Full Name |
Taresh Meladronai |
Race |
m CG human transmuter 8/rogue 2 | Init +2 | Perc +22 | Speed 30 feet | HP 108/90 | AC 20 T 12 FF 18 | CMD 22 (23d/s) | F+9 R+11 W+10 | |
Classes/Levels |
Active ant haul, bull's strength, darkvision, delay poison, enchantment foil, endure elements, false life, gr.magic.wpn, hunter's blessing, long arm, mage armor, mirror images 4, shield, stoneskin 100 |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
25 |
Alignment |
Chaotic Good |
Deity |
Desna |
Location |
Absalom |
Languages |
Aklo, Auran, Draconic, Gnome, Ignan, Infernal, Kelish, Osiriani, Polyglot, Taldane, Tengu, Tien, Varisian |
Occupation |
Jeweler |
Strength |
14 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
20 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
10 |
About Taresh Mel
ITS, scenarios, and build: Mekanismi
Human Taresh is a bog-standard human. He gets an extra feat and +1 skill point per level, and that's it.
Traits Muscle of the Society (+2 to break doors and lift porticullises, Strength 2 higher for carrying capacity), Magical Knack (Wizard caster level +2 up to HD)
Feats Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Alertness (from familiar), Cut Your Losses, Friendly Switch, Improved Familiar (Daosvaria), Nimble Moves, Piercing Spell, Spell Focus (conjuration), Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +5, Bluff +8, Climb +6, Craft (jewelry) +9, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +18, Disguise +4, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +12, Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, geography, history, religion) +10, Knowledge (local, nature, nobility) +9, Linguistics +15, Perception +22, Perform (comedy) +4, Perform (dance) +5, Ride +2, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +15, Stealth +7, Swim +6, Use Magic Device +13
Rogue Talent trap spotter
Wizard bonus feats Spell Focus (conjuration), Piercing Spell
Spells prepared 4 6T 4T 4T 3T
4 enchantment foil, monstrous physique II, remove curse, stoneskin
3 displacement, greater magic weapon, haste, slow, 1 unprepared
2 bull's strength, glitterdust, mirror image, mirror image, see invisibility
1 enlarge person, feather fall, grease, liberating command, long arm, shield, vanish
C acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, open/close
Spellbook cantrips acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, ghost sound, haunted fey aspect, mage hand, mending, ,essage, open/close, prestidigitation, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
Spellbook level 1 air bubble, ant haul, color spray, comprehend languages, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, erase, expeditious retreat, feather fall, gravity bow, grease, heightened awareness, keep watch, kreighton's perusal, liberating command +20, long arm, mage armor, magic aura, magic missile, magic weapon, monkey fish, mount, petulengro's validation, protection from evil, reduce person, shield, silent image, touch of gracelessness, touch of the sea, true strike, vanish
Spellbook level 2 acid arrow, adhesive blood, alter self, aram zey's focus, arcane lock, bear's endurance, bestow insight (+4), blindness/deafness, boneshaker (8d6), bull's strength, carry companion, cat's grace, command undead, communal mount, communal protection from evil, create pit, darkvision, disguise other, eagle's splendor, false life, fog cloud, fox's cunning, glitterdust, invisibility, lipstitch, locate object, make whole, merge with familiar, minor image, mirror image (1d4+3), raven's flight, resist energy, retrieve item, scare, see invisibility, sense vitals (+3d6), share language, slipstream, spider climb, stone call, stricken heart, suppress charms & compulsions, web
Spellbook level 3 burrow, clairaudience/clairvoyance, communal darkvision, communal protection from arrows, communal share language, communal resist energy, communal spider climb, disable construct, dispel magic, displacement, fireball, fly (60/40 ft., +9), force anchor, gaseous form, gentle repose, greater magic weapon, haste, monstrous physique I, necrostasis, nondetection, pierce disguise, protection from energy, shrink item, slow, spiked pit, tiny hut, tongues, water breathing
Spellbook level 4 arcane eye, beast shape II, bestow curse, conjure deadfall, conjuration foil, dimension door, dimensional anchor, enervation, enchantment foil, eyes of the void, monstrous physique II, phantasmal killer, rainbow pattern, remove curse, ride the waves, secure shelter, stone shape, stoneskin, telekinetic maneuver, undeath inversion
Scrolls scroll of bull's strength, scroll of bull's strength, scroll of cat's grace, scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of daylight (#10-02), scroll of fox's cunning, scroll of heal, scroll of kreighton's perusal, scroll of magic weapon, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of pierce disguise, scroll of protection from evil, scroll of restoration x 2, scroll of sanctify corpse x 2, scroll of see invisibility, scroll of shield, scroll of suppress charms and compulsions, scroll of touch of the sea x 2
Potions and oils oil of align weapon (good), oil of align weapon (lawful), oil of bless weapon, potion of cure light wounds, potion of invisibility, potion of lesser restoration x 2, potion of protection from evil, potion of remove blindness/deafness (2 PP)
Wands wand of bless (#17, CL 1st, 6 charges), wand of burning hands (# 3, CL 3rd, 3 charges), wand of comprehend languages (# 10, CL 1st, 5 charges), wand of cure light wounds (2 pp, CL 1st, 24 charges), wand of cure moderate wounds (# 5, CL 3rd, 4 charges), wand of cure serious wounds (# 18, CL 5th, 4 charges), wand of mage armor (2 pp, CL 1st, 15 charges), wand of magic missile (#15, CL 5th, 5 charges), wand of protection from evil (# 18, CL 1st, 6 charges)
Other consumable items +1 flaming arrow (3), acid (2), adamantine weapon bleach (2), alchemist's fire (2), antiplague (2), antitoxin, arrow (17), diamond dust (750 gp), flash powder, holy water (3), sunrod (2), trail rations (9)
Magic items +1 adamantine rapier, alexandrite gem, bead of newt prevention, buffering cap, cloak of resistance +4, eyes of the eagle, headband of vast intelligence +2 (use magic device), lesser reach metamagic rod, pathfinder pouch, snapleaf, sun shogun talisman of freedom (# 10), swarmbane clasp, traveler's anytool, wayfinder
Other items alchemical silver dagger, average lock, bandolier x 2, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, chalk, cold iron dagger, dagger x 2, disguise kit (9 uses), explorer's outfit, fishing kit, flint and steel, focus miniature shovel worth 10 gp, forger's kit, gold dust (25 gp), grappling hook, grooming kit, ink, ink pen, iron spike x 2, journal, lamp, masterwork backpack, masterwork cold iron rapier, masterwork composite short bow [+2 str], masterwork thieves' tools, mess kit, oil x 2, paper x 3, pot (common), potion sponge x 2, sack x 2, sap, scroll box x 2, sealing wax, shaving kit, silk rope 50 ft., soap, spell component pouch, spellbook x 3, spring-loaded wrist sheath x 2, string 50 ft., waterproof bag, waterskin
A robust-looking Varisian man of middle height, with short dark hair tucked under a brightly colored bandanna, and strikingly violet eyes. Well-groomed mustachios that curl upwards with a grin that looks just a bit too predatory to be charming.
When out of field, revels in every Varisian cliché there is. When in field, carries more stuff that some pack animals. "Be prepared." Lived for years with traveling gnomes while young, and is mostly fond of them.