Pathfinder Society Retail Incentive Program Announced!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Today is special—two blogs on one day! Lots of PFS goodness! First up, a new program aimed at rewarding purchases made at Friendly, Local Game Stores or other retail establishments that offer Pathfinder Society space for games. This has been in the works for some time and I am exited to reveal it to our playerbase!

Later today, John Compton introduces the newest Pathfinder Society scenarios—#8-04 Wardens of Sulfer Gulch and #8-05 Ungrounded But Unbroken.

Without further ado...

Retail Incentive Program

Back in March, at GAMA Trade Show, Erik and I announced a program for retailers that would encourage players to purchase items from their stores. Since then, the PFS team drafted ideas, solicited feedback from stores and VOs, made revisions, and are now ready to try the program. We may need to tweak it from here, but we want to give it some time in the field before we start making changes. Once launched, if you have feedback, post it as a comment or email it to

Right now, the program is focused on the Roleplaying Guild Guide. To those playing Adventure Card Guild—don't despair. We haven't forgotten you! I just didn't want to hold the program while we explored options for card scenarios.

In writing the program, we observed that not all PFS games are held in FLGS space. Sometimes they are in community halls or sporting halls that also house a refreshment stand or other sales outlet. Thus we named it retail, not retailer, and offer it as a tool for any location with a retail outlet patronized by Pathfinder Society players.

We realize that demographics are different and each retail location should decide what is best for their business, thus participation in the retail incentive program is not mandatory. Locations utilizing the program should advertise its presence to their clientele.

For countries outside the US, an approximate equivalent of local currency is used. For example, $10 USD = 7. 67 British Pound or 13.27 Australian Dollars or 8.96 Euro, so round to the closest .25 and use that figure. This doesn't mean you have to look up the exchange rate each game day, just use the general exchange rate.

Please note, the benefits gained from the retail purchase program stack with benefits a player receives from the reroll program.

The Details

This proposal grants a benefit to the entire table, scaling depending on how much money someone spent.

Game stores and other retail locations are an important part of the Pathfinder Society community, and it's important to support them so that there's always a public venue for organized play events. Players can now redeem receipts in exchange for a modest benefit shared by the entire table—all as a way of thanking players for supporting their game stores.

Redeeming a receipt simply involves showing it to the GM, who marks the receipt to denote that it was used. A player can only use a receipt in this way on the same day as she made the purchase, and only for events held at that venue. A player can acquire and redeem a receipt during play so long as doing so would not significantly disrupt gameplay, though it must occur before an encounter begins. The receipt need not be for Paizo products; the storeowner may include any products the venue sells as qualifying purchases.

At any time during an event, players may redeem receipts from their purchases worth $10 or more to gain a single-use benefit that applies to all of the PCs at the table. If the total combined receipts provided by one or more players are $50 or more, all players receive an enhanced benefit. No matter how many receipts the players have, the table can never use the same benefit more than once during a game session; they can, however, gain both benefits during a session.

All of the PCs gain the following benefit:

  • Harder to Kill: Treat the character's Constitution as 5 points higher than normal for the purpose of determining when hit point damage would kill him. For the enhanced benefit, treat the character's Constitution as 10 higher.

Each player may also choose to use one of the following during the game:

  • Cheaper Healing: Before the end of the session, you can use the benefit to reduce the Prestige Point cost of one spellcasting service of the healing subschool by 1 (minimum 0). For the enhanced benefit, you can instead reduce the cost by 2.
  • Recover from Wounds: The PC recovers hit points equal to twice their character level. For the enhanced benefit, each PC also recovers 2 points of ability damage to one ability score. This benefit can only be used outside of combat.
  • Bonus Wealth: If you do not use the subsidized healing benefit above, you can instead choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check. For the enhanced benefit, you also increase the gold you earn from the day Job result by 50% (maximum 300 gp total).

So there you have it—the Retail Incentive Program. We will update the policy section of the website as soon as possible and the policy will appear in the next version of the Roleplaying Guild Guide. As this is a new program, we appreciate constructive feedback. Remember to post it here or send it to

Don't forget to check back later for John's blog!

Until next week: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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Sovereign Court 3/5

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This program is fantastic! Thanks so much for all the hard work on this, we have a lot of venues in our area that will certainly appreciate it.

If anyone has time to put together a poster/flyer template, please share with the rest of us! Venues in our area should have something hung up to show off their support for the benefit to be available, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has other ideas for promotion.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Todd Reidenbach wrote:
When it calls for gaining both benefits, I read that as one standard and one enhanced. I don't know what else both would be describing.

I don't think that is true. Both relates to the Harder to Kill boon and a player choice of Cheaper Healing boon, Recover from Wounds boon, or Bonus Wealth boon. The standard or enhanced benefit comes into when you look at how much the table has spent. Spent $10 to 49.99, Standard. Spent $50+, Enhanced.

I don't read it that a player can get both a normal and enhanced benefit. And reading the boons, it just does not make sense to get both.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Yasumoto wrote:
If anyone has time to put together a poster/flyer template, please share with the rest of us! Venues in our area should have something hung up to show off their support for the benefit to be available, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has other ideas for promotion.

We run about five tables every Friday night at our FLGS. It's important to us to have this program run smoothly and unambiguously. Our retailer was onboard immediately. With the help of our other leaders I've put together a handout that can be dispersed to each table. We have wet-erase pens on hand so I'll be laminating this tonight. It is designed to be double-sided so that folks can track monies on one side and review rules/benefits on the other.

Retail Incentive Program Handout

*I've updated this file so that it has a border instead of a silver background.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Thanks for that Jeremy, I'm going to get started on laminating some of those for myself.

Gary Bush wrote:
I don't read it that a player can get both a normal and enhanced benefit. And reading the boons, it just does not make sense to get both.

I can see where the confusion comes from, but I also agree that you only get one use of the benefit at whatever level the contributions rate.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

Hopefully the language is cleaned up before it gets added to the Guide and policy page.



At any time during an event, players may redeem receipts from their purchases worth $10 or more to gain a single-use benefit that applies to all of the PCs at the table. If the total combined receipts provided by one or more players are $50 or more, all players receive an enhanced benefit. No matter how many receipts the players have, the table can never use the same benefit more than once during a game session; they can, however, gain both benefits during a session.

Each player may also choose to use one of the following during the game:

So... how I had interpreted it was:

$10 receipt = Hard to Kill + choice of one the benefits below, for the whole table.
Three $10 receipts = Hard to Kill + All of the benefits below (since the table cannot "choose" the same benefit a second time.)
$50 receipt = Enhanced Hard to Kill + choice of one of the benefits, enhanced.
Three $20 receipts = Enhanced Hard to Kill + Enhanced version of all benefits.

I'm a bit less sure now, and can see that it could easily be:
$10 in receipts = Hard to Kill + the whole table can now choose one of the other benefits (individual choice).
$49 in receipts = Same as above.
$50 in receipts = Same as "$50 receipt" above.

Key difference would be to clearly state that whether a *PC* can get multiple benefits.

For the record, I think/thought "can... gain both benefits during a session" is holdover language from when there were only two benefits to choose from (in addition to Hard to Kill).

So some extra clarity would be nice.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

I think "can gain both benefits" means you can get hard to kill, and you can get one benefit of your choice.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Here's an answer for 90% of them.

"Close enough for state work. Close enough for state work is close enough for a game..."

The saying is "government work", not "sate work".

Maybe where you're from. I've heard it both ways in Alabama. Maybe Cooter Brown would know...

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Michael Eshleman wrote:

The saying is "government work", not "sate work".

close enough for state work.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Michael Eshleman wrote:
The saying is "government work", not "sate work".

I've heard "government work" in Australia and "state work" from US sources, though I couldn't be more specific.

Dark Archive 4/5

Nohwear wrote:
Two questions, can you buy third party stuff, probably not, and does it require a physical receipt? I do love the idea, btw.

Short answer: Yes. My understanding is this program is to help local/small business owners stay in business.

I *just* brought this to the attention to my FLGS and players. After carefully reading the post, it seems that as long as they are spending money at the store, then it qualifies. Of course, I presume Paizo product is preferable, but not required.

I have developed a good working relationship with the store owner/operator. I usually get to the store first, so I can generally tell if players are purchasing and I've a general idea of what items cost.

Examples: minis start out at $3 and go up to roughly $15-20. Character folios are roughly $10.

Two of my players bought folios for the reroll, that got the table the first boon/bonus. It helped as my dice were hot, VERY HOT.

Dark Archive 4/5

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This worked out incredibly well for my last table.

I had just read and reread the blog. Once I had satisfied myself that I knew what I was doing, I spoke with my FLGS and the owner/operator is all for it.

Two of my players promptly bought character folios, one for each player, thereby reaching the first tier. Also purchased were multiple minis; not enough spent to reach second tier.

The bad news is that my dice were very hot that night. The +5 to Con was saved one of the PCs from death. First level PC, experienced player, so no big thing but still.....

It is likely that one or both of my new players will be spending more next week.

I count snacks, soda, non-Paizo product towards the goal of $20/$50 as any money spent at the store benefits the small business owner. Whatever I can do to keep him in business and allowing us to game at his store I will gladly do.

5/5 5/5

The first tier is reached at $10, which has been easily met at my location through purchases of snacks and beverages. Players are enjoying the benefit and, based on my anecdotal and totally unverifiable observations over the last three sessions, I think it has increased sales slightly.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:

The saying is "government work", not "sate work".

close enough for state work.

Now you're doing it on purpose...

Grand Lodge 4/5

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First gameday with the program ran swimmingly. The 1-5 table had the expanded benefit before they knew it, as one player had just bought a $60 board game. My 3-7 table got the $10 reward after one player grabbed a flipmat for GMing later down the road.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

So what if the GM makes a purchase? Can the GM then apply the receipt to the table that he is about to run (or in the process of running)?

Sorry if that was answered before but I didn't think it has been asked.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I did not run it that way.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I'll have to forgo buying stuff then. I want my players to DIE DIE DIE!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Just don't redeem the receipts.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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I'd think the GM would be allowed to chip in his receipts, IFF he wants to. That would seem to be the most-incentivizing-to-buy way to run it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

That was how we ran it.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

I would also like to see GMs included.

For a change last Saturday, I was a player. We had $50 in receipts and the party was happy to have some benefits.

I do have a question. It relates to this boon:


Bonus Wealth: If you do not use the subsidized healing benefit above, you can instead choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check. For the enhanced benefit, you also increase the gold you earn from the day Job result by 50% (maximum 300 gp total).

A player would like to know if this can be used for other things such as downtime for faction missions. (If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people. I am sure that some other players might wonder if this benefit applies to downtime or could be modified to downtime endeavors.)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

William Ronald wrote:

I would also like to see GMs included.

For a change last Saturday, I was a player. We had $50 in receipts and the party was happy to have some benefits.

I do have a question. It relates to this boon:


Bonus Wealth: If you do not use the subsidized healing benefit above, you can instead choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check. For the enhanced benefit, you also increase the gold you earn from the day Job result by 50% (maximum 300 gp total).
A player would like to know if this can be used for other things such as downtime for faction missions. (If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people. I am sure that some other players might wonder if this benefit applies to downtime or could be modified to downtime endeavors.)

As I read it: no, it wouldn't. You gave up your downtime to do something else, so anything specifically meant for one particular downtime activity (day job) doesn't apply.

I understand the desire for a break in a string of bad luck, but this doesn't seem to be it.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

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Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Bribing me with coffee is very effective.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A GM is a player you just take on a different role. It's not like it's the GM vs the players you are more like the story teller and the inspiration.

Consider it like being the banker at monopoly, someone has to do it so the game can be played and occasionally you have to be the bad guy and repo the other players property.

Dark Archive 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Bribing me with coffee is very effective.

As a woman, chocolate works wonders.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

4 people marked this as a favorite.
R Sweet wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Bribing me with coffee is very effective.
As a woman, chocolate works wonders.

Works wonders on male GMs too.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.

Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?

does the judge let him Take 10?

5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Netherlands—Utrecht

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
R Sweet wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Bribing me with coffee is very effective.
As a woman, chocolate works wonders.
Works wonders on male GMs too.

Can confirm. I have a terrible sweet tooth, chocolate is probably my favourite snack.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Quentin Coldwater wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
R Sweet wrote:
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
Lau Bannenberg wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

I agree but by RAW it says "players". I don't consider myself a player when I am GMing.

I just wanted to raise the question so when the final program gets included in the guide it will include GMs.

I'm fine with considering the GM a "special player" - he's certainly participating in the game.

Apart from that, players can of course try to double-whammy bribe the GM with locally bought treats. "Before we open that ominous-looking door, let's buy the GM a coffee for good health..." :P

Bribing me with coffee is very effective.
As a woman, chocolate works wonders.
Works wonders on male GMs too.
Can confirm. I have a terrible sweet tooth, chocolate is probably my favourite snack.

Gave Maurice brownies. Worked like a charm.

Silver Crusade 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
nosig wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
does the judge let him Take 10?

nosig said Take 10! Everyone drink!


The Exchange 5/5

Mitch Mutrux wrote:
nosig wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
does the judge let him Take 10?

nosig said Take 10! Everyone drink!


(eye-roll) sigh.

I was just asking. I've been told that we cannot Take 10 on Faction Journal rolls. So I was asking if his judge was letting him Take 10 on the roll...

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

nosig wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
nosig wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
does the judge let him Take 10?

nosig said Take 10! Everyone drink!


(eye-roll) sigh.

I was just asking. I've been told that we cannot Take 10 on Faction Journal rolls. So I was asking if his judge was letting him Take 10 on the roll...

Why on earth would that be true? I mean, I suppose if you were trying to recruit someone in the middle of combat. (Especially if the person you are recruiting is the person you are fighting. "You fight very well, if we both survive this fight, you should come join me in Absolom. Together we can show the spoiled young cadets they train today what real fighting looks like!")

The Exchange 5/5

Jared Thaler wrote:
nosig wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
nosig wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
does the judge let him Take 10?

nosig said Take 10! Everyone drink!


(eye-roll) sigh.

I was just asking. I've been told that we cannot Take 10 on Faction Journal rolls. So I was asking if his judge was letting him Take 10 on the roll...

Why on earth would that be true? I mean, I suppose if you were trying to recruit someone in the middle of combat. (Especially if the person you are recruiting is the person you are fighting. "You fight very well, if we both survive this fight, you should come join me in Absolom. Together we can show the spoiled young cadets they train today what real fighting looks like!")

I don't know. I didn't ask. Most likely because there is "danger of failure" or something. Not worth the conflict, I'm going to want to play with these people again, and I have enough of a reputation as it is - the judge ruled "no", so it's time to move on.

Grand Lodge

Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?

Sovereign Court faction card tasks often scale with level, so unless he's a CHA or INT caster with full ranks or has Skill Focus, it's actually quite likely it doesn't.

nosig wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:
nosig wrote:
Mitch Mutrux wrote:
nosig wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
does the judge let him Take 10?

nosig said Take 10! Everyone drink!


(eye-roll) sigh.

I was just asking. I've been told that we cannot Take 10 on Faction Journal rolls. So I was asking if his judge was letting him Take 10 on the roll...

Why on earth would that be true? I mean, I suppose if you were trying to recruit someone in the middle of combat. (Especially if the person you are recruiting is the person you are fighting. "You fight very well, if we both survive this fight, you should come join me in Absolom. Together we can show the spoiled young cadets they train today what real fighting looks like!")
I don't know. I didn't ask. Most likely because there is "danger of failure" or something. Not worth the conflict, I'm going to want to play with these people again, and I have enough of a reputation as it is - the judge ruled "no", so it's time to move on.

Take 1 the rule that shall not be named.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

J. Wilfong wrote:
Michael Eshleman wrote:
William Ronald wrote:
If it helps, the player has a Sovreign Court character and has had a string of bad luck in recruiting people.
Is his take 10 not good enough to meet the DC?
Sovereign Court faction card tasks often scale with level, so unless he's a CHA or INT caster with full ranks or has Skill Focus, it's actually quite likely it doesn't.

Of course there is no reason why situational and equipment bonuses wouldn't apply...

Masterwork tool "I baked you cookies?"

Dark Archive 4/5

Gary Bush wrote:
Todd Reidenbach wrote:
When it calls for gaining both benefits, I read that as one standard and one enhanced. I don't know what else both would be describing.

I don't think that is true. Both relates to the Harder to Kill boon and a player choice of Cheaper Healing boon, Recover from Wounds boon, or Bonus Wealth boon. The standard or enhanced benefit comes into when you look at how much the table has spent. Spent $10 to 49.99, Standard. Spent $50+, Enhanced.

I don't read it that a player can get both a normal and enhanced benefit. And reading the boons, it just does not make sense to get both.

They way I read it {both} being the key word here.

If the players spend under $10, they get nothing.
$10-49.99, the get standard boon.
%50+ they get standard AND enhanced.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana

As the character I referred to earlier will need to make a knowledge check, are there any books or nonmagical items that would help?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

R Sweet wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Todd Reidenbach wrote:
When it calls for gaining both benefits, I read that as one standard and one enhanced. I don't know what else both would be describing.

I don't think that is true. Both relates to the Harder to Kill boon and a player choice of Cheaper Healing boon, Recover from Wounds boon, or Bonus Wealth boon. The standard or enhanced benefit comes into when you look at how much the table has spent. Spent $10 to 49.99, Standard. Spent $50+, Enhanced.

I don't read it that a player can get both a normal and enhanced benefit. And reading the boons, it just does not make sense to get both.

They way I read it {both} being the key word here.

If the players spend under $10, they get nothing.
$10-49.99, the get standard boon.
%50+ they get standard AND enhanced.

I disagree. BOTH does not mean both standard and enhanced. Please read it again and focus on the fact that there are 2 different boons.

Hopefully Tonya will clarify this point soon.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

What does this line mean?

No matter how many receipts the players have, the table can never use the same benefit more than once during a game session

The Exchange 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This just saved my ass tonight as one person had spent 50$.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

KingOfAnything wrote:

What does this line mean?

No matter how many receipts the players have, the table can never use the same benefit more than once during a game session

What I believe this means is that a player cannot receive the benefit of Cheaper Healing or Recover from Wounds in the same session. I believe this because of the sentence: "If you do not use the subsidized healing benefit above" a player can take the benefit of the Bonus Wealth on a Day Job check, which is after the adventure has completed.

The only time that a standard or enhanced benefit comes into play for a specific boon is dependent on how much in receipts are presented.

Also, if the the table starts out with a $15 in receipts, thus a standard benefit, and a player needs to use Recover from Wounds after the first encounter, that same player could not benefit from Cheaper Healing in the same session. Nor could the player benefit from an enhanced benefit of Recover from Wounds if the table had receipts over $50 because more purchases made later in the same session.

The Harder to Kill boon is active the entire adventure at whatever benefit level as defined by the amount of receipts presented.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

leonvios wrote:
This just saved my ass tonight as one person had spent 50$.

Which boon did you use, Harder to Kill?

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Can this be done with online gaming? Say I am playing at a local cafe and purchase product. If I show receipt does it count?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

captnchuck67 wrote:
Can this be done with online gaming? Say I am playing at a local cafe and purchase product. If I show receipt does it count?

By online do you mean you are sitting at a cafe using their wifi to play PFS? I don't believe that will work unless the cafe is hosting the space to play PFS. Since you say "online" I don't that is the case.

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