![]() 2017, A Big Year for Pathfinder SocietyEvery year goes by so quickly, yet every year I end up looking back and realizing just how long it's been—and how much we've accomplished—since January. 2017's no exception. All the work that went into getting Starfinder Society going, we've been keeping busy bringing you more stories, adventures, art, and memories in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild. While we've enjoyed all of the scenarios, there's a handful that I feel really defined 2017. Tags: Akim Kaliberda Giorgio Baroni Hannah Boving Josef Kucera Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Sebastian Rodriguez Tom Ventre ![]() Familiar Faces, Unknown EnemiesThe Year of Factions' Favor has several intended themes—most notably a chance to feature factions' storylines in exciting ways—but Linda and I have found that this season lends itself to two themes that are equally gratifying: bringing back past NPCs and having them team up with the PCs directly to do awesome things. If you've followed earlier Pathfinder Society stories, you'll no doubt recognize several of these characters, as well as many more in the months to come. Even if you're newer to the campaign, we introduce these curators, adventurers, schemers, and scallywags in a way that should bring you up to speed in no time—and if you want recommendations on earlier scenarios to play leading up to these, the community's always happy to identify earlier pieces of the larger story. Tags: Giorgio Baroni Josef Kucera Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios ![]() Exploring Factions' FavorIn the pursuit of ancient secrets and unclaimed treasures, the Pathfinder Society doesn't just make discoveries; it also makes enemies. A cast of the campaign's greatest villains has conspired to take their revenge against the Pathfinder, bringing war to the footstep of the great city Absalom and chaos to the Inner Sea region. For years, factions within the Society have championed their own agendas, fought for recognition, and accumulated resources. At last they have a chance to prove themselves—an experience that could leave these organizations changed forever in Season 9 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild: the Year of Factions' Favor. Tags: Adventure Card Guild Giorgio Baroni Organized Play Pathfinder Society Year of Factions Favor ![]() Off to the Planes!We launched Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild's Season of the Stolen Storm with the promise of exploring the elemental planes, yet so far, the season has maintained a conspicuously Material Plane focus. Part of that's a lesson learned from Season 6, whose two dozen scenarios incorporated advanced technology in modest quantities yet developed a nothing-but-tech reputation because many of those scenarios debuted near the beginning of the season. This year we've been ramping up our extraplanar storyline more gradually, including Pathfinder Society Special #7-99: Through Maelstrom Rift as a peek behind the scenes of developments on their way and Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-05: Ungrounded but Unbroken as the Society's first on-screen step onto the elemental planes. At the same time, we've provided an oft-requested return to Galt, a story of redemption in Dtang Ma, an evergreen Tier 3-7 scenario, and more. Tags: Giorgio Baroni Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios ![]() No Trick, But a Serious Treat!October scenarios always present an interesting challenge because they coincide so well with Halloween yet are also early enough in the season that I'm itching to develop the yearlong metaplot further. In the past we've had some creepy October adventures like Hall of the Flesh Eaters and To Judge a Soul, Part 2: Karma Reclaimed, but we've never had one with explicit Halloween imagery. This time, I carved out a piece of the Season 8 schedule like a chunk of pumpkin flesh from a cheerful jack-o'-lantern, tentatively naming the adventure "No seriously, Halloween." Linda and I didn't know quite what the plot would be until we combined it with another concept that had been percolating in our collection of madcap ideas. Then it all came together so beautifully that Linda couldn't resist writing Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-06: Reaping What We Sow herself. If we follow the jack-o'-lantern analogy, Linda is the candle—so often a cheerful source of light and warmth. From within the haunted depths of a jack-o'-lantern fortress, however, her creative energies shine with a truly sinister radiance. In this Tier 1-5 adventure, the PCs travel to a small town in northern Galt on a mission of peace and redemption, yet it can so quickly become a tragedy of blood and tears. Come for the Shelynite pumpkin-carving festival! Stay for the legacy of vengeance and terror (with notes so a GM can lighten the mood or play up the horror as befits the audience)! Tags: Giorgio Baroni Marko Horvatin Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios |