Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Blue

Friday, October 5, 2012

I'd planned to spend the next few weeks leading up to Halloween on some of the spookier figures in the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures, but this week our doorbell rang here at Paizo, and our partners at WizKids delivered one of the greatest pre-Halloween treats of all in the form of the final paint master of the Gargantuan Blue Dragon, the special "case incentive" promotional figure for the set.

Here she is, in all her magic-item-bedecked glory, shown here with regular-sized Seoni the sorceress for size-comparison purposes:

What you see before you is the mighty Cadrilkasta, a wyrm blue dragon that serves as the primary nemesis of the campaign's fifth installment, "Into the Nightmare Rift".

Cadrilkasta has long haunted the skies of Varisia, scanning the countryside for signs of ancient Thassilonian ruins. So obsessed with the Runelords is Cadrilkasta that she has carved their runes into her chest, as shown in this close-up image.

In the Shattered Star Adventure Path, Cadrilkasta is encountered digging up an ancient Thassilonian ruin looking for a powerful magical artifact. Since the PCs will likely have several shards of the potent artifact that serves as the basis of the campaign by the time they meet her, it's probably safe to say that she will be just as interested in them as they are in her.

When you plop this giant figure down on the table, it'll make an encounter your player characters won't soon forget! We're still trying to straighten out Seoni, and she only just met the dragon yesterday!

As a case incentive, the Gargantuan Blue Dragon is available for purchase only to customers who preorder a Shattered Star Standard Booster Case and to ongoing Pathfinder Battles case subscribers. The figure has been produced in extremely limited quantities, so order soon to make sure that you do not miss out!

Before I go, I wanted to take a moment to talk about dragons in general, and the philosophy of how we decide which figures to include in Pathfinder Battles sets. The Gargantuan Blue is our first Gargantuan dragon, but it definitely won't be our last. When news about this figure first leaked on the internet earlier this week, some long-time miniatures collectors expressed a bit of disappointment, because they've long wanted a Gargantuan Green Dragon, which has not been produced to date by any prepainted miniature company. As a longtime collector of prepainted miniatures, I assure you that I also want a Gargantuan Green Dragon, and am working hard to include one in an upcoming set.

Cadrilkasta is an important dragon in the Shattered Star Adventure Path. Since this set is designed to support that campaign, the blue dragon made for a logical choice as the case incentive miniature. Based on an incredible Wayne Reynolds painting and sculpted with amazing detail by WizKids, we're confident that this is a super-cool dragon that you will be glad to have in your collection, even if you've already got a giant blue dragon in it from a few years back.

It's our intention to do every "true" dragon in every size category, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, and Gargantuan. We plan to be producing prepainted miniatures for years and years, and I'm confident that we'll get to all of them eventually (some, like the green, probably sooner than later). But when a set is made to support an existing Adventure Path, as many of our sets will be, it's going to provide the dragons appropriate for that campaign.

For Shattered Star, that means a Gargantuan Blue. But I assure you, the rest of them are coming!

That's it for this week (and what a week it's been!). Check back next week for a return to the originally intended spooooooky theme. I've got some stuff that will scare you out of your socks!

Erik Mona

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think this is a great mini! I love the pose. It looks much more intimidating than the other blue I have. It also looks more like a big, intelligent creature than some of the others dragon minis I have. A spellcaster or something worthy of the BBEG title, not just another monster to encounter.

Also, I wanted to thank you for explaining the decision behind this color dragon versus going with a green. I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed it wasn't green. That's been on my 'must have list' for some time now. Hope you guys can find a way to get one in much sooner, rather than later.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I'm working on it! :)

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, this is a much better figure than the down on all fours blue dragon that I have. Keep up the good work. This just looks like a special encounter.

Edit- Just looked again at the rune detail, I love it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
I'm working on it! :)

Work smarter, not harder and there's Lion's Tap in it for ya. :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, much appreciate the rounded base.

Dark Archive

Sexy sexy!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber


Grand Lodge

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Curmudgeonly wrote:

Oh. My. God! I just paid off my Runelords minis! I'm going to have to get another credit card JUST for my Pathfinder stuff! Hmm...Paizo Visa?!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Most importantly, this blog means that the product pages are up for Shattered Star, which means I get my shiny tag back - Yay!

There's so many things I like about this one more than the DDM Gargantuan Blue.
1) No giant overbite!
2) Claws are menacing and look ready to grab and slash
3) Dynamic pose is much better than "all fours" look
4) Runes and magic items are awesome looking.
5) From what it looks like, the wings are high enough that you don't need to worry about it basing other miniatures and not be able to fit. This is not the case with the other Blue.

Overall, awesome! Can't wait til you guys can do the green!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I must admit, when I first heard the news last week that the case promo was going to be a gargantuan blue... I was really hoping that it was a false rumor.

Now that it has been confirmed I'm only slightly disappointed, the reason of course being that I am one of those already with a gargantuan blue in my inventory. I do appreciate the time you took to acknowledge people like me in your blog post though, and I appreciate your explanation of why the mini needed to be introduced at this time.

Although I don't plan to run or participate in the adventure setting, I still appreciate the sculpt. It is a fresh and unique sculpt which will be a welcome addition to my collection.

Frequently I have had to place either my white or blue gargantuan dragon on the table and say "pretend its red"... or whatever other color I require. Oddly enough, I find that the players in my imaginative fiction game are able to suspend reality enough to envision that the dragon is the color I say it is :)

Thanks for the addition to the line.

PATHFINDER MINIS - Shattered Star Miniature Gallery

Liberty's Edge

To be honest, I'd love if it were a green gargantuan dragon.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dhampir984 wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
I'm working on it! :)
Work smarter, not harder and there's Lion's Tap in it for ya. :)

Yep we have Lion's Tap waiting for you.


This really makes me wish Pathfinder Battles was around when Carrion Crown was being produced.

*dreams of Eldritch Horror Miniatures.*

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Awesome in so many ways. This might be the first Paizo dragon that doesn't need dental work.

I love the colors and the gaudy jewelry. This is great.

Grand Lodge

Freakin' awesome!

Hmm, it's a very bright blue, is the colour likely to be darkened or washed, or whatever it is they do with these things?

Other than that it looks fantastic, the runes on her chest are a very cool detail, and since the only dragon minis I own are the two from previous sets, the WotC collectors chromatic dragons, and a Wotc Silver dragon this is great for me :)

It says we have to order a "booster case", but on the product page a "booster" and a "case" are now the same thing. So which one has to be ordered in to be allowed to purchase the dragon?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dang a dragon incentive..........(popular amongst collectors)

Might jack the price up on the open market. Hopefully it won't. Just can't afford a case of Pathfinder minis. Heck, I can't even buy a booster anymore!!

Me, I am still drooling over that Rune Giant!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mr. Swagger wrote:
It says we have to order a "booster case", but on the product page a "booster" and a "case" are now the same thing. So which one has to be ordered in to be allowed to purchase the dragon?

We're fixing up the display there, but you must buy a case.

Dark Archive

It's a great looking miniature, I mean I love it don't get me wrong...still hoping for a green dragon soon. Still, this one is different enough from the DDM blue dragon that I'm still pretty stoked.

Thanks Erik for talking a bit more about the thinking of where dragons are going in the future. I appreciate how much care is put into the story, and certainly never want to see a time where authors feel they have to write a story *just* to sell some toys (too much like the old He-Man cartoons!). Looking forward to future previews =)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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The bad news is that I'm trying to force the editorial team to put Gargantuan green dragons in all of our upcoming Adventure Paths. ;)

Dark Archive

Awww don't be a tease next I want a battle-damage version of the gargantuan blue dragon

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ok, that's easy. Do you have an X-acto knife?

When I can paint, sculpt and produce my own line of miniatures then I will start complaining about what I specifically want. This mini is awesome but it doesn't really matter since im going to buy regardless, I'm needy that way. Paizo is the dreamer of the dreams, I'm just along for the ride.

Liberty's Edge

It is evident to me that I clearly like other design elements in dragon miniatures than the overwhelming majority of people posting in this thread - or - it seems, designing and manufacturing this miniature.

The depths of my dissatisfaction with the pose, sculpt, and paint job on display in this mini are difficult to express in detail without being accused of being a troll.

Suffice to say, this miniature is clearly not intended for me. Which is just fine. Can't win em all.

Sovereign Court

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I very much like the fact that it is a completely different sculpt then the other Garg. Blue. Plus she has gear, which is something I like seeing on dragons. I am thinking she needs to make an appearence in my Age of Worms campaign. :)

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I don't really like the equipment. Just doesn't tickle my fancy. However I will wait and see it in person before I make a final decision.

No, sir, I don't like it. The color is way too garish and the sculpt is ill-proportioned (though very detailed). I'm a big fan of dragon minis but this one looks like it belongs in a Lego playset.



Just when I thought I was out, you bring me back!

It was you, Vito! I know it was you!

Dark Archive

Eh I wouldn't care for it as much if it was the only gargantuan dragon I had, but my complaint was I have a blue one already and this one is very much different from it. Still, I can see validity in the talk about the garishness to the accessories...but heck I think it's fun in a way.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

In person, the color is considerably less neon blue. FYI.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow ... this is an impressive mini ... and while I can appreciate the "attention to detail" and having the gargantuan blue represent the BBEG it is meant to be in Shattered Star ... I was actually hoping that it would better serve a dual purpose ... as a certain gargantuan blue in chapter six of your first AP ... all decked out like "she" is ... it's hard to "confuse" her with any other "big blue".

And I was actually hoping for an awesome "all fours" pose ... I mean let's face it ... the huge black was on all fours ... and that is one SWEET dragon mini.

But I do love the mini ... and also enjoy the "backstory" regarding your hopes and plans for dragons of all sizes and colors. (Don't forget "Tiny" Erik ... if WotC DDM was able to produce several decent tiny creature minis (the quasit, the imp, the flameskull, the pseudodragon, the bat, and the stirge ... I am confidant (or hopeful) that Wizkids can figure out how to include tiny minis in upcoming sets). And having tiny black, brass, copper, and white dragon minis would be nice (in addition to which ever primal and imperial dragons begin at tiny size). :)

Well Done ...


1 person marked this as a favorite.

if a small company like gifted vision can make a tiny raven mini a much larger company like wizkis could do it

Grand Lodge

OK! I have to admit, you had me speechless. I didn't know what to write.

There is nothing out there like this. It is so over-the-top with the jewelry that I think it works. I will buy into it. I will definitely give you credit for originality, and for Wizkids pulling it off.



Paizo Employee CEO

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The thing I like most about this mini is that is shows old dragons as I always thought they should be shown—as potent magic users. Most dragon minis show dragons as these feral creatures ready to go toe to toe with you. That might work for a younger dragon, but those old wyrms have so much magic going on that it always irks me when the minis show them as these feral fighting creatures. They would be wearing tons of magic items and casting spells left and right. Like this figure. It is the first dragon mini I can think of which shows a dragon in this light, which makes me happy.


Grand Lodge

Does she have a human form?

Btw- My wife loves it. I told her we will half to share.


My only complaint is that the arms look larger than the legs and the limb that connects the wing to the body looks awkward because it goes beyond the first joint and the joint is just in the middle of the limb. I'm hoping both of these are just poor camera angles. I intend to purchase it regardless, but it will have to be on Ebay. I can't afford a whole case for one miniature. That and I support the pawns idea much more than plastic crack. :)

Liberty's Edge

Hmm...I'm kind on the fence on this one. The jewelry and detail makes it very unique but something about the coloring and proportions makes it seem a bit cartoony to me.

Mazra wrote:

Does she have a human form?

Btw- My wife loves it. I told her we will half to share.

That would be very very cool....dragon miniatures with a matching humanoid form that they adopt via magic.

Sovereign Court

Gururamalamaswami wrote:
Mazra wrote:

Does she have a human form?

Btw- My wife loves it. I told her we will half to share.

That would be very very cool....dragon miniatures with a matching humanoid form that they adopt via magic.

My liking of this idea prolly comes from all mi WoW playing, but this idea rocks.

I know all the dragons used to be able to take humanoid form, but the only ones with an innate Change Shape ability in Pathfinder are golds and silvers, iirc.

EDIT: Also bronze. But none of the evil dragons. And does it strike anyone else as strange that the chaotic metallics, who are the most likely to be sneaky if well-meaning tricksters, are the ones who don't get Change Shape?

On a "slightly" unrelated note, thanks to a fan referral, I have added 5 more minis previewed on ICv2 to the PathfinderMinis gallery.

PATHFINDER MINIS - Shattered Star Miniature Gallery

Liz Courts wrote:
In person, the color is considerably less neon blue. FYI.

That's good to know, but you had me at "big blue" :)

Lisa Stevens wrote:

The thing I like most about this mini is that is shows old dragons as I always thought they should be shown—as potent magic users. Most dragon minis show dragons as these feral creatures ready to go toe to toe with you. That might work for a younger dragon, but those old wyrms have so much magic going on that it always irks me when the minis show them as these feral fighting creatures. They would be wearing tons of magic items and casting spells left and right. Like this figure. It is the first dragon mini I can think of which shows a dragon in this light, which makes me happy.



and +1 to the human counterpart that's just kewl

I gotta be a dissenter here. I don't like it. I love the pose but I hate all the jewelry/magic items on it. Looks silly to me. I realize it represents a named NPC dragon, but that doesn't make it ok in my opinion. If only it didn't have all the jewelry I'd love it.

Delthos wrote:
I gotta be a dissenter here. I don't like it. I love the pose but I hate all the jewelry/magic items on it. Looks silly to me. I realize it represents a named NPC dragon, but that doesn't make it ok in my opinion. If only it didn't have all the jewelry I'd love it.

I feel similarly. My take is that it makes sense, but jars somewhat (presumably because all the previous dragon art that's seeped into my subconscious has been of the violent, bestial kind Lisa mentioned) this will presumably grow on me and hopefully (plus likely) it will be better in three dimensions - in a picture I tend to pick out details. At the table I take in the figure far more holistically.

Having said that, I really like the runes.

Dark Archive

I'm liking this one since I already have the DDM gargantuan blue. If I didn't have that one I'd probably feel different to be honest.

Grand Lodge

I agree Aarontendo. If we are going to have another Garg. Blue let it be very different. This one is very, very different.

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