Iron Gods Roll Call

I've been wanting to do the Iron Gods Adventure Path for a long time, but it's not all that easy to just roll out a campaign that makes significant use of mountains of items and armor and weapons and creatures and hazards that the game doesn't yet have rules for. I'm talking, of course, about lasers and robots and radiation and gravity suits and nuclear resonators and atom guns and neurocams and K-lances and heavy weapon harnesses and robojacks and thoracic nanite chambers and graviton generators and more. What are all those things? I'm afraid you'll all need to wait a few more months to find out.

But what you DON'T have to wait for is the list of Iron Gods Adventure Path titles and authors! Because here they are! Long time readers will note some new names, some familiar names, and at least one old name risen from the murky depths of the past!

  • Part 1: Fires of Creation, by Neil Spicer
  • Part 2: Lords of Rust, by Nicolas Logue
  • Part 3: The Choking Tower, by Ron Lundeen
  • Part 4: Valley of the Brain Collectors, by Mike Shel
  • Part 5: Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock
  • Part 6: The Divinity Drive, by Crystal Fraiser

Oh. And here's a spaceship. (No... this isn't the Silver Mount. That one's a LOT bigger.)

Illustration by Rodrigo Vega

James Jacobs
Creative Director

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I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

terraleon wrote:

I haven't subscribed to a module series before, but this is going to pull me in.


Neither have, but I will be buying these. Not sure how the subscription works, will have to look into it.

Will also be buying the season 6 Pathfinder Society scenarios that are Numeria related.




Been playing since the early 80's, DM'ed the Barrier Peaks a few times. Time to get the old crew back together. (Not the ship's crew, they are all dead and loaded down with security cards and blaster rifles…)

Have fun and don't step on the russet mold. Unless you want to turn into a bunch of vegepygmies. Which I know I do. Certainly is a nice mesh of reincarnation and cohort rules. I am my own party. Vegetative and fierce.


(P.S. It's okay James, if there are no vegepygmies in Iron Gods I will be sad, only until I put them in myself. It's really the Mad Max stuff I'm also excited about….)

xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

I am not sure I exactly understand your fear Xavier. I don't think technology could "replace" magic. Golarion has a number of areas with magitech and seems to survive already. Can you clarify what your reservations are?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

Don't be.

It augments magic. Magic still plays a key role in the AP.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
(P.S. It's okay James, if there are no vegepygmies in Iron Gods I will be sad, only until I put them in myself. It's really the Mad Max stuff I'm also excited about….)

Not only are they in there... they're on a cover.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

Don't be.

It augments magic. Magic still plays a key role in the AP.

Speaking of augments and augmenting magic.

I'm not expecting it, but I'm really hoping something about Verces manages to work its way into this AP, be it as potential allies or turning up in a support article. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

Don't be.

It augments magic. Magic still plays a key role in the AP.

Speaking of augments and augmenting magic.

I'm not expecting it, but I'm really hoping something about Verces manages to work its way into this AP, be it as potential allies or turning up in a support article. :)

There'll be a bit here and there that draws in some elements of Golarion's neighboring planets... but for the most part, the alien/outer space stuff in Iron Gods comes from far further out than the solar system.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I know it's a longshot, and probably too niche, but...if you make a pathfinder battles expansion for this AP and the case incentive turns out to be the annihilator, I will name my firstborn Paizo.

I very much want the Divinity Drive to be a fantasy spaceship engine that's powered by Divine Magic. Perhaps a sort of throne-shaped device that can be installed on animal-shaped ships (especially shark shaped ones) which allows them to travel between planets.

Silver Crusade

Might there be any haunted alien shipwrecks? ;)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Wow, what a great line-up!

I don't see anyone else commenting yet about "Palace of Fallen Stars, by Tim Hitchcock" - I was looking back at some old Paizo Blog posts about Tim's map turnovers, and I'm now incredibly excited about this chapter, and seeing the maps he comes up with. Will it be a palace? A spaceship? Maybe Silver Mount itself???

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ZanThrax wrote:
I very much want the Divinity Drive to be a fantasy spaceship engine that's powered by Divine Magic. Perhaps a sort of throne-shaped device that can be installed on animal-shaped ships (especially shark shaped ones) which allows them to travel between planets.

Travelling at the speed of God has got to be a boon for interstellar travel. :)

I kind of suspect that there might be something along those lines, but that it's also referencing whatever is causing the apotheosis of the Iron Gods...


I'm re-reading my dog-eared copy of Expedition to the Barrier Peaks in anticipation!

Ron Lundeen wrote:
thunderspirit wrote:
Mike Mistele wrote:
All kidding aside, Ron is a fabulous writer, and a great guy. Congrats to him, and very much looking forward to seeing this AP!

And this.

Thanks much for the votes of confidence!

I'm ridiculously excited to be crashing onto the adventure path scene with this, and in such august company!

One can't heap enough praise on Ron Lundeen. It's like one can't have too much bacon. Ron "Bacon" Lundeen has a penchant for creative ways to die while still having fun. I'm both looking forward to the adventure and preparing my complaint about how I got eaten by some alien.

Seriously, Ron - congratulation! Paizo was right to recognize your talent.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Baby steps?!?! NEVER! I subscribe because you dare to break boundaries! Do not listen to the vocal minority James (currently at a population of 1). These titles sound absolutely awesome. I am definitely coming off my 2 year hiatus from DMing to run this...

Mikaze wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
I very much want the Divinity Drive to be a fantasy spaceship engine that's powered by Divine Magic. Perhaps a sort of throne-shaped device that can be installed on animal-shaped ships (especially shark shaped ones) which allows them to travel between planets.

Travelling at the speed of God has got to be a boon for interstellar travel. :)

I kind of suspect that there might be something along those lines, but that it's also referencing whatever is causing the apotheosis of the Iron Gods...

Oh, I'd be surprised if it's as simple as just recreating an old favorite in Pathfinder. I'm sure it's something much more creative (and probably disturbing) than that. Given how strongly Paizo has prioritized creating their own stuff over cloning the D&D IP I'd be almost disappointed if they did something as straightforward as recreating Spelljammer (in between overdosing on nostalgia).


Great list of authors! Thanks for posting the info. I'm looking forward to this AP. Keep up the awesome, Paizo. :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

This thread with some discussion of SciFi and Fantasy intermixing and the discussion of the title 'The Divinity Drive' reminded me of this recent cartoon from Full Frontal Nerdity.

Full Frontal Nerdity

The first is the obvious sci-fi/fantasy mashup that makes the cartoon so funny. The second is substitute the wizard with a cleric to get your 'divinity drive'

The whole line up especially with the title divinity drive just makes me think of White Wolf/Onyx Path's God Machine

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)

Actually, it goes out to the hypocrites who's going to buy this series, but hate psionics. But yes, I had paizo in mind, but think of it as a bigger picture. :)

Don't worry, James, it wasn't to you specifically. :)

Silver Crusade

Jason Nelson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
GM Elton wrote:
... tell me again, why do you hate psionics?

I'm the one responsible for the bulk of what psionic stuff is in Pathfinder already, as it works out. I pushed to have the intellect devourer and neothelid put into the Bestiary, in large part because of the role psychic magic (AKA psionics) plays in the Darklands. And then there's the psionic elements in "The Dragon's Demand" that I developed.

If you're going to accuse anyone at Paizo of hating psionics... I'm probably the one at the bottom of that list of suspects is all I'm saying! ;-)

"Psionics is BANNED FROM THE CAMPAIGN!!!" :)

See, he gets it. :)

But no gun-toting beholders. :(

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
xorial wrote:
But no gun-toting beholders. :(

Beholders are the copyright property of Wizards of the Coast.

however that doesn't mean other aberrations can't use guns. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If there are no gunslinger options made, I will summon a starship to hold the Paizo office hostage until one is made!

Silver Crusade


I could stand a few gun-toting beholders!

Silver Crusade

Cr500cricket wrote:

Annihilators FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, a bullying consumer, what a concept.


Grand Lodge

While I am not usually the biggest fan of the space concept, Pathfinder has consistently done it well. The part of this project I am excited for the most by a large margin is the fact that Crystal Fraiser is the author of the final installment. /nerdgasm.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I have to admit I'm a little surprised no one's asked this yet, but what does God need with a starship?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh man. So excite. Much robots. Wow.

Silver Crusade

Odraude wrote:
Oh man. So excite. Much robots. Wow.

Earth to Odraude, Earth to Odraude.

GM Elton wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Oh man. So excite. Much robots. Wow.
Earth to Odraude, Earth to Odraude.


Shisumo wrote:
I have to admit I'm a little surprised no one's asked this yet, but what does God need with a starship?

Probably nothing.

Especially if that god *is* a starship.

a) Has anybody else read The God Engines by Scalzi?

b) I want this now...

Liberty's Edge

Any visits to Akiton?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
wakedown wrote:


Already a subscriber, but not going anywhere near cancel with Logue, Shel, Hitchcock and Frasier - who all authored the bulk of my "Top Ten" adventures list.

I'll be interested to see Lundeen on a chapter, he's written some sweet scenarios.

I too am sad at no Pett - him authoring a creepy Expedition to Barrier Peaks redux would've made me stand up and dance the ultimate AP dance.

Shel's has the best title so far. Brain Collectors!!!

Heh heh, thanks Wakedown, that would have been great fun, expedition was an awesome module.

Paizo know I'd always, always be delighted to take any part in any AP, even a my little pony one, but they rightly mix things up to keep everything fresh and fruity.

I can't wait to see what this great group of writers come up with, I have a feeling that this AP is going to be legendary, apart from Logue's bit:)


Mikaze wrote:
Might there be any haunted alien shipwrecks? ;)

Alien Ghosts makes me think of that Final Fantasy movie...

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
A few of the NPCs will probably utilize some Mythic rules, but the AP is for non-mythic PCs.
James Jacobs wrote:
This adventure path isn't about baby steps. It's about us pushing the boundaries after doing over a dozen other adventure paths, some of which have started to take those baby steps ("Rasputin Must Die") already. The time for baby steps is behind us! :-)

Enthusiasm falling... back on the fence.

James Jacobs wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Can't wait for this to come out!

How big is that spaceship? It looks like it's more X-wing size than Millenium Falcon size.

The central dome area is about 300 feet across.

...huh. I was seeing it as either a giant habitat thing containing a mountain, or a fighter-ship piloted by a hideous blob. 300 feet doesn't match either of those things, unless it's a really HUGE fighter piloted by a really HUGE hideous blob...

James Jacobs wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
(P.S. It's okay James, if there are no vegepygmies in Iron Gods I will be sad, only until I put them in myself. It's really the Mad Max stuff I'm also excited about….)
Not only are they in there... they're on a cover.

Ehrmagherd. [swoons]



[Sits bolt upright]
Hang on a minute. Please no v-p's like the one illustrated in the Bestiary. That one I am NOT a fan of. Besides the completely unnecessard dreads, he looks rather like a green skinned human zombie with fungal problems.

Purleeze return to the more vegetable/plant look of the S3 back cover/illo book versions. Or, just get Erol Otus back to do them... Extra points if teh vegegang are wearig hodge podge/tatterdemalion pieces of powered armor with the odd starship helmet or wielding lazor-blastorz as clubs...

[Sits even more upright and fixes tread with interest]
Hang on. What about thornies? I thought they were WotC property. Wassail! Keening! For the love of thornies!!!

Actually, I kind of prefer the vegepygmies with dreads. I think the Bestiary version looks better than older versions of them, which I felt looked silly.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Can't wait for this to come out!

How big is that spaceship? It looks like it's more X-wing size than Millenium Falcon size.

The central dome area is about 300 feet across.
...huh. I was seeing it as either a giant habitat thing containing a mountain, or a fighter-ship piloted by a hideous blob. 300 feet doesn't match either of those things, unless it's a really HUGE fighter piloted by a really HUGE hideous blob...

Or a really TINY mountain...

Odraude wrote:
Actually, I kind of prefer the vegepygmies with dreads. I think the Bestiary version looks better than older versions of them, which I felt looked silly.

Sacrilege!!!! Fill their sacs with.... rilege!!!

Fair enough Od. Each to their own. As long as you like veeps, you're a frond of mine. :)

They say most of the alien stuff will be from outside of the solar system but we still get some stuff from one or more of the other planets. I am really curious wich of golarion's other planet(s) will get some love. While I doubt we will actually go to any of the other planets in this one, it doesn't mean we will not meet anything from at least one of them.

ZanThrax wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
ZanThrax wrote:
I very much want the Divinity Drive to be a fantasy spaceship engine that's powered by Divine Magic. Perhaps a sort of throne-shaped device that can be installed on animal-shaped ships (especially shark shaped ones) which allows them to travel between planets.

Travelling at the speed of God has got to be a boon for interstellar travel. :)

I kind of suspect that there might be something along those lines, but that it's also referencing whatever is causing the apotheosis of the Iron Gods...

Oh, I'd be surprised if it's as simple as just recreating an old favorite in Pathfinder. I'm sure it's something much more creative (and probably disturbing) than that. Given how strongly Paizo has prioritized creating their own stuff over cloning the D&D IP I'd be almost disappointed if they did something as straightforward as recreating Spelljammer (in between overdosing on nostalgia).

Nothing I have seen or read so far about Iron Gods remotely brings to mind Spelljammer to me.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Manm it is going to taje every ounce of willpower I have not to read my copies wgen I get tgem. I *need* to play this.

Silver Crusade

Nate Z wrote:
Manm it is going to taje every ounce of willpower I have not to read my copies wgen I get tgem. I *need* to play this.

What did you say?

Paizo Employee

Really looking forward to this adventure path. Mixing sci-fi and fantasy isn't something I'd do personally, which is exactly why I'm happy Paizo's doing it. The last thing I want is a path that doesn't push my GMing in a new direction.

There are lots of good names here, but I think the one I'm most excited about is actually Crystal Fraiser.

The Harrowing did a great job of tackling a very abstract concept in the form of an open adventure with a good mix of combat and roleplaying. That's... literally word for word what I want with the last installment of this path, so I'm really excited to see what she comes up with.


Is there anything you guys can reveal that will have more tie-ins to Iron Gods or adventures set in Numeria? The only things I've heard of is the adventure path itself and a campaign setting book, which as I understand will be more about stuff for the GM rather than player options.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
xavier c wrote:
I am scared technology will replace magic in this AP

Don't be.

It augments magic. Magic still plays a key role in the AP.

Like a supercomputer powered AI with Wizard levels?

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