Game Master Johnny_Panic

“Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune

Freman words




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The fugter comes in and whispers something to her father.

"The Jarrlo filth you say, they have just dropped a troop close to where I think you got the two off worlders. The Siatch is on lockdown until they go, so please make yourselves to home. We have an small market deeper in. And Rooms will be given you for a day or two. We will take a small bill in water form what you gift. 20% water tax plue logging costs. The water master will being you, your rings later, Do you want some in water true."

That is not in water rings but drinking water"

He is being honest and open, you have bright them water and hurt a hated enemy.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Realizing the situation had changed and they'd been dismissed, Borak returns the 'spice' to his pack. Picking the pack and his 'stillsuit' up, he nods to their host, "Thank you elder Nillic for your hospitality."

Not sure if they needed water at the moment he looks towards Kasit, letting his elder cousin address the issue. He makes a mental note to head to the small market deeper in the seitch.

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Ghir nodded to Nillic and replied, "A kind offer. Oh and if this Siatch or any other has need of warriors, we would be honoured to offer what help we can."

Like the others he was curious to check out the market, but clearly there was plenty of time with the lockdown so he was well content to take things slowly.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Pleased that they were going to be paid and would not be held to account for collecting the blood of the technicians, Kasit rose to his feet and echoed the pleasantries given to their hosts. All told, it seemed like this would be a good day.

A old looking watermaster comes into the chamber. He makes the sign and jungles his Staff, with its water rings on. In his hand is a is a cord with rings on it. Hands it to Nillic, saying.

"Sixty one and nine sixth Letagens of water. Our tax is twelve and 3 sixths of water. Leaving forty eight and three sixths leatagens of water. He takes the water tax off the cord. Nows and then leaves. Nillic bows back and hands you the cord with its water rings on it.

"It seems you have some wealth. let me show you to the market"

Which he dose, in a large chamber is a number of stalls, and above permanent rooms that have more expensive goods in, like household furniture, tools and and cooking processing equipment.

tell me what your looking for and then make a roll local to see what you get, you may not get what you want, but you will get what you need

Male Human Ranger (Transporter/ Trapper) 3 Initiative+3 AC 15 HP 39/39 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 Senses Perception+8(+1 Traps) Sense Motive+9 Conditions

Knowing a dismissal when he hears one, Audi ibn Jad rises, bows and retreats with his Brothers . At mention of taking in the Market, the Trapper shakes his head.
Best keep Borak away from the dice.

Audi laughs.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Nodding in agreement with Ghir's offer, Borak readies to follow the others to explore wherever. Seeing the watermaster entering, he pauses, raising an eyebrow at the amount of wealth they'd collected. Having stored everything else in his pack, Borak reaches out and accepts the cord with the water ring, politely saying, "Thank you elder Nillic."

As they follow the tribe counselor towards the market, Borak chuckles at Audi's comment, turning to his cousin, he jingles the cord, "I would only gamble with my share, I may be reckless, but I am no Wali."

Pausing near the first booth, Borak could smell the Tabara and kaveh. Having just broken bread with the counselor, he didn't want to offend the man by quickly eating. Besides they needed proper gear if they were to survive for a long time in the desert they would need their own kit As they moved he began to look for thinks like a paracompass a Stilltent, Maker hooks a Thumper, Sandsnorks, compaction tools and Oil lens binoculars.

Fun list of words

Diplomacy [Bartarr] rolls please for price of the above.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Bartering: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Kasit walked with his kinsmen, and attempted to negotiate prices as best he could. He wasn’t a merchant by any means, but he wasn’t exactly bad at the art of haggling. Mostly, though, what he wanted was spice which could be used to enhance his ability to heal wounds. While there was a water price in any body, he did not want to see a kinsman fall. Aside from that, he fully supported Borak’s shopping list.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Market traders, Bartering: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Each step above or below your roll adds +/- 5% to cost

You bartter 15% off the price, you get all you wanted above list for 28.5L of water.

1x paracompass
1x compaction tools
1x Oil lens binoculars.
1x Stilltent [4man] [+Backpack it comes in]
3-sets of Maker hooks
3x Thumpers,
3x Sandsnorks,

If everyone is happy to move things along, happy too

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Looking at all the new gear, Borak smiles. Turning to the others he asks, "So we each take a sand-snorkel, who'll carry the rest?"

As he asks, he realizes there are only three snorkels. Turing to the merchant, he asks, "How much for another Sand-snorkel and set of hooks?"

Remembering he had the 'gear from the off-worlders, he takes off his pack and takes out the full set of off world comms tools and long-range comps radio unit. Gesturing towards the items, he aks. "Do you know if anyone would purchase these?"

Pausing he turns to the others, "Unless we can use he radio?"

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

”I’ll carry anything medical related.” Kasit said, indicating that the rest wasn’t his responsibility. ”You all buy what we need. I’ll see if I can get these pistols sold. If anyone wants one, now’s the time to speak up.”

He will also buy masterwork dagger if one is available

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

"I say sell them, they're ugly, loud, and useless against anyone with a Holtzman shield." commented Ghir, "However I wouldn't say no to a steel combat knife in case we ever need to do city work."

The merchant looks at what you take out and then, gose and closes his door, pulling down the blinds he says.

"Come into my back office, we will have spice coffee and talk about this."

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Nodding in agreement with the merchant, Borak picks up the 'off world' items and follows the man deeper into his shop. As they walked he considered the items they'd found. He recognized tools when he saw them, but had no idea most of their purpose. Even the radio, he didn't know if it was something that they could use or not.

"We were hoping some of these things would be of value, or at least if someone knows what they are." Considering the weapons he adds. "We would trade the weapons for something more similar to what the fedaykin use in the deep desert or at least something that would not be instantly recognized as crafted by House Jarrlo."

he looks them over and makes some notes on a wax slate.
He stops at the word 'fedaykin' a group from feman legend who where supposed to bring death to those who venture into the deep south.

"I don't know about child tales my friend. But I know of a buyer here in the north. He pays well But is may be a trap, risk is the sands way."

He says waiting to see if your interested.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Sorry, didn't know the fedaykin were legends at this time :)

Having heard the stories from his grandfather in sietch Shad, Borak Blushed slightly at the term 'children's tales,' having assumed all the fremen believed the 'old tales.' Mentally shrugging, he smiles, pulling the scar on his cheek, making his eye squint. "Well, if not weapons from ancient tales, at least something a little less conspicuous than these."

Hearing the possibility of a buyer to the north he pauses and turns to his fellows.

Earlier he'd asked about another Sand-snorkel and set of hooks.

Wounds (0) HP (42) AC (18/15/13) Saves (5*/7/5) Init (+4) CMD (18) HK (20/20) Resolve (2/2) Charmed Life (2/2)

Kasit mulled over the thought. On one hand, he didn't like the idea of taking a risk by walking into a trap. On the other hand, house investigators might come asking around to see what came of the technicians. To have already left with the evidence of the 'crime' and to have it disposed of in a way that wouldn't be tracked? That was very tempting.

"What is life without some risk?" Kasit said. "I'd be interested in knowing more about this buyer."

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

"Only the daring can win." echoed Ghir. He studied the merchant and considered his words and the way he said them, wondering if he and any hidden motives for mentioning this.

Sense Motive with studied target: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 1 = 17

he is telling the truth, and thinks this is a good deal.

"There is an off worlder, an ex-spice smuggler, he has a base out inthe Nib at an old Imperial Planetologists site. Got a crew there smuggling and trading with me and other like me. He is always on the look out for off world tech and pays in refined spice. He asked about comm tech a while back. Just this kind of thing. You will get a good price form him. I give you the name and location for 10% of the sale price."

Again he seems to be genuine

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Listening to the merchants offer, Borak unconsciously reaching to his face he rubs the scar on his chin as he considers the idea. An off worlder ex-spice smuggler. So, someone who has much to lose if they get caught as any fremen. An off worlder would be more likely to purchase the weapons as well as the technical gear. In the meantime, they could use the pistols and knives until they sell them. Maybe the smuggler would have other jobs that could be done or could introduce them to other likeminded souls.

Looking towards the others, Bharak gives a very light nod. Turning towards the merchant, he double checks, "Ten percent of the sale of the long-range comps radio unit, or do you want ten percent of the sale of the tools as well?"

"All the off world things, He will hold it for me, we trade often."

Then he leans in close.

"I am told he is an outcast from House Limir. One of their men who hates the Harkonnen when they placed the house in servitude. Many left House Limir rather then be under the fist of the Barran. Lord Limir let them go with water in their suits."

That last port is a freman way of saying they were cashed out.

"This one stayed, They say he has a new master, but no one knows who they are. Could be one of the smuggling gang leaders. Now I have wasted enough air, we agree"

He holds his arm out for a clasp of agreement.

if you agree he takes out a map and shows you a location some ways beyond the shield wall. Located on a large rock outcrop.

"6 days walk, or 2 by worm, but don't call a worm this close to the offworlders, you know the law, they must never see"

Human Slayer 3 | HP 26 / 26 AC 17 T14 FF13 | CMB +7 (9*) CMD 19 (21*) | F +5 R +7 W +3 init +4
Acrobatics +9 Bluff +9 Craft: Leather +6* Disguise +8 Intimidate +9 Kn: Geog +8 Kn: Local +8 Perception +7 Sesne Motive +8 Stealth +9 Survival +7*

Unless somebody reacts first.

Ghir comes forward and clasps the mans arm, "Brother so be it, we shall trade our ghanima with this House Limir outcast."

When the worm law was mentioned, Ghir echoed, "Haram hu." It is forbidden.

"His name is Roshmu the smuggler. Tred the sands well."

he says showing you out.

Human Rogue (3rd lvl) | HP 36/36 | |AC 17/T15/FF12 | F+5/R+7/W+5 | CMB +3/CMD 17 | init + 6 | Perc + 9/11 | Surv. + 11/13 | Dis. dev. + 11 | S.P 3/4

Committing the name of the smuggler to memory, Borak nods to the merchant as they exit his shop. Feeling the excitement of adventure calling, he can't wait until the tribal elder lifts the curfew and lets them leave. Asking the others, "Before we leave, we should stock up on supplies and purchase a water filter device and possibly more weapons."

He smiles, causing his scared cheek to pull the corner of his lip, "And will we really call a worm?"

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