Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Return!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Ever since our very first Pathfinder Battles release, Beginner Box Heroes, Pathfinder's iconic characters have been an important part of the product line. Each of our large sets has included at least one iconic character, and these heroes are often among the best-detailed figures of the bunch. They're also often the first to sell out, and command some of the craziest prices on the secondary market.

At the same time, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game has brought a whole new audience to Pathfinder, and many of them want to use miniatures of the iconics to represent their characters in play.

Starting in January, we'll address both of those issues with monthly non-random Iconic Heroes Boxed Sets. Each set comes complete with six figures—five iconic Pathfinder heroes and one associated creature, be it an animal companion, eidolon, or familiar. Each box also includes a unique Pathfinder Adventure Card Game card associated with each figure in the box—special boon cards unavailable anywhere else.

Iconic Hero Boxed Sets retail for $29.99. WizKids plans to apply "premium" paint jobs to these figures, using some of the very best figures we've produced to date as a quality benchmark. Although many of these figures have appeared in previous sets, the Iconic Heroes Boxed Set versions of the iconic heroes will come with completely original sculpts.

In order to get the details correct, WizKids has shifted this line to completely digital "sculpts." This has given us a great deal of control over the final figures, allowing us to get all of the little equipment and details absolutely true to the original Wayne Reynolds illustrations.

And here's a sneak peek at the digital sculpts for the first set! Please keep in mind that digital sculpts lack shading and some of the final details like patterns and symbols, so they can tend to have an unrealistic look that will not carry through to the final product.

Valeros, Iconic Fighter

Seelah, Iconic Paladin

Seoni, Iconic Sorcerer

Sajan, Iconic Monk

Lini, Iconic Druid and Droogami, Snow Leopard Animal Companion

Future sets will feature a wide array of iconic characters, eventually including every iconic we've done to date (including the ninja and samurai, and all of the classes from the Advanced Class Guide. Stay tuned to this space for links to product pages, previews of the cards, updated images of painted figures, and more as we get closer to January.

Next week I'll show off more of The Lost Coast set. For now, two more previews of the cool Gen Con-exclusive Pathfinder Minimates.

Here we have Isiem, the spellcasting hero of Liane Merciel's fantastic Pathfinder novel Nightglass facing off against an evil ghoul!

And our last two-pack is the elf ranger Elyana, from Howard Andrew Jones's novel Plague of Shadows facing off against an insidious Razmir Cultist!

All Minimates pieces are interchangeable. We will have limited quantities of these figures available for sale on following Gen Con.

If you're at the show, please stop by the Paizo Booth (#203) to say hi and talk miniatures!

See you there!

Erik Mona

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Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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OmnionMagnari wrote:
Will the anti paladin ever get an iconic?

Maybe. He'll very likely get a miniature. We don't really consider the prestige classes "iconic" characters in the same way we do the ones designed by Wayne Reynolds, but that guy has been popping up now and again, so I'll probably do a mini of him just for fun one day.

As I said a few posts up, if these sell really well, we could always start doing them for things like prestige classes. If the sales are there, we'll ride this format into the sunset. :)

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

agraham2410 wrote:

I assume you can use these cards with any game set?


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Chumpstyle wrote:

Now, any chance we'll see a Biter miniature in one of these sets? (*crosses fingers*)


Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Hobbun wrote:

Also, Erik, how many exclusive minimates will be different locations and where are these locations at? You mentioned a couple of weeks or so you would be supplying us with this information. I know one can be gotten at Scotty's, at least one at your booth, and another at an unnamed restaurant.

The two-packs will be at the Paizo booth.

There are four exclusive goblin figures. You can get them in the following ways:

1) Preview Goblin: Free with $100 purchase at Paizo booth.
2) Konkrud: Free prize after playing Pathfinder Society game in the Sagamore Ballroom (this one isn't automatic, and requires a high roll at the prize station).
3) Dogslicer Ale Goblin: This one is available for $5 from Scotty's Brewhouse, Paizo's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.
4) Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Hireling: This one is available for $5 at the Munchkin Tavern at the Tavern on South, Steve Jackson Games's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.

All four Minimates will also be available for a limited time on after Gen Con.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

Everthefool wrote:

Also, unless I've missed it, is this the answer to the Joker-faced Feiya? Or has another announcement slipped by me?

See last week's blog for more on the plans for Feiya.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

One last note before I go.

While there are a lot of characters from the NPC Codex showing up in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, those characters are NOT, strictly speaking, ICONIC CHARACTERS. While we might get to them eventually in this format, I probably won't call them "iconic," so as to avoid confusion.

To be clear:

Iconic characters are representatives of base classes introduced in Pathfinder RPG hardcover books, illustrated by Wayne Reynolds.

If a character does not fit those criteria, it is not an iconic character.

I'd love to see the non-iconic characters from the PACG class decks (plus Ranzak) get made eventually.

Erik Mona wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

Also, Erik, how many exclusive minimates will be different locations and where are these locations at? You mentioned a couple of weeks or so you would be supplying us with this information. I know one can be gotten at Scotty's, at least one at your booth, and another at an unnamed restaurant.

The two-packs will be at the Paizo booth.

There are four exclusive goblin figures. You can get them in the following ways:

1) Preview Goblin: Free with $100 purchase at Paizo booth.
2) Konkrud: Free prize after playing Pathfinder Society game in the Sagamore Ballroom (this one isn't automatic, and requires a high roll at the prize station).
3) Dogslicer Ale Goblin: This one is available for $5 from Scotty's Brewhouse, Paizo's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.
4) Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Hireling: This one is available for $5 at the Munchkin Tavern at the Tavern on South, Steve Jackson Games's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.

All four Minimates will also be available for a limited time on after Gen Con.

Oh, ok. So there will only be 4 exclusive minimates that need to be tracked down (if you don't want to wait until after the con to buy them from I had the impression there would be more.

Thanks Erik, look forward to seeing you at GenCon!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:


1) Any additional iconics who might appear in 2015.


Erik Mona wrote:

One last note before I go.

While there are a lot of characters from the NPC Codex showing up in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks, those characters are NOT, strictly speaking, ICONIC CHARACTERS. While we might get to them eventually in this format, I probably won't call them "iconic," so as to avoid confusion.

To be clear:

Iconic characters are representatives of base classes introduced in Pathfinder RPG hardcover books, illustrated by Wayne Reynolds.

If a character does not fit those criteria, it is not an iconic character.

...and let the wild speculation begin! >:)

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:
Will this mean fewer (or zero) iconics in the "standard" sets?

No. There are enough iconic characters scheduled in the next few "normal" sets to cover all 11 of the Core Rulebook iconics plus those from the magus and gunslinger plus the 6 from the Advanced Class Guide.

I probably won't do some of the animal companions in both formats, though most of them are already done too.

That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

The way I see it is that anytime you don't have to put an Iconic into a Battles set, that is one more rare medium slot for another character. Considering all the PC's throughout the Adventure Paths, I'm sure there are more deserving characters that fit better in the Battles line, instead of doubling up on the Advanced Class Guide.

I know you said there won't be any Adventure Path-centric Battles lines for a bit, but you've been "cleaning up" from the Rise of the Runelords AP in the Lost Coast line. If you continue that pattern for future Battles lines (and other, previously released Adventure Paths), I feel like that allows for even more happy people. After all, the reactions (at least on here) to guys like Justice Ironbriar seem to be great so far.

So less Iconics in the Battles line could mean more well-done NPC-types in the Battles line. That will free you up to drop in the occasional Blacksmith, or other highly-requested NPC, that many have been hoping to see.

Perhaps more importantly, it sounds like you plan to do all the Iconics in this just-announced line. At a monthly release, and at five Iconics per set, we'll be getting (presumably) better quality Advanced Class Guide Iconics much earlier than we would be seeing them in the future Battles line sets.

To put that in perspective, if you start the line in January and do five Iconics per release, that means all the Advanced Class Guide Iconics will have miniature forms sitting on customers' tables within a year of the book's release. That should help keep interest in the book fresh, and vice versa.

Hopefully by the time you need to decide one way or the other, this Iconics line will have been "live" for a month or two, and you'll have a decent understanding of how well the entire first wave (all Iconics) will sell. If it looks like the Iconics line is doing even better than expected, there really isn't a reason to add any of the Advanced Class Guide Iconics into the bigger Battles line sets. And it should bode well for continuing the Iconics line (perhaps re-named) to include those you mentioned in your other post. (Adventure Card Game characters-mostly NPC Codex folks, Prestige Class, & archetypes.

Grand Lodge

Erik Mona wrote:
Pigraven wrote:

I do second Scribbling Rambler's question, who is the fifth iconic in this set? Was he/she left out on purpose or was it by mistake?

By mistake. It's Sajan, and he's up now! :)

Thanks, Erik! I like that a lot better than the other possibility which occurred to me (Erik meant to say there are only 5 minis in the pack).

Sajan's link is currently broken, but he looks awesome! One of my favourite iconics. EDIT: Working now. Even awsomer!

Never underestimate the appeal of the iconic characters. Even a non-marginalized gamer like me appreciates the diversity of the characters, on top of the quality of their depictions over the years. Actually, the first depiction of Kyra on the cover of Runelords Volume 3 was something I used to show to many local gamers as an example of how Paizo was breathing new life into the genre.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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Much appreciated, Rambler! I always knew that the iconics would be huge (we got a taste of this when we introduced nameless ones all the way back in Dungeon magazine). In the early days of Pathfinder, though, I never imagined we would be able to do as much with them as we have. It's been really cool to explore their stories in the Pathfinder comics, see little figurines and toys of them, and see alternative versions like mythic and "cold weather" variants appear over the years.

It's awesome that people like them so much.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does the Digital aspect that Wizkids used with these mean they can easily be changed in size (in the same pose)?

If this line sells well enough, you might even consider doing a short run of six or eight inch Iconics as collectibles for showing off. While I was lukewarm about such an idea in an earlier Previews conversation, I can't deny these would look amazing as six-inch statues spread across my mantle. Just an idea to keep in mind...

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

These look AWESOME! Even though I have most of these already I will be getting this NEW SET ALSO! THANK YOU for the showing each week of these AWESOME miniatures Mr. Mona. You and your Paizo team keep up the GREAT WORK!

Shadow Lodge

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Erik Mona wrote:
see alternative versions like mythic and "cold weather" variants appear over the years.

If you run out of Iconics, you could always gender bend them all.

pH unbalanced wrote:
My understanding is that they purposefully leave the iconics' handedness undefined, so that they are able to flip artwork if they need to.

Arn't they defining it when they put out a figure? She has already seen plastic as a rigth handed fighter. It is their IP/Figure line to do as they wish, it was just something that hit me when I saw the image is all. We all know I will buy the figure either way, I am a PPM addict after all. :-)

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Maybe she's the ambidextrous iconic. :)

This is making me do a happy dance!!!

Erik Mona wrote:
Everthefool wrote:

Also, unless I've missed it, is this the answer to the Joker-faced Feiya? Or has another announcement slipped by me?

See last week's blog for more on the plans for Feiya.

The 8/1 Mini blog post? I HAVE to be missing something there... >.<

Erik Mona wrote:
That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

This viewpoint may not be popular, but sometimes negative feedback is useful so I'll throw it out there...

Somewhere along the line, the concept of "iconic" ceases having an emotional impact, for me. I understand that should Paizo publish some materials where they expect to frequently specifically refer to a fighter 5 / wizard 3 / cleric 2 / rogue 3 multiclass character it would make sense to you to make an icon of such. It just wouldn't mean anything to me.

I'll be honest. Beyond the APG classes (and yes, I recognize that's arbitrary), the iconics stopped being iconic to me. Yes, I like the magus and gunslinger classes. Yes, I'll likely allow ACG classes at my tables. But... I just don't... care.

This is very hard to articulate and maybe I'm alone on this. Yeah, the artwork for the ACG iconics is great, but everything Wayne does is great. But aside from that the minis will likely be nice, I won't feel any need to own them.

Wait. I have another way to describe my feelings on the matter...

I will always have use for a mini that embodies the distilled, concentrated, pure essence of "wizard". So too "rogue". There is always a place on the battlemat for a mini that screams "barbarian". That's what the iconics are... obvious. With blended classes, that - by definition - stops being the case. A mini that expresses "part X and part Y" isn't of such value... to me.

If I happen to not be a freak, if I represent a significant portion of your market, the demand for future more obscure iconic minis may be lower than you'd expect.

I'm still willing to pay a premium for a Feiya because... WITCH, BURN IT! But once we start getting into investigators and the like, despite being WAR-inspired artwork, I doubt I'll be willing to part with the money.

Hopefully this perspective and my attempt to explain why I've got it will be useful to you.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Many of the newer iconics still fit that pure essence category. Anowyn easily looks to be a pure ranger, the summoner and arcanist look like distilled wizards. It's often the iconics that are hardest to get on secondary markets. The big question for me is how will sales go? Do people need more than 1-2 of the iconic packs to fill their need? I'm a big fan of this idea I just hope they sell well enough. I though the builder line was a brilliant idea, as did many others, yet sales didn't really pan out. I think this has a greater chance since it fits in with their heroclix starter concept and that seems to be going strong.

On a different note, I was so hoping that Sajan would get the Cesser of Ning treatment, a cool mid leap pose. I've become a real fan of the clear posts, and the new D&D minis seem to use it really well for flying minis. To my mind the Cesser of Ning mini was a truly awesome mini, but it's really limited to catfolk monks, a human version would be much cooler. Of course this Sajan still looks cool, and as I said before if the detail is even half that in the digitals these will be a big deal in the miniature market.

I'd agree on hoping we keep the iconics in these packs instead of the main line as much as possible, just for the sake of getting the most total sculpts.

I'll be honest though, I'm going to buy them regardless :P

Please please do Huge elementals for fire, water, earth and air also, while I'm on the topic of non-blind packs.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Anguish wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

This viewpoint may not be popular, but sometimes negative feedback is useful so I'll throw it out there...

----Shaved for space---

I agree with you completely on the first part. Your general feelings about the Advanced Class Guide is pretty much how I feel. I'll wait until it's in my hand and I've read it through in its entirety, but at least a couple of the ones I've read seem like a "stretch". Or at least that's what I feel like is part of your apprehension to embrace them.

Having said that, I completely disagree with you about the appearance of the Advanced Class Guide Iconics. When I look at Adowyn, for example, I clearly see a Druid. In my opinion, well done miniatures that actually look like Druids are hard to find. Similarly for the ACG, there are a couple arcane-looking illustrations I've seen where they clearly make me think "sorcerer" or "wizard". The same thing goes with the Barbarian and Fighter-looking illustrations. I definitely want them as available options at my gaming table, even if they are never used as what their listed as in the source books.

So while it's conceivable that nobody at my table will ever play a "Hunter", it's likely that the (future) Adowyn miniature will at least be considered for PC play each time a Druid is played. It's because of this that I'll gladly buy as many top-notch PPM's as possible that my players can choose from with pride.

…Provided the faces look good, of course...

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

I would like to have all the iconics appear in this series rather then in random sets, as that is what this set is about.

I also use the iconic miniatures in Pathfinder Society play and having the exact figure helps more than it hurts for the pregenerated characters.

Erik Mona wrote:
That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

With the starter pack still in stock, I wonder:

Didn't that sell as expexted, or did you just stock a crazy amount of them?

If this new line means that any player can get any Iconic even 7 Battle Sets later on, I'd rather see the slot taken by something else in the books.

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The starter pack might be an "evergreen"

Grand Lodge

soooooo buying this.

Everthefool wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Everthefool wrote:

Also, unless I've missed it, is this the answer to the Joker-faced Feiya? Or has another announcement slipped by me?

See last week's blog for more on the plans for Feiya.

The 8/1 Mini blog post? I HAVE to be missing something there... >.<

It was actually on the 7/25 blog post.

Erik was off one week, but considering he probably has about a million things he is trying to juggle/organize with GenCon coming up this week, it's understandable. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to ask, could we possibly get The Iconic heroes as Goblins as one of the post "we've done all 31 Iconic heroes, now what sets?"

a la The Exclusive Pathfinder Issue #1 cover

It would give us four more of those wonderful goblins ;-)

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Pigraven wrote:
When I look at Adowyn, for example, I clearly see a Druid.
Cat-thulhu wrote:
Anowyn easily looks to be a pure ranger, the summoner and arcanist look like distilled wizards.

And there you have it, in a nutshell.

Adowyn is a obviously a druid - no, wait - ranger - no, blue... aaaaiiiiii!

Neither of you said "Adowyn is very clearly a hunter."

I'm guessing Cat-thulhu is referring to the shaman and the arcanist, Shardra and Enora. But again, the rebuttal to my viewpoint is that they look like wizards, which they're not.

Both of these posts reinforce what I'm trying to express, not refute it. I don't mean that as argument, but refinement to what I'm trying to say. The dilution of the concept of "role" post-Core is precisely that. While that is great fun on the table, I feel that dilution works exactly counter to the concept of iconic.

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I'd hardly say you're looking for an argument, just a discussion of viewpoints. Iwas referring to Bathazar from the APG. The ones I referred to do indeed look like iconics, well to me at least. The originals are readily identified because they've been there from the start. Adowyn does look like a hunter, that's what she is, but she also passes very easily for a ranger, or indeed Druid. Either way she makes got a good PC or NPC figure. As an icon she will be great for the PACG or my tabletop.

I do agree that the idea of an iconic does indeed get diluted by the addition of many new ones such as the ACG ones, but they are icon and once they are out there they will be easily recognised as the class they represent. In a few years time people will say "that's the hunter that piece o art". This occurs now with the APG classes, each of them are now easily recognised as their respective iconics, they also ca pass as other classes - I can wad illy use the witch. As a wizard, the oracle as a cleric, or indeed even Ezren as am arcanist.

Erik Mona wrote:
That leaves the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I might not put those in normal sets. What would people prefer?

Personally, I love the fact that we get the iconics in the PFB sets, but it makes more sense to exclude them to their own predetermined packs.

It would make them easier to obtain, and I have a feeling we'd also be getting them faster (instead of waiting for the 1-2 iconic release in the PFB sets).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hobbun wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

Also, Erik, how many exclusive minimates will be different locations and where are these locations at? You mentioned a couple of weeks or so you would be supplying us with this information. I know one can be gotten at Scotty's, at least one at your booth, and another at an unnamed restaurant.

The two-packs will be at the Paizo booth.

There are four exclusive goblin figures. You can get them in the following ways:

1) Preview Goblin: Free with $100 purchase at Paizo booth.
2) Konkrud: Free prize after playing Pathfinder Society game in the Sagamore Ballroom (this one isn't automatic, and requires a high roll at the prize station).
3) Dogslicer Ale Goblin: This one is available for $5 from Scotty's Brewhouse, Paizo's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.
4) Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Hireling: This one is available for $5 at the Munchkin Tavern at the Tavern on South, Steve Jackson Games's officially sponsored Indianapolis watering hole.

All four Minimates will also be available for a limited time on after Gen Con.

Oh, ok. So there will only be 4 exclusive minimates that need to be tracked down (if you don't want to wait until after the con to buy them from I had the impression there would be more.

Thanks Erik, look forward to seeing you at GenCon!

The 4 two-packs at the Paizo booth are also exclusives (and will also be available for a limited time on after Gen Con). So there are a total of 12 exclusive Minimates for the show.

Since Lorian went off topic about huge elementals, I would like to second the desire. I'm am clamoring for huges period. Its very common to need them and we have no reliable source of them besides old DDM sculpts. I snatched up both dragon evolutions and the Reign of Winter 2 pack. I know there are demand factors to consider, and I trust you Erik. But I'm just going to speak for myself when I say I would easily purchase a monthly 2 pack of huges. Probably 2 copies depending on the minis. On a side note, large elementals are expensive on the second hand market. I would totally buy elemental evolution packs as well.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Anguish wrote:
Pigraven wrote:
When I look at Adowyn, for example, I clearly see a Druid.
Cat-thulhu wrote:
Anowyn easily looks to be a pure ranger, the summoner and arcanist look like distilled wizards.

And there you have it, in a nutshell.

Adowyn is a obviously a druid - no, wait - ranger - no, blue... aaaaiiiiii!

Neither of you said "Adowyn is very clearly a hunter."

I'm guessing Cat-thulhu is referring to the shaman and the arcanist, Shardra and Enora. But again, the rebuttal to my viewpoint is that they look like wizards, which they're not.

Both of these posts reinforce what I'm trying to express, not refute it. I don't mean that as argument, but refinement to what I'm trying to say. The dilution of the concept of "role" post-Core is precisely that. While that is great fun on the table, I feel that dilution works exactly counter to the concept of iconic.

I don't see you posing an argument, just discussion. As I said, I completely agree with you on this point. In fact, I'd take it one step further, as you say the dilution of the concept of "role" post-Core is just that.

But even the Core, if we're talking about the eleven classes in the CRB, suffer from slight dilution of role, yes? The Barbarian is essentially a feral Fighter. Sorcerer and Wizard, while the mechanics are slightly different, are essentially one and the same. The Bard, while definitely filling a nice niche, is essentially a Fighter or Rogue with a hobby. A Ranger is a Fighter with better senses and likely values a greater spatial area. The Paladin is a Cleric in Paladin armor, and a Cleric is a Paladin in Cleric armor. A monk is a fighter with little or no armor.

I realize those comparisons are over-simplified, but I feel they hold when you break it down that way. I agree with you that the Advance Class Guide classes--and any further material made regarding new base classes--further dilute the idea of core role. And I agree with you that there is always room around a table for a good-looking PC character that is obvious as to what core role it represents.

I guess what I'm having a hard time figuring out is why these miniatures wouldn't appeal to you. We can basically break down all the classes into three core classes: Fighter, Holy Man, Magic User. Every Advanced Class Guide iconic character I've seen can fit into one of those categories. And just because Paizo says "here is Adowyn, she is an Iconic Hunter" doesn't mean we have to think of her that way. The moment I saw Adowyn I was thrilled because it meant another (hopefully) high-quality Ranger or Druid at my table. Broken down even further, it means "sweet, another Fighter."

You mentioned that you'd always have room on the table for a miniature that screams Barbarian, as Iconics are, or at least should be, obvious. But what about Amiri screams Barbarian? An oversized sword? Her wild, unkept hair? My first experience with Pathfinder Iconics was with Amiri and Valeros. I thought Amiri was the Fighter and Valeros the Ranger.

My point isn't that Amiri doesn't look like a Barbarian, only that I don't feel it's as obvious as you believe it to be. As soon as Amiri's true class was pointed out to me, I immediately saw what would make her the Barbarian. Likewise, if I sit Adowyn and her animal companion, Leryn, down at my table and ask type of character she is, I'm likely going to get Ranger or Druid as the bulk of the replies.

But I'm willing to bet if I put packets (w/o illustrations) of Ranger, Druid and Hunter down on the table and ask those around the table to read through them first and then tell me what character Adowyn is, I'll start receiving answers of Hunter mixed in with the Ranger and Druids.

So again, I understand what you are saying in regards to the dilution due to an increased amount of Iconics--and I agree with you on that topic. But from the way you describe it, it sounds more like a case of eye of the beholder to me. At least with regards to what is obvious and what is not on a gaming table.

I think a clear example of this is in your willingness to pay a premium for a Feiya. In your opinion, what separates her from a Sorcerer or Wizard on your gaming table? Is it fair for me to assume that it's because you know of the Class: Witch, and you feel she looks most like a Witch? Now try and imagine that the Witch class was never made, but that a miniature of Feiya was still made. In such a circumstance, Is it reasonable for me to believe that you'd quickly classify her as either a Sorcerer or Wizard or possibly even a Druid?

In my opinion, she looks every bit as much a Druid, Wizard or Sorcerer as she does a Witch. In fact I personally think she looks more like a Wizard than does Ezren. But because I know Ezren is the Wizard and Feiya the Witch, it's easy for me to see them in those roles, respectively.

If I were forced to pick out "obvious" miniatures that represented one specific class beyond the basic core of a Fighter/Holy Character/Magic User, I feel I could only point to two miniatures. The first would have to be a magic user holding a spell book. The second would be a miniature with a musical instrument in his or her hand INSTEAD of a weapon. While the former would have to be a Wizard, the latter would likely be a Bard.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
BRADicPerformance wrote:
Since Lorian went off topic about huge elementals, I would like to second the desire. I'm am clamoring for huges period. Its very common to need them and we have no reliable source of them besides old DDM sculpts. I snatched up both dragon evolutions and the Reign of Winter 2 pack. I know there are demand factors to consider, and I trust you Erik. But I'm just going to speak for myself when I say I would easily purchase a monthly 2 pack of huges. Probably 2 copies depending on the minis. On a side note, large elementals are expensive on the second hand market. I would totally buy elemental evolution packs as well.

Actually, you speak for a decent amount of folks that regularly post in the Battles Previews forum. So welcome to the club! :)

And I agree with you, the Huge-sized elementals are among those most desired.

You're right, I think, in that part of the challenge is finding that sweet spot where demand meets practicality in putting out such a line. It's tough, because one has to figure that such a line would only appeal to those DM's (or players) that are responsible for monster miniatures around the table. But like you, it's the type of line where most often I would be buying at least two packs of each release. Some, like Huge elementals, I'd buy three or more packs, as the monsters always see heavy rotation in all my campaigns.

And you briefly touched on the fact that Huge-sized creatures are common. Part of it, for me, is that there are so many that can pop up in a campaign while the players are at levels 7-12. Many campaigns don't last to the high levels, but it's quite common to last up to level twelve or more. At least, that's been my experience as both a player and a DM.

Having said that, I get the sense Erik and company are working on a practical way to do some Huge miniatures. I think much of it is finding something that Wizkids can agree to, as they have a large say in the matter.

Vic Wertz wrote:

The 4 two-packs at the Paizo booth are also exclusives (and will also be available for a limited time on after Gen Con). So there are a total of 12 exclusive Minimates for the show.

Ok, thanks for clarifying, Vic.

I guess what I was really referring to is the minimates you couldn't just easily purchase at your booth. You need to do something extra or go somewhere to get a hold of them.

Can I ride my llama for mine?

I see none commented on the price increase. So far, a retail medium miniature used to be around $3. (4 iconics for $13, boosters with 3 medium and 1 large (that could be counted as 2 mediums) for $15).

And now we see a 66% price increase in the minis (6 for $30 it's $5 per miniature). I know there are PACG cards included, but come on, a $2 increment per mini is a bit step.

Thing is I wouldn't mind paying $5 per iconic IF Wizkids can get it right, but my faith in them is severy lacking right now.

I bought the Icons of the Realms starter box from the new DnD minis, that used a similar model of cgi-generated minis and those are NOT worth $5 each. Will Wizkids really produce some quality minis for these iconics?

On a side note, I like the idea of an animal companion or Eidolon, but you could also release 6 miniatures packs with only 4 iconics, the companion/eidolon and a new miniature that would represent commonly played characters that have not yet got a miniature.

You could use the Pathfinder Society characters (lvl 3+) to gauge which type of characters people are playing the most that are not already represented.

Dark Archive

These look great. I'll definitely be picking them up when they come out.

I'm using the RotR Seoni now in my home game and the beginner box ones see heavy use in my games as well. I'd love to have an Amiri, but not enough to spend $50 on a medium figure.

Put me down for huge elementals as well, and Elemental Evolution packs sounds like it would be awesome. I've got both of the dragon evolution sets and they are beautiful. However, while there are massive numbers of choices for huge dragons, there are only one each of huge earth, air and fire elementals (all from the old DDM line) and no water.

Ahrien wrote:

I see none commented on the price increase. So far, a retail medium miniature used to be around $3. (4 iconics for $13, boosters with 3 medium and 1 large (that could be counted as 2 mediums) for $15).

And now we see a 66% price increase in the minis (6 for $30 it's $5 per miniature). I know there are PACG cards included, but come on, a $2 increment per mini is a bit step.

Thing is I wouldn't mind paying $5 per iconic IF Wizkids can get it right, but my faith in them is severy lacking right now.

I bought the Icons of the Realms starter box from the new DnD minis, that used a similar model of cgi-generated minis and those are NOT worth $5 each. Will Wizkids really produce some quality minis for these iconics?

On a side note, I like the idea of an animal companion or Eidolon, but you could also release 6 miniatures packs with only 4 iconics, the companion/eidolon and a new miniature that would represent commonly played characters that have not yet got a miniature.

You could use the Pathfinder Society characters (lvl 3+) to gauge which type of characters people are playing the most that are not already represented.

First off, your maths wrong. 3 is 60% of 5, meaning it's only a 40% increase, not a 66%. Also, 4 iconics for $13 is actually $3.25 apiece. Lets just use that figure so we don't have to debate whether or not a large should count as 2 mediums. $3.25 to $5 is only a 35% increase. A significant increase, but far from 66%.

Grand Lodge

jimibones83 wrote:
Ahrien wrote:

I see none commented on the price increase. So far, a retail medium miniature used to be around $3. (4 iconics for $13, boosters with 3 medium and 1 large (that could be counted as 2 mediums) for $15).

And now we see a 66% price increase in the minis (6 for $30 it's $5 per miniature). I know there are PACG cards included, but come on, a $2 increment per mini is a bit step.

Thing is I wouldn't mind paying $5 per iconic IF Wizkids can get it right, but my faith in them is severy lacking right now.

I bought the Icons of the Realms starter box from the new DnD minis, that used a similar model of cgi-generated minis and those are NOT worth $5 each. Will Wizkids really produce some quality minis for these iconics?

On a side note, I like the idea of an animal companion or Eidolon, but you could also release 6 miniatures packs with only 4 iconics, the companion/eidolon and a new miniature that would represent commonly played characters that have not yet got a miniature.

You could use the Pathfinder Society characters (lvl 3+) to gauge which type of characters people are playing the most that are not already represented.

First off, your maths wrong. 3 is 60% of 5, meaning it's only a 40% increase, not a 66%. Also, 4 iconics for $13 is actually $3.25 apiece. Lets just use that figure so we don't have to debate whether or not a large should count as 2 mediums. $3.25 to $5 is only a 35% increase. A significant increase, but far from 66%.

Alternatively, you could also say it is a 31% price decrease, because the singles on this site total $43.75 (using 3.25 for Valeros). And 4 of the 6 miniatures are currently on backorder/unavailable at that price. Compare that with what you pay on EBay, and you save even more!

Fact is, you're comparing apples and oranges. The Beginner Box Heroes were an introductory product for a new line, released 3 years of oil price increases ago. The boosters are random miniatures, and the only "guarantee" that you would get the iconics in the set is if you bought a case.

EDIT: The only valid comparison so far would be with something like the Evolution series.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
danielc wrote:
Vernon Fults wrote:
Question: Is Seelah supposed to be left handed? The last mini and all the artwork I recall have depicted her holding her sword in her right hand.

I think the top quality Iconics should match the artwork. I agree, all the pictures I have show her as right handed so I hope they "fix" that for the final figure.

I too would love to have a subscription of the Iconic Sets. Save me time as I already know I will be buying them all. ;-)

Because art has a tendency to get "flipped" to fit various layouts, our official policy is that all of our iconics are ambidextrous.


For the record, Seelah's portrat from the cover of AP# 7 shows she is indeed a Southpaw. The mini is reflecting that.

Can't wait to get them.

Charles Scholz wrote:

For the record, Seelah's portrat from the cover of AP# 7 shows she is indeed a Southpaw. The mini is reflecting that.

Can't wait to get them.

And yet, based on Erik's answer she is neither. ;-)

Back on Topic, I am looking forward to the Iconic sets. If you did offer a subscription to them I would subscribe.

jimibones83 wrote:
First off, your maths wrong. 3 is 60% of 5, meaning it's only a 40% increase, not a 66%. Also, 4 iconics for $13 is actually $3.25 apiece. Lets just use that figure so we don't have to debate whether or not a large should count as 2 mediums. $3.25 to $5 is only a 35% increase. A significant increase, but far from 66%.

Actually my maths are pretty solid. A medium figure costs $3, but for these you will have to pay $2 more. $2 in addition to $3 is a 66% increase.

But I am not here to argue about maths, I am just asking the increased price gives us better quality minis from Wizkids.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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As Erik said in his post, "WizKids plans to apply 'premium' paint jobs to these figures, using some of the very best figures we've produced to date as a quality benchmark."

The average number of paint operations on these minis should be notably higher than the average number of paint ops on most of the existing rare figs.

Ahrien wrote:
jimibones83 wrote:
First off, your maths wrong. 3 is 60% of 5, meaning it's only a 40% increase, not a 66%. Also, 4 iconics for $13 is actually $3.25 apiece. Lets just use that figure so we don't have to debate whether or not a large should count as 2 mediums. $3.25 to $5 is only a 35% increase. A significant increase, but far from 66%.

Actually my maths are pretty solid. A medium figure costs $3, but for these you will have to pay $2 more. $2 in addition to $3 is a 66% increase.

But I am not here to argue about maths, I am just asking the increased price gives us better quality minis from Wizkids.

Ah yes, i see what your saying. Where are you getting medium iconics for $3 though?

Harsk $9
Seoni $11
Lirianne $10
Seltyiel $10

And so on and so on...

Now I understand that your basing your price off if these, but again, that would be $3.25 apiece, not $3, nor do they represent the entirety of the iconics.

I agree, the $3.25 price point was great. I really wish we could get them for hat price, but I suppose I'll still pay $5. More than that though and I'll probably he getting the blunt end from my fiance.

Vic Wertz wrote:

As Erik said in his post, "WizKids plans to apply 'premium' paint jobs to these figures, using some of the very best figures we've produced to date as a quality benchmark."

The average number of paint operations on these minis should be notably higher than the average number of paint ops on most of the existing rare figs.

That is great to hear, I am really looking forward to seeing these minis. I just wish that these steps would be taken with the 'entire' PFB line, not just the iconics.

I would be willing to pay the extra money needed if I knew we would be receiving the higher quality benchmark.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jimibones83 wrote:
Ahrien wrote:
jimibones83 wrote:
First off, your maths wrong. 3 is 60% of 5, meaning it's only a 40% increase, not a 66%. Also, 4 iconics for $13 is actually $3.25 apiece. Lets just use that figure so we don't have to debate whether or not a large should count as 2 mediums. $3.25 to $5 is only a 35% increase. A significant increase, but far from 66%.

Actually my maths are pretty solid. A medium figure costs $3, but for these you will have to pay $2 more. $2 in addition to $3 is a 66% increase.

But I am not here to argue about maths, I am just asking the increased price gives us better quality minis from Wizkids.

Ah yes, i see what your saying. Where are you getting medium iconics for $3 though?

Harsk $9
Seoni $11
Lirianne $10
Seltyiel $10

And so on and so on...

Now I understand that your basing your price off if these, but again, that would be $3.25 apiece, not $3, nor do they represent the entirety of the iconics.

I agree, the $3.25 price point was great. I really wish we could get them for hat price, but I suppose I'll still pay $5. More than that though and I'll probably he getting the blunt end from my fiance.

Ah but the problem is, that you can't get the Iconics (with the exception of Harsk) for that price, they are all unavailable on Paizo and they go for a hell of a lot more through another retailer, assuming you can find one that has them in stock.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Leo_Negri wrote:
Ah but the problem is, that you can't get the Iconics (with the exception of Harsk) for that price, they are all unavailable on Paizo and they go for a hell of a lot more through another retailer, assuming you can find one that has them in stock.

Holy crap your right. I just looked them up at, which is a pretty well priced site, and Seoni was a whopping $25.50! Thats crazy man. I like that mini a lot but I wouldn't pay that lol.

So, @Ahrien Soon enough you will be able to get 6 iconics, including Seoni, for just a few dollars more than she costs by herself at the site I checked. Granted, she is one of the high priced ones, but they are all much higher than $3.

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