks to sort out on my return involved confusion on how we release Pathfinder Adventure Card Society scenarios. We decided to streamline our workflow and move releases to the last Wednesday of the month, alongside our Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society scenarios. To get on this schedule, Pathfinder Adventure Card Society #6-3: Fortress of Ruin, releases tomorrow, November 20th. An story independent adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Card Society #1: A Night in Bloodthorne Manor, releases December 18th, just in time to play it over the holiday season. The next installment in the Year of Rotting Ruin debuts end of February 2020 and we will be on a mostly every other month schedule from that point. We hope having a regular release cycle will assist event organizers and gaming groups in scheduling their games.
Last, but definitely not least, the organized play team hired a new developer, which brings us back up to pre-Gen Con strength! It gives us great pleasure to have James Case join our team. James comes to us from the Paizo editing department, where he’s wielded his skill with words nimbly for some time. We look forward to utilizing his word skills, excel mastery, and ideas in organized play land. Plans are for James to focus on Pathfinder Society, working with Michael Sayre, but you know the saying about the best laid plans. Yeah, that one. So, who knows what we will wind up with! You can learn more about the newest organized play developer in a self-authored blog coming the second Wednesday of December.
So without further ado, I turn to our regular features.
Campaign Coins
While at PaizoCon Asia-Pacific, two individuals received campaign coins in recognition for their ongoing contributions to our organized play programs. Both currently volunteer as Venture-Captains for their cities. In addition, they travel extensively as GMs and participate in the online community. Please take a moment to congratulate the following community members for their efforts on behalf of our gaming community and congratulate them on receiving new Org Play numbers!
Recipient Org Play Number Stephen Coling 825 Nik Beattie 826 Stars
While the launch of Pathfinder (second edition) means less games run under the first edition rules, we still had a couple GMs complete the requirements earn their 5th GM star. To achieve this milestone, they ran 150 games, including 50 unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios, as well as ran a game for a venture-captain. A conservative estimate of time needed to reach 5-stars is 650 hours! Thank you to the GMs listed below for their time and service on behalf of the Pathfinder Society! We appreciate you very much. Huzzah on their achievement!
Timothy Stapleton
Kirill StormNovas & Glyphs
Lots of Paizo.com updates and new tools, so moving one step closer to getting Nova’s automated. Until then, please email evaluation submissions to organizedplay@paizo.com for collation.
Once we get the right graphics updated, you’ll see glyphs appearing on the website. Unfortunately, I’m not a web programmer, so our request is reliant on tech help, and they’ve been busy with quite a few updates (you may have seen a few of them). We will get this resolved shortly and update the organized play ID card to reflect all three programs.
Convention Listing
Though the year draws to a close, convention season hasn’t wrapped up! You can play in Society games at any of the conventions listed below! The list includes all events requesting support as of 15 November. If you see one missing, ping the organizer and have them submit a request for support or have them email me at organizedplay@paizo.com to discuss their event. All of the conventions on the list maintain some type of web presence, be it website, social media page, or Warhorn listing, so if you are interested in attending in either capacity, check out their websites or contact the local venture-officer for more information!
Convention Location Start Date Midwest Game Fest 2019 Independence, MO 11/14/2019 3XP Winter 2019 Sutton, Cambridgeshire, UK 11/15/2019 Brazil´s #1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion 2019 Brazil - Various 11/15/2019 Contraflow 2019 New Orleans, LA 11/15/2019 Snafu Con 2019 Reno, NV 11/15/2019 Dreieichcon 2019 Dreieich, Hessen, Germany 11/16/2019 ConQuest Avalon 2019 Sacramento, CA 11/22/2019 DAU 2019 Barcelona 2019 Barcelona, Spain 11/22/2019 Tracon Hitpoint 2019 Tampere, Finland 11/22/2019 Ucon 2019 Ypsilanti, MI 11/22/2019 GobbleCon 2019 Burlingame, CA 11/29/2019 WinterWolfcon '19 Chicago, IL 11/29/2019 Dragonmeet 2019 London, UK 11/30/2019 Winterfest Toys for Tots 2019 Pullman, WA 12/1/2019 AnonyCon 2019 Stamford, CT 12/6/2019 PAX Unplugged 2019 Philadelphia, PA 12/6/2019 Java Starfinder Specia 2019l Jacksonville, Fl 12/7/2019 Fairfax Toys For Tots Game Day '19 Fairfax, VA 12/14/2019 MAGFest 2020 Washington, DC 1/2/2020 MarsCon 2020 Williamsburg, VA 1/17/2020 PAX South 2020 San Antonio, TX 1/17/2020 BASHCon 35 (2020) Toledo, OH 2/14/2020 Organized Play Staff Travel
Want to hang out with Paizo staff? Play in a game which they are GM? Check out the list below and come see us at a convention near you. The 2020 travel plan approaches finalization. Once finished, we can update the list below to include 2020 conventions. For those proactive organizers out there, please note the deadline to request Paizo staff attendance for 2021 is 1 June 2020. Organizers may email your interest to organizedplay@paizo.com. Note: staff do not attend conventions that conflict with Paizo-sponsored shows.
Convention Location Start Date Paizo Staffers Scheduled to Attend* PAX Unplugged Philadelphia, PA 12/06/2019 Tonya, Cosmo, Erik, Jeff, Luis, Lyz, Jason *Staffers scheduled to attend may change without notice.
Until next time—Explore, Report, Cooperate!
Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Manager
Nov Update— PAC Society, New Developer, Stars, Spotlights and Cons
Tuesday, November 19, 2019