Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play: Guide 5.0 and Changes to Organized Play

Monday, August 5, 2013

With Gen Con just 10 days away, I wanted to release the new and improved Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play today so everyone has an opportunity to review it and discuss it before Gen Con. With the help of the Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants, we have added several much-needed changes that we think will improve your experiences in Pathfinder Society play.

Most notably, the following changes will go into effect on August 15 when Season Five kicks off at Gen Con:

There are quite a few other updates and you should reference the change log for a detailed list of all changes from version 4.3 to 5.0.

I look forward to seeing folks at Gen Con and am looking forward to an even more awesome campaign in the upcoming Year of the Demon. I sincerely appreciate everyone who provided feedback for the changes to the Guide and worked together to make our organized play the best it can be for the player base, GMs, coordinators, and Venture-Officers. Feel free to pull me aside at Gen Con to chat about any or all of the above changes.

Mike Brock
Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

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Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

teribithia9 wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
One thing that did not get noted in the Changelog is the very last page. There is now an inventory tracking form. This should make optional GM audits much easier.

What's more, there's far more space to write in your purchases, track expendables, and purchase as much or as little between scenarios as you need. When you fill up one Inventory Tracker, just print out a new one.

Using this sheet as a supplement to Chronicle sheets opens up some extra space on the Chronicle sheets, giving me considerably more room to add cool rewards such as new items and boons (or, in the case of Adventure Path/Module sanctioning, lots of room to pack in all of the goodies that come with the territory). The notes section on most Chronicle sheets (space permitting) also allows players and GMs alike to write in notes of accomplishments, goals, and other important and fun trivia.

Hmmmm...this is a very nice inventory sheet, but I have to ask---what if you've already been tracking things on an inventory sheet? Do you really have to copy them all over onto the new sheet or can you just get a GM to initial off on your old sheet and switch to the new one the next time you fill it up?

Just have the GM initial and switch when you fill up a sheet.

The Exchange 2/5

That's actually an awesome suggestion, Lady Ophelia--thanks.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Lady Ophelia wrote:



Thanks Master Kyle!!!

Grand Lodge 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Why are there no Kingdom of Zog faction goals? *confused*

Grand Lodge

Michael Brock wrote:
Progdock wrote:

I'm wondering, for GM stars/replaying scenarios:

I become a 1 star GM, and opt to replay a scenario. Later, I become a 2 star GM: can I then replay 2 scenarios, for a total of 3 replayed? Or will I only be able to replay 1 additional scenario once I get 2 stars. Does this make sense?

You would only be able to replay one additional scenario for each star you earn. So in your example, if you had already replayed one scenario, and then gained a second star, you would earn one additional replay.

Thank you Michael, that makes a lot of sense and it's a great addition to the game. Thank you for everything you do!

Shadow Lodge

Adapting Seasons 0–4 wrote:
Seasons 1 and 2 (Scenarios #29–#56 and #2–01 through #2–26): Completing the overall scenario goal in these scenarios awards 2 Prestige Points.

This seems to imply that for scenarios from these two seasons, the faction missions are being removed, but season zero, three, and four scenarios are getting no such treatment.

Is this intentional, or was this a typo?

The Exchange 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
John Compton wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
One thing that did not get noted in the Changelog is the very last page. There is now an inventory tracking form. This should make optional GM audits much easier.

What's more, there's far more space to write in your purchases, track expendables, and purchase as much or as little between scenarios as you need. When you fill up one Inventory Tracker, just print out a new one.

Using this sheet as a supplement to Chronicle sheets opens up some extra space on the Chronicle sheets, giving me considerably more room to add cool rewards such as new items and boons (or, in the case of Adventure Path/Module sanctioning, lots of room to pack in all of the goodies that come with the territory). The notes section on most Chronicle sheets (space permitting) also allows players and GMs alike to write in notes of accomplishments, goals, and other important and fun trivia.

Hmmmm...this is a very nice inventory sheet, but I have to ask---what if you've already been tracking things on an inventory sheet? Do you really have to copy them all over onto the new sheet or can you just get a GM to initial off on your old sheet and switch to the new one the next time you fill it up?
Just have the GM initial and switch when you fill up a sheet.

Thank you, Mike!

1/5 **

Forgot to mention -- love the cover.


Lady Ophelia wrote:
What I plan to do with this inventory sheet, is to attach it to the Chronicle sheets! If they purchase anything during/before/after on the chronicle sheet then it goes with that said chronicle. Now how they want to keep it after that, is up to the player. But if an audit takes place, the player can show the GM where everyhing came from, just from their chronicle sheets attached to the master chronicle. I may make copies of it on both sides. :D

What about printing it on the back of the chronicle sheets?


6 people marked this as a favorite.
Garble Facechomper wrote:
Why are there no Kingdom of Zog faction goals? *confused*

The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belzken to do as they like with the remnants.

Grand Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Decemvirate wrote:
The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belzken to do as they like with the remnants.


Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kyle Baird wrote:
Lady Ophelia wrote:
What I plan to do with this inventory sheet, is to attach it to the Chronicle sheets! If they purchase anything during/before/after on the chronicle sheet then it goes with that said chronicle. Now how they want to keep it after that, is up to the player. But if an audit takes place, the player can show the GM where everyhing came from, just from their chronicle sheets attached to the master chronicle. I may make copies of it on both sides. :D
What about printing it on the back of the chronicle sheets?

I meant putting on the back of Chronicle Sheets! But I know some people who are purists, and don't want their chronicle sheets all messed up with stuff on the back.. So for the older seasons, I'm going to attach it, but for Season 5 and on, I'm going to make a copy on the back. I also need extras now too for other GM's/Players.

Scarab Sages 5/5

The Decemvirate wrote:
The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belkzen to do as they like with the remnants.

I find it strange that a territory in western River Kingdoms would be turned over to Belkzen...


Dr. Fraz Finkleton wrote:
The Decemvirate wrote:
The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belkzen to do as they like with the remnants.
I find it strange that a territory in western River Kingdoms would be turned over to Belkzen...

No one else was interested and Belzken has been looking to expand to that region so they can be part of Pathfinder Online ;-)

Liberty's Edge 5/5 **

Awesome. We finally have retraining.

Thanks a lot Mike and whoever else had a hand in it.


The Decemvirate wrote:
so they can be part of Pathfinder Online ;-)

And now I need a new keyboard...

Shadow Lodge

I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, so I will:

They cleared up the wording on pregen credit, allowing you to apply higher level pregen chronicles that are reduced down to 500gp to ANY first level character, not just newly-created ones.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feral wrote:

Awesome. We finally have retraining.

Thanks a lot Mike and whoever else had a hand in it.

You are welcome. It is what is best for the campaign.

And as a point of clarification before it is asked by someone, Ultimate Campaign will be added to Additional Reaources on Aug. 14 to include a line referencing the Guide for retraining, as well as making almost all traits legal.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.
SCPRedMage wrote:

I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, so I will:

They cleared up the wording on pregen credit, allowing you to apply higher level pregen chronicles that are reduced down to 500gp to ANY first level character, not just newly-created ones.

That is correct. No need to restrict it to newly created, 1st level characters.

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
Feral wrote:

Awesome. We finally have retraining.

Thanks a lot Mike and whoever else had a hand in it.

You are welcome. It is what is best for the campaign.

And as a point of clarification before it is asked by someone, Ultimate Campaign will be added to Additional Reaources on Aug. 14 to include a line referencing the Guide for retraining, as well as making almost all traits legal.


Now we just need more RP adventures, and I need a Vishkanya character boon, then my PFS life will be complete.

Andrew Christian wrote:

To limit the amount of retraining for power-mongering reasons.

But people who make powerful characters wont need retraining?

I am confused here, I thought it already had a cost? Does that cost not limit retraining enough? Why not?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Is there any way to retrain traits?


Lady Ophelia wrote:
I need a Vishkanya character boon

I dare you to make a Vishkanya Paladin. Don't bleed or spit on anyone!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
CWheezy wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:

To limit the amount of retraining for power-mongering reasons.

But people who make powerful characters wont need retraining?

I am confused here, I thought it already had a cost? Does that cost not limit retraining enough? Why not?

If you don't like the cost of retraining, you always have the option to not retrain.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:
Lady Ophelia wrote:
I need a Vishkanya character boon
I dare you to make a Vishkanya Paladin. Don't bleed or spit on anyone!

Yeahh.. No. I am going Oracle Dark Tapestry or Summoner.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
Feral wrote:

Awesome. We finally have retraining.

Thanks a lot Mike and whoever else had a hand in it.

You are welcome. It is what is best for the campaign.

And as a point of clarification before it is asked by someone, Ultimate Campaign will be added to Additional Reaources on Aug. 14 to include a line referencing the Guide for retraining, as well as making almost all traits legal.

And, now I'm speculating on what traits aren't going to be legal (besides the old ones that weren't legal to begin with).

*prays that the luck bonus trait is legal, although preparing to be let down on Aug. 14th*

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Is there any way to retrain traits?

The Ultimate Campaign allows for Racial Traits to be retrained. It doesn't include any other types of trait retraining.


Did the APL calculations change in regards to playing up vs down? There is no choice now.

Between Tiers 4 players = down
Between Tiers 5+ Players = up @ 4 player difficulty.

Kyle Baird wrote:
If you don't like the cost of retraining, you always have the option to not retrain.

Thanks for answering all the questions in my post!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
CWheezy wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
If you don't like the cost of retraining, you always have the option to not retrain.
Thanks for answering all the questions in my post!

Ain't nobody got time for that!


I like just about everything in the new Guide (less the retraining bits), but I do see *one* semi-corner case problem with new sub-tier rules. Specifically, for pre-season 4 scenarios:

Guide 5.0 wrote:

For scenarios written in Seasons 0 to 3, when the APL is in between subtiers, a party of six or seven characters must play the higher subtier. Parties with four or five characters must play the lower subtier. In the fringe case where there are no players that are high enough to have reached the subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd level characters), the group may decide to play down to the lower subtier.

I get that this is a "we have to draw the line somewhere" thing, but I think the line needs to be drawn at 4 players (which would align it with the Season 4+ rule), or a slight change is needed.

4 players, two L.3, two L.4. APL is 3.5 -> 4, they must play up.
5 players, three L.3, two L.4. APL is 3.4 -> 3, they must play down. The stronger table gets the reversed requirement.

Exploring the opposite side of this, but wanted to get this posted...

Edit: So, the opposite end of this would be something like this:

  • 4 players, two L.3, two L.2. APL is 2.5 -> 3, must play down.
  • 5 players, three L.3, two L.2. APL is 2.6 -> 3, must play down.
  • 6 players, three L.3, three L.2, APL is 2.5 -> 3, must play up (except for "if no one is in the sub-tier" rule). 2,2,2,2,3,4 would have to play up.

    Swapping to 5 players playing up, the 5 player above could still choose to play down (no one in sub-tier rule). However a table of 2,2,2,3,4 (APL 2.6) would have to play up. That does seem a bit onerous, but forcing 3,3,3,4,4 to play down does as well. Ideas?

  • Scarab Sages 4/5

    Lab_Rat wrote:

    Did the APL calculations change in regards to playing up vs down? There is no choice now.

    Between Tiers 4 players = down
    Between Tiers 5+ Players = up @ 4 player difficulty.

    That looks to be correct for season 4 and 5. For 0-3, if the APL is in the middle, 6 or 7 players play up, 4-5 play down.

    One other important change, when calculating the APL you no longer add 1 in seasons 0-3 for a 6 or 7 player table. So a party of 6 2nd level characters plays 1-2 not 3-4 in a 1-7, and they have no option to play 4-5 in a 1-5. Assuming 1-7s still exist, since they aren't referenced in this version of the guide.

    Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I'm not sure I understand this:

    Unless noted otherwise in this guide, everything contained in the Core Rulebook (except artifacts, evil items, and intelligent items) and Pathfinder Society Field Guide is legal for Pathfinder Society play.

    So the Field Guide is not in the Core Assumption, but everything in it is legal anyways? Or is that a typo?

    (Sorry if this was answered elsewhere.)

    Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

    hogarth wrote:

    Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I'm not sure I understand this:

    Unless noted otherwise in this guide, everything contained in the Core Rulebook (except artifacts, evil items, and intelligent items) and Pathfinder Society Field Guide is legal for Pathfinder Society play.

    So the Field Guide is not in the Core Assumption, but everything in it is legal anyways? Or is that a typo?

    (Sorry if this was answered elsewhere.)

    I forgot to hit save after removing PFS Field Guide from that sentence. I will clean it up for the next guide.

    Shadow Lodge

    Michael Brock wrote:
    SCPRedMage wrote:

    I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, so I will:

    They cleared up the wording on pregen credit, allowing you to apply higher level pregen chronicles that are reduced down to 500gp to ANY first level character, not just newly-created ones.

    That is correct. No need to restrict it to newly created, 1st level characters.

    Agreed; it's an awesome change.

    Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

    SCPRedMage wrote:
    hogarth wrote:

    Maybe I'm overthinking things, but I'm not sure I understand this:

    Unless noted otherwise in this guide, everything contained in the Core Rulebook (except artifacts, evil items, and intelligent items) and Pathfinder Society Field Guide is legal for Pathfinder Society play.

    So the Field Guide is not in the Core Assumption, but everything in it is legal anyways? Or is that a typo?

    (Sorry if this was answered elsewhere.)


    Additional Resources page wrote:

    Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide

    All rules in this book are legal for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, and this book is considered part of the Core Assumption.

    I imagine once this new Guide becomes effective, everything after the comma will be removed.

    It will when Additional Resources updates on Aug 14.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

    Michael Brock wrote:
    BigNorseWolf wrote:
    Is there any way to retrain traits?
    The Ultimate Campaign allows for Racial Traits to be retrained. It doesn't include any other types of trait retraining.

    Maybe next year we'll get some way for people who took magical traits while magical knack was banned to swap them over. Nothing for now.

    I can't think of anything else I didn't like!

    Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

    thistledown wrote:
    Michael Brock wrote:
    BigNorseWolf wrote:
    Is there any way to retrain traits?
    The Ultimate Campaign allows for Racial Traits to be retrained. It doesn't include any other types of trait retraining.

    Maybe next year we'll get some way for people who took magical traits while magical knack was banned to swap them over. Nothing for now.

    I can't think of anything else I didn't like!

    I agree; my only problem with the new Guide is the inability to retrain traits. EDIT: And it's worth noting the that's more of an issue with Ultimate Campaign than with the Guide.

    Also, I, like several other posters, am not sure how to adapt the new prestige system for season 0-4 scenarios. It says that you can play the faction missions for "extra flavor," but it doesn't say what kind of success conditions they're replaced by.

    Scarab Sages 2/5

    I think it would be nice to add a short section about the new inventory tracking sheet that explains a few things.

    1. Is it mandatory (I assume so, and I like it, but might be nice to be 100% explicit on this point)

    2. Detail a procedure for making existing PCs conform to it.

    For example, is it OK to take everything that a PC currently has and list it on the sheet marking off used wand charges, etc... or must we go back to chronicle #1 for each PC and add items to the inventory tracking sheet as if we had been using it all along? Can any PF GM sign it, or does it have to be the GM at our next session after Aug 15?

    I am thinking back to the 3.0 to 3.5 conversions in LG, and the switch from the first set of splat books to the Complete series of splat books, both of which prompted the LG campaign to do rebuilds and the introduction of the Magic Item Logsheets. Those transitions were handled pretty well.

    I like this new sheet and think it is a great idea, but I suggest a definitive section on how to deploy it for existing characters.


    Is there an issue with the language for Slow progression on earlier seasons, or am I just missing something:

    Guide, pg. 32 wrote:
    Similarly, a Pathfinder using the slow advancement track may only earn a maximum of 1 Prestige Point for completing both mission objectives: 1/2 for the faction mission and 1/2 for the completion of the scenario.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

    Illeist wrote:
    thistledown wrote:
    Michael Brock wrote:
    BigNorseWolf wrote:
    Is there any way to retrain traits?
    The Ultimate Campaign allows for Racial Traits to be retrained. It doesn't include any other types of trait retraining.

    Maybe next year we'll get some way for people who took magical traits while magical knack was banned to swap them over. Nothing for now.

    I can't think of anything else I didn't like!

    I agree; my only problem with the new Guide is the inability to retrain traits. EDIT: And it's worth noting the that's more of an issue with Ultimate Campaign than with the Guide.

    Also, I, like several other posters, am not sure how to adapt the new prestige system for season 0-4 scenarios. It says that you can play the faction missions for "extra flavor," but it doesn't say what kind of success conditions they're replaced by.

    The overall "success conditions" for the scenario now dictate how prestige is gained in season 0-4 scenarios.

    I really like everything I see about the new guide. Great job guys!

    Although maybe because it's late and I'm tired, but what exactly does the "Character Chronicle #:" mean? Is that saying that only one inventory sheet applies to each chronicle sheet?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

    Michael Brock wrote:
    bugleyman wrote:

    Love the inventory tracking form.

    Regarding GM star replay: Page 20 states that "The
    GM Star Replay Credits renew each year on the first day of
    Pathfinder Society events at Gen Con." However, previous message board posts seemed to indicate this was not the case. Can we safely assume the guide is authoritative?


    Let me make a retraction here please. As John had mentioned when I was in Europe, we will see how it goes this season. If everything plays out ok, then we will consider leaving that language in the Guide. If there are problems, we reserve the right to change or remove this new GM reward. I had put the current language in the Guide before I left for Europe.

    After discussing with John for the blog a few weeks back, we decided we were going to try it as a lifetime limit of one per star. In another year, we could decide whether or not it should be once per star per season. I just forgot to adjust the language in the Guide to reflect that when I got back from Europe.

    So, when the Guide is updated, the above text will be changed to reflect such and we will decide at a later time if it should be expanded to every year or remain a lifetime limit.

    My apologies for any confusion that caused. This is also a reason I have this published 10 days before a season starts. It lets the community help us catch and correct mistakes in the new Guide before it goes into effect.

    Scarab Sages 4/5

    Mike Bramnik wrote:
    The overall "success conditions" for the scenario now dictate how prestige is gained in season 0-4 scenarios.

    Right, but what does that mean? Does that mean that you get 2 prestige for accomplishing the single goal defined as succeeding in those mission in the past? Or is a second success condition going to be published for each scenario?

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    Michael Brock wrote:
    My apologies for any confusion that caused.

    So orcs not taking over Zog?


    Ferious Thune wrote:
    Mike Bramnik wrote:
    The overall "success conditions" for the scenario now dictate how prestige is gained in season 0-4 scenarios.
    Right, but what does that mean? Does that mean that you get 2 prestige for accomplishing the single goal defined as succeeding in those mission in the past? Or is a second success condition going to be published for each scenario?

    They get 1 point for their faction mission per normal. They get another point for listening to the Venture Captain and doing what they say.


    Hobbun wrote:

    I really like everything I see about the new guide. Great job guys!

    Although maybe because it's late and I'm tired, but what exactly does the "Character Chronicle #:" mean? Is that saying that only one inventory sheet applies to each chronicle sheet?

    In the top corner of the chronicle sheets is a scenario chronicle # box. You are suppose to number the sheets in the order you apply them to your character. First sheet is #1, next sheet applied is #2, etc.

    When the Inventory sheet asks for a character chronicle #, you put the scenario chronicle # from the chronicle that notes the transaction in the appropriate box on the inventory sheet.

    The Exchange 2/5

    Chapter 8 - Regional Coordinators......
    I have noticed a few things here. I don't know if these were deliberate or accidental but I thought I'd mention them.
    Global—Online Play: This is listed in the USA section of the list. Shouldn't it be international?
    Dave Harrison and Rob Silk were listed as United Kingdom last year. They are listed as just England in the new release - what happened to the rest of the UK?
    Belfast and Newtownabbey are in Northern Ireland (Part of the UK)
    Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland (or Eire)

    Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

    Nidome wrote:

    Chapter 8 - Regional Coordinators......

    I have noticed a few things here. I don't know if these were deliberate or accidental but I thought I'd mention them.
    Global—Online Play: This is listed in the USA section of the list. Shouldn't it be international?
    Dave Harrison and Rob Silk were listed as United Kingdom last year. They are listed as just England in the new release - what happened to the rest of the UK?
    Belfast and Newtownabbey are in Northern Ireland (Part of the UK)
    Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland (or Eire)

    You are correct about Global - Online Play should be under International. I will get that fixed.

    I list VC titles by what the VC or VL wishes to have their title read.

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