Don't Need Be No Sissy Bard, Get You Promo Goblin Card!

Friday, July 26, 2013

The release of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is just a few weeks off, bringing the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path to your game table in an entirely new way. Of course you can expect murderous cultists, inbred ogres, armies of giants, slithery seductresses, ancient dungeons, and all the rest of the deadly monsters and evil schemes that make Rise of the Runelords one of the greatest fantasy adventures ever. But I know what you're really waiting for: more goblins... and by extent, more goblin songs.

Yeah, we've got those.

In fact, we've got a whole brand of special promo cards designed to link into the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, each one adding a new goblinly piece of equipment, blessing, spell, creature, or half-sane something to your game. Each one also includes a brand-new goblin song that James and I threw together, so you know that what you're getting is 100% legit, goblin-approved noisemaking. Just check out a few of these promo cards and the goblin hits included on each.

We've made a total of 8 promo cards for Rise of the Runelords. The Fire Sneeze card will debut at Gen Con, and will also be available at major PFS events throughout the year. Dance with Squealy Nord will be released in the November 2013 issue of Game Trade magazine. The remaining six will be sent to retailers, one every two months starting in August, matching our bimonthly release schedule for the Base Set and follow-up Adventure Decks. We'll also be inserting them into randomly selected orders during the month that they're available at retail.

But if you'd like to make sure you get your hands on all of them, subscribe to the Adventure Card Game! Each subscription shipment will include the cards associated with that month's release, so Fire Sneeze and the August promo card, Poog of Zarongel, will go out with the Base Set next month; the October promo card, Blessing of Zarongel, will go out with The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck in October, and so on. So make sure your raspiest singing voice is good and out of tune and get ready to make some noise with the goblins of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, marching on your game store this August!

F. Wesley Schneider

Note: This blog originally announced the ship date of the Squealy Nord promo card as September. It has been updated with the correct shipping date for the Squealy Nord promo card, which will arrive with the November issue of Game Trade magazine, and will ship to subscribers in December.
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords
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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Nathaniel Gousset wrote:
Thanks for teasing us, european, that couldn't access thoses shinies because of over-inflated shipping rates and boundaries taxes.

See 5 posts above yours.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I'm having the tech team issue a correction on the blog. The Squealy Nord card is in the November 2013 issue of Game Trade magazine.

sara marie

Nathaniel Gousset wrote:
Thanks for teasing us, european, that couldn't access thoses shinies because of over-inflated shipping rates and boundaries taxes.

This is not true for all Europeans. I am in the Netherlands, and I received my Character Add-On deck on August 31st, including the two promo cards.

I paid 16.69 EURO for that including shipping. I will not be surprised if most shops ask 19.95 EURO for the add-on deck and adventures. Now I just need to wait until my FLGS gets the big box. Estimated delivery: this Thursday.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

tim töppel wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:

For international customers, who wish to start with the Character Add on Deck:

Because of the way the subscription system works, the option isn't going to come up on the website for starting with the character add on deck. However, when the option for starting with the first Adventure Deck shows up on the subscription page, start with that issue and email customer service and we will be happy to manually add the character add on deck as part of the subscription if you wish. This way you get your 20% discount off the cover price—and the promo cards!

So as an international customer (live in Germany) I can just start the subscription with Character Deck/Adventure Deck 2 and will get all the promos, including the GenCon and GameTrade Magazine ones?

If you say yes, I will subcribe in the same moment :)

If you have your character add on deck shipped now (and don't wait have it shipped with the first adventure deck) you should get both promo cards.

Liberty's Edge Digital Products Assistant

The blog entry has been updated to correct the month when you will find Squealy Nord in the pages of your Game Trade.

I disapprove of the title of this blog.

I just subscribed starting with Adventure Pack 2 as I already have the base set and character add-on. I got Poog from my local game shop already so my understanding is that I will get every promo except for Fire Sneeze because I've missed it already? Is that correct? Any other way to get Fire Sneeze? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fire Sneeze is our convention promo card for the entire year. We don't have a firm schedule for the places it will appear, though, or even when it will appear next.

Silver Crusade

ralsar wrote:
I just subscribed starting with Adventure Pack 2 as I already have the base set and character add-on. I got Poog from my local game shop already so my understanding is that I will get every promo except for Fire Sneeze because I've missed it already? Is that correct? Any other way to get Fire Sneeze? Thanks.

I'm wondering this too as I've started my sub with Adventure Pack 2. Any chance all current promos will be stuffed in the shipment in October? I didn't have the funds to make it to Gencon. :(

@Vic Wertz: Please confirm that if I subscribe now, starting with the Base Set + Character add on, that I will still get the Fire Sneeze and the August promo card, Poog of Zarongel. Thanks.

I would suggest sending an email to Customer Support on this type of stuff. They are great and can answer the question specifically for you as opposed to a general world announcement. They always work hard to help you with what you need and can often do things that may not be officially posted as an option if it is possible at that time based upon stock and manpower.

But then again I do not work for Paizo so take that suggestion with a grain of salt. ;)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yep—if you subscribe starting with the August products, you should get both of the August promo cards.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Yep—if you subscribe starting with the August products, you should get both of the August promo cards.

Thanks for the response. I just put in my order for a subscription and I am looking forward to receiving my set.

Where does this leave your overseas supporters.

I have just ordered the base game and characters from a UK on-line retailer. To order this via subscription would be prohibitive because of postage and customs handling charges.This is not the the case for expansions.

Why not allow subscriptions through country based distributor/ retailers.

I know DVG have set up a pre-order system through a number of UK and European outlets.

I have subscribed from the adventure pack2 but will probably have to switch it off if their are any shipments of >$30 (inc P&P) as this will add at least %20 + $12-15.

Will the earlier promos be added to my first sub.

Is there anyway your UK based (and overseas) supporters can obtain earlier (August) promos.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Jerry Martin wrote:

Will the earlier promos be added to my first sub.

Is there anyway your UK based (and overseas) supporters can obtain earlier (August) promos.

I don't have an official answer, but see Vic's post a few up, and: Card-Game-Subscription#147

I think this would only count for the next few days, though.

For ordering just the Character Add-On deck to Germany, the total cost including shipping/handling was $21.86. I assume shipping charges are based upon the black magic of USPS pricing, so your experience may vary.

Unfortunately I already have the character add on winging its way as I purchased it with the base game.

So it looks like they are out of reach,

Will these ever be release in the BGG marketplace? I'd be be happy to purchase them there but as I already have the base game as well as the character pack I don't want to have to spend another $60 to get the promos

I've decided to subscribe to the adventure packs, partly for the promos but partly to guarantee their supply to me here in the UK. No idea what the shipping charge will be, though - I had assumed it was the sub-$6 that showed up at checkout time, but apparently not. So I'm hoping that they remain both reasonable and commensurate with size of the relatively small decks.

The checkout estimate is usually pretty reliable once they know the size and weight of the product. The only time I've seen it shift substantially was when they mis-estimated the size of a product they hadn't stocked before.

You'll get an email a few days before it ships, so if it does turn out to be too high, you'll probably have the opportunity (if you're quick) to cancel before its charged.

Got my set here in Sheffield, UK and got my Poog of Zarongel promo card on the front of it.

All the best.

Great Uncle LROG

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:

I'm having the tech team issue a correction on the blog. The Squealy Nord card is in the November 2013 issue of Game Trade magazine.

sara marie

Hate to break it to people, but the Nov issue of Game Trade Magazine that my FLGS all had contained absolutely no cards.

Was it another delay or are they being tools? (FLGS)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I don't think the November issue is out yet—it's Issue #165.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Fire Sneeze is our convention promo card for the entire year. We don't have a firm schedule for the places it will appear, though, or even when it will appear next.

Can we get some promo cards for Con of the North here in Minnesota?? Feb 14-16th??

That would be awesome!!!!
You can contact me privately if you have to :)
Thank you!!!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Deanoth (and anybody else in your boat):

Please contact jenny, with the details of your con. Please include the number of attendees expected as well as a summary of how the Pathfinder ACG will be a part of the con.

Grand Lodge

I sent an email off to her but forgot the number of people involved. That was two days ago. I am doing a self promotion of the ACG at the convention along side of the Pathfinder Society there. There will be upwards of 200+ people there for the event or close to it. I already told my local game store to stock some extra ACG base sets and add-ons too for the Convention.

As I will be promoting the heck out of this! :)
I am hoping to hear back from Jenny as soon as she is able to. Can you please relay this to her as well?

(copied this to an email to her just in case too)

Deanoth wrote:
Can we get some promo cards for Con of the North here in Minnesota?? Feb 14-16th??

A convention in Minnesota, eh? I'm glad you mentioned that; I would have never known about it.

Grand Lodge

Flat the Impaler, It is an awesome convention!!

You can find more information on it here (Con of the North) if you like as well :)

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