Starfinder Cheat Sheet!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Starfinder just launched! We know that a lot of you are excited to start playing. We also know that the Starfinder Core Rulebook is 528 pages long. That's a lot to digest in a day.

Fortunately, you don't have to! While Starfinder has a ton of differences from Pathfinder, both glaring and subtle, one of the things we shot for in the design was making sure that if you know how to play Pathfinder, it's a fairly easy switch over to Starfinder. Toward that end, Starfinder Design Lead Owen K.C. Stephens, Organized Play Lead Developer John Compton, and Starfinder Society Developer Thurston Hillman have teamed up to craft this handy one-page "cheat sheet" to help you jump straight into the action. While these notes on key rules and differences between the two games is by no means exhaustive, and no substitute for actually reading the Core Rulebook, it should provide some helpful reminders and make it easier for your gaming group to dive in and start adventuring right away.

Illustration by Jose Parodi

Download the Quick Reference Sheet (919 kb zip/PDF)

James L. Sutter
Creative Director

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Jose Parodi Starfinder
Dark Archive

That´s a gret little summary and adresses most basic rules.
Thank you Owen & James!

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A cybernetically enhanced RED DRAGON with technomancy to boot plus an batallion of alien warriors? Welp, those iconics are in deep trouble. ^_~

Grand Lodge

i still do not have my books just PDF

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Berselius wrote:
A cybernetically enhanced RED DRAGON with technomancy to boot plus an batallion of alien warriors? Welp, those iconics are in deep trouble. ^_~

"How are things looking out there, Fry?"

Liberty's Edge

Interesting; I wasn't interested in such a crunchy sci fi system but reading this it seems like Paizo learnt a lot for Star Wars d20, D&D4e and D&D5e. Whilst I still don't think I am likely to be in the market for this book, it does make me think I would play in a one shot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fig wrote:
Berselius wrote:
A cybernetically enhanced RED DRAGON with technomancy to boot plus an batallion of alien warriors? Welp, those iconics are in deep trouble. ^_~
"How are things looking out there, Fry?"

We gonna need a bigger bone!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Thank you! Very useful! Side note, one of my favorite pieces artwork in the book. It rawks on so many levels

*looks closer at pic*

Navasi, sweetie, please don't dropkick the cyber dragon.

Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:

*looks closer at pic*

Navasi, sweetie, please don't dropkick the cyber dragon.

Look at the GM screen and you will see that it's all about jumping and shooting. Jumping and shooting.

Berselius wrote:
A cybernetically enhanced RED DRAGON with technomancy to boot plus an batallion of alien warriors? Welp, those iconics are in deep trouble. ^_~

Are those the red lizardfolk of Akiton?

Awesoooooome :D

Paizo Employee Organized Play Lead Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And thank you Thurston Hillman for providing the Starfinder Society portion of this document!

Creative Director, Starfinder

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Updated the blog to reflect the fact that John and Thursty were actually a huge part of making this document as well. Sorry, guys! This is why I shouldn't be allowed to write blogs the day before Gen Con. :P

Good to have some free Starfindin' Cheet Sheet stuff out there. ;)

Silver Crusade

Is this the same Cheat Sheet that was being handed out at Gen Con? I read one of those at Gen Con, but I lost it before I got home. Now I downloaded this version, and it seems different than I remember.

One thing in particular that bugged me about the Starfinder rules in the Gen Con version seems to be missing, and I can't find it in the SF Core Rulebook, either. Did I imagine it, or did the quick start guide at Gen Con say that identifying a monster in battle was a move action? And if that is true, can someone point me to where it says that in the Core Rulebook, because I'm not finding it.

Grand Lodge

hey question where can i get the pregens from?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Here: -Society-Pregenerated-Characters

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