[Gameday XIII] PFS1e 6-04 - Beacon Below (KS)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Tier 7-11

Silver Crusade

Recruitment Thread

Vigilant Seal

Alice is a 5th level summoner.

Silver Crusade

Please add your details in the following format

1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) PFS#-Character#:
4) Character Class & Level:
5) Faction:
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle:
7) Perception and Initiative Bonus:
8) Spending a Replay Point?:
9) Anything else I should know:

Vigilant Seal

Summoner 5
Vigilant Seal
Regular speed
Perception/Initiative +11
Not spending a replay

Silver Crusade

Erm ... you do realise this is a PFS First Edition game for levels 7 to 11?

Vigilant Seal

Oops. Remove me please, then.

Silver Crusade

1) Player name Naal
2) Character name Taresh Mel
3) PFS#-Character# 144782-1
4) Character Class & Level transmuter 8/unchained rogue 2
5) Faction Silver Crusade
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle regular
7a) Perception and Initiative Bonus Taresh: Perception +22 (trap spotter rogue talent), Initiative +2
7b) Perception and Initiative Bonus Daosvaria: Perception +14 (darkvision 120 feet, blindsense 60 feet), Initiative +6
8) Spending a Replay Point? nope
9) Anything else I should know Evasion
+1 insight bonus to AC when flat-footed or during a surprise round
+1 insight bonus to saves vs fire spells/SLA and effects of creatures with the fire subtype
Improved Familiar: Daosvaria (wyrmling nightmare dragon), AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19, HP 45, Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, improved evasion, immune to paralysis and sleep. She's here to use wands and provide critique.

If Daosvaria is tracked separately in initiative and goes before Tareshj, she can basically be botted to try to cast bless from a wand with UMD +14. If Daosvaria is set to go with Taresh's initiative, ignore this paragraph.

Both Taresh and Daosvaria have a sun shogun talisman of freedom, which may temporarily negate paralysis effects if they decide to use it.

Scarab Sages

1) Player name: Roll4initiative
2) Character name: Gurgle
3) PFS#-Character#: 17148-9
4) Character Class & Level: UnRogue 5/Cleric of Besmara 5
5) Faction: Scarab Sages
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: Regular
7) Perception and Initiative Bonus:
+15 Perception (+17 traps),
+8 initiative
8) Spending a Replay Point?: nope.
9) Anything else I should know:
Rogue: Evasion
Elemental Affinities: Resist: air 4, earth 1, fire 3, water 1.
Damage Reduction: Cold 5
Scribe (faction journal): +3 saves vs. Death Effects.
Savior of the Sages: CON score +1 when die from hp damage, +1 Con to stabilize.

This is my first time playing Gurgle since 2019 and Gurgle's first PbP game. He has a bunch of boons and whatnot from other Scarab Sages scenarios, Reign of Winter AP, and his FJC. They're all listed in his profile. I hope I can remember to use the abilities when needed!

Just in case:
Torch's Respect: When interacting with Grandmaster Torch or his agents, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. If you would die while fighting Grandmaster Torch or his agents, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to return to life with 0 hit points at the end of the encounter.

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