[SFS/ACE] 7-07 Submerged Stars

Game Master Kludde

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AbadarCorp Entertainment

| Recruitment Board | How is my flying? (feedback) | DICEBOT LOVES YOU | Happy Holidays! Except somewhat slower posting than usual during the festive season |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Castamir Event Code: 4605132 | How is everybody doing?

played by Kludde (2,243 posts)
The Plagued One
Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) Atu Vaeyo

Operative (Magical Assassin) 7 |SP 12/49|HP 45/45|RP 9/9|EAC 19; KAC 19|Fort +5; Ref +11; Will +9|Init +9|Perc +17, SM: +17 |Speed 40ft|Active conditions: None.

played by Zoomba (143 posts)
Zjara Ambassador
Wayfinders Celly

Female Aasimar Mystic (Empath)-7 | SP:0/42, HP:30/46, RP:4/6 | EAC:18, KAC:19 | F:3, R:3, W:8 | Spells/day : 1st 2/4 2nd : 0/4 3rd: 0/3 | NG | ADV | 124312-717

played by phaeton_nz (512 posts)
Dataphiles George 09-23

Male N Android Technomancer 7 (Themeless)Buffs: Invisible, Armor Seals are active, Hydro Jet is installed in a free armor slot. SP 15/56 HP 39/39|DR 5/-|Resist Fire, Cold 5|RP 9/9|EAC 20 KAC 21 AC 29|Fort +5* (Yeti Boon) Ref +5 Will +7 (+2 vs Mind-Affecting,Disease,Poison,Sleep)|Init: +7 |Perc: +12 SM:+0 darkvision,low-light vision|40 speed, 20 Swim, 30 Fly|Endure Elements
Jet Pack (uses) 20/20|Battery 80/80|Aeon Stone 1/1|Breath Weapon 0/1|+2 skill roll 1/1|Spell Cache (Tatoo) 1/1| Hack Capacitor 0/1|Energize Spell 1/1| Spells (Technomancer) 1st 1/6 2nd 2/5 3rd 0/3|

played by Mage of the Wyrmkin (966 posts)
Trumpet Blower
Magical Mercenaries

played by Mage of the Wyrmkin (184 posts)
Maidrayne Vox
Cognates Sakorus

M Izalguun Tinker Biohacker VII | SP 28/56 HP 62/62 | RP 7/9 | EAC 20 KAC 22 | Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +3 | Init: +0 | Perc: +16 | Biohacks: 2/7 | Frightened, Cha Drain -3 |

played by Kishmo (46 posts)
Denrelwe Azrinae
Second Seekers (Jadnura) Shari Misraria

f CN drow Envoy 5 / Operative 2 [Corporate Agent] | sp 6/44 | hp 46/46 | rp 8/8 | EAC 23 KAC 24 | F+3 R+12 W+9 [+2 vs enchantment] | Evasion | Init +6 | Perc +17 | DV60'

played by ‘Eκάτη (285 posts)
Advocates Trober Drof

Male LN Dromada Bureaucrat Precog 5 (PC sheet) | SP 18/35 HP 32/32 | RP 6/7 | EAC 20; KAC 22 |Fort +2; Ref +9; Will +3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +10, SM: +10 | Speed 40 ft. (Land) | Active Conditions: None.

played by Scottybobotti (263 posts)