ralsar's page

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Double sided cards are a pain.

You need to scan one side then choose that side as the back to your card when you scan the other side. On the right hand side towards the bottom is a screen for card backs. You can choose any card to be the card back for the card you are scanning in.

EDIT: David just posted about Card Warden with some screenshots of him using it for PACG

I made a deck of every card type then I store those decks in one of the slide panels that are on the game table. I randomize each deck and build location decks by drawing cards from them. And I have easy access to them whenever I need to banish cards or draw from those decks.

The problem is that all the decks look the same with the same card back so you have to remember which deck is which. To rememedy that I am going to make a custom background eventually with a label for each deck. Then I just load each deck into it's respective spot on the game table.

You also have to edit the various boon decks after each scenario to remove the cards that are in your character's deck. This, as you pointed out, is the biggest issue with this type of game on Card Warden. But what I do is just keep the same game going forever. I don't start a new game after a scenario. I just build the next scenario. So the cards in my character deck are always "in-play" and not in the decks.

Ultimately, this isn't any more or less cumbersome then the normal setup outside of easy shuffling. But it is nice for lunch breaks, time with the wife, church, pooping etc.

And yeah I can't share card scans. Card Warden is a great tool to play games on the go, but as soon as we start sharing card scans it becomes a great tool for game piracy. Having to scan the cards yourself is the only real method of ensuring that you own the game.

Yep works great. Takes awhile to scan everything in, but its a great way to game on the go. And you can save your game so you can play in short bursts.

I think the persistant character development puts us there. In a normal game your group just makes a judgement call on an unclear rule or house rules whatever suits them.

With this game you want to know that you are doing things correctly when you build up your character. You don't want to find out 10 scenarios down the road that you were doing something wrong because it calls into question the validity of your accomplishments.

Generally when I lose a scenario or a character dies I can trace it back to decisions I made. Which is pretty good since this game is built on so much randomness.

I just subscribed starting with Adventure Pack 2 as I already have the base set and character add-on. I got Poog from my local game shop already so my understanding is that I will get every promo except for Fire Sneeze because I've missed it already? Is that correct? Any other way to get Fire Sneeze? Thanks.

I rolled each time as well. It works better that way.

I mostly solo'd all 8 scenarios with Valeros and Lini. A couple times a friend played Lini, but usually I was solo. Valeros was very offensively focused and Lini was his healer. Though Lini could throw down as well when needed.

I found Perception bonus cards to be worth their weight in gold. Usually you didn't need them, but a lot of the traps in the barriers cards could be avoided with a good Perception roll. So Dogs and Night Watch are great allies to have. I also ran with 2 Crowbars on Valeros so he wouldn't miss out on any treasure chests.

Being able to recharge cards and being able to heal was very, very useful. With only 2 players you have a lot of cards to get through so you'll want to be doing those extra explores.

I kept the two together most of the time so Lini could benefit from Valeros's power. We generally focused on one location at a time with Valeros getting through the monsters before Lini started exploring. Well at least most of the monsters. Lini's spells like Holy Light and Inflict allowed her to handle combat well enough.

But what is truly amazing about the game is it is just an outstanding game. This isn't purely success through hype and designer/license loyalty.

It is like a RPG, but its not. It's a card game, but not like you are used to. It has deck construction, but different. I couldn't figure out what I was really getting when I bought the game. Which I bought right away largely under the influence of hype.

But after 13 plays ranging from solo, 2-player and 6-player, I know what I bought now and it is something special. I can't wait until more people get the game. Once you get into it, you'll be in it for the long haul.