
Orin_Thunderstone's page

264 posts. Organized Play character for Pirate Rob.


Dwarf Fighter 11 | HP 141/185(S:13/60/104) | AC 33| F +22(S>CS) R +16(+3 vs damage) W +20(Bravery) | Resist Slashing 4 | Perception +21 (Darkvision)


Reactions: AoO, Raise Shield, Shield Block* || *Bonus Shield Block reaction every round.

About Orin_Thunderstone

2006 Orin Thunderstone
Male Rock Dwarf, Martial Disciple, Fighter 11
LG M Dwarf

Senses Perception + 21 (Wis 4 + Prof 17 (E)) +2 Initiative
AC 33 (Dex 0(0) +Prof 15 (E)+ Resilient Full Plate of Stanching +2 (7) <+2 Shield Block>
HP 185 Shield H13(104/104) (Stanching: +3 Flat vs Bleed) (Dying 6+) Resist Slashing 4
Fort +22(M) S>CS, Ref +16(E)(+3 vs damage), Will +20(E)(Bravery)
Melee +2 Disrupting Grevious Striking Pick +24 2d6+8 P Fatal d10 (M) (Crit specialty +8 damage on crit) +1d6 vs Undead (Enfeeble 1 on crit until end of my next turn)
….. Shield Boss +19 1d6+7 B (E)
Str 20, Dex 10, Con 19, Int16, Wis 18, Cha 8
Speed 30ft. (Unburdened)
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Unburdened Iron, Dwarven Lore, Dwarven Stoutness
General Feats Fleet, Toughness, Diehard
Skill Feats Quick Jump, Powerful Leap, Continual Recovery, Catfall, Ward Medic. Robust Recovery, Quick Repair
Class Features & Abilities Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block, Sudden Charge, Lastwall Sentry (Reactive Shield), Swipe, Reflexive Shield, Fighter Weapon Mastery (Pick), Weapon Specialization,Quick Shield Block, Lastwall Warden *BF*
Skills Acrobatics +13(T), Athletics +22(M)(+2 to Jump), Crafting +21(M), Diplomacy +15(EH), Lore(Dwarven) +16(T), Lore(Pathfinder Society) +15(EH), Lore(Engineering) +16(T), Lore(Warfare) +16(T), Lore(Undead) +18(E), Medicine+22(E), Religion +17(T), Society +16(T), Survival +17(T)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon, Cyclops
Bulk (9/9/14) Adventurer’s Pack, +2 Resilient Full Plate of Stanching, Healer’s Kit, 2x Steel Shield w/Boss(5/20), +2 Disrupting, Grievous Striking Pick, Repair Kit, 14.6gp, Moderate Sturdy Shield w/Boss (13/104) (DC 23), Healer’s Gloves, Boots of Bounding, Goz Mask, Crafter’s Eyepiece

Special Abilities
>>Sudden Charge: Stride, Stride, Strike
R: Reactive Shield: Raise Shield as a reaction
Reflexive Shield: Block reflex saves
Healer’s Gloves: 1/day heal 2d6+7
Bravery: Fear saves S>CS, -1 frightened level.
Rock Dwarf +2 vs shove/trip/prone + half forced movement of at least 10
Quick Shield Block: Bonus Reaction for Blocking
Lastwall Warden: Block for adjacent ally, if undead step adjacent to ally and protect
Robust Recovery: Treat/Treating Disease Poison, increase success to +4 and Save S>CS
>> Swipe Attack 2 adjacent Creatures, roll damage once.
> Goz Mask: 1/day Ignore concealment from fog/smoke/vapor for 1 minute
Quick Repair: 3 actions to repair (Repair 40/60)

Jump as single action: 25ft horizontal, 8ft vertical (+12/+5)

PFS Notes
Grand Archice - Field Agent