GM Tiger |
Hello! Welcome to my table. Before we start, please do the following:
Please complete the macros linked at the top of the page. This will be used for initiative and secret rolls.
Please also post your token to the slides and post your position in the marching order. The slides are also linked at the top of the page.
As per the Organized Play Foundation Community Standards, each player must decide if they will allow their characters to be damaged by friendly fire (usually via splash damage). In keeping with the “Explore, Report, Cooperate” motto of the Pathfinder Society, engaging in non-consensual character-versus-character conflict is prohibited. While accidental friendly fire happens due to missed attack rolls or other factors, players must obtain the consent of other players before deliberately including fellow PCs in damaging effects. This rule does not apply in situations where a character is not acting of their own free will, such as if they’re being mind-controlled by an NPC and forced to attack a fellow Pathfinder.
You may select a consumable item from the Pathfinder Provisions list. These used to be the school items you get prior to starting an adventure. This applies to Scenarios only. Quests and bounties do not receive provisions.
Macros/Slides/Spell Templates: Frozen Frost
Lydia by redeux |
Lydia's gameday scenario wrapped up. Filled out macros + slides.
If anyone is using Paizo Campaign Tools then please consider downloading Lydia's art to use as her avatar. Thanks ^^
Out of character info: Lydia has Trap Finder for +2 for searching/checks against traps. She also has the remastered Gang Up which means you can flank with Lydia without being on opposite sides of her. The remastered version is a two-way street whereas the legacy version only gave the benefit to the rogue.
GM Tiger |
I was also going to say that Quinoline smells like burnt wood... ;)
GM Tiger |
Waiting for:
Macros - Quinoline and Half-the-sky's PC
Slides - Quinoline, Rex and Half-the-sky's PC
RPG Chronicles - Quinoline, Orin and Half-the-sky's PC
GM Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Gameday 2021 - when I was a fresh wet-behind-the-ears GM I had three players, who were all VOs, in the first scenario I ran, 03-01 (Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries).
Fast forward 3 years, I have same three again in a high tier glyph scenario. How time flies... :)
Orin_Thunderstone |
Added RPG Chronicles.
Glad to see you still running games, I have played in many of them over the last three+ years, even if I am back to just being some yahoo these days.
I don't GM as often as I used to, but with 122 tables of PF2 GMed, I clearly must be GMing some of the time. Trying not to feel guilty about filling up so many spaces in your games.
Speaking of GMing: I have GMed, but not played this scenario.
GM Tiger |
Astrid - Quinoline and Crystal just came out of 04-15 with masterful tactics... :)
Orin_Thunderstone |
Orin has a several reactions:
There's of Course AoO {+24 2d6+8 P Fatal d10 (M) +1d6 vs Undead (Enfeeble 1 on crit until end of my next turn) (Crit is 2x(2d10+8)+1d10+8
Orin can also raise his shield thanks to [url] Shield[/url]
He also gets an additional shield block reaction every round thanks to Quick Shield Block. So even without a shield raised, he can raise, and then block.
With Reflexive Shield, Orin gets +2 to reflex saves with a raised shield, and can "block" reflex saves.
Finally thanks to Lastwall Warden he can block for adjacent allies or If an undead makes an attack against an ally within 10 feet, I can Step to become adjacent to your ally and then use Shield Block as part of the same reaction.
Under normal circumstances Orin will take the first reactions available, I'll try to add notes when the plan is anything else.
Half the Sky |
Three folks here with campaign coins? Yeah I will just slink off to my little corner haha.
I am not worthy hah.
I am assuming that everyone is playing a tier 11-12 character, otherwise I do have the Radiant Oath mentor boon in case we do have an L9 here.
Finally all my signups and everything should be sorted.
This is admittedly a replay for me and I have GMed this, but I'll still roleplay without giving anything away.
Lydia by redeux |
Gameday 2021 - when I was a fresh wet-behind-the-ears GM I had three players, who were all VOs, in the first scenario I ran, 03-01 (Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries).
Fast forward 3 years, I have same three again in a high tier glyph scenario. How time flies... :)
Time does fly! That seems like just yesterday. Of course, I've also played in at least 3 of your other scenarios (or more!) so I know it wasn't yesterday. I haven't been playing as much as I used to so I do appreciate the seats ^^
Three folks here with campaign coins? Yeah I will just slink off to my little corner haha.
I am not worthy hah.
I am assuming that everyone is playing a tier 11-12 character, otherwise I do have the Radiant Oath mentor boon in case we do have an L9 here.
Given how much you volunteered before you were a VO, I have no doubts you'll get one eventually. Also I can't speak for the others but I'm just another guy at the table lol.
This table should be all High tier since GM Tiger recruited two tables - low and high. Lets see how high those challenge points get!
GM Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
CP: 30
I think that's as high as I've ever gone. I don't think I've ever hit 32+...
GM Tiger |
Three folks here with campaign coins? Yeah I will just slink off to my little corner haha.
I am not worthy hah.
Trust me, I felt the exact same way the first time I ran for them... The bright side is that it gave me a bunch of confidence after that :)
Astrid Gertasdottir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Astrid takes a greater healing potion as her provision. She also picks up a cantrip deck with 5 stabilize cantrips.
Crystal Schattenauge |
In most of Europe, inclusive of where I am, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th, so I will be largely unavailable between evening of the 23rd CET through the 26th. I can be botted, easy instructions is move if needed, acro for panache, and then strike, and panache again if the action economy is there.
I can check once in there, but will largely be off the forums.
GM Tiger |
I'll be around, but I caught a cold on Saturday. I'm feeling better but still miserable (Sickened 1)...
GM Tiger |
Apologies for the silence. Had a really really toxic Thursday-Friday at work so I needed the weekend to recharge. If you dabble in IT, let me know and I'll tell you the horror of it all :)
Astrid Gertasdottir |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Posting here to remind me what consumables to repurchase after the adventure.
Used one lvl 4 scroll of soothe.