The Decemvirate

The Decemvirate's page

38 posts. Alias of Michael Brock.



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Oh, I know!

4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

The Fox wrote:

I want more factories in PFS!

All your factories are belong to us.


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The Fox wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
The Fox wrote:

Dang it, Mike! You edited your post just as I was about to reply to it.

I want more factories in PFS!

Sorry. I didn't want to be perceived as getting prickly or having some kind of tone in my voice or anything else when just simply want to have an interesting conversation.
Speaking of prickly, where are all of the cacti in PFS? I want me some cacti!

All your cacti are belong to us.


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Dorian, the Grey wrote:

He shall live a very long time inside a certain mirror we house at the top of Skyreach Tower.


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Sior wrote:

EDIT - Dammit, ninja'd by the Decemvirate...

We didn't say a blasted thing.

However, since you asked,

SEPIA SNAKE SIGIL followed by EXPLOSIVE RUNES and your stupid Grand Master Torch can't do anything about it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (just to fulfill the 25 word count ;-)


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*Opens the office door in the tower*


*Shakes Head*


*Opens mouth to say something*

*Closes mouth*


*Closes the office door in the tower*


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MrSin wrote:

As a rule, I don't join any organization that says I have to wear a mask and I'm not allowed to tell anyone how great I am.

Then why are you still here? We sure didn't invite you. You came of your own free will. Feel free to leave when you like and don't let the door hit you where the good gods split you.


Who're you callin' cagey?


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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Someone get the adamantine straightjacket! The Nightmare Scenario is happening!

Good thing some naive Pathfinders just dropped off a Potion of Dragon Control (all)

Back in your cave lizard! Go eat a goblin. There are about 14 more of them running around here somewhere.



Michael Brock wrote:
The Decemvirate wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
xebeche wrote:

I hope after a couple of years of this Mike is able to shake off the ridiculousness and press on. Otherwise the community would drive one coordinator insane after another.
There is ridiculousness going on somewhere?!?!?! WTH? Where is it? I am about to go off!!!!!!
Me too
No you're not. Go back to your hole before I make it "The Nine".

D'oh. Here is a Dogslicer Ale. Sorry.


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Michael Brock wrote:
xebeche wrote:

I hope after a couple of years of this Mike is able to shake off the ridiculousness and press on. Otherwise the community would drive one coordinator insane after another.
There is ridiculousness going on somewhere?!?!?! WTH? Where is it? I am about to go off!!!!!!

Me too


Dr. Fraz Finkleton wrote:
The Decemvirate wrote:
The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belkzen to do as they like with the remnants.
I find it strange that a territory in western River Kingdoms would be turned over to Belkzen...

No one else was interested and Belzken has been looking to expand to that region so they can be part of Pathfinder Online ;-)


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Garble Facechomper wrote:
Why are there no Kingdom of Zog faction goals? *confused*

The kingdom has been eradicated and turned over to Belzken to do as they like with the remnants.


This so called "breach" has been fully investigated. Nothing to see here. Off to your next mission. I believe Bonekeep is calling to you.....


Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:

sneaks in and splashes glitter to make everyone happy again

spies Mike ... and makes sure he's glitter-free {decemvirate is all forboding, black and emptyish looking .. not sparkly and glittery and happy} ....

No, this is foreboding, black, and emptyish looking

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We shall keep our eyes on this group. They have drawn our......interest.


Lialda Longsorrow wrote:

So the Decemvirate and our Venture Captains pissed me off by sending me around the world to save hapless Pathfinders that they mistakenly sent in the first place, only to insult me in the process?

I finally have enough of that, join the Shadow Lodge to do what needs to be done, only to find out they are more interested in training goblins and are even LESS competent than Hestram was. Then the wise and all-knowing Torch decides to go an make nice with the Society. WTH?

I said screw that and went with an organization that actually had some bite to its bark, the Aspis Consortium. Well I was glad, until they sent me into that stupid magical curtain (or whatever the hell it was) to go talk with some ratfolk. Ratfolk! That's almost as bad as goblins.

"Here Lialda, go an protect our 'finest' agents as they journey to the center of Round Mountain." Whatever. Piece of cake. Just another walk in the (under)park... until those stupid <redacted> dropped 10 tons of rock on my head. Now I'm all dead and stuff. What a waste that was. Maybe somebody will find my body and use my stuff to kill something cool. At least that would make my life and death have some meaning.

Anyway, I say down with them all! Screw the factions! Nothing but a bunch of egomaniacs with Aroden complexes. Get the lobbyists out of Absalom and maybe the Decemvirate can focus on getting some real work done!

*goes back to her emo afterlife*



Genome De Nhom wrote:
Without the Grand Prince's wisdom, the Society would not even exist. The Decemvirate should think very carefully before they decide they no longer require the good graces of the only man keeping those dirty desert rats to the east from invading Absalom. Their kind doesn't understand the the value of a Society and all the knowledge collected within.

We are thinking carefully. It is true that your "Grand Prince" helped with the founding of our Society, however, if its members have become weak and their influence less than memorable, it may be time to send them off with to the very desert rats they think they have kept from invading the glorious city of Absalom.


Daisuke Intonjutsu wrote:
I would invite the Decemvirate to the Pedal District so we can "discuss" this insinuation that the Lady Nai Yan Fei's influence within the Society may no longer be welcomed.

We have more important matters to attend to than your silly discussion,

Bearded Ben wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Maybe the Society will one day open a museum to show off all items recovered...maybe not.
Maybe the Society will be better at running a non-deadly museum than the Blakroses...maybe not.

I've heard no complaints from citizens or no reports of deaths of Blakros family members inside the museum itself. Should I send a group of my Pathfinders to your residence to take a .... "report"?


Damon Blackhand wrote:
The Decemvirate wrote:

We know who the next agent that will dissappear will be. We have foreseen it.

Agents who think they know more than they should are brought In for......questioning.....

And this is why we must continue to investigate the Decemvirate, and know as much about them as possible.


*rolls eyes* *yawns* Yes, investigate the next tomb your Venture-Captain sends you to. Ensure your report arrives in a timely manner. *yawn*

And the shadowy figure in the other corner continues to listen on......


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nosig wrote:

(Anyone else keep reading the title of this thread as "Enemies of the State"?)

A note on dragons.
How about a dragon VC? think about it. PFS is always gathering achient treasures and locking them away somewhere in a vault, so that they can be "studied". WOW... maybe one (or more) of the 10 is a Dragon.

We know who the next agent that will dissappear will be. We have foreseen it.

Agents who think they know more than they should are brought In for......questioning.....

There are no ploys *rolls eyes*

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Very well, the next time you need to purchase an item from our vaults to aide in your mission, your slanderous words WILL be remembered.

If it is the errands that bother you, speak to your faction "leader." It seems the both of you are cut from the same mold.

Know that all missions we send you upon are for the betterment of the Society....nay, all of Golarion.

All 10 of us!


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We want all of our Pathfinders to be as prepared as possible before their next adventure for us. Besides, Kreighton's vault is overflowing -- something we might need to remedy at the Grand Convocation...hmmmm... Anyways, ill prepared adventurers aren't able to bring more cool items.....err....needed research back to our hold.

So, after you have finished your adventure and before you report your adventures, please feel free to take the necessary steps to scribe a scroll to a spelbook, commit it to your familiars, memory, scribe it into your alchemical book, or what have you. Just remember to have the proper supply of writing utensils, ink, etc... for the job.


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Cledwyn the Steadfast wrote:
Oh, Ambrus, while you're here: do any of the Ten have food allergies I should be aware of, especially nut or wheat?

No we do not. We enjoy both nut and wheat, especially if it is brewed to perfection.


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noswald wrote:
The Decemvirate wrote:
We can not advise whether motivation is needed. We wish to keep Grand Master Torch in our .... good graces. Do what you think best as a faction head.
Since when is The Decemvirate only a 4-star. I figured they would be a 6-star because they are so special. :P

We could give ourselves 12 stars if we wanted to and do it right now. However, in the feel good world of today, where Grand Master Torch feels all Pathfinders should be equal among each other, we didn't want to see the people who have obtained five stars cry.


We can not advise whether motivation is needed. We wish to keep Grand Master Torch in our .... good graces. Do what you think best as a faction head.