A First Look at Crown of Fangs

Friday, December 2, 2016

By now I hope you've had a chance to check out Deadly Foes, the hot new Pathfinder Battles set of pre-painted plastic gaming figures from WizKids that's in stores and shipping from the paizo.com warehouse RIGHT NOW! Deadly Foes contains a wide variety of commonly encountered creatures from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and looking at the production-run figures, I think it's one of our finest sets to date. In fact, following up Deadly Foes is a bit intimidating.

Happily, our next set, April's Crown of Fangs, ups the ante in ways that will take me several weeks to fully explore. It's an exciting time for Pathfinder Battles, with lots of new figures and set features unlike anything we've done before.

It's become a bit of a tradition that the first image I post from a new set is that set's limited edition case incentive figure, but in the case of Crown of Fangs, the Court of the Crimson Throne incentive playset is so awesome, so packed with value that I don't have enough time today to go into it in full, glorious detail. Instead, I'd like to show off four figures (including two from the incentive) that give a nice taste of what's in store.

For starters, Crown of Fangs is a bit of an unofficial companion to Paizo's popular Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, now available in a special collected hardcover edition! The set includes many key NPCs, factions, and creature types encountered in that classic Pathfinder campaign, but the set also includes plenty of "generic" figures useful for any fantasy campaign. Today's preview shows off both types of figures.

First up today is the imposing Queen Ileosa Arabasti, wearer of the titular Crown of Thorns and a major, let's say character, in the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign. Ileosa previously appeared in a different outfit in our Legends of Golarion set a few years back. I'll leave the reasons behind her costume change to the campaign itself, but suffice it to say we thought it would be fitting to include an "after" figure to Legends of Golarion's "before." Queen Ileosa Arabasti is a Medium, rare figure.

Here's another look at Queen Ileosa seated upon the eponymous Crimson Throne itself, the centerpiece of the Court of the Crimson Throne case incentive playset. The seated version of Ileosa seen here also comes in the incentive playset, and is fully removable from the throne, which stands alone as an amazing piece of dungeon dressing.

But it's not just Crimson Throne and Ileosa all the time. Crown of Fangs also includes tons of in-demand figures for commonly encountered foes such as this awesome Bone Devil. The Bone Devil is a Large, uncommon figure, and I simply cannot wait to add a couple of handfuls of these to my personal Pathfinder Battles collection.

Speaking of Pathfinder Battles collections, the best way to make sure you never miss a single figure is to sign up for a Pathfinder Battles Ongoing Subscription, which delivers Pathinder Battles goodness directly to you as it is released. Your subscriptions are the single most important factor in keeping the line healthy with lots of robust offerings, and I'd like to offer a heart-felt "thanks" to all current and future subscribers.

You guys are the best!

Next week, I'll have more awesome Crown of Fangs figures to reveal!

Until then, I remain...

Erik Mona

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles
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Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Cat-thulhu wrote:
If it matches the art in CotCT then I'll happily take one

Do you mean the art from the original CotCT AP which is now the Bestiary art or the new art from the CoTCT hardcover (page 91)?

While i like both illustrations, i prefer the classic one, which is more general, over the named version.

But ultimately we need one done in PFB to complete the "group" (im not writing the more obvious word as not to spoil some people).

Original. I like the new art but the original, as you say, is a little more generic. Wouldn't mind some merrows ass well, although without the half eaten fish in their hands.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Marco Massoudi wrote:
So i´m gonna post all the minis news i find here to help bridge the gap till Erik returns hopefully freshly rested next year. ;-)

Well come on then, where are my minis Marco? :) it's been 7 hours.

Scarab Sages

Bearded Devil is now the 5th single from Deadly Foes to sell out on Paizo

There are three vowels and nine consonants in "Crown of Fangs".

Dark Archive

A picture of the first actual mini from the unpainted "D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures", which presumely uses the same material as the "Pathfinder Deep Cuts" unpainted minis has been released in the latest issue of the Dragon+ app/online magazine.

It is the Human Female Monk.

The minis come actually without base, but all stand on a "skateboard", a piece of plastic molded to look like a piece of earth.

As i can´t put in pictures here and the Paizo software somehow prevents me from posting an actual link, i´ll just list an adress and leave it to people more versed than me to linkify it:

http://plasticrypt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5721&sid=87d1b92db 974ebc4d3b689e0973f55bd&start=75

please remove all spaces in the adress. ;-)

These two miniature lines have some minis that look VERY similar to already produced or upcoming prepainted miniatures (For instance: D&D Icons 6:MMII: Human Wizard, Pathfinder Battles: Rusty Dragon Inn: Allevrah, Elf General) and i am very sure that most of them will see the light as pre-painted minis sooner rather than later.
Erik wrote, that the next set (CoF) will have a great looking (female?) Half-Orc and Pathfinder Deep Cuts has this one:

https://www.magicmadhouse.co.uk/wizkids-pathfinder-deep-cuts-miniatures-hal f-orc-female-barbarian-p245869 (remove spaces)

Both lines are supposed to be in stores in january 2017, with no exact date given.

First link

Second link

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
the Paizo software somehow prevents me from posting an actual link

Allow me to help.

When you want to paste in a link, first put:


then your link, then:


Only use square brackets.

So, something like this:

{url=http://paizo.com}Paizo Inc.{/url}

Only with square brackets.

You too can be an IT nerd. If you ever forget it, just click the "how to format your text" button below the posting box and it'll remind you.

Dark Archive

Here is one example, where i think the same sculpt may have been used for a "Pathfinder Battles" painted miniature and an upcoming "Deep Cuts" unpainted one:

Iconic Heroes Valeros

Deep Cuts Valeros

I´ll post more examples every day. ;-)

Dark Archive

Miniature Market has the "Pathfinder: Deep Cuts" minis up on their site:

Deep Cuts

They are not yet in stock, but they probably will be available in 2 weeks on wednesday 4th of january 2017.

Price is $3.49 per pack which contains 1, 2 or 3 unpainted minis.

The D&D unpainted minis are also available.

Dark Archive

Iconic Heroes Set 2 Kyra

Deep Cuts Kyra

The arms are different and the head looks in the other direction, but the torso sculpt seems pretty much identical.

Dark Archive

Iconic Heroes 2 Biter

Badger Familiar

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

Dark Archive

2 weeks till release of the next three miniatures sets on january 4th:

-D&D Icons: Monster Menagerie II

-Pathfinder: Deep Cuts

-D&D: Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

You just made a lot of people very happy.

Have a nice x-mas vacation!

Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

I cannot like this enough!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Marco Massoudi wrote:

No preview the second week in a row?

Come on Erik, it´s only 19 weeks till release! ;-)

Yeah, sorry. No blog this week, either on account of it being Christmas.

Things have been... very, very busy for me (and everyone else) this month. Look for the regular weekly blog to be more, well, regular in early 2017.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:

No preview the second week in a row?

Come on Erik, it´s only 19 weeks till release! ;-)

Yeah, sorry. No blog this week, either on account of it being Christmas.

Things have been... very, very busy for me (and everyone else) this month. Look for the regular weekly blog to be more, well, regular in early 2017.

It´s ok, i´ll cover for you till january 6th. ;-)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You probably could! You know more about release dates for this line than I do! :)

davrion wrote:
Bearded Devil is now the 5th single from Deadly Foes to sell out on Paizo

Looks like the warehouse goblins have been working extra hard. Trying to look good and nice for Santa. All Deadly Foes singles are now available again.

limited time offer ...
while supplies last ...
till a computer glitch is found and they go missing again ...

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

That is awesome news Erik, I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me. Enjoy your christmas.

Marco have you seen any images of the actual production minis on the unpainted line? Curious to see how they look.

Dark Archive

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

That is awesome news Erik, I cannot begin to tell you how happy this makes me. Enjoy your christmas.

Marco have you seen any images of the actual production minis on the unpainted line? Curious to see how they look.

Only this one:

Female Monk

You have to scroll down to almost the end of the page.

Wizkids also posted a picture of the actual "Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer" miniature from the upcoming "D&D Icons: MM2" set on it´s twitter account. It could be used for the "Dragon Disciple" prestige class.

Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer

What is half-gold?

Silver Crusade Contributor

It's referring to a sorcerer who is half-dragon; specifically, half-gold dragon. The hyphens are just weird. ^_^

Erik Mona wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Erik, how are the chances of including HUGE minis in the Pathfinder Battles sets coming after "Crown of Fangs"?

VERY high.

You just made me a VERY happy camper. <3

Dark Archive


Pathfinder Battles™ Deep Cuts™ Unpainted Miniatures


D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures

have been pushed to a march 2017 release date!

Source: Wizkids

Dark Archive

Happy X-Mas to all of you.

X-Mas Miniature

Click on the second image ;-)

Dark Archive

The "Bearded Devil" mini from DF sold out.

Dark Archive

The "Book of the Damned" & "Cage" dressing pieces have sold out (again).

In february 2017, Wizkids will release two versions of the "Assault of the Giants" boardgame one fully painted, one color injected).
Both will contain 12 giant minis on large bases (60mm - 90mm in height), that will be smaller versions of the HUGE giants from the "D&D Icons: Storm King´s Thunder" set.
Eight of these (2 Hill giants, 2 Stone giants, 2 Frost giants & 2 Fire giants) could be used either for D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder, where giants (with the exclusion of Cloud and Storm giants) are only large.

Dark Archive

X-Mas is over, time to show the presents: ;-)

Monster Menagerie full set picture

Four flying large minis close-up

One flying & three groundbased large minis close-up

Three mediums and one large mini close-up

Dark Archive

This set includes 11 larges:


08. WORG

It is interesting that one of those has also been in the "Deadly Foes" set, namely the


Dark Archive

The nine (probably common) miniatures we have two different versions of (same sculpt with different weapons and additional details:


1 Gnoll
2 Bugbear
3 Orc
4 Human male
5 Goblin (small)
6 Kobold (small)
7 Hobgoblin
8 Human female
9 Mind Flayer

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Excellent find Marco. Not a half bad looking set, although I imagine illl still cherry pick. Wonder what the rarities are like in this one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for linking the pictures, Marco.

Dark Archive

The 19 miniatures that are one of a kind:


01 Drow Elite Warrior
02 Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer
03 Ghast
04 Sea Hag
05 Dire rat (small)
06 Grick
07 Bullywug
08 Tiefling Warlock
09 Human Wizard
10 Human Monk
11 Lizardman ?
12 Half-Orc Berserker
13 Galeb Dur/Earth Elemental ?
14 Halfling (small)
15 Human Fighter ?
16 Red Dragon
17 White dragon
18 Brass Dragon
19 Copper/Gold Dragon ?
20 Elf Fighter

Dark Archive

One error on my side: there is only one human male.

There are ACTUALLY 47 different miniatures in "D&D Icons: MM2" plus 10 invisibles for a total of 57.

The invisibles seem to be:


01 Human with sword
02 Elf Fighter
03 Tiefling warlock
04 Human Monk
05 Drow Elite Warrior
06 Halfling
07 Mindflayer 1
08 Mindflayer 2
09 Human Wizard
10 Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer

Dark Archive

A strange number of miniatures.

11 larges is a first.
We mostly had 12, one time 13 and one time 14 (16 with invisible larges).
Even SKT had 14 HUGE and 2 large minis.

On the other hand 57 is 2 more than the largest number we had before.

Also this is the first D&D Icons set that doesn't have a dwarf in it.

Dark Archive

Four New close-up pictures of MM2 minis from Wizards.com:

#27 (large uncommon)

#29 (large uncommon)

#34A (medium rare)

#34B (medium rare)

Scarab Sages

Back up to 7 singles sold out:

Dressing: Book of the Damned, Cage, Hellgate
Creatures: Bearded Devil, Erinyes, Torrent Hellknight, Pit Devil

Dark Archive

Complete officil MM2 set list with rarity and size:


01 Giant Rat Common Small
02 Kobold (Spiked Club) Common Small
03 Goblin (Sword) Common Small
04 Halfling Rogue Common Small
05 Bullywug Common Medium
06 Drow Elite Warrior Common Medium
07 Orc (Warhammer) Common Medium
08 Ghast Common Medium
09 Human Cleric Common Medium
10 Human Monk Common Medium
11 Elf Fighter Common Medium
12 Bugbear (Axe) Common Medium
13 Sahuagin Common Medium
14 Kobold (Axe) Uncommon Small
15 Goblin (Battleaxe) Uncommon Small
16 Orc (Sword) Uncommon Medium
17 Bugbear (Battleaxe) Uncommon Medium
18A Hobgoblin (Sword & Shield) Uncommon Medium
18B Hobgoblin (Helm & Swords) Uncommon Medium
19 Half-Orc Barbarian Uncommon Medium
20A Gnoll Uncommon Medium
20B Gnoll (Flail) Uncommon Medium
21 Human Wizard Uncommon Medium
22 Sea Hag Uncommon Medium
23 Brass Dragon Wyrmling Uncommon Medium
24 White Dragon Wyrmling Uncommon Medium
25 Black Pudding Uncommon Large
26 Clay Golem Uncommon Large
27 Hippogriff Uncommon Large
28 Iron Golem Uncommon Large
29 Planetar Angel Uncommon Large
30 Stone Golem Uncommon Large
31 Worg Uncommon Large
32 Galeb Duhr Rare Medium
33A Uthgardt Barbarian (Axe) Ultra Rare Medium
33A Uthgardt Barbarian (?) Ultra Rare Medium
34A Mindflayer Ultra Rare Medium
34B Mindflayer (Claw) Ultra Rare Medium
35 Tiefling Warlock Rare Medium
36 Grick Rare Medium
37 Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer Rare Medium
38 Gold Dragon Wyrmling Rare Medium
39 Red Dragon Wyrmling Rare Medium
40 Young Black Dragon Rare Large
41 Gynosphinx? Rare Large
42 Beholder Rare Large
43 Androsphinx Rare Large
04 - Alt Invisible Halfling Rogue Common Small
06 - Alt Invisible Drow Elite Warrior Common Medium
09 - Alt Invisible Human Cleric Common Medium
10 - Alt Invisible Human Monk Common Medium
11 - Alt Invisible Elf Fighter Common Medium
21 - Alt Invisible Human Wizard Uncommon Medium
34A - Alt Invisible Mindflayer Ultra Rare Medium
34B - Alt Invisible Mindflayer (Claw) Ultra Rare Medium
35 - Alt Invisible Tiefling Warlock Rare Medium
37 - Alt Invisible Half-Gold Dragon Sorcerer Rare Medium
44A Ezmerelda's Wagon Unique Huge
44B Horse Unique Large
-- Adventurer's Camp (Items) Unique Various

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I will forever love Pathfinder Battles for not including ultra-rarity.

Kalindlara wrote:
I will forever love Pathfinder Battles for not including ultra-rarity.

So very much this.

Dark Archive

Me too.

auggiesgamestore has singles in stock!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For me the acceptance of ultrarares boils down to what comes of it.

If it's a way for Wizkids to boost profit, I'm not a fan. If the extra revenue (or other accounting-related effect) is why they can include a variety of huges in the D&D line, then I'm a supporter. (I think the huge figures in Storm Kings Thunder were an absolute bargain).

Either way, I'm glad the philosophy appears to be "two variants of the same figure" or "an invisible repeated figure" rather than the old days of including "chase minis" in each set.

Dark Archive

So far the TWO/FOUR "ultra-rare" minis observance relies on the opening of ONE CASE, so it may be that it was just a packing error.

The miniatures in question are:


Uthgard Barbarian (bald with axe)

Uthgard Barbarian (hair with double weapons

Mindflayer (normal)

Mindflayer (with mask and claw)

Also here is a picture of #33A from Wizkids twitter account:


Dark Archive

8 Deadly Foes minis are sold out: Giant Crab is gone too.

This may be a little off topic, but I was wondering if the rarities of the dungeon dressing items differ per item?

For example, with Rusty Dragon Inn, would I have the same chance of getting 2 wagons in a case, as I would of getting 2 crates?

From an economical point of view I suspect WizKids may limit the production runs of the larger items like the RDI wagon or the Deadly Foes' cage.

I'm doing a review on rarity percentages, so if any information is known/releasable about this it would be greatly appreciated.

(Also if anyone did get 2 wagons or 2 cages in their respective cases, could you please let me know as this might help to immediately confirm if these larger/more complex items are being limited in their distribution.)

Dark Archive

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

This may be a little off topic, but I was wondering if the rarities of the dungeon dressing items differ per item?

For example, with Rusty Dragon Inn, would I have the same chance of getting 2 wagons in a case, as I would of getting 2 crates?

From an economical point of view I suspect WizKids may limit the production runs of the larger items like the RDI wagon or the Deadly Foes' cage.

I'm doing a review on rarity percentages, so if any information is known/releasable about this it would be greatly appreciated.

(Also if anyone did get 2 wagons or 2 cages in their respective cases, could you please let me know as this might help to immediately confirm if these larger/more complex items are being limited in their distribution.)

I had 2 cages and 2 Rope Tricks in my Deadly Foes case but no Hellgate.

I had 2 tables and 2 crates in my Rusty Dragon Inn case but no cart.

I may not be the best reference. ;-)

Dark Archive

I wish all of you a happy new year!

Dark Archive

One day till release of "D&D Icons: MM2".

The "Assault of the Giants" boardgame now has a fixed release date of february 15th.

The "D&D Epic Level Starter" release date has been moved from april 2017 to june 2017.

Source: Wizkids.

That said, i´m glad when Erik returns with his weekly blog on friday. :-)

Dark Archive

MM2 should be in north-american stores in a few hours.

I advise buying the remaining singles cheap here:

Auggie´s Games

Because initial prices here are ridiculously high:

Miniature Market

Also: There is an 11th invisible miniature not shown anywhere else:

I really like the "Pathfinder Battles Dungeon Dressing" much better than the "D&D Invisibles". That said some "Invisible Iconic Heroes" or "Large Iconic Heroes" (for the martial characters) and "Small Iconic Heroes" would be nice too. ;-)

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