Hmm Venture-Captain, Minnesota |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
The last I heard, there were still open hotel spots. Obviously, you would want to confirmation from the Grand Schedule Master, Bob Jonquet, himself, but you could send in an application with a comment in the notes field explaining that you can only volunteer if you have a room in which to stay...
Swiftbrook, come! Join us, the few, the proud, the utterly insane GenCon GMs!
TwilightKnight |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Open schedule GM blocks, looks like yes. Open hotel spots?
Yes, there are open hotel spots at this time, but they are running short. Also, due to the time it takes to process a volunteer, get a badge, hotel reservations, drop scenarios, etc. we will be closing down the opportunity to register as a volunteer sometime on Friday afternoon. After that it would be too late for us to coordinate the necessary protocols. If you or someone you know has been waiting until the very last minute to volunteer, we encourage you to get your questionnaire submitted ASAP.
Gen Con has announced that four-day badges and Saturday (single-day) badges will sell out some time this week and they will not be available on site. They will have a small amount of single-day passes for Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. So, if you plan to attend and have not yet done so, better buy your badge ASAP.
Redgar's ACG Characters |
Query: if someone found out they were going to GenCon an hour ago, and isn't sure how much of a volunteer commitment they are up for, is it better to submit a form now and then seek to add more later if they feel confident in availability/prep, or wait until Friday to submit?
(Not sure what is best from your side of the planning/ticketing process. Can do 1-99 and will start prepping after sleep; might be able to do another 2 scenarios but can't commit yet.)
TwilightKnight |
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Doing it all at once is preferred. The more times we have to change the details of a volunteer’s schedule the more opportunity to introduce errors. I’m not sure what you mean by later, but understand that Gen Con is just over a week away and we’ll be shutting down the questionnaire app sometime Friday afternoon. If you plan to volunteer, you need to finalize your parameters and get the questionnaire completed ASAP.
TwilightKnight |
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All missing scenario notifications have been processed. At this time, as far as we know, all volunteers have all the materials needed to run their events, except the full version of the Playtest Rulebook PDF, which should be distributed some time today to those tasked with GMing Playtest scenarios.
If you are missing anything, be sure to notify the organizing committee email ASAP. After close of business tomorrow it is likely you would have to purchase any missing scenarios for yourself as Paizo customer service and the organizing committee will be in the process of relocating to Indianapolis.
Sara Marie Customer Service & Community Manager |
TwilightKnight |
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Well, that’s another Gen Con for the history books. I’ll have some more information once I get home and crunch the numbers but we sat A LOT of tables. More than I was expecting given the limited GMs. The volunteer staff did an outstanding job dispite some difficult circumstances. I hope everyone had a great time. Now to get a little rest before we start working on preliminary plans for Gen Con 2019.
TwilightKnight |
Reminder to all who attended Gen Con. Please tell us about your experience. If there was something that worked really well or failed miserably, please send us an email describing your experience. If a GM did a great job, please let us know. If they were not prepared, please let us know.
For the first time, we had feedback cards available at the Info Desk and a number of attendees took advantage of it to give us feedback on their experience. I look forward to reading through those over the next few weeks and perhaps providing some "attaboys" to some volunteers.
TwilightKnight |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
The Charity Auction generated over $5800 dollars for the two sponsored charities! We believe this to be our most successful Gen Con auction. Thank you all for your generous donations!
For those interested in more details...
The charity auction included some really exciting rewards this year:
- Starfinder Armory, signed by the Paizo staff. The winning bid $150 by Andrew Zambrzycki
Pathfinder Playtest Collector's Edition signed by Paizo staff. Winning bid was $250 by Del Collins
Custom Dice Bag with Embroidered Sigil of the Open road. Winning bid was $90 by Troy Stevens
(PFS) Boon #1 “Arboreal Trickster” (monkey goblin race boon). Winning bid was $200 by Chris Nieporte
(PFS) Boon #2 “Born of Sekamina” (drow elf race boon). Winning bid was $611 by Jennifer Scott
(PFS) Boon #3 “Devil’s Perch Survivor” (strix race boon). Winning bid was $225 by Chris Nieporte and Cody Kloth (Tie)
(PFS) Boon #4 “Temporal Anomaly” (resurrect a previously dead PC). Winning bid was $118 by Joe Bouchard
(PFS) Boon #5 “Wild Magic Wielder” (primalist wizard, progenitor druid, or spellscar oracle archytpe). Winning bid was $250 by Daniel Knipfer
(SFS) Boon #6 “Endiffian Heritage” (endiffian race boon). Winning bid was $400 by David Li
(SFS) Boon #7 “Selamid Heritage” (selamid race boon). Winning bid was $525 by Sean Goldman
(SFS) Boon #8 “Lost Starship: The Roheas” (unique starship slot boon). Winning bid was $501 by Chris Peterson
One thing we did differently this year was a second chance auction for the boons. Anyone who participated in the auction for an item, but failed to be the highest bidder could also win the boon by matching the high bidders offer. This resulted in five second chance offers that generated over $2000 in additional donations for the charity.
Wei Ji the Learner |
I think the second chance (this year) was the *best* compromise one could come up with for fairness and inclusion -- I did not feel 'cut out' by the high bids knowing that if I still wanted to contribute, I *could*.
I'll have a far more cohesive feedback/analysis once I've had some time to sleep and recharge... 9/8 slots GM'd really took it out of me.
Mad props to the other folks who stood up on Saturday afternoon when things were looking grim and offered to GM Starfinder tables.