riderPESTILENCE's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Well honestly when I think promos for sale I automatically think BGG marketplace but that is pretty irrelevant at this point since my FLGS is anything but and I have no other way to get the first two promos except to shell out another $60

Yes the Shiedron Medallion is the only loot in the entire box thus far. More will be released in each adventure pack

Well, I talked to the guy at the FLGS and he said they never got any promos. He contacted his vendor and the vendor didn't have any. So either they actually never got any or one of them is lying and decided to keep the promos for themselves (after looking at the secondary market for these) I can imagine it was an easy decision.

So I guess I'm back to begging for these to be put on the BGG Marketplace because I don't want to purchase a second base set + character add on and I sure am not paying the inflated secondary market prices

Well truth be told if I can obtain the two cards I would actually prefer to just subscribe to save myself the headache.

I will definitely ask the FLGS about Poog, but unfortunately I don't live anywhere near where conventions or major Pathfinder Society events take place. Unless there is some in Montana I don't know about, thus making it very unlikely I will be able to get Fire Sneeze. At any rate thanks for the info! I surely appreciate it!

Like many I purchased my game from another source (I got mine from my FLGS). This was well before I was aware that there were going to be promo cards.

Now I already have the base set as well as the character add on set and really don't want to spend an additional $60 for the two promos. I would be happy to subscribe to the game to get the rest of the cards but without the first two it isn't as appealing of a prospect to me.

Please consider releasing them into the GBB Market place!

Will these ever be release in the BGG marketplace? I'd be be happy to purchase them there but as I already have the base game as well as the character pack I don't want to have to spend another $60 to get the promos