Gameday XIII - Pathfinder Society Scenario #2: The Hydra's Fang Incident

Game Master Shadow Dragon

Google Slides

GM's Choice for this table. I may be looking for other players but I can't promise anything.

For those participating please post the following information:

1. Player name:
2. Character name:
3. Character class and level:
4. PFS #:
5. Faction:
6. Day job roll:
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC.

1. Player name: Pete H.
2. Character name: Nails the Unbreakable
3. Character class and level: Monk 3
4. PFS #: 123584-19
5. Faction: Dark Archives
6. Day job roll: Profession: Caretaker + MW Tool: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 7 + 2 = 24
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Pretty basic monky monk, the first one I have ever played actually.

Grand Lodge

Dotting so j can find this easier...will bring in something the party needs...

Dark Archive

PaleDim here. It appears I do have replays to burn. However, I should state that I'm in a lot of games, so if there's a rush of applications to this game please choose others over me.

This is level 1-5?

Non-zero-xp options in descending order:
* Avi Solrem, ganzi sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4
* Ela Kukai, elf wizard (spellslinger) 3
* Stavarg Titanshade, dwarf aerokineticist 2
* Darzus, elf psychic (dream discipline) 2
* Avasir, elf wizard 2

Characters with 0xp:
* Ekish, undine sorcerer (empyreal) 1
* Argil Dust, half orc occultist (sha'ir) 1
* Savis Slorn, ifrit bard (archivist) 1
* Turel Avundlil, elf rogue (knife master) 1
* Heshir Elang, human unchained monk 1 (given Nails, will avoid this character)
* Yeda, Shoanti Bloodrager 1

It is levels 1-5 and we have Pete H. playing a L3 monk and grimdog73 bringing 'what the table needs.' My advice is to always play what's fun.

Grand Lodge

ok...for low tier i have a dwarf fighter 1, a half elf ranger 3, cleric 3, a swashbuckler 3...a slayer 3...

The Concordance

1. Player name: PaleDim
2. Character name: Avi Solrem
3. Character class and level: sorcerer (mongrel mage) 4
4. PFS #: 272301-5
5. Faction: The concordance
6. Day job roll: N/A
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Avi can change his bloodline every day at preparation.

Dark Archive

Pete H. wrote:

1. Player name: Pete H.

2. Character name: Nails the Unbreakable
3. Character class and level: Monk 3
4. PFS #: 123584-19
5. Faction: Dark Archives
6. Day job roll: [dice=Profession: Caretaker + MW Tool]d20+7+2
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Pretty basic monky monk, the first one I have ever played actually.

Here we are, finally got the profile done.

Woot! So do you guys want to find another player or go with a pregen? The player that wanted to play this hasn't replied to my PMs and I'm not sure he's still active.

The Concordance

If you haven't yet I suggest advertising it in the main lodge recruiting thread. I did that for the game I'm running and went from 2 to 5 signups within a day.

Dark Archive

I’d say advertise for more for a couple days and if none show, bring a pregen.

Nails the Unbreakable wrote:
I’d say advertise for more for a couple days and if none show, bring a pregen.

I sent you a PM.

I'm asking for clarification how APLs are calculated when using a pregen. My sense from reading the PFS Guide is that the APL is calculated *before* a pregen is added.

If so the group, assuming grimdog73 plays a L3 or lower, would be a 3 which since this is a Season 0 scenario means you'd play 'down' at the 1-2 subtier. If grimdog73 goes L4 or 5 then the math puts you at 4 so you'd be in the 4-5 subtier.


Is the table still recruiting players? I would like to play but may need a few days to set up my character. Sorry for last-minute sign-up.

1. Player name: Raine
2. Character name: Touki
3. Character class and level: Occultist (Battle Host) 1
4. PFS #:2405100-3
5. Faction: LE
6. Day job roll: N/A
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Touki from Tian Xia, her name meaning blade princess. She carries a glowing nodachi and she’s basically a thing-hitter.

Raine 789 wrote:

Is the table still recruiting players? I would like to play but may need a few days to set up my character. Sorry for last-minute sign-up.

1. Player name: Raine
2. Character name: Touki
3. Character class and level: Occultist (Battle Host) 1
4. PFS #:2405100-3
5. Faction: LE
6. Day job roll: N/A
7. Any background, quirks, etc. you feel other PCs need to know about your PC: Touki from Tian Xia, her name meaning blade princess. She carries a glowing nodachi and she’s basically a thing-hitter.

This table is under the 'GM's Choice/Lottery' so it was never 'open' per se. I was only taking players I knew well and who wouldn't make fun of my hair.

Here are the RPG Chronicles link and the Google Slides link:

RPG Chronicles

Google Slides

I have checked multiple times under the various entries and everything says the Slides are enabled for viewers to edit. That program better not be lying to me!

grimdog73 is narrowing his PC choices so we'll get started as soon as he's ready. :)

GM Shadow Dragon wrote:

This table is under the 'GM's Choice/Lottery' so it was never 'open' per se. I was only taking players I knew well and who wouldn't make fun of my hair.

Sorry for bothering

Grand Lodge

here i am...good to go...will mak purchases according to what we need...

The other decision the group needs to make is which pregen to bring. You have a monk, a cleric, and a [s]powergaming cheeseweasel[/b] ganzi mongrel mage (WHAT?!?!) so that covers melee, arcane casting, and divine casting.

Anything sound good to the group?

Dark Archive

Bard for IC and skill checks?

The Concordance

Nails the Unbreakable wrote:
Bard for IC and skill checks?

Always a good choice.

Grand Lodge

sound good to me...unsure if traps will be a bard works

Which one of you will be running the bard?

Dark Archive

I’ll do it unless someone really wants to.

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