About George 09-23Male N Android Technomancer 7 (Themeless) Str 10 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 23 Wis 14 Cha 8 Stamina 56 HP 39 Resolve 9
Homeland: Castrovel
BAB: +5
Boons Faction: Dataphiles Champion (2 Fame spent after 1st mission) Starship: Enhanced Targeting (1 Fame) Social: Expert Blackmail (1 Fame) Social:Faction Friend (3) Slotless: Limited use (1) - Tattoo of the Salamander. As an immediate action gain 10 temporary hit points (for 1 minute) and regain 1 resolve when either hit by a critical hit or dealt 15 hit points by a spell or supernatural attack. Slotless: Marked Field Agent: Subdermal implant that identifies you as a member of the Starfinder Society. Slotless: Rescued Starfinder: Create a 2nd level character with 3 XP, 2,160 credits, 5 Fame and 5 Reputation (with any faction). Slotless: Big Win Against Big Potion: Reduce the cost of Medicinals. T1:75 CR, T2:450 CR, T3:2,700 CR and T4:16,200 CR. Social: Budding Media Celebrity Personal: Dwarven Admittance Personal: Secured Stars Survivor. Reduce the cost to stabilize by 1 and regain 3d6 hit points. 1/day as a free action. Ally Boon: (Ebaki's Debt) - Remove any affliction other than death for free (once) Ally Boon: (Duskmire Allegiance-Yetis)+1 bonus to Strength and Dexterity based skill checks. +1 bonus to Fortitude saves. Mnemonic Editor, MK 1 applied at the end of scenario 8 (cost 4 achievement points) Skills
* Includes ACP of -1 (if applicable) and slotted Yeti boon. Skill notes: +4 to arm/disarm traps (Engineering and Mysticism), +4 to balance out of combat (Acrobatics), +4 to search (Perception), +4 to open a door or lock (Computer and Engineering).+4 on recall knowledge checks (Culture,Life Science,Mysticism and Physical Science). Languages: Common, Castroelian, Vesk, Ysoki, Shirren, Draconic, Infernal, Aklo, Abyssal, Auran, Aquan, Terran, Ignan, Dwarvern, Elven. Themeless: +1 Dex, Stealth as a class skill. Certainty: 1/day +2 on one skill roll. Feats
Spell Casting Caster Level 7 Spell Cache (Tatoo) - Cast any Spell known 1/day. Hack Capacitor (replaces Cache Capacitor).
1) Energy Alteration (Su) - Change the damage type (of a spell that requires 1 standard action) to acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity, fire, piercing, slashing or sonic. Either cast the spell as a full action or spend one resolve point to cast as a standard action. 2) Glitch Step (Su) - Expend a 1st level spell (or greater) to glitch. You must use this ability as a part of move action or use a withdraw action. a) Ignore 20 (40 feet with 3rd level spell) feet of difficult terrain. b)Move 10 feet (20 feet with 3rd level spell) as 5 feet of movement and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity as you move. c)Pass through up to 1 foot of solid objects including ceilings, floors and walls. 3)Cache concentration (Su)-Cast a spell with a duration of concentration.
Technomancer Magical Hack: Harmful Spells (+3 hit point damage for Instantaneous spells). Energize Spell (use a battery to power a spell slot as a move action, 20 charges/spell level. 1/day). Spell Focus (+1 Spell DC)
Spells per Day 1st 6 2nd 5 3rd 3 Spells Known 0
Overheat (2d8+3 Fire, 15' Cone, Reflex DC 18 for half damage) Holographic Image 680' range, up to 11, 10' cubes, concentration Will DC 18, SR=NO Fluid Morphism +2 enhancement to ability checks and skill checks with one ability score. Can change the ability score with a standard action if the target is in range. 40' 7 min. Dampen Spell (Reaction). 170', SR=NO, Save=None. When a spell is cast make a Dispel check d20+7 vs DC 11+ Spell caster's level to succeed. The caster can lose his action to save his spell slot if he chooses. Otherwise choose one of the options below: 1)Contract - Halve the spell's range. The caster can choose another target within the new range if he cannot reach the original target.
2 Invisibility, one creature or object (up to 70 bulk), 7 minutes. Mirror Image, 1d4 images, 7 minutes. Microbot Assault 40', Concentration+1 round. 10' square that can split up into 4, 5' squares that chase your enemies (Fly speed of 20). They provide Harrying Fire and Covering Fire to foes in their squares. No Save. SR=NO. Wall of Steam 40', up to 140' wall or a 15' radius ring up to 20' high, concentration + 7 rounds. Pick one side and it delivers 2d4 fire to creatures within 5' or 1d4 fire damage to creatures within 10'. Damage occurs when it appears and on your turn every round. Passing through the wall delivers 3d4 fire damage. Creatures have concealment (20% miss chance) from creatures on the opposite side of the wall. No save. SR=NO. 3 Summon Creature* 170', 7 rounds, 1 round casting time. SR=NO. Explosive Blast 170', 20' radius blast, 9d6+3 Fire Damage. Reflex DC 20 for half damage. Requires a used battery as a spell component. *Variable level spell. 3rd level creatures (Ksarik, Haan, Air Elemental, Devil). 2nd level creatures (Shadow Creature, Protean,Water Elemental, Observer-Class Security Robot). 1st level creatures (Robot, Aeon, Agathion, Earth Elemental). Armor Upgrades Jet Pack (20 uses (40 charges). Fly 30' (average manoeuvrability). 2/charges per round or 1/minute at cruising speed. (Light Armor Slot 1 of 4) Deflective Reinforcement. Grants DR 5/- and reduces armor check penalty by 2 when using Acrobatics to escape a grapple. (Light Armor Slot 2 of 4) Thermal Capacitor, Mark I. Resist Fire and Cold 5. Comfortable in temperatures from -50 to 170 degrees F. (Upgrade Slot) Augmentation (Throat)
Personal Upgrades Mark II (+4 Int - ability crystal, magic) Mark I (+2 Con - ability crystal, magic) Magical Items
Spell Gem, 1st level: Holographic Image
Serum of Healing Mark I (1d8) (6) Equipment
Credits 2,140 Bulk - 4,9L (Capacity 5 Bulk) 18 XP, 35 Reputation for Dataphiles. 155 (shared) Achievement points. Scenarios Played 1-01, 1-09, 2-09, 1-20, 3-19, 3-99, 4-99, 3-15, 1-99, 5-14,6-01,6-06, 4-16, 6-05, 2-17, 6-13, 6-03, 7-05. borrowed equipment: