Grovestrider |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, I have a couple:
Anyone Can Assume All Villians Invade Domestic Economy Through Locating Business And Aquisitions.
Athiests Can And Always Victimize Indescrete Denominations, Equal Tolerance Lives By Allowed Acceptance
Adventurers Camoflauge Armor And Vulnerability In Debonair Equipment That Lacks Budget And Abstinance

![]() |
15 people marked this as a favorite. |

I hope this illustration isn't supposed to be to scale or the physics are apparently not expected to be realistic in this game.
No illustration that showed the planets to scale in their distances from the sun could show them as anything more than dots, which isn't very helpful for learning how they look.

Vrog Skyreaver |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Going a different way: (to the tune of I'm your moon by Jonathan Coulton)
A invented a reason
C why it stings,
A reason you don't matter
A planet that no longer sings
V keep telling you v don't mind; V keep saying there's one thing they can't change
I 'm your moon, your my moon, we go round and round
D -door here, it's the rest of the worlds that look so small, I promise you
E will always remember who you are
T -5 on the lift off
L et them come and go
B instead at the center/ at the center of all they know
A place can only be what it is
A world doesn't care if you don't understand
Chorus Repeats
To Mr. Coulton, my sincerest apologies.

Lemartes |
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Lemartes wrote:Never! It took me forever to find a brine dragon avatar on this thing.Charabdos, The Tidal King wrote:How's this one:
Any Mnemonic you come up with will be too f!~$ing long.
Ah stop confusing me with the same avatar!
Anyways Can An Admin Validate In Detail Everyway That Lemartes Best Acquire Avatar?

Odraude |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I have to agree with the Tidal King on this one, there are way too many planets here (13 planets to our solar system's 9.) But here goes:
Starfinders Are Cataloging All Very Interesting Denizens Even The Lowly Billywap At Absalom.
Well there's only 8, but I guess if we are including Pluto then we have to include the other dwarf planets in our system. Like Sedna, Orcus, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Quaoar, and Haumea. Though I'd hate to be the one that has to make up a mnemonic for that ;)

Wikrin |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Androids Cannot Act Against Villainous Intention, Despite Everything They Learned Before Ascending Artificially.
Altronus Came Against A Very Irritated Dictator, Evidently Thinking Ladies Bought Acceptable Administrators
Andoran Contraceptive Arts Are Very Ineffective; Delayed Emancipation, Loose Balloons, And Abjurations.
(Edit: Finished the last one. I don't *think* it's inappropriate, given that Alchemist's Kindness exists in the game, but I could be wrong. Did check the community guidelines, but it seemed like a gray area.)

Kenneth Smith 97 |
Currently there are 5 official and and a few more unofficial: Ceres, 2004TY364, 2002KX14, 2002XV93, 2003VS2, 1999TC36, 2001QF298, Orcus, 2003AZ84, Pluto/Charon, Ixion, Huya, 2005RN43, 1995SM55, 2002MS4, 2004SB60, 2004GV9, 2002UX25, Varuna, 2002TX300, 1996TO66, 2003OP32, 2003EL61, Quaoar, 2003QW90,1999CD158, 1997CS29, 2000CN105, 1998WH24, 2005FY9, 2004PR107, 2003MW12, 2002CY248, 2002KW14, 2002AW197, 2002WC19, 2003QX113, 2003FY128, 2001UR163, 2002TC302, 1999DE9, 2004XR190, 2000YW134, Eris, 2005RM43, Sedna and the list is growing.

Rook13 |

Can anyone please explain why one of the Liavaran moons seems to have two red rings?
I'm AFB right now, so I can't remember if Distant Worlds described one of the moons has having rings, or not.
Not rings but an energy cordon (or just a warning to avoid it). This is the one with the energy-state residents who have no interest in leaving their home.
Of interest, though, is the fact that Idari is new. I don't know if it has been in the forums or not, but Idari doesn't appear on the maps from Distant Worlds or People of the Stars.

Captain collateral damage |

Also, we have magic and gods, which at least bend physics, and I'd argue they outright break them.
*grumble grumble* Verces is the only tidally locked planet even though it's the fifth one, and it's ring of nations is too big *grumble grumble*
*grumble grumble* Triaxus ignores that seasons come from axial tilt, not orbit *grumble grumble**grumble grumble* Sun's goldilocks zone is ridiculously huge *grumble grumble*