Bestiary 4 Preview #4

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bestiary 4 will be hitting store shelves in the next week, ready to transform your game by adding a new host of deadly foes, cunning beasts, and cruel villains. For the past four weeks we have been examining some of the more interesting creatures in this book, from the adorable pipefox to the arm-wrenching Grendel. As our final look into this book, I thought I would take a moment to show off one of the truly titanic creatures you will find inside Bestiary 4. We wanted to include mythic creatures of different types in the book, but when it came to constructs, we had a real challenge coming up with a concept that was cool enough to be mythic. Enter the colossus, a construct so large, that it could change shape into another gigantic thing entirely. In this case, the stone colossus can turn into a fully functional castle!


Illustration by Damien Mammoliti

XP 204,800
N Colossal construct (colossus, mythic)
Init +11M; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura selective antimagic aura (30 ft.)


AC 31, touch 2, flat-footed 31 (+29 natural, –8 size)
hp 265 (21d10+150)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7
DR 10/epic; Immune construct traits


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 slams +32 (3d10+19/19–20) or
 stomp +32 (6d10+28 plus pinning stomp)
Ranged light ballista +13 (3d8/×3)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks mythic power (7/day, surge +1d10), mythic quickening, pinning stomp
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +16)
 3/day—wall of stone (DC 16)
 1/day—repulsion (DC 17)


Str 48, Dex 11, Con —, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +21; CMB +48 (+53 sunder); CMD 60 (65 vs. sunder)
Feats Cleave, Deadly AimM, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Improved InitiativeM, Improved SunderM, Improved Vital Strike, Point-Blank ShotM, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Vital Strike
Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +11
Languages Common
SQ alternate form, movable keep, mythic creation, mythic resilience, self repair, siege tower


Environment any land
Organization solitary or mobile fortification (1 plus 6–12 Medium humanoid archers)
Treasure none


Alternate Form (Ex) A stone colossus can take the form of a small keep as a full-round action. Its DR increases to 20/epic, and it gains fast healing 10. While in this form, the colossus cannot make melee attacks.

Movable Keep (Ex) In either form, a stone colossus holds up to 12 Medium creatures. Those on its ramparts gain cover. Any inside when it’s destroyed take 3d10+20 points of damage.

Selective Antimagic Aura (Su) Spells with the earth or force descriptor or that transmute or manipulate earth or stone are unaffected by this field.

Self Repair (Ex) A stone colossus can expend one use of mythic power as a swift action to gain fast healing 20 for 5 rounds.

Siege Tower (Ex) A stone colossus’s ballistae don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, and they reload themselves at the start of the colossus’s turn.

I am just giggling over the concept of a construct that can fire ballistae at you, or a keep that suddenly turns into a towering war machine. There has got to be an awesome adventure idea in there somewhere. Well, that about wraps up our look into Bestiary 4. We hope that you will give this monstrous tome a home at your game table.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Majuba wrote:
Zhangar wrote:
Edit: CR-wise, this guy's at base a CR 15 or 16 critter, and then its mythic abilities are supposed to provide the difference. So they do count into figuring its final CR.

Do they? I'm hardly an expert, but I thought Mythic Rating was added after, not included in Challenge Rating. Am I wrong?

In other words, is this supposed to be an average encounter for a 19th level part, or a 19th level party with an average of 7 Mystic Tiers each?

Edit: Oh, and it only looks about 40' tall to me, judging the Ballista as about 8' long.

In the playtest, tiers were separate, but it was confusing. The CR includes them in Bestiary 4. (On phone right now, or I'd find the link. I think they said it in the Grendel thread.

Yeah, Ross has it. Every two mythic tiers is worth approximately +1 ECL or CR. So a 16th level party with 6 mythic tiers is considered ECL 19.

Anyways, the stone colossus is CR 19, regardless of the party being mythic or not.

Zhangar wrote:

Yeah, Ross has it. Every two mythic tiers is worth approximately +1 ECL or CR. So a 16th level party with 6 mythic tiers is considered ECL 19.

Anyways, the stone colossus is CR 19, regardless of the party being mythic or not. that case, ouch. That also means its damage potential is insane.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

The_Hanged_Man wrote:
TOZ wrote:
I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.
The stats are on the low side. However, it has some sweet abilities. Does antimagic aura work the same as the spell? If so, shutting down magic items could be a big deal.

It does make it harder to overcome DR/Epic when your epic sword is suddenly just a bit of metal.

Ah - thanks Ross! You're the best. That does make it nicely formidable.

Zhangar wrote:

Yeah, Ross has it. Every two mythic tiers is worth approximately +1 ECL or CR. So a 16th level party with 6 mythic tiers is considered ECL 19.

Anyways, the stone colossus is CR 19, regardless of the party being mythic or not.

I thought you had to add the mythic tiers when it came down to facing normal PCs.

So he would be CR 22/23 against a normal PC party.

This is not how it works?

The Exchange

Nox Aeterna wrote:
Zhangar wrote:

Yeah, Ross has it. Every two mythic tiers is worth approximately +1 ECL or CR. So a 16th level party with 6 mythic tiers is considered ECL 19.

Anyways, the stone colossus is CR 19, regardless of the party being mythic or not.

I thought you had to add the mythic tiers when it came down to facing normal PCs.

So he would be CR 22/23 against a normal PC party.

This is not how it works?

No. A creature's CR is independent of it's mythic ranks, so that a CR 1 creature with 10 mythic ranks is still CR 1, for example. Think about it as if Paizo did the calculation for you and just wrote down the final CR in the monster entry itself.

Lord Snow wrote:
No. A creature's CR is independent of it's mythic ranks, so that a CR 1 creature with 10 mythic ranks is still CR 1, for example. Think about it as if Paizo did the calculation for you and just wrote down the final CR in the monster entry itself.

Really now? I could swear it was written in the mythic adventure i had to change the CR , will need to recheck that then lols.

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mythic Adventures wrote:

Step 1—Estimate its final CR. Knowing the intended CR of your new monster is critical. This target helps determine the starting power level for your monster in the later steps, and means you won’t have to reconfigure your monster if it’s too weak or too powerful. For example, you might want a CR 7 mythic monster to challenge a 5th-level mythic party.

Step 2—Determine its mythic rank (MR). Divide your final CR by 2.5 to get the approximate mythic rank of your monster. If the result is not a whole number, it just means you have some flexibility in choosing the MR. For example, if your final CR is 7, dividing that by 2.5 is 2.8, so your monster could be 2nd rank or 3rd rank. It’s generally easier to start with a lower MR—you can always increase the MR later if you need the monster to be a little more powerful.

Step 3—Determine its initial CR. Subtract half the MR from the final CR to get the initial CR. If the final CR is 7 and the MR is 2, half of 2 is 1, so the initial CR is 7 – 1 = 6.

Mythic Adventures wrote:
Step 7—Evaluate the monster at its final CR. Your monster’s final CR is its initial CR + 1/2 its MR (which should be close to your estimate from Step 1). If half the MR isn’t an even number, round down to get the monster’s final CR. Use Table 6–8: Monster Statistics by CR (see page 229) to evaluate whether the monster’s abilities are appropriately challenging for its final CR. If a creature’s mythic abilities complement its non-mythic abilities particularly well, that mythic creature may be too powerful for its final CR. If a creature’s mythic abilities don’t interact with its nonmythic abilities, that creature may be too weak for its final CR. If either of these situations occur, make adjustments to the monster so it better fits the intended CR.

The Final CR is what is shown in the Statblock, friends. This Colossus is CR 19 and was originally developed as a CR 16 before adding Mythic Stuff. The rules for Mythic Monster Creation begin on pg 224.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

If it's the same as in Mythic Adventures (I expect it is) then all of the creature's CRs include their mythic powers.

Mythic Adventures wrote:

To determine a mythic monster’s final CR, add half its mythic rank to its original CR. For example, a 2nd rank mythic owlbear’s final CR is 5 (2 × 1/2 + 4). See Designing Encounters in Chapter 4 for more details (see
page 128). All the monsters presented in this chapter use this typical MR value.

*edit* Ninjaed!

Liberty's Edge

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Here is what it made me think of... Good memories there.

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Imagine, a high-level party searching frantically for an old, abandoned castle once held by a lord of King Arthur's level of fame and strength. But they arrive too late! The most powerful fortress in the entire world becomes an animated colossus and is run by disgraceful little creatures such as goblins or troglodytes!

I really like this creature and the potential of its "Movable Keep" ability. It's a good way to bring back old, low-level antagonists that the party may have forgotten about...

Soooo... This is what Howl's Moving Castle would have looked like if it was set in Pathfinder Universe. : )

So... why's the ballista only at +13 when it has 21BAB? Am I missing something?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Colossal creatures have -8 size penalty to attack and ac.

Duh, thanks, I always forget that one.

Meh, nothing but a little dynamite can't fix

Ross Byers wrote:
The_Hanged_Man wrote:
TOZ wrote:
I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.
The stats are on the low side. However, it has some sweet abilities. Does antimagic aura work the same as the spell? If so, shutting down magic items could be a big deal.
It does make it harder to overcome DR/Epic when your epic sword is suddenly just a bit of metal.

The horror :-o

Silver Crusade

But where are the bathrooms?

Mikaze wrote:
But where are the bathrooms?

You can't see them in the picture. Imagine the back of the castle, now imagine a dozen windows back there, each with a wooden bench just outside it. Now imagine an oval hole in that wooden bench.

Voila, restrooms.

Mikaze wrote:
But where are the bathrooms?

I read that as "but how does it go to the bathroom" for some reason. I was thinking it was on a high mineral diet and crapped tons of boulders and its kaiju subtype in the toilet.

Man, I'd hate to see it pass a stone... yikes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Can't wait to see someone make a miniature for one of these with Hirst Arts!

Want one. Where can I buy it?

Frankthedm wrote:
Can't wait to see someone make a miniature for one of these with Hirst Arts!

Ooh hohoho, you just gave me an idea......

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Activate Interlocks
Dynatherms Connected
Infracells are UP!


*que music*

I imagine that later in the book when 5 of these come close together they turn into a CR30 MR10 construct. That's right the come to form MEGA ULTRA CASTLEZORD!!!!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Looking at the last two posts, I wonder again if it is an age thing on the Voltron/Power Rangers divide :P

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Matthew Morris wrote:
Looking at the last two posts, I wonder again if it is an age thing on the Voltron/Power Rangers divide :P


The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ross Byers wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:
Looking at the last two posts, I wonder again if it is an age thing on the Voltron/Power Rangers divide :P

*dry laugh*


I predate both. I remember Voltron as GoLion and was in Japan when it first aired. And I remember Power Rangers as Sentai shows...again in Japan during the era of Sun Vulcan. I knew the original season Power Rangers was actually ZuRangers as soon as I saw it.

I just thought using Voltron would be funny.

If I had my Druthers, I'd make a GaoGaiGar joke about castles and balista combining to make a mecha...but alas few are as hard core mecha junkies as I.

Even had DaiClone and Microman toys before Tankara/Hasbro rebranded them as Transformers.

This could be used as a neat bit of tinkering to Clash of the Kingslayers.

Grand Lodge

Can it combine with other stone colossi?

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