Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Reign of Winter Adventure Path continues with the upcoming release of Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die!, where the PCs find themselves in Russia in 1918 facing off against animated tanks, headless Cossacks, and the "Mad Monk" himself, Rasputin! The adventure contains several encounters with large numbers of World War I-era Russian soldiers. Rather than treating each soldier as an individual foe, they're combined into units with a single stat block and new subtype: troop. Encounters with troops aren't meant as studies or simulations of modern tactical warfare; rather, by condensing many individual soldiers into a single stat block, you can concentrate on the atmosphere of the adventure without bogging down every combat round with dozens of die rolls. To whet your appetite for early twentieth century adventure, here's a preview of the new troop subtype that appears in Rasputin Must Die!

Illustration by Craig J Spearing


The troop subtype represents an organized group of trained soldiers that act as a unit, rather than as individuals. A troop is something of an abstraction, in that the component creatures that make up the troop are mostly irrelevant; only the troop as a whole matters for the purposes of combat. A troop is similar to a swarm, but is normally composed of Small or Medium creatures. Large groups of Tiny or smaller creatures should use the normal swarm rules.

Troop Subtype: A troop is a collection of creatures that acts as a single creature, similar to a swarm, but typically as part of a military unit. A troop has the characteristics of its type, except as noted here. A troop has a single pool of Hit Dice and hit points, a single initiative modifier, a single speed, and a single Armor Class. A troop makes saving throws as a single creature.

A single troop occupies a 20-foot-by-20-foot square, equal in size to a Gargantuan creature, though the actual size category of the troop is the same as that of the component creatures. The area occupied by a troop is completely shapeable, though the troop must remain in contiguous squares to accurately reflect the teamwork of trained military units. A troop has a reach equal to that of the component creatures based on size or armament. A troop can move through squares occupied by enemies and vice versa without impediment, although the troop provokes an attack of opportunity if it does so. A troop can move through any area large enough for its component creatures.

The exact number of a troop's component creatures varies, but in general, a troop of Small or Medium creatures consists of approximately 12 to 30 creatures. Larger creatures can form troops, but the area occupied by such a troop should increase proportionally according to the size of the component creatures.

Troop Traits: A troop is not subject to flanking, but it is subject to critical hits and sneak attacks if its component creatures are subject to such attacks. Reducing a troop to 0 hit points or fewer causes it to break up, effectively destroying the troop, though the damage taken until that point does not degrade its ability to attack or resist attack. A troop is never staggered or reduced to a dying state by damage. Also, a troop cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, except by area effects that include such effects. A troop can grapple an opponent.

A troop is immune to any spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate and multiple target spells such as haste), though it is affected by spells or effects that target an area or a nonspecific number of creatures (such as fireball or mass hold monster). A troop takes half again as much damage (+50%) from spells or effects that affect an area. If a troop is rendered unconscious by means of nonlethal damage, it disperses and does not reform until its hit points exceed its nonlethal damage.

Troop Attack: Creatures with the troop subtype don't make standard melee attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any creature within reach or whose space they occupy at the end of their move, with no attack roll needed. A troop's stat block has "troop" in its Melee entry with no attack bonus given. The amount of damage a troop deals is based on its Hit Dice, as shown in the table on page 313 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary.

Unless stated otherwise, a troop's attacks are nonmagical. Damage reduction sufficient to reduce a troop attack's damage to 0 or other special abilities can give a creature immunity (or at least resistance) to the troop's attacks. Some troops also have other special attacks in addition to normal damage. Troops threaten all creatures within their reach or within their area, and attempt attacks of opportunity as normal with their troop attack.

Because of the chaos of combat, spellcasting or concentrating on spells within the area of a troop or within its reach requires a caster level check (DC 20 + spell level). Using skills that involve patience and concentration requires a successful DC 20 Will save.

Russian Rifle Troop

The following stat block represents an average troop of Russian soldiers encountered in Rasputin Must Die! A Russian rifle troop's troop attack is a combination of small arms fire, bayonets, trench shovels, and other close-combat attacks. In addition, Rasputin Must Die! presents some variant troops equipped with additional weapons and special attacks, such as chemical warfare troops, flamethrower troops, machine gun troops, and mortar troops.

Russian Rifle Troop CR 11

XP 12,800
LN Medium humanoid (human, troop)
Init +3; Senses Perception +23


AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural)
hp 152 (16d8+80)
Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +8
Defensive Abilities gas masks, troop traits


Speed 30 ft.
Melee troop (4d6+8)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks fusillade (DC 23), grenade volley (DC 21)


Str 26, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +12; CMB +20; CMD 34
Feats Ability Focus (fusillade), Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Stealth), Toughness
Skills Climb +15, Craft (firearms) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +1, Perception +23, Profession (soldier) +6, Stealth +10, Survival +8
Languages Russian


Fusillade (Ex) Rifle troops can fire a fusillade of rifle bullets as a standard action. This attack takes the form of up to four lines with a range of 200 feet. These lines can start from the corner of any square in the troop's space. All creatures in one of these lines' areas of effect take 6d10+6 points of bludgeoning and piercing damage (Reflex DC 23 for half). The save DC is Dexterity-based, and includes the bonus from the troop's Ability Focus feat.

Gas Masks (Ex) The soldiers of a rifle troop are all equipped with gas masks. This makes the troop immune to inhaled poisons and other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing, and grants it a +2 bonus on saving throws against magical cloud or gas attacks.

Grenade Volley (Ex) Rifle troops are equipped with grenades. As a move action, a rifle troop can target a single square up to 60 feet away with a volley of fragmentation grenades. A volley deals 12d6 points of piercing and slashing damage in a 30-foot-radius burst (Reflex DC 21 for half). The save DC is Dexterity-based.

Rob McCreary

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Liberty's Edge

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I for one welcome our new mob overlords.

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Для матери России!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Liberty's Edge

First off, that's really neat, and seems an extremely effective way of modeling this sort of thing...though I am curious to both see what stats an individual soldier would have, and some samples of more typically encountered fantasy troops. says Troops lack an attack bonus, but then shows them with a +20. So...which is it? Or am I missing something? Also, if the Troops make an they roll to attack or not? Or is that what the +20 is for? And do they only get one AoO per round?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

This is definitely something I'd like to see used for less "exotic" Pathfinder enemies; in fact, after GMing my party's first independent boarding attack in Skull & Shackles this Thursday, I wouldn't mind a troop statblock to represent the enemy crew!

Maybe make a booklet for it? Armies of Golarion or something along those lines? I think there's already a thread with that name...

Gorbacz wrote:

Remember Mazepa!

(Also, could we please have Pomerania back?)

Am I alone in thinking that this idea has been needed for a long time in the game?

Now I hope we get to see a 3rd party PDF that consists of nothing but new rules for troops, and sample troops for orcs, dwarves, drow, humans fighters, and whatever.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

Eric Hinkle wrote:
Now I hope we get to see a 3rd party PDF that consists of nothing but new rules for troops, and sample troops for orcs, dwarves, drow, humans fighters, and whatever.

Already started.


Deadmanwalking wrote: says Troops lack an attack bonus, but then shows them with a +20. So...which is it? Or am I missing something? Also, if the Troops make an they roll to attack or not? Or is that what the +20 is for? And do they only get one AoO per round?

Too bad we've got a typo in one of the hallmark statblocks of this volume. Delete the +20 in the troop melee line. As the troop subtype states, melee damage from troops is automatic, while ranged attacks like the fusillade and volley attacks allow for saving throws. (My original version includes attack rolls rather than automatic damage for unit-versus-unit skirmishes, but I don't see a holdover modifier in my turnover).

No attack roll should be necessary on AoOs...though the language turned a bit vague on that in the subtype description.

Paizo Employee Developer

Eric Hinkle wrote:

Am I alone in thinking that this idea has been needed for a long time in the game?

Now I hope we get to see a 3rd party PDF that consists of nothing but new rules for troops, and sample troops for orcs, dwarves, drow, humans fighters, and whatever.

Why would such a book need to be from a 3PP?


4 people marked this as a favorite.

For those interested in seeing more of this sort of thing from Paizo, head over to the Armies of Golarion thread and voice your support and discuss ideas!

Liberty's Edge

Yay, the mob rules return. Now bring us some Orc and goblin "troops"

Yup. reminds me of the mob rules

But what of things like fireball or meteor swarms that would normally pulverise the individual members? Or cl;oudkill for those not equipped with gas masks?

Well see now I'm curious how the hell a bunch of adventurers wind up in 1918 Russia...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Harrison wrote:
Well see now I'm curious how the hell a bunch of adventurers wind up in 1918 Russia...

In a most magical way.

OK, i see you answered my question about AoO's already. do they need to make attack rolls for CMBs? for any 'special' attacks they may have via Feat (Cleave, etc)? the rules are only mentioning attack rolls, so is miss chance applied normally?

Also, a troop cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, except by area effects that include such effects. A troop can grapple an opponent.

With the last part, they can initiate a grapple but don't gain the condition themselves, ala the kraken ability (akin to the -20 grab option without the penalty)?. So a troop CAN be repositioned, disarmed, and every other maneuver? (although it seems like they aren't using weapons in the traditional sense, so disarm may be irrelevant) When it says a troop cannot be tripped, grappled, or bullrushed, except by area effects, should that also allows other troops (or swarms) to do those maneuvers to them?

As I understand it, each of the Fusillade lines is wholly independent, so all lines can be targetted to affect the same creature (with all lines having separate damage and saves)?

This makes the troop immune to inhaled poisons and other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing, and grants it a +2 bonus on saving throws against magical cloud or gas attacks.

I'm not sure about this wording, it seems to apply immunity to inhaled poisons without caveat, which could include magical ones, but then then goes on to say 'other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing'. is it non-magical only even though that wasn't stated for the original immunity to inhaled poisons? (i'm not quite sure what magic spells are inhaled poisons, cloudkill specifically isn't as it works even if holding your breath. stinking cloud doesn't have that line, but doesn't specifically say that it is an inhaled poison. regardless, a poison gas spell potentially COULD specifically be inhaled, so the question stands.

If a troop is rendered unconscious by means of nonlethal damage, it disperses and does not reform until its hit points exceed its nonlethal damage.

What does 'disperse' mean? Once it goes unconscious (by nonlethal damage), you can no longer attack and kill it (or interact with it at all) like you normally can? (although it presumably has some way to regain HPs) Is it still occupying it's space and blocking movement? I'm not sure if this line is really needed at all.


darkwarriorkarg wrote:
But what of things like fireball or meteor swarms that would normally pulverise the individual members? Or cl;oudkill for those not equipped with gas masks?

The troop is treated as a single creature. If it is caught in the radius of a fireball or subject to a cloudkill spell, roll damage, rolls any saves, and apply the effects that affect this creature subtype, just as if you'd targeted any other creature.

Why is the CMD so high? Is it a type-o and meant to be 24 instead of 34? (24 matches CMB+3DEX+1Dodge)
Or is there supposed to be some bonus to CMD (and/or utilization of higher Size bonus), but not CMB?

It probably makes sense to include BAB, Melee Attack Bonus, and CMB even if they are automatic hits, just because some effects might reference those, e.g. Feinting.

For humans, BAB and so on is determined by class, should the troop be considered to have class levels, which determine it's BAB and type of HD per the number of HD it has? Or otherwise specify the BAB/HD type? EDIT: Also Saving Throw progression and skill ranks/class skills.

It might also be advisable to grant the natural armor bonus (+10) via a specific ability, humanoid(human)'s don't normally have nat. armor unless via class ability. That might be a feature of the Troop sub-type, although it seems reasonable to allow for more flexibility on the size of the bonus rather than just a fixed relationship to HD. (I suppose it would stack with any Nat Armor the base creature type normally has)

For squeezing, if one of the component squares is considered squeezing (for a Medium creature, or whatever the component creature Size), is the entire Troop considering squeezing (imagine the Troop being on both sides of a doorway, with only the one doorway square considered squeezing). Or would squeezing penalties only apply to the actual relevant square, on attacks targetting that square, and the troops' own attacks emanating from that square (normally you can choose what square you are attacking from).

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Is anyone else 100% not interested in bringing their pathfinder game to "real world"?

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
j b 200 wrote:
Is anyone else 100% not interested in bringing their pathfinder game to "real world"?

Rasputin was a spellcaster and there were daemons running around during ww1 in the "real world"? Gee, I must be smoking the wrong stuff all along...

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
j b 200 wrote:
Is anyone else 100% not interested in bringing their pathfinder game to "real world"?

Sure there are others. But, to be honest, you and those others are really, really missing out on a great adventure.

Grand Lodge

I am really excited for this adventure, but the whole troop thing rubs me the wrong way. I'd prefer to see the stats on an individual soldier.

I am guessing that the troop system was employed instead because 30 soldiers all making gun-shot and bomb touch attacks against high level adventurers manages to kill heroes very quickly?

A more elegant solution would be to come up with a system for letting the AC system adapt to the constant touch attacks that guns provide.

If this system is for troop vs troop, that's all good. If it's for troop vs 3-5 heroes, it seems like a strange abstraction, and not a good one, IMO. I don't like the idea of Valeros power-attacking a 'swarm' of Russian soldiers.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KestlerGunner wrote:

I am really excited for this adventure, but the whole troop thing rubs me the wrong way. I'd prefer to see the stats on an individual soldier.

I am guessing that the troop system was employed instead because 30 soldiers all making gun-shot and bomb touch attacks against high level adventurers manages to kill heroes very quickly?

A more elegant solution would be to come up with a system for letting the AC system adapt to the constant touch attacks that guns provide.

If this system is for troop vs troop, that's all good. If it's for troop vs 3-5 heroes, it seems like a strange abstraction, and not a good one, IMO. I don't like the idea of Valeros power-attacking a 'swarm' of Russian soldiers.

They do have the stats of single Russian soldier. They are Fighter(Trench Fighter) 6. They WILL be able to hurt the PCs (touch attacks with full base attack bonus will do that), but they will likely die pretty quickly. The aim of the troop stat block is to make it so the DM doesn't have to roll the attacks of 30 soldiers with 2 or 3 attack apiece (individual soldiers have Rapid Shot).

Silver Crusade

Gorbacz wrote:
j b 200 wrote:
Is anyone else 100% not interested in bringing their pathfinder game to "real world"?
Rasputin was a spellcaster and there were daemons running around during ww1 in the "real world"? Gee, I must be smoking the wrong stuff all along...

"Animated tank"? I'm there.


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xevious573 wrote:
KestlerGunner wrote:
I'd prefer to see the stats on an individual soldier.
They do have the stats of single Russian soldier. They are Fighter(Trench Fighter) 6. They WILL be able to hurt the PCs (touch attacks with full base attack bonus will do that), but they will likely die pretty quickly. The aim of the troop stat block is to make it so the DM doesn't have to roll the attacks of 30 soldiers with 2 or 3 attack apiece (individual soldiers have Rapid Shot).

Xevious hits it right on the nose, so here's a few design considerations that led to where we're at:

1. The statblocks of individual troops are provided in the adventure, as Xevious already noted. So if you take a prisoner or something, you've got the statblock there for reference. Hell, you can ignore the troop statblock entirely and use huge groups of regular soldiers, if you like. That option's there if you're up for the math!

2. As I discuss in the book's foreword, I wanted the Earth aspects of this adventure to accurately reflect the limits of human ability readers would expect from "real world" soldiers. And with the level PCs are at in this adventure (13th-15th), I couldn't very well stat out your typical Russian soldier as, say, an appropriately-challenging CR 12 creature, and also expect to have a lot of them and engage in the sorts of combats I envisioned. I think there's a good consensus that Earth in rules terms is decidedly E6 or so, with Pathfinder mechanics around CR6 somewhat representing the upper level of simulation of human achievement in our reality. With that conundrum, I needed to represent big groups of those lower-level soldiers, and thus the troop subtype was born.

3. BECAUSE: did any GMs out there really want to roll fistfulls of dice for dozens of low-level, trench-dwelling mooks, only to have them be barely marginally effective (only thanks to gun rules) as PCs wade through the chaos of dozens of NPCs on the tabletop? This is also the reason I didn't stat out the individual soldiers as gunslingers. Made perfect sense at first, but can you imagine trying to spend and calculate grit point expenditure for all those soldiers? By treating these groups as one big creature, the troop subtype bolsters the GM's efficiency at the table and gives them the tools to present challenging encounters that focus on description and flavor, rather than bookkeeping. Because we're storytellers, not accountants, right? =-)

Grand Lodge

I think it's an awesome design decision to allow the GM to run troops as individuals or as a troop depending on play style. My personal play style would lean towards individuals, but use Troops for more abstracted combat, perhaps where the PCs are more focused on escape rather than slaying Rasputin loyal Russians. Anything that gives the GM more flexibility is a good thing :)

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KestlerGunner wrote:
I think it's an awesome design decision to allow the GM to run troops as individuals or as a troop depending on play style. My personal play style would lean towards individuals, but use Troops for more abstracted combat, perhaps where the PCs are more focused on escape rather than slaying Rasputin loyal Russians. Anything that gives the GM more flexibility is a good thing :)

Just keep in mind that Rasputin has a few hundred soldiers. And it's very possible that the PCs could fight ALL of them.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Am I alone in thinking that this idea has been needed for a long time in the game?

Now I hope we get to see a 3rd party PDF that consists of nothing but new rules for troops, and sample troops for orcs, dwarves, drow, humans fighters, and whatever.

Why would such a book need to be from a 3PP?

*crosses fingers for foreshadowing*

This is some great stuff. Pathfinder needed a "mob" ruleset.

Scarab Sages

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*love it*

Perfect for some vegepygmy's this weekend! Rules extrapolation from a blog post go!

Sovereign Court Developer

Quandary wrote:
OK, i see you answered my question about AoO's already. do they need to make attack rolls for CMBs? for any 'special' attacks they may have via Feat (Cleave, etc)? the rules are only mentioning attack rolls, so is miss chance applied normally?

A troop would still need to roll a combat maneuver check to make a combat maneuver, yes.

A feat like Cleave wouldn't work for a troop, since it doesn't need to make attack rolls.
Concealment and miss chances are a little trickier, but if a troop is occupying the same space as a character and deals automatic damage, I don't think it would have a miss chance.

Quandary wrote:
Also, a troop cannot be tripped, grappled, or bull rushed, except by area effects that include such effects. A troop can grapple an opponent.
With the last part, they can initiate a grapple but don't gain the condition themselves, ala the kraken ability (akin to the -20 grab option without the penalty)?. So a troop CAN be repositioned, disarmed, and every other maneuver? (although it seems like they aren't using weapons in the traditional sense, so disarm may be irrelevant) When it says a troop cannot be tripped, grappled, or bullrushed, except by area effects, should that also allows other troops (or swarms) to do those maneuvers to them?

Since a troop is an abstraction that represents more than a single creature, I would say that it does not gain the grappled condition. A troop should also be immune to other combat maneuvers such as reposition or drag - again, it's not really a single creature. If a combat maneuver wouldn't work against a swarm, it likely wouldn't work against a troop. Likewise with disarm - there's not just one weapon to disarm.

A combat maneuver from any creature, whether a troop, swarm, or single creature, is not an area effect, so one troop cannot trip another. Again, a troop is composed of multiple creatures - unless you have an area effect that can trip all of them, it won't work.

Quandary wrote:
As I understand it, each of the Fusillade lines is wholly independent, so all lines can be targetted to affect the same creature (with all lines having separate damage and saves)?

A line doesn't really target a creature (it targets the area of the line), but essentially, yes.

Quandary wrote:
This makes the troop immune to inhaled poisons and other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing, and grants it a +2 bonus on saving throws against magical cloud or gas attacks.
I'm not sure about this wording, it seems to apply immunity to inhaled poisons without caveat, which could include magical ones, but then then goes on to say 'other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing'. is it non-magical only even though that wasn't stated for the original immunity to inhaled poisons? (i'm not quite sure what magic spells are inhaled poisons, cloudkill specifically isn't as it works even if holding your breath. stinking cloud doesn't have that line, but doesn't specifically say that it is an inhaled poison. regardless, a poison gas spell potentially COULD specifically be inhaled, so the question stands.

Poisons, by themselves, are nonmagical, unless stated otherwise (same with longswords, backpacks, and any other thing that's not explicitly stated as being magical). Therefore, a troop is immune to inhaled (nonmagical) poisons and other nonmagical airborne attacks that require breathing. It is not immune to cloudkill or stinking cloud, because they are both magical effects, not poisons. Likewise, a poison gas spell, would be a magical effect, not a nonmagical poison, so it would affect a troop.

Sovereign Court Developer

Quandary wrote:
If a troop is rendered unconscious by means of nonlethal damage, it disperses and does not reform until its hit points exceed its nonlethal damage.
What does 'disperse' mean? Once it goes unconscious (by nonlethal damage), you can no longer attack and kill it (or interact with it at all) like you normally can? (although it presumably has some way to regain HPs) Is it still occupying it's space and blocking movement? I'm not sure if this line is really needed at all.

Like a swarm, a troop "disperses," meaning it is no longer a threat. Most of the individual creatures are likely unconscious or wounded, and the rest likely flee. This is a necessary abstraction to run multiples creatures, like swarms and troops, as individual creatures. Once a troop goes unconscious, if one wanted to go about "killing" it, I'd convert the troop to individual creatures and require multiple coup de grace attempts to kill each of the component creatures.

An unconscious troop would still occupy the same space, but it wouldn't block movement, any more than an unconscious or dead single creature blocks movement.
Basically, until the troop as a whole regains enough hit points to become "conscious" again, at which point the individual creatures reform into a troop, a "dispersed" troop is no longer a threat.

Sovereign Court Developer

Quandary wrote:

Why is the CMD so high? Is it a type-o and meant to be 24 instead of 34? (24 matches CMB+3DEX+1Dodge)

Or is there supposed to be some bonus to CMD (and/or utilization of higher Size bonus), but not CMB?

The CMD is normal: 10 +12 BAB +8 Str +3 Dex +1 Dodge = 34.

Quandary wrote:

It probably makes sense to include BAB, Melee Attack Bonus, and CMB even if they are automatic hits, just because some effects might reference those, e.g. Feinting.

For humans, BAB and so on is determined by class, should the troop be considered to have class levels, which determine it's BAB and type of HD per the number of HD it has? Or otherwise specify the BAB/HD type? EDIT: Also Saving Throw progression and skill ranks/class skills.

It might also be advisable to grant the natural armor bonus (+10) via a specific ability, humanoid(human)'s don't normally have nat. armor unless via class ability. That might be a feature of the Troop sub-type, although it seems reasonable to allow for more flexibility on the size of the bonus rather than just a fixed relationship to HD. (I suppose it would stack with any Nat Armor the base creature type normally has)

A troop should be statted up as a new creature, using the base creature for a guideline, but matching the correct numbers for its CR on Bestiary table 1-1: Monster Statistics by CR, as you would for any new monster.

A troop does not have class levels; its BAB, base saves, and skill points are derived from its type and HD.
A troop is an abstraction - just as a rat swarm has different stats from a normal rat, a troop will likely have different stats from an individual soldier within the troop.

Quandary wrote:
For squeezing, if one of the component squares is considered squeezing (for a Medium creature, or whatever the component creature Size), is the entire Troop considering squeezing (imagine the Troop being on both sides of a doorway, with only the one doorway square considered squeezing). Or would squeezing penalties only apply to the actual relevant square, on attacks targetting that square, and the troops' own attacks emanating from that square (normally you can choose what square you are attacking from).

A troop is not squeezing unless the entire troop (all 16 squares) is squeezing.

Sovereign Court Developer

Deadmanwalking wrote:

First off, that's really neat, and seems an extremely effective way of modeling this sort of thing...though I am curious to both see what stats an individual soldier would have, and some samples of more typically encountered fantasy troops. says Troops lack an attack bonus, but then shows them with a +20. So...which is it? Or am I missing something? Also, if the Troops make an they roll to attack or not? Or is that what the +20 is for? And do they only get one AoO per round?

As Brandon said, the +20 attack bonus on the melee line is a mistake. From the Troop Attack section: A troop's stat block has "troop" in its Melee entry with no attack bonus given.

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Call the brute squad!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

cool you can so use this with mass combat. letting you pc wade in to the battle and fight 1 vs 100s.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So this is basically like the mobs from DMG2? Sweet.

Do the rules for automatic fire interact with troops any differently?

Like does firing the line effect of automatic fire only deal damage as if you hit the swarm one time? You would get the bonus +50% for being an area of effect I think, but you're only talking about 2d8 x 1.5 for damage (average like 15?) if you use the Maxim. I'd think machine guns much more effective against them?

Alternately do all 10 bullets get a chance to hit the swarm?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As a German, I'd rather see a blog called "THE PRUSSIANS are coming", but this module is still fantastically good. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How do troops interact with Leadership? Can we take a troop as a cohort? Seems like a good option for playing a military commander or mercenary captain type of character.

The module just arrived when I was out-of-town and have not read the setting yet, but, the initial description, reminds me a bit of "Deathless" a Russian folklore based fantasy novel by Catherynne Valente. Everything from Baba Yaga's hut, to the siege of Leningrad make appearances, including an army made of stitched and stuffed cloth automatons.

Natural AC bonus +10 ? Seems a lot for WW2 troopers, just to get CR 11 like armor class...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Can we expect to see troops in Bestiary4?

Please please please!

I'm curious to see what was the based creature used here and how it got it's bonus to STR, CON and Nat Ar.

goldomark wrote:

Can we expect to see troops in Bestiary4?

Please please please!

I'm curious to see what was the based creature used here and how it got it's bonus to STR, CON and Nat Ar.

Hopefully those troops won't be modern-time humans then :-p

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Rob McCreary wrote:
Quandary wrote:
OK, i see you answered my question about AoO's already. do they need to make attack rolls for CMBs? for any 'special' attacks they may have via Feat (Cleave, etc)? the rules are only mentioning attack rolls, so is miss chance applied normally?

A troop would still need to roll a combat maneuver check to make a combat maneuver, yes.

A feat like Cleave wouldn't work for a troop, since it doesn't need to make attack rolls.
Concealment and miss chances are a little trickier, but if a troop is occupying the same space as a character and deals automatic damage, I don't think it would have a miss chance.

Perhaps the 'miss chance' would be used as a reduction in the automatic damage? (ie 20% miss chance means only taking 80% of the listed damage). That keeps the math simple while reflecting the change in average damage if you rolled each of the individual attacks out.


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goldomark wrote:
I'm curious to see what was the based creature used here and how it got it's bonus to STR, CON and Nat Ar.

The base creature is essentially built from the ground up as a Gargantuan humanoid with the [troop] subtype, with its hit dice, statistics, and abilities assigned according to the recommended guidelines for a creature of its size, type, and CR as found on on Bestiary Table 1-1: Monster Statistics by CR.

Brandon Hodge wrote:
goldomark wrote:
I'm curious to see what was the based creature used here and how it got it's bonus to STR, CON and Nat Ar.
The base creature is essentially built from the ground up as a Gargantuan humanoid with the [troop] subtype, with its statistics and abilities assigned according to the recommended guidelines for a creature of its size, type, and CR as found on on Bestiary Table 1-1: Monster Statistics by CR. Since the component creatures have the fighter class, and creatures with the humanoid type define hit dice by class levels, hit dice are d10.

But they use d8s in the stat block.

Scarab Sages

I threw together a CR4-5ish vegepygmy troop to throw at my party last night, and ran into a few fun things. Its not immune to grease and glitterdust as both are area attacks, which if your whole 20' grouping is in a square, can bone you quickly.

I'm really hoping more than these one or two troops get published, because figuring out what sort of standard action special ability seemed appropriate and appropriately balanced was a bit of a crapshoot.


goldomark wrote:
But they use d8s in the stat block.

Oops, my bad!

I'm trying to be really careful in my conversations on this topic and not bleed the home system rules this was based on with the developed and published version, which I inadvertently did here. I'm going to edit my previous comment to avoid confusion. =-)

archmagi1 wrote:
I'm really hoping more than these one or two troops get published, because figuring out what sort of standard action special ability seemed appropriate and appropriately balanced was a bit of a crapshoot.

If you have not yet voiced your support for a future product I'd love to do with Paizo in the Armies of Golarion thread, do it! ;-)

Epic Meepo wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:

Now I hope we get to see a 3rd party PDF that consists of nothing but new rules for troops, and sample troops for orcs, dwarves, drow, humans fighters, and whatever.

Already started.

Good news! I'll happily purchase such a product.

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