This is the End

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

This month the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path goes out with an epic bang. Throughout the course of this Adventure Path, the PCs rose to become some of the greatest heroes Golarion has seen. Will their mythic power be enough to finally seal the Worldwound or will the forces of the Abyss gain a greater control over the world? Tune in to Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts and see how Wrath of the Righteous ends.

Adam Daigle

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

Pretty sure that scythe will be a factor. Crits be nasty.

Bet he's got a bigger-than-average crit range with it too.

Is this post intended for next month's Adventure Path by chance? The product page for City of Locusts says it comes out at the end of February. I got an email from Paizo that Wrath of the Righteous 5 of 6 just shipped. Are you guys planning doing two shipments this month to have the 6th book ship out this month too? Just checking! :-)

Scarab Sages

They're releasing the blog posts early for some reason. The one for Herald was out way early this month and said 'out now!'

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

"For cryin' out loud, Seoni, how many times do I have to tell you not to use lightning bolt against demons? It doesn't work!"


That is one crazy looking scythe, and I'm glad to see Deskari is at least huge size and mean looking.

Now we shall have to see if the rules match the artwork.....

I'm pretty sure this was suppose to be the January release, and it got pushed back. #73 was released at GenCon. Searching the web, it looks like they missed their November release and everything else got pushed back.

It seems like every winter at least one product line is behind schedule, sometimes several. Generally they get back on track in the spring.

blog wrote:
Will their mythic power be enough to finally seal the Worldwound (?)

I don't see that happening. To many real-life products tied to it's existence. Why by book The Worldwound from Paizo if it no longer exists?

blog wrote:
will the forces of the Abyss gain a greater control over the world?

Doubtful. This has a small chance of happening. If they gained greater control then most the PC who played the AP failed. That leaves an open ended story that begs to be ended. There are too many other places on Golarion to be explored before devoting more time to the Worldwound.

Just My Thougths

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

Anybody want to take a bet that the party will be given a chance to help redeem Nocticula, by way of helping her ascend into non-evil godhood during this module? I think there have been some hints as to that along the way.

Grand Lodge

RainyDayNinja wrote:

"For cryin' out loud, Seoni, how many times do I have to tell you not to use lightning bolt against demons? It doesn't work!"


I bet mythic lightning bolts do.

magnuskn wrote:

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

** spoiler omitted **

I do wonder, but I'm not really willing to call that one. I think she enjoys her position too much to actually let that happen, but I suppose it is a possibility.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

TriOmegaZero wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:

"For cryin' out loud, Seoni, how many times do I have to tell you not to use lightning bolt against demons? It doesn't work!"


I bet mythic lightning bolts do.

But not against mythic immunity, right?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Close your eyes and count to ten.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aldarionn wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

** spoiler omitted **

I do wonder, but I'm not really willing to call that one. I think she enjoys her position too much to actually let that happen, but I suppose it is a possibility.

Moar Spoilers:
Eh, her endgame is godhood and she does grant spells to that heretic cult of worshippers, as laid out in The Midnight Isles. And she has been accumulating brownie points with good deities and we as GM's are supposed to take note whom of the PC's is smart enough to not take favors from her, which to me gives a little hint that those PC's have a higher chance of influencing her in this last module. Yeah, yeah, it's all conjecture, but it'd be pretty damn awesome and in the tone of this AP if players would get a chance to redeem a demon lord.
Grand Lodge

RainyDayNinja wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
RainyDayNinja wrote:

"For cryin' out loud, Seoni, how many times do I have to tell you not to use lightning bolt against demons? It doesn't work!"


I bet mythic lightning bolts do.
But not against mythic immunity, right?

Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.

magnuskn wrote:
Aldarionn wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

** spoiler omitted **

I do wonder, but I'm not really willing to call that one. I think she enjoys her position too much to actually let that happen, but I suppose it is a possibility.
** spoiler omitted **

You make excellent points. I will be eager to find out if that's the case, especially since....

At the end of Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth the players can call on Nocticula for aid against Baphomet if they are willing to damn themselves in the process. Whichever player does so ends up instantly Chaotic Evil, but the fact that she is will to directly aid agents of a Lawful Good deity speaks well for the possibility of her redemption

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Something to look forward to early next month. :D

Grand Lodge

Swiftbrook wrote:
blog wrote:
Will their mythic power be enough to finally seal the Worldwound (?)
I don't see that happening. To many real-life products tied to it's existence. Why by book The Worldwound from Paizo if it no longer exists?

Even if the Pcs could close the Worldwound to further incursions it would take centuries of work to repair the damage to Golarion and make The Worldwound obsolete.

Swiftbrook wrote:
blog wrote:
will the forces of the Abyss gain a greater control over the world?

Doubtful. This has a small chance of happening. If they gained greater control then most the PC who played the AP failed. That leaves an open ended story that begs to be ended. There are too many other places on Golarion to be explored before devoting more time to the Worldwound.

All of the demonic hordes trapped here when the Worldwound is sealed would just dig in for an extended siege. They would gain more control of the Worldwound but lose the ability to bring in reinforcements on demand. Perhaps the area that they control shrinks to those areas closer to the actual closed Worldwound where their will is absolute while the areas closer to the edges fall to the crusaders.

Even that scenario does not fix the damage done in a day. The evil of the Abyss has permeated the very essence of Golarion and the symptoms of that will ripple through the land for a long time. The Worldwound will continue to fester and the reclaimed lands will still be toxic for hundreds, if not, thousands of years. The demons have all the time in eternity to work their plots while the mortal races have an attention span of decades or centuries at the most.

This is how I will go about when I finally get a chance to run the AP.


My Bloodrager is very much looking forward to getting her hands on that scythe!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
MJinthePitt wrote:
My Bloodrager is very much looking forward to getting her hands on that scythe!

In the Lost Kingdoms book there is a chapter of Sarkoris that has a sythe like it you can wield.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Aldarionn wrote:

That is one crazy looking scythe, and I'm glad to see Deskari is at least huge size and mean looking.

Now we shall have to see if the rules match the artwork.....

Deskari is Gargantuan, hence the case incentive miniature for the set.

Swiftbrook wrote:

I'm pretty sure this was suppose to be the January release, and it got pushed back. #73 was released at GenCon. Searching the web, it looks like they missed their November release and everything else got pushed back.

It seems like every winter at least one product line is behind schedule, sometimes several. Generally they get back on track in the spring.

blog wrote:
Will their mythic power be enough to finally seal the Worldwound (?)

I don't see that happening. To many real-life products tied to it's existence. Why by book The Worldwound from Paizo if it no longer exists?

blog wrote:
will the forces of the Abyss gain a greater control over the world?

Doubtful. This has a small chance of happening. If they gained greater control then most the PC who played the AP failed. That leaves an open ended story that begs to be ended. There are too many other places on Golarion to be explored before devoting more time to the Worldwound.

Just My Thougths

Even if the PCs did close the Worldwound, that would only occur in that particular game, not all games, thus leaving The Worldwound a relevant product for many people. Plus, that book seems like something you'd want previous to running the Wrath of the Righteous campaign, not after its conclusion.

Daethor wrote:
Even if the PCs did close the Worldwound, that would only occur in that particular game, not all games, thus leaving The Worldwound a relevant product for many people.

What is the case, though, is that the Jeggare-and-Radovan novels, as well as PFS, may need to do something about picking an end for the WotR campaign, since the AP, PFS season and novel all tie in to the same event (Kenabres and the Wardstones going down).

It will be interesting to see how they treat it, or if they just decide to ultimately ignore it beyond this one specific crossover.

Dark Archive

magnuskn wrote:

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

** spoiler omitted **

That is much more likely to be an adventure path of it's own rather than a side plot of a single AP issue (and Paizo has been hinting towards this AP happening at some point through earlier products).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:

Since spoilers, this is spoilered.

** spoiler omitted **


I don't believe so, in the 5th module you get the chance to call on her in the optional final fight, but it is a CE action to do so.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Alleran wrote:
Daethor wrote:
Even if the PCs did close the Worldwound, that would only occur in that particular game, not all games, thus leaving The Worldwound a relevant product for many people.

What is the case, though, is that the Jeggare-and-Radovan novels, as well as PFS, may need to do something about picking an end for the WotR campaign, since the AP, PFS season and novel all tie in to the same event (Kenabres and the Wardstones going down).

It will be interesting to see how they treat it, or if they just decide to ultimately ignore it beyond this one specific crossover.

I suspect that the PCs (who are victorious) will seal the world wound, that doesn't mean that the environs around the world wound magically become nice, there will be decades of battle against the remnants, and for that the World Wound book would be plenty relevant.

The bigger issue is the PFS one, but it will just be a case of Season 3 Lantern Lodge missions, and Season 2, Shadow Lodge missions, which in the context of their retirement make little to no sense, but persist because we don't want to retire perfectly good modules. PFS already requires so suspension of disbelief, and will continue to do so.

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