Dress for Success

Saturday, June 29, 2013

We went a slightly different direction with our newest deck of Pathfinder Cards, Iconic Equipment. Sure, we could have put together another set full of cool, general use items&mdasha neat glaive, a shark themed suit of hide armor, another quiver full of arrows, whatever&mdashor we could give you a collection that's provably awesome. And you know it's awesome because we're not talking about just any gear, we're talking about the weapons and equipment the Pathfinder iconic characters have been kicking ass with across dozens of adventures, covers, comics, and more!

Take Seelah, the iconic paladin, for example. Here are her seven distinct pieces of equipment that, beyond being cool, are typical of Golarion's paladins of Iomedae. Some might even make you take another look at all those pictures of Seelah too. I'm sure you recognize the armor, helm, and sword, but how about her cape, bow, and key?

Pathfinder Cards: Iconic Equipment covers all 11 core classes from the Pathfinder RPG: Core Rulebook, putting some of Pathfinder's most famous equipment at your disposal. And the best part: you don't have to fight Amiri for her giant sword or, worse, Valeros for his mug.

F. Wesley Schneider

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Tags: Pathfinder Cards
Dark Archive

actually i've never noticed that Seelah had a key...

ulgulanoth wrote:
actually i've never noticed that Seelah had a key...

I had to look it up as well, looks like it dangles about her left thigh, just above the knee. Cool little detail, wonder what its significance is.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Someone's chastity belt?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wait, if these are here, does that means Seelah's walking around naked somewhere now?

It's probably Marisiel's fault.

Dark Archive

i bet she's in that bathhouse with the other iconics who didn't go *last time*

Silver Crusade

Chemlak wrote:
Someone's chastity belt?


Is the key a magic item?

Some crazy typo "&mdash" action in the blog people. Or is that a Golarion fashion house?

"Glaive" a new evocative fragrance by &mdash.... the smell of blood and scent of weapon oil, with the slightest hint of... chastity?

Maybe her armor has one of those locking gauntlets?


I noticed the key a couple of weeks ago while staring at the DM's screen (which has all the iconics on the player-side) and wondered about it. I assumed it was explained somewhere in the deep lore about her background.

Dark Archive

Do these cards explain who each item belongs to? I imagine some would be easy to figure out with others not so much.


Also, what is that hole in her shield for?

Shadow Lodge

Trinite wrote:
Also, what is that hole in her shield for?

The hole in the shield would allow her to (extremely awkwardly) use her bow while still carrying the shield. The strap on the shield seems to be at a very strange angle though.

I'm pretty sure it's to allow for thrusting attacks. Many historical shields had this.

Scarab Sages

Lloyd Jackson wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's to allow for thrusting attacks. Many historical shields had this.

This. The actual form of this makes me think it could be used for weapon catching/disarming attemts, too.


feytharn wrote:
Lloyd Jackson wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's to allow for thrusting attacks. Many historical shields had this.
This. The actual form of this makes me think it could be used for weapon catching/disarming attemts, too.

Huh! Interesting! Though I would think the hole would be more effective for that if it were a little lower on the shield.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chemlak wrote:
Someone's chastity belt?

That's what Wayne always says. Dude knows what he's doing. Who are we to argue? ;)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
feytharn wrote:
Lloyd Jackson wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's to allow for thrusting attacks. Many historical shields had this.
This. The actual form of this makes me think it could be used for weapon catching/disarming attemts, too.

If there's one thing Dr. W. Reynolds knows it's his armor. I suspect this is Exactly what he was going for.

Cavian wrote:
I had to look it up as well, looks like it dangles about her left thigh, just above the knee. Cool little detail, wonder what its significance is.

She did use to be a thief.

Heh, people need ways to keep from losing their keys I guess. You don't want to get home and be stuck outside in the rain, and I'm sure armor doesn't allow for nice pockets. It would be a pretty good conversation started for the observant.

Given her backstory though I'm surprised so much artwork of her shows her with her helmet off in battle. I know it's probably done because it looks better artistically and the iconics very rarely have their appearance change between pieces of art, but if anybody should have a reason to keep it on it's her.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is an incredibly late comment, but I found this a decade later and I'm building a costume to cosplay a champion (specifically paladin) of Iomedae and my sword design is a hybrid of She-Ra's Sword of Protection (season 5 Princesses of Power version) and Seelah's, and having a flat image of the sword really helps me figure out specifics of the design by rotating it and aligning the major parts (specifically the handle) with the parts of the She-Ra sword.

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