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"There is an ancient order of scholars in Osirion called the Jeweled Sages. They record the history and knowledge of old and pass it down by storing their memories in the Sage Jewels, ensuring that this wisdom lives on through generations of sages. Many things have happened in the past five thousand years, but for now, the order has been revived, and they are searching for their missing sages."
Elu explains, "Elu and the others are Pathfinders from the Pathfinder Society. We record and protect knowledge, culture, and people alike throughout the Inner Sea and beyond. On top of that, we are good friends with the Jeweled Sages, which led us here when the sages detected one of the Sage Jewels in this place. We want to retrieve the missing Sage Jewel so that the knowledge within can be properly recorded and passed on, rather than being buried under the sand."
"So, if you would allow us to pass, that will be hugely appreciated."

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The siblings give each other worried looks after Elu's story. Ardashir speaks first. "Five Thousand years, you say? Our ancestors found this place over five thousand years ago. They noticed a corrupting influence within and deemed it necessary to keep intruders out so that the evil may not escape or grow. Foolish adventurers and tomb robbers dying in the temple would only feed it."
Anahita chimes in. "According to our ancestors, someone or something entered the place without permission around that time. Whoever or whatever it was, it hasn’t come out. We fear the corruption within the ruins has since grown."
"You may be able to help cleanse the evil from this site, or better contain or understand it. You may enter. We have a key to the door that has been passed down through the generations that you may use." She produces a key and hands it to Elu.
"The stairs are over here, when you are ready." She points up a staircase around the side of one of the two pillars.

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[/i] The man with the goblin-like suit bows his head a bit [/i]
[/b] Thank you for your serrvice then, we must be sure to take your hospitaliity to the best, and see this corruption removed if possible [/b]
The question about the layout seemed important, so he waits for this reply as well

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"There is a large room with a huge statue inside. I do not no more; we do not enter, but each generation checks to make sure the key still works and has not become damaged with the passage of time."

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"A statue, you say?" Elu raises her eyebrow as her Pathfinder experience/instinct kicks in, "Elu knows that everything inside carry some sort of historic or cultural significance. But let's say if the statue suddenly animates and attack Elu, does Elu get to self-defense? It might cause some damage to said statue in the process..."

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AS this happens he pulls out a wand of Shield and puts the shield on himself
It has happened more than once even to people more experience that us Elu miss, And it would be unfortunate, but archeology has its price, sometimes for learning more one needs to be ready to destroy, although if it could be avoided....
He revises the goblin launcher attached to one of the bombs just in case

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It's my duty to repell the corrupting influence and eradicate the evil

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Elu walks past the guardian duo and up the stairs, then checks for trap on the door and floor.
Perception: 1d20 + 28 ⇒ (2) + 28 = 30

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"If the statue comes to life, I would expect you to defend yourselves. Or run, its a big statue."
Stairs cut into the canyon wall ascend to a sturdy bronze door. Nearby there are a number of cracked and broken vases, severely damaged with time and their contents long since gone.
Elu checks the door for traps, and finding none, is able to open the door with the key. Inside, a steep stone staircase rises towards a central chamber.
Carvings on the stone walls of this staircase depict groups of humans huddled together, cowering from some unseen menace. Their faces look up toward the sky with despair evident in their eyes.

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You can go ahead and move your tokens into the hallway.
You can attempt a Knowledge: History check, Appraise or Craft: (Painting or Sculpture) to examine the paintings in the hall.

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History: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (15) + 25 = 40 "Don't look at Elu like that, Elu is only 285 years old. Elu merely read about stuff like these in the books."

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Appraise: 1d20 ⇒ 8
I know really little on those art and history

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On closer inspection, everyone except Elise is able to determine that the time period depicted is the Age of Darkenss, and remembers that Earthfall caused ash in the atmosphere to block the sun for a thousand years.
As the pathfinders examine the carvings, they start to see pieces move out of the corner of their eye, and begin to hear distant screams of anguish coming from the carvings.
DC 23 Will Save to avoid a minor Curse of Despair for anyone who examined the carvings. This is a curse and fear effect (so Elise and anyone else with fear immunity is fine). On failure, take a -2 penalty to Will saves until the curse is removed or the adventure ends.

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When Elise heard the horrifying scream, she frowns:"May my courage guide you and fullfill your heart my friends!"
Casts Aura of Greater Courage which provides immunity to fear in my aura.
I am not sure if my spell works before the check starts, but my allies within 10 feet from me can still take +4 against fear

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"Thanks, that was scary." Elu hands Elise a infused extract of Heroism, "You are Elu's hero :)"

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Will Save dc23: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
He looks collected and calm, the wost had passed, another madness another judgement by the world . . what what?
Intresting devices, now we are talking, when the knowledge or the search of it would drive one crazy, its not an unknown path, and specially one that has ot been not traveled in the past
Follow on Elu's steps he also drinks an extract of Heroism

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Elise pushes back against the dark curse with her holy power, and the screams dissipate, the images looking sad instead of horrifying. Everyone near her feels resolve, like you are in control of your fate and cannot be deterred by anything.
Fear immunity will override this. My understanding is that if you're afflicted by an effect and then become immune to it, its stops affecting you.
With the meaning behind the carvings determined and its disturbing curse defeated, the pathfinders are able to move up the stairs to find a wide hall supported by stone columns 20 feet high.
This long hallway opens into three large rooms on the north side of the temple. On the south side, there are two staircases, one leading up, the other down. Many cracks mar the stone surfaces in this part of the temple.
Two of the rooms have stairs leading up to them, but the third is clearly ahead. At the heart of this vaulted hall stands a twenty-foot-tall stone statue that depicts a beautiful woman wearing a tunic and wielding a khopesh of polished bronze and a ring of gold in the shape of a snake eating its tail. Ornate columns bulge from the walls bearing carvings of wheat stalks and snakes eating their own tails. Set on the walls between the columns, there are six bronze mirrors.
Go ahead and move your tokens up into the hall.

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Know. Arcana 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23
Know. Planes 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
Sense Motive 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Know History 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
”It looks like that statue is a shaitan genie. And the carvings on the columns seem to be that of fertility and rebirth,” Ash warns the others.
Could someone place me on the map? Anywhere is fine. Thanks!

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Moved us forward and clustered together to be within the paladin's greater aura of courage.When we're together, we fear nothing! till the spell expire
"They used Stone Shape to make this statue of Shaitan Genie back in the Age of Darkness? Fascinating!
Can't fail any of those knowledge with a 1
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 But Elu can't seem to understand what the statue is trying to present or convey. Either way, she drinks her extract of Shield