Behold the symbol of my dominance.
Greetings! I am Aslan. Cassidy (Mom) told me she introduced herself to all of you, but I was far more popular than she could ever hope to be. Considering she's one of my subjects, I think this is only fitting.
Mom brought me home earlier this year. All she was looking for when she walked into the pet store was a puppy fix, but per my previous brainwashing of the pet store staff, they put me in her arms instead. That she could be easily manipulated was immediately obvious. I pretended to be a loving, docile creature like all the other rabbits and ten minutes later, we were en route to my new domain.
Once we arrived, I put my master plan into action, transforming a previously unsophisticated realm into the grand kingdom of Livingroom. I used my powers of persuasion and adorably fluffy ears to secure my influence over Mom and her fiancé (Dad). I arranged for daily tribute deliveries of pellets, hay, and leafy greens. A castle was built in my honor. Cassidy's mother, who has become a powerful ally and my Grand Minion, intervened during my castle's construction to insist I be given a turret. While I was initially annoyed at her presumption, the turret has become one the most important pillars of my rule as it allows me survey my domain. Grand Minion will be spared my wrath.

Chew Toy Dragon is defeated!
After ensuring my own kingdom's stability and training my minions to see to its day-to-day administration, I set forth to forge relations with a neighboring realm. Random, their dignitary, traveled from the far-off land of Duvall to meet with me. (Between you and me, he's the funniest-looking rabbit I've ever met.) After establishing both trade and security treaties, we cemented our bond by joining forces to purge Livingroom of its greatest threat: Chew Toy Dragon. Together, we defeated the abomination, stripping it of its teeth and forcing it to pledge its fealty to us.
Currently, I'm working on my greatest challenge yet: communicating my insatiable need for carrots and raisins to Mom and Dad. Though they seem earnest in their attempts to please me and provide me with these items on occasion, I am beginning to suspect they are taking directives from The Vet, self-appointed court dietician and my greatest enemy. Despite my suspicions, I will allow Mom and Dad to remain in my kingdom... for now. In the meantime, I will lurk in my castle, plotting new conquests and my next campaign with Random.
Until next time, loyal subjects.
Emperor of Livingroom
Nibbler of Dragons
Lord and Master of all He Surveys