Pathfinder Tales: Plague of Shadows Sanctioned for Society Play

Monday, February 28, 2011

A short while ago we sanctioned the Pathfinder Modules Godsmouth Heresy and Cult of the Ebon Destroyers for use in Pathfinder Society play. This was a needed change to help expand play options for players and to strengthen the entire program. As we roll into March it's time for another change: the sanctioning of Pathfinder Tales novels for use in the Pathfinder Society.

Winter Witch
Illustration by Darren Bader

The Pathfinder Tales novel Plague of Shadows has now been incorporated into the Pathfinder Society. This new option provides fans of the novels with an additional way to use content from the book in a sanctioned format. Because of the differences between reading a novel and playing a game, there are specific rules needed for using sanctioned content from a Pathfinder Tales novel during play and we'll be providing a Chronicle sheet for players to use with their characters. You can download this Chronicle by going here.

Sanctioned novels you ask? How do you sanction a novel? Because Pathfinder Tales novels are stories first, there is no easy way to sanction items, spells, feats, or other special abilities whole cloth. Therefore, Plague of Shadows Chronicle sheets use the following rules.

1. Only items, feats, boons, or abilities found on the Chronicle sheet are legal for play.
2. Each player must have a copy of the Chronicle sheet with his or her character at all times.
3. In order for the Chronicle sheet to be considered legal for play, the player must show to the GM a copy of Plague of Shadows, either in printed or digital format.

GMs are advised to work with players to make the sanctioning of Pathfinder Tales Chronicle sheets easy and fast. As long as the player has a copy of the book, she should be able to use the Chronicle sheet just like any other.

If you would like to learn more about Plague of Shadows or other novels in the Pathfinder Tales line, please visit or your local bookstore. Other novels in the line include Prince of Wolves by former Dragon Magazine editor Dave Gross, Winter Witch by New York Times best-selling author Elaine Cunningham, and the forthcoming The Worldwound Gambit by gaming legend Robin D. Laws.

I'd love to hear your comments on this update to Society play. Please post them in the comments!

Hyrum Savage
Marketing and Organized Play Manager

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The Exchange 4/5

Shieldknight wrote:

Two things though:

Like has been said before, 1 character or all characters?
And, what's to keep someone from bringing a friends paperback and claiming it as their own? Locally, I know who buys the books and can keep this in check, but if I went to a con where I didn't know anyone, how would I monitor this?

1. I would like to know as well.

2. I'd ask that if you own physical copy of the book, have your name written on the inside cover in something permanent because you'd like to ensure everyone is treated fairly.

Gorbacz wrote:
This is dangerously close to WotC level of marketing lame.

You're over-exaggerating a bit. You're trying to compare this to a company that knowingly launched a marketing campaign designed to kill one of their most popular product lines in the hopes of promoting its sequel, a course of action that not only upset a sizable portion of their customers, but also spawned their most successful direct competitor to date.

Yeah, this isn't even close.

That said, while I see how this can easily backfire, I approve of the idea. Anything that will promote society players to learn a little more about the setting is good in my mind. So what if people are paying money to receive an in-game benefit? No one has to if they don't want to, and as others have observed, the benefits are somewhat small and limited in scope. What's more, we all have to remember that PFS is also a product line in itself, and this markets both PFS play and the Tales line.

Though in all honesty, from the perspective of promoting society play, I think a better choice for this promotion would have been Prince of Wolves; with all the free copies that went out this month, there's likely a greater opportunity of drawing readers of the fiction to PFS with that title.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Michael Brock wrote:
Are you not a fan of t-shirt rolls either?

No, I'm not really a fan of that either.


I'm posting this from home but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm reading this and will have more detailed comments once I get into the office.


Dark Archive 4/5

At first I read this, and thought that it must be April 1st. Then I checked my calendar...

This is a very obvious marketing tactic that can't be disguised as anything else but to sell fiction. Which is a bit eyebrow raising, to say the least.

I already read the fiction so this is nothing but a bonus for me, but it is a bit strange and I'd like to see how this get's justified in game

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Hyrum Savage wrote:

I'm posting this from home but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm reading this and will have more detailed comments once I get into the office.


That's why we love you guys.

Sovereign Court 2/5

I know my players are going to ask this - Can they add a day job roll to this chronicle?

Dark Archive 4/5

PostMonster ate my post :(

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Joseph Caubo wrote:
There is definitely plenty of reason IC to have these boons, you just need to be creative... maybe you had a best friend growing up who was from Galt, and he taught you the finer nuances of how his people deceive each other. But because you are not from there or look the part, it only works once.

Joseph, I am not a fan of the dissociated mechanic. You're right, we can always come up with some back-justification. But if this works, what if my PC is from Galt? Why shouldn't he get the benefit repeatedly?

hogarth wrote:
To me, the idea of a +5 bonus to Bluff/Disguise against a guy from Galt makes more in-game sense as a possible "lucky break" than re-preparing a spell.

If it were a luck bonus, I'd agree with you. This is a circumstance bonus, so it doesn't stack with (for example) a Ranger's Favored Enemy bonus, or the bonus a Wizard's snake familiar provides. I don't know why rangers ought to be less lucky.

Dark Archive 4/5

"At first I read this, and thought that it must be April 1st. Then I checked my calendar...

This is a very obvious marketing tactic that can't be disguised as anything else but to sell fiction. Which is a bit eyebrow raising, to say the least.

I already read the fiction so this is nothing but a bonus for me, but it is a bit strange and I'd like to see how this get's justified in game"

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I don't have time to read everyone's comments, but I would like to add my own.

I HATE this idea. There is no play involved. Gaming (society play or not) is about sitting around and playing with people--why I play Pathfinder and not WoW. As someone else said, there is no reason for a character to gain these things.

I care very little about it being game-breaking, not game-breaking, any of that. I care about consistency and purpose.
If this is the road PfS wants to travel then put out a line of those "interactive, choose-your-own adventure" books that I can bring my character to, sit in the comfort of my self-enclosed world, by myself and power up my character.

If Paizo doesn't have a corner on this type of game, they are certainly in the lead. Keep your lead. Keep doing what you have been doing (with slight improvements to be sure) and don't mess it all up.


Scarab Sages

Deidre Tiriel wrote:

While the boons are not game breaking in the least, I do not like this move by Paizo.

I think that the fiction should be separate from the Society play.

As I understood it, the fiction was not supposed to be core. This allowed the writers to play within Golarion without their book affecting the world as we know it.

I truly hope that this trend doesn't continue beyond PFS scenarios.

As far as I understand it, Golarion is a static setting. Yes, it has a history, and a possible future, but by incorporating novels like this, the setting changes.

I'd like to add that I am in favor of the T-shirt rolls. I have no issue with buying a product to get a bonus in game.

I have an issue with connecting the Pathfinder Tales (which, though I haven't read my fiance's subscriptions, yet, I've heard only good things about) and PFS. Is PFS actually a "Living" campaign? I was under the impression it was not.

[[[Essentially, I do NOT want the novels to affect the Adventure Paths or any of the Companion/Chronicle (Campaign Setting?) books.

As long as it doesn't go beyond the PFS scenarios, then I'm O.K. with this marketing move by Paizo.]]]

Grand Lodge 4/5

Curn_Bounder wrote:

I HATE this idea. There is no play involved. Gaming (society play or not) is about sitting around and playing with people--why I play Pathfinder and not WoW. As someone else said, there is no reason for a character to gain these things.


If this is the case, then short re-rolls need to go also as there is absolutely no play involved with getting the free re-roll EVERY game. Personally, I hate shirt re-rolls. But, since they are part of the PFS, I accept them for what they are. Just curios, Curn_Bounder, do you own any faction shirts, and if so, would you be willing to have their effects removed from PFS? I don't own any because, like I said, I hate the idea.

Dark Archive 4/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Curn_Bounder wrote:

I HATE this idea. There is no play involved. Gaming (society play or not) is about sitting around and playing with people--why I play Pathfinder and not WoW. As someone else said, there is no reason for a character to gain these things.


If this is the case, then short re-rolls need to go also as there is absolutely no play involved with getting the free re-roll EVERY game. Personally, I hate shirt re-rolls. But, since they are part of the PFS, I accept them for what they are. Just curios, Curn_Bounder, do you own any faction shirts, and if so, would you be willing to have their effects removed from PFS?

Yeah but you can't wear the book. It's hassle to lug around as much of the material is already out there, and now they're including a fiction book to attach to this one chronicle sheet. It's too much of a hassle for a one time situational bonus.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Hyrum Savage wrote:

I'm posting this from home but I wanted to let you guys know that I'm reading this and will have more detailed comments once I get into the office.


I can't stand it anymore. I have to vent.

You keep saying you're going to be doing all of these things. Update Season 0 modules, update the Guide to Organized Play, update the pregens, reply to peoples' concerns in other threads (and I'll call it out, specifically - the Replay Rears Its Ugly Head thread that was started where you said you would reply in detail and never did), or (on a broader, company-wide scale) get *on time* with your product releases. But you are always claiming that you can't because, "These things take time."

And, yet, you waste time and resources putting out stuff like this. If "these things take time" why was time spent producing *this* particular PDF? Why was time spent coming up with *this* particular set of rules development? Why is time being spent justifying *this* particular WASTE OF TIME?

I grow tired of debates and of reading excuses. I just want to play the game I came to love a couple years ago. And I'm starting to feel that you don't particularly care about that attitude.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Todd Morgan wrote:

Yeah but you can't wear the book. It's hassle to lug around as much of the material is already out there, and now they're including a fiction book to attach to this one chronicle sheet. It's too much of a hassle for a one time situational bonus.

You only bring the book with you the first time. After the sheet is signed by a DM, you currently do not have to bring it with you anytime ever. You do have to lug around your shirt to each game though.

Something that occurred to me is that this is no different than utilizing content from sources other than the Core Assumption.

To utilize content from additional sources, players must buy the book, in physical or electronic format, and they automatically gain access to all sanctioned rules and items contained within. There does not have to be any in-game reason for this, nor does it have to be explained with a character background.

This is the exact same thing. This novel is simply an additional source, and upon buying a physical or electronic copy of the book, players automatically gain access to all sanctioned rules and items contained within. Or in this case, since a novel does not contain actual rules information, players gain access to the Chronicle that explains those items in game terms. This is simply expanding the current marketing connectivity, which has been around since the inception of society play, to include a more recent product line.

The Exchange 5/5

I find the whole thing to be a moot point since the bonuses granted are so circumstantial as to be irrelevant. While some may recoil at the idea of a marketing ploy tainting their hobby, they should remember the entire organized play framework is a marketing ploy.

Dark Archive 4/5

Doug Miles is a marketing ploy.

Dark Archive 1/5

Auke Teeninga wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Now Andoran faction players can gain credit sitting elegant in the loo.

No XP, no GP, no PA. Just some fluff.

And Taldorans are much better at sitting elegant...

You are quoting out of context dear Captain, that jab was my tounge in cheek for the preceding line above it. In other words while I am not the biggest fan of this idea, I can understand why Paizo would choose to go this route, and others in PFS may 'dig it'.

Hyrum and Mark are testing the waters, good for them! That's how our hobby grows; I'm sure they had meetings regarding this with the higher ups at Paizo before they implemented this, I'm sure they will take a lot of meetings after this.

And the Taldans are already getting thiers.

Auke Teeninga wrote:

Bribing the GM.

Totally unrelated fact: I like chocolate

I use tequila myself.

But as a fellow epic level chocolate lover {PrC} I give you masterwok chocolate.

Dark Archive 4/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Todd Morgan wrote:

Yeah but you can't wear the book. It's hassle to lug around as much of the material is already out there, and now they're including a fiction book to attach to this one chronicle sheet. It's too much of a hassle for a one time situational bonus.

You only bring the book with you the first time. After the sheet is signed by a DM, you currently do not have to bring it with you anytime ever. You do have to lug around your shirt to each game though.

#3 says that for the chronicle sheet to be legal, you have to show the book. It's like that for every non-core feat/trait/etc so why is it different for this?

Todd Morgan wrote:
#3 says that for the chronicle sheet to be legal, you have to show the book. It's like that for every non-core feat/trait/etc so why is it different for this?

Nevermind, I just found and downloaded the chronicle; I misunderstood what you were talking about.

Point number three does state you have to have a copy of the book whenever you want to use the chronicle. So it you haven't used the boons yet, and think you might want to, you'll need to have the book on hand. Same if you want to purchase the item, though it doesn't sound as if you would have to keep it on hand after the items was purchased.

Hyrum: I actually really like this idea. If it works out, i hope we will see similar sheets for Prince of wolves and winterwitch

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Todd Morgan wrote:
Doug Miles is a marketing ploy.

That is devious!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

And Drogon goes ballistic! I expected Pain to be the first to do that.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

When I saw this, I immediately checked the date. This would've been an awesome April Fool's Joke given all the hullabaloo about replay over the past year. Alas, it is only the end of February.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Michael Brock wrote:

If this is the case, then short re-rolls need to go also as there is absolutely no play involved with getting the free re-roll EVERY game. Personally, I hate shirt re-rolls. But, since they are part of the PFS, I accept them for what they are. Just curios, Curn_Bounder, do you own any faction shirts, and if so, would you be willing to have their effects removed from PFS? I don't own any because, like I said, I hate the idea.

First, I'm not going to argue that there is a big difference in this and the shirts as a marketing ploy. I will fully grant you that.

However . . . "there is absolutely no play involved with getting the free re-roll" Re-rolling implies playing.
And in the interest of full disclosure, yes I own a shirt, but let me tell you this. I did not pay $25 for a re-roll (or 125 rerolls--in fact I think I've actually only use the reroll three or four times and NEVER as a GM.) I liked the shirt--the only thing that would've made it better is if it actually had the Society logo on it somewhere. I bought it because I love the system and the Society. I've also bought the first two (and plan on buying Plague as well.) All for the same reason I bought the shirt. Love the setting, enjoy tales in the setting.
Is this a cheap marketing ploy? Yes.
Do I understand why a for-profit company might do it? Absolutely.
Do I like it? Nope.

The Exchange 3/5

Dragnmoon wrote:
And Drogon goes ballistic! I expected Pain to be the first to do that.

Why would I go ballastic?

It's not like I expect coherent and rational decisions about where Paizo's PFS resources should go.

Besides, I like the idea of selling Indulgences. Paizo should be focused on making money only and not on providing for the core needs of the PFS environment.


Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I've thought about it a bit and I dislike this for 3 reasons:

1) I prefer benefits granted in games to come from within the game, based on the actions of the character, instead of being based on out-of-game purchases/actions that have no basis inside the game.

2) With regard to traits/feats/spells/gear/etc. being available to characters only if the player has purchased the corresponding rulebook - I see a distinction between rulebooks and the fiction line. The fiction line contains no rule mechanics and is not tied to the rulebooks, aside from a shared game world. If the fiction books contained a rule mechanic (such a character using a previously unpublished spell at a critical and dramatic point in the story, then seeing that spell presented at the end of the book as an additional rule mechanic), then I could see allowing the fiction on the same basis as the rulebooks.

3) The boons occupy such a low-point on the power vs. usefulness curve that they seem inconsequential. That makes me wonder if the boons are even worth the effort of buying and reading a book (even though there's no good way to verify someone read the book). Additionally, if the burden of proof to get the bonuses is so low, why even bother asking for proof. At least with the rulebooks, you have to have a copy of the book with you for any session, not just the first. It seems to easy to pass a fiction book around for the one-time sign-off.

I don't see this as a "sky is falling" or deal-breaking decision. I just think it's ill conceived and, well, goofy.


Shadow Lodge 2/5

Indulgences! Perfect word for this policy.

As a promotion idea I think it will annoy more folks than sell books, but I don't know. Call them what it is and make it a fun thing and I might even buy a book so I can carry around my indulgence!

Awesome word.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Iammars wrote:
When I saw this, I immediately checked the date. This would've been an awesome April Fool's Joke given all the hullabaloo about replay over the past year. Alas, it is only the end of February.

I have to admit that I too had this initial reaction.

I will say though, after my initial eyebrow raise and quizzical look, I've become more-or-less neutral on this idea. It screams marketing, but it's not really that outrageous and honestly, the ability to use boons of this type are so rare, I'd hardly consider it game-breaking. It is a weird concept, and I do wish that I had seen some other requested PFS first, but I hardly think this concept really takes up that much of Paizo's time, and sometimes fresh ideas need to be pushed immediately, while something is new (like Pathfinder Tales).

Sovereign Court 1/5

Is this a marketing gimmick, hells yes. Is it going to erode the very foundations of PFS, not a chance.

The best way to look at this is as if your characters have been reading the Chronicles between adventures. You gain a tidbit of knowledge that you can apply once. Sure it's a little gamist, but who cares? This is a game!

Will this encourage PFS players to read the fiction line, maybe. I know I already do read the fiction and I've only dabbled in PFS. I think it's a good move to not only sell product, but to expand the average players knowledge base of the campaign setting. For all the simulationsists out there one would think you'd want to encourage a deeper immersion into the setting by other players.

--Vrock the House

Sczarni 4/5

I have seen people whine about not understanding how countries work causing them hardships later (Hersey of man part 1) and I have seen lack of Canon knowledge hurt people from doing faction missions, so anything that gets the player's knowledge of the world up is a good thing

Skeld wrote:

1) I prefer benefits granted in games to come from within the game, based on the actions of the character, instead of being based on out-of-game purchases/actions that have no basis inside the game.

*shrug* I see the tales as part of the in game chronicles published by the pathfinder society, and the knowledge gained from reading it *might* help you in some situations if a trick in the story was successful because of a cultural break, and the description of the ring would help you verify the identity of one you found in a corner booth of a Ketapesh bazaar table.

Skeld wrote:
2) With regard to traits/feats/spells/gear/etc. being available to characters only if the player has purchased the corresponding rulebook - I see a distinction between rulebooks and the fiction line. The fiction line contains no rule mechanics and is not tied to the rulebooks, aside from a shared game world. If the fiction books contained a rule mechanic (such a character using a previously unpublished spell at a critical and dramatic point in the story, then seeing that spell presented at the end of the book as an additional rule mechanic), then I could see allowing the fiction on the same basis as the rulebooks.

The Chronicle sheet is page with the item presented at the end of the module. So you're saying this is a moot point.

Skeld wrote:
3) The boons occupy such a low-point on the power vs. usefulness curve that they seem inconsequential. That makes me wonder if the boons are even worth the effort of buying and reading a book (even though there's no good way to verify someone read the book). Additionally, if the burden of proof to get the bonuses is so low, why even bother asking for proof. At least with the rulebooks, you have to have a copy of the book with you for any session, not just the first. It seems to easy to pass a fiction book around for the one-time sign-off.

But you also need it with you when you use either of the one time boons, and whenever you buy/use the ring, do you not?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I do like the game idea of the Tales being Pathfinder logs and knowledge is gained from reading them.

That actually <might> change my view on this whole thing--a tad anyway. I don't think it's "gamist" I actually like the feel of that.

However, I wouldn't read novels written in that fashion--at least not a bunch of them. Winter Witch wasn't written that way--in fact I don't think it mentions the Society at all.

But more to this immediate question--is Plague a Society centered novel? I don't think I got that from the description.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Dragnmoon wrote:
And Drogon goes ballistic!


This is nothing more than a giant fart. It's loud and stinky. Some people are amused by it. Some are offended. Everyone will get over it. Including me.

This, too, shall pass.

Curn_Bounder wrote:
But more to this immediate question--is Plague a Society centered novel? I don't think I got that from the description.

I didn't either, but I don't think it matters; the APG isn't Society-centered, nor are the majority of optional sources that are sanctioned for Society play.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
...I have seen lack of Canon knowledge hurt people from doing faction missions, so anything that gets the player's knowledge of the world up is a good thing

We differ on this. I see the need for canon knowledge as a barrier to getting casual gamers into the PFS.

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Skeld wrote:

*shrug* I see the tales as part of the in game chronicles published by the pathfinder society, and the knowledge gained from reading it *might* help you in some situations if a trick in the story was successful because of a cultural break, and the description of the ring would help you verify the identity of one you found in a corner booth of a Ketapesh bazaar table.

If we want, we can come up with a hundred fluffy reasons to justify it in-game with some off-screen action by the character. The root of the issue for me is that nothing happened in-game to grant the boon. What happened was out-of-game (the player purchased the boon). If there's a boon, I want the player/character to earn it in game with some action. If something is going to by gained by the character, something should also be risked by the character.

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Skeld wrote:
The Chronicle sheet is page with the item presented at the end of the module. So you're saying this is a moot point.

I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here with regard to my text that you quoted. I was addressing the general issue that any feat or other non-core game mechanic that a character uses requires that the player purchased the book that contains it. My point was that when you buy the rulebook, you're specifically buying game mechanics.

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Skeld wrote:
But you also need it with you when you use either of the one time boons, and whenever you buy/use the ring, do you not?

I don't know if you do. The blog post is unclear on how long you need to keep it. Once a GM signs off on it, do you have to keep it? There seems to be a debate within this thread about that.


Grand Lodge 4/5

Skeld wrote:

If we want, we can come up with a hundred fluffy reasons to justify it in-game with some off-screen action by the character. The root of the issue for me is that nothing happened in-game to grant the boon. What happened was out-of-game (the player purchased the boon). If there's a boon, I want the player/character to earn it in game with some action. If something is going to by gained by the character, something should also be risked by the character.

So, by this logic, Paizo needs to discontinue the sell of the faction t-shirts and declare that no one can use them any longer to get a re-roll?

You can't have it both ways. There is something gained by the character and nothing risked to get a re-roll in every game. Nothing happened in game to grant the re-roll.

How do you think the t-shirt issue should be handled then?

Chris Mortika wrote:
hogarth wrote:
To me, the idea of a +5 bonus to Bluff/Disguise against a guy from Galt makes more in-game sense as a possible "lucky break" than re-preparing a spell.
If it were a luck bonus, I'd agree with you. This is a circumstance bonus, so it doesn't stack with (for example) a Ranger's Favored Enemy bonus, or the bonus a Wizard's snake familiar provides. I don't know why rangers ought to be less lucky.

A ranger's Favored Enemy bonus and the snake familiar bonus are typeless bonuses, so they should stack with everything. Furthermore, I was going to say that circumstance bonuses stack with each other, but it's possible that Paizo took that out of the PFRPG rules; they explicitly stacked in 3.5 D&D.

EDIT: I found this buried in the "Special Spell Effects" section:

"With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works (see Combining Magical Effects)."

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Heaven's Agent wrote:
I didn't either, but I don't think it matters; the APG isn't Society-centered, nor are the majority of optional sources that are sanctioned for Society play.

I get that not all the legal for play stuff is society centered. It's just that I like the idea of a character reading a book (journal) gaining some information that will help him/her in the field and therefore getting a boon for it. That makes in-game, logical sense to me.

As a GM, when I know the players/characters at the table have played an interrelated adventure, I can include things, like, "As you remember from your adventure to . . ." I've often thought it would be good to insert some information from very old adventures--under the presumption that the players would have read the journals from those adventures (after all they happened two years ago.) Alas, if they players haven't had a chance to play that specific scenario, then there are spoilers and the meta-plot doesn't work anyway. (To me, that metaplot thing, is something Paizo staff could put more effort into--and that would include retiring scenarios on a regular basis.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

While on the topic of extra content no one asked for, how about a boon for reading and owning Seeker of Secrets? It's "core assumption", and hardly anyone has read it. I've not read the Pathfinder Tales book yet, but I doubt it is as relevant as Seeker of Secrets is to the average PFS player.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Lamplighter wrote:
While on the topic of extra content no one asked for, how about a boon for reading and owning Seeker of Secrets? It's "core assumption", and hardly anyone has read it. I've not read the Pathfinder Tales book yet, but I doubt it is as relevant as Seeker of Secrets is to the average PFS player.

Isn't access to all the nice ioun stones enough of a boon?

But I agree, people should actually read Seeker of Secrets.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Skeld wrote:

If we want, we can come up with a hundred fluffy reasons to justify it in-game with some off-screen action by the character. The root of the issue for me is that nothing happened in-game to grant the boon. What happened was out-of-game (the player purchased the boon). If there's a boon, I want the player/character to earn it in game with some action. If something is going to by gained by the character, something should also be risked by the character.

So, by this logic, Paizo needs to discontinue the sell of the faction t-shirts and declare that no one can use them any longer to get a re-roll?

You can't have it both ways. There is something gained by the character and nothing risked to get a re-roll in every game. Nothing happened in game to grant the re-roll.

How do you think the t-shirt issue should be handled then?

I can accept the T-shirts as long-stading tradition for almost all of the organized play campaigns out there. *shrug* If you insist that we should dislike them as well for our arguments to make any sense to you, I'll be happy to start.

I'm just a tad wary of where this is going with more things like this being added. This particualr feature isn't anything major, but I don't think it's the best idea they've had. Time will tell.

First off, thanks everyone for your reasoned and calm posts. It's good to know that even when Pathfinders disagree we can be civil. (Although I wonder if the Shadow Lodge is getting an increase in membership... :>)

Second, while we do have plans for releasing Chronicles for Prince of Wolves and Winter Witch, the boons and items on those Chronicles will be in line with this one. We really don't want to break the game, just give fans of the novels additional options. No one is required to use this Chronicle and the Boons and item, while flavorful, aren't game changing in such a way that you need the Chronicle to stay competitive.

Third, some rules clarifications:

- This Chronicle can be applied to any and all characters, although you do have to show the book to a GM each time you get the Chronicle sheet signed.

- You really only need the book when you get the Chronicle signed, although you should have it handy just like any other book from the Additional Resources list.

- For those of you that are upset with this we hope you'll stick around. We have some exciting changes coming in the next couple of months and I can't wait to share them. (Everything will be made clear at PaizoCon.)

Last, why this and not some of the other requested changes/updates? Frankly, most of the other updates are tied into larger programs and those take time to sort and roll out appropriately. We will be getting an update to the PFS Guide that incorporates the 1:1 rule and removes the Additional Resources list since that now lives on the website.

Once we make that update we won't be updating the document again until the new version comes out in a couple of months. We're completely revamping the document and changing it into 3 seperate files.

The first will be a 4 page Introduction to PFS/Quickplay document that gets new people up and running quickly. It'll explain character creation, the factions, and what PFS is.

The second is a players book that details everything you need to know as a player: how to get and spend XP, prestige, more info on the factions, etc.

The third will be a GM/Coordinator book that dives into the rules, explains how to organize and run events and how to be the best GM you can be.

In the coming weeks and months we'll be teasing and showing and doing everything we can to get you excited about PFS and Season 3 and we'll be laying all our cards on the table at PaizoCon where I hope to sit and chat with everyone who's interested.


Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Canada—Manitoba

EDIT: My comments ninja'd by Hyrum's response... cautiously optomistic based on this, although it will make for a long wait until Paizocon.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Hyrum Savage wrote:
- For those of you that are upset with this we hope you'll stick around. We have some exciting changes coming in the next couple of months and I can't wait to share them. (Everything will be made clear at PaizoCon.)

Not a problem at all. As I pointed out earlier, this doesn't appear to be a game-breaker for anyone though it has raised a few eyebrows

Hyrum Savage wrote:
Once we make that update we won't be updating the document again until the new version comes out in a couple of months. We're completely revamping the document and changing it into 3 seperate files.

I like that idea, and it explains how much work you've been putting into it, and thus the delays.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Instead of making the original game that we all fell in love with better, we are going to give you a free cookie for buying a book. Instead of fixing items that need fixing, we will give you a boon for buying a book. I don't get it.

This is yet another step in the wrong direction. You guys have access to a few dozen Venture-Captains that hopefully are being honest about what to do with the OP, so please listen to them.

Replay is eliminated due to potential abuse, but then this gets tossed out there.

Like Painlord, I do not have the energy today to go ballistic, I will merely state that I am disappointed. Again.

Grand Lodge 4/5

cblome59 wrote:

I can accept the T-shirts as long-stading tradition for almost all of the organized play campaigns out there. *shrug* If you insist that we should dislike them as well for our arguments to make any sense to you, I'll be happy to start.

I'm just a tad wary of where this is going with more things like this being added. This particualr feature isn't anything major, but I don't think it's the best idea they've had. Time will tell.

The only thing I insist is that you tow the same line when it is the same thing. It is a boon, with no in-game ties to your character, that is bought by the player outside of the game.

This chronicle sheet you receive from buying a book is exactly the same as buying a t-shirt to get a free re-roll. You can't accept one and dismiss the other. They work on the same principles.

It is obvious that we are not going to agree on much of anything. So I will reiterate what Hyrum has said:

- For those of you that are upset with this we hope you'll stick around.

If not, good luck with whatever game you choose.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

As a subscriber to 'Tales' and an owner of all five faction shirts, I ask that the re-roll NOT go away.

I do not have an issue with this "indulgence." As many have said, the boons are very circumstantial and the item is cost-prohibitive. I do not see this being a dis-incentive to buy the novels or to play PFS. There are plenty of ways for players to integrate this into their character's story without loosing continuity. You just need to be a bit creative.

If you don't like the concept, then don't select the chronicle for your character/s (btw, needs clarification). OTOH, if it brings any readers into the PFS fold or sells more books as a result of the connection, then that's a win for everyone. More money, means more resources for Paizo, means more published material, means more Pathfinder goodness.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
cblome59 wrote:

It is obvious that we are not going to agree on much of anything. So I will reiterate what Hyrum has said:

- For those of you that are upset with this we hope you'll stick around.

If not, good luck with whatever game you choose.

Why do some of the posters seem to think "I'm not fond of this idea" means "I quit!"

It doesn't and it's not what anyone is saying.

It's simply "I am not fond of this idea"

I respect your stance on the issue, why is it so hard to even see this from another's eyes. There are 2 sides to every coin.

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