
Friday, March 26, 2010

Ook ook! Ook!

Illustration by Vinod Rams

James Sutter
Fiction Editor

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Animals Fighters Iconics Merisiel Monsters Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rogues Valeros Vinod Rams

Oh man. I'm going apesh*t for this book, now!

Silver Crusade

As someone who was eagerly awaiting a jungle environment book in the Stormwrack/Sandstorm/Frostburn line that never came, I've gone bananas at the prospect of this book.

Holy crap!

Is this the first Pathfinder illo by Vinod Rams? I love his stuff! And with pathfinder I get two great tastes that taste great together.

Most excellent....this book and the AP after the current one are the content I am most eager for.

(Indiana Jones movies and old Flash comic books are popping into my head now....)

Sovereign Court

Wow, I love that pic.

This illo officially declares that paizo is made of awesome.

And do I see that Mr. Gorilla has a hint of purple coloring? Even better!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Grape Ape?

Ook ook eeek!

Dark Archive

Me Tarza ... *cough* Me Valeros.

She Merisiel.

You, bigass Cheetah Ungawa.

Ungawa = Flanked biotch!

Sovereign Court

Holy Awakened Dire Gorilla's Batman!!! Hmm? What do apes say when they want to the the monkey off their backs? In this case Valeros!

--Don't you know you're going to Vrock the Monkey!

Ook ook ook! Oh yeah and run, Merisel!

Liberty's Edge

Sw33t4Tea wrote:
Ook ook ook! Oh yeah and run, Merisel!

I think that's her sword sticking out of its' left shoulder...

Liberty's Edge

Stop monkeying around Valeros.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Tessius wrote:
I think that's her sword sticking out of its' left shoulder...

I took that as a sign she overestimated the damage her sneak-attack would do to the big guy.


a 1 for damage and a 1 on the sneak attack damage will do that to you

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I guess Gorilla Grodd's mind powers are not working? ;)

Silver Crusade

Dragnmoon wrote:
I guess Gorilla Grodd's mind powers are not working? ;)

Well, Merisiel is running away and he still has jewelry on, so possibly!

Unless she's snatched some already. In which case she better run faster. Nothing scarier than a gorilla who wants his silver back.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Mikaze wrote:
Nothing scarier than a gorilla who wants his silver back.


Silver Crusade

Ross Byers wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Nothing scarier than a gorilla who wants his silver back.

I don't mean to pry, mate, but what's wrong?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Personally, I think the iconics are just aping for the camera in this action shot.

Wow, this one is poster-worth!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Nothing scarier than a gorilla who wants his silver back.
I don't mean to pry, mate, but what's wrong?

I take it the pun ("silver back"... "silverback") was unintentional then? If so, that makes it even awesomer!

Silver Crusade

I will never tell!

It shall forever be a mystery!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Translation: "Get your filthy paws off me you damn, dirty human!"

OMG! Is that the Tyrant Ape? Or just a silverback variation of the Dire Ape? ^_^

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I am not decided if they are in combat or if they are playing Whack-A-Mole.

The Exchange

"I want to be like you-hoo-hoo. Yes I do-hoo-hoo."


"I want to walk like you, talk like you, yes I do-hoo-hoo."

The River Kingdoms have spoiled me forever, I fear.
I spent 5 minutes looking for the dead owlbear in this picture!!!

(Not really but it makes for a good joke.)
(Okay I did spend a *few* seconds looking for the dead owlbear.)


Tessius wrote:
I think that's her sword sticking out of its' left shoulder...

I think so, too. Hopefully she'll get it back when Valeros quits monkeying around.

Zuxius wrote:

"I want to be like you-hoo-hoo. Yes I do-hoo-hoo."


"I want to walk like you, talk like you, yes I do-hoo-hoo."

"You see it's tru-u-e, an ape like me-e-e

Can be hu-u-uman to-o-o"

Gosh, I love 'The Jungle Book' =P

[invoke J Wiesmuller] Tarzan think big Mangani should be left alone[/dismiss J Wiesmuller]

Besides the Gorilla can't go 'Ook!!!'..thats for Librarians only..

Mikaze wrote:

I don't mean to pry, mate, but what's wrong?

Wow, I only just now found the pun in this.


Dark Archive

Even apes find Merisiel to be the hottest Iconic.

The Exchange

Have two bannanas!

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Did anyone even notice the title of the picture?


Dark Archive

gbonehead wrote:

Did anyone even notice the title of the picture?



Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Tessius wrote:
Sw33t4Tea wrote:
Ook ook ook! Oh yeah and run, Merisel!
I think that's her sword sticking out of its left shoulder...

That would make for a GREAT monstrous feat!

This creature can trap the weapons of attacking creatures in its tough hide.

Prerequisites: Natural armor +5 or DR 5, Str 20

Benefits: When attacked with a slashing or piercing weapon by a creature two or more size categories smaller, if the creature's damage is not greater than your natural armor bonus or DR (whichever is better), you can trap the attacker's weapon with a successful combat maneuver check against the attacker's CMD. This attempt does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

To retrieve their weapon, the attacker must make two successful grapple checks or Escape Artist checks against your CMD, one to grab the weapon and one to remove it.

For example, Merisiel attacks the Great Grape Ape (a Huge Dire Ape, natural armor +7) with her rapier, doesn't score a critical hit, and does a whopping 6 points of damage. Since this is less than the Grape Ape's natural armor bonus, it flexes its tough hide and makes a combat maneuver check at +17 against her CMD of 29. On a 12 or better, her rapier is lodged in its side.

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