A Righteous, Mythic September!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

In a lot of ways, Gen Con is like the start of the gaming year. You've probably already heard all the excitement over Paizo's upcoming Gen Con releases, but we're just getting this new year of games started! Here's what we have in store for you in September:

A Truly Righteous Adventure Path

The second installment of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventure Path #74: Sword of Valor continues the story of newly mythic PCs fighting against the encroaching horde of the Worldwound. This is our first Adventure Path to use Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures, and you don't want to miss out!

Getting Even More Mythic

Speaking of being mythic, check out these two books that give you even more to play with: Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythic Realms and Pathfinder Player Companion: Mythic Origins. Mythic Realms will introduce you to a host of epic legends, secret places of power, and mythic hotspots. If you're looking for ways to put the mythic into your game, this book is for you. And everyone playing a mythic character will want to grab Mythic Origins, for loads of new options for every mythic path and plenty of ideas for being mythic heroes.

Fearsome Adventuring Gear

Playing the Reign of Winter Adventure Path? Or in a campaign centered on the vicious perils hidden in the ice and snow? You'll want these Pathfinder Pawns: Reign of Winter Adventure Path Pawn Collection, with over 100 different critters, villains, and other NPCs. These work with the plastic bases from the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box.

For that most classic of adventure openers—that creepy, dirty, poorly lit tavern—we've got just the flip-mat for you: Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Seedy Tavern. From vile criminals ambushing the heroes to the PCs getting into a drunken brawl, the scenes you could have in this Seedy Tavern pretty much write themselves.

Looking to play the upcoming Wardens of the Reborn Forge deluxe module? Then check out Pathfinder Campaign Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge. This 54-card Campaign Deck is a great way for the players to keep track up the items and NPCs in the game, and introduces the Quest Cards to help the players keep track of the adventure. With gorgeous artwork, you'll surely find uses for this even after the adventure is over!

Ryan Macklin

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Maps Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Pawns Pathfinder Player Companion
Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And once again more marketing, less creativity. I knew there will be victims of Paizo's success, but I'm sad to see the blog turn into a corporate newsletter with every passing month :/

Grand Lodge

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I don't mind it. Even though I already know of these releases, it is nice to see ten compiled into one list. If I were to run Wrath of the Righteous, it gives a good idea of what things to pick up for it.

Gorbacz wrote:
And once again more marketing, less creativity. I knew there will be victims of Paizo's success, but I'm sad to see the blog turn into a corporate newsletter with every passing month :/

I had the same thought recently. It definitely seems there's been a shift in what the blog's purpose is. There are still useful informtation in the blog nowadays but Design Tuesdays, Golarion Thursdays, and all the other fun installments seem to have disappeared.

I don't mind blog posts like this one since not everyone knows the exact product schedule but it's definitely less...personal, I guess, than it used to be. I suppose it's an inevitable consequence of Paizo's success (less time for the non-critical stuff) but I do miss the good ol' days.


Eh.... at least having a picture or two for the community use policy to be helpful would be nice

Okay, now your just tormenting us Paizo staff. All this great stuff doesn't come out until August or September and we want it NNNOOOWWWWW! (pouts)

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Welcome to a company that's too busy.

Love the staff... great, great people, but I've had a feeling that they've crammed too much into limited brain-space for the last couple years. It's my own fault, of course. Minis? Yes, please. Whatever they make, we buy. So they make more. Erik for instance is clearly deeply over-committed. And there's no sign it's going to get better. I worry about mental breakdowns and burn-out, frankly. I'd love to see Paizo have some overcapacity, just for their own health.

Heine Stick wrote:
It definitely seems there's been a shift in what the blog's purpose is. There are still useful informtation in the blog nowadays but Design Tuesdays, Golarion Thursdays, and all the other fun installments seem to have disappeared.

Agreed. :( Come sign my petition for the return of Golarion Day!

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Paizo is an awesome company, but often it feels like the staff is working past the feasible limits of what the company can handle. It definitely I feel hurts them to some extent, especially when they have to double up on releases. There has barely been any discussion really of Fey Revisited, and I blame doubling up its release with Chronicles of the Righteous, which stole all of it's thunder and (I would guess) might make Fey Revisited a less successful release.

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At first I thought you were just grousing, Gorbacz, but after looking over the more recent blog posts, I'm actually inclined to agree. The Paizo blog is looking more and more like the Store blog. :(

Clearly, all this mythic-ness in September is in honor of my birthday.

You're welcome!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well the events of the rise of the runelords re-release did throw them off their game a bit. But if they keep to the schedule they have now, things should return to the normal flow and ease the strain they might be feeling a little. As soon as all is well the blog should become more fulfilling and interesting.

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