Stolen Fate

Game Master Paolingou

A Pathfinder 2e campaign about fate and destiny, fight for every fate.

New Pathfinder 2e Remaster Character Sheet don't write anything in this google sheet, just copy the sheet text into your own google sheet and make your character there.

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Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%

Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much.

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Here's a link to an almost finished character sheet for Bomu-njiwa. I may change his name, but for now, I like it. I think the only aspect left to finish is the equipment. I chose the major items, but not some of the consumables.

Thank you for your patience while I put this together. I decided to choose Mind Smith for the free archetype. I have no idea how effective it will be in combat, but it should make him more versatile. If you have any questions or concerns about anything on the sheet, please tell me.

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Evindyl wrote:
I don't recall if I was on the approved list - I've worked on a character for about a week or so.

You're on the list, so please post your character as soon as you finished it.

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Rook. wrote:

Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%

Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much.

Yeah, that fine.

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Paolingou wrote:
Rook. wrote:

Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%

Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much.

Yeah, that fine.

to confirm: 3200gps with an 8th level item cap since we are 9th level


Awaiting the affirmation or correction to Evindyl's post as I have the same question.

Also Paolingou what are you looking at so far for character submissions so that I do not per se overlap with someone else and or more importantly I can possibly fill a current hole that the potential party might have.

Being limited to 8th level items means we don't solve the problem I brought up about being limited in level and for having a lower item bonus.

In combat, rook is usually a front-liner. He's got mobility options and area control as well. He's got good thievery and trap finder. I'm not sure how much we'll need this, but better to have it.

It might be easier to go by the Stolen Fate Player's Guide (page 9) "One 10th level item, two 9th level items, one 8th level item, two 7th level items, and 500 gp to spend on consumable items of 10th level or lower, or permanent items of 6th level or lower, as you see fit."

Rook. wrote:

Being limited to 8th level items means we don't solve the problem I brought up about being limited in level and for having a lower item bonus.

In combat, rook is usually a front-liner. He's got mobility options and area control as well. He's got good thievery and trap finder. I'm not sure how much we'll need this, but better to have it.

Sorry PP: your original post cites "wealth" and "money" so I never took it as meaning Item Power Levels. If we're 9th Level with an 11th Level Lump Sum amount, while it doesn't elevate item power, it gives everyone more overall.

tomtesserae wrote:

It might be easier to go by the Stolen Fate Player's Guide (page 9) "One 10th level item, two 9th level items, one 8th level item, two 7th level items, and 500 gp to spend on consumable items of 10th level or lower, or permanent items of 6th level or lower, as you see fit."

Except that on Aug 24th GM already said we would be using Lump Sum.

That is why I asked the question I asked yesterday.

Evindyl wrote:
Rook. wrote:

Being limited to 8th level items means we don't solve the problem I brought up about being limited in level and for having a lower item bonus.

In combat, rook is usually a front-liner. He's got mobility options and area control as well. He's got good thievery and trap finder. I'm not sure how much we'll need this, but better to have it.

Sorry PP: your original post cites "wealth" and "money" so I never took it as meaning Item Power Levels. If we're 9th Level with an 11th Level Lump Sum amount, while it doesn't elevate item power, it gives everyone more overall.

I guess we made opposite assumptions. :)

my thought is that we are essentially 15% down from what a "normal" party is. 10% from level, and another 5% from less potency items. With good tactics and a little luck, we'll probably be able to handle standard encounters. but the ones intended to be challenging for an 11th level group will likely be nigh-impossible. Even with at-level items, we'll still be fighting uphill.

More lower-level items probably won't affect battles that much.

Rook. wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
Rook. wrote:

Being limited to 8th level items means we don't solve the problem I brought up about being limited in level and for having a lower item bonus.

In combat, rook is usually a front-liner. He's got mobility options and area control as well. He's got good thievery and trap finder. I'm not sure how much we'll need this, but better to have it.

Sorry PP: your original post cites "wealth" and "money" so I never took it as meaning Item Power Levels. If we're 9th Level with an 11th Level Lump Sum amount, while it doesn't elevate item power, it gives everyone more overall.

I guess we made opposite assumptions. :)

my thought is that we are essentially 15% down from what a "normal" party is. 10% from level, and another 5% from less potency items. With good tactics and a little luck, we'll probably be able to handle standard encounters. but the ones intended to be challenging for an 11th level group will likely be nigh-impossible. Even with at-level items, we'll still be fighting uphill.

More lower-level items probably won't affect battles that much.

I guess for me, when GM answered my question on the 22nd, that was enough for me. Yes, I know, we need to hammer out a few more specific details, but if the GM says the first module is going to be Levels 9-12, that needs to be okay. If we need to course correct as it's happening, well, that needs to be okay too.

The deck (pun intended) is already stacking in the players' favor.
There's FA
There's AP
There's GAB
So how much more do we need?

GM wants to start at 9th level to give the whole Adventure Path a cool progression, and somehow there's a need to gauge him for 11th level items because we don't trust that he can scale the adventure well enough to challenge us without killing us? We must not be very good players :(

Maybe I should quit while we are ahead
I liked my character a lot though

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Playing with these rules widens out the possibilities and makes it harder to judge difficulty, even for an experienced GM. Some builds use the extra variety to focus and some builds expand the range. Even then, they usually don't affect the core numbers of to hit and defenses on an ongoing basis.

It's not about being good players or a good GM. I never meant to imply that. It's that it's hard to gauge the style of somebody you don't have much experience with. I've seen games online where the players and characters immediately got in sync with tactics and synergies. I've been in many more where the group takes several levels to mesh. I've seen games where the GM was giving clues that we were out of our league and the player's didn't catch it. This doesn't mean that one side was bad, we just didn't figure out each other's communication styles in time.

I'm sure we'll figure it out. I just wanted to make sure the point was out there.

I forgot about the post from August 24th. Thank you for reminding me. I think my post just added noise and confusion. Sorry about that.

I agree that the group will figure it out.


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Evindyl wrote:
Paolingou wrote:
Rook. wrote:

Since we are already downscale by level, can we at least have level 11 wealth? Being down in bot proficiency and item bonuses will increase the gap. We're essentially down by 15%

Plus, if we have level 11 money, you don't need to adjust the treasure as much.

Yeah, that fine.

to confirm: 3200gps with an 8th level item cap since we are 9th level


You can have item of any level, as long as it make sense to your character.

DeJoker wrote:

Awaiting the affirmation or correction to Evindyl's post as I have the same question.

Also Paolingou what are you looking at so far for character submissions so that I do not per se overlap with someone else and or more importantly I can possibly fill a current hole that the potential party might have.

Well that depend on who actually finish their character sheet.

So, for those who finish or at least done create a basic concept of what their character is going to be, please post your character google sheet for me.

Okay, let's start a thread for completed applications. Add yourself when you are done.

Rook PhiloPharynx Automaton Kineticist/Rogue DM Sheet

Rook. wrote:

Okay, let's start a thread for completed applications. Add yourself when you are done.

Rook PhiloPharynx Automaton Kineticist/Rogue DM Sheet

Learn something new EVERY day --- I had no idea automatons could fly.

VERY cool.

A week of no activity? Is this game still alive?

I'm still here. I haven't played a character higher than level 4 or 5 in Pathfinder 2e. I made a character for a "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" AP but it wasn't selected. Even in first edition, I rarely played a character over tenth level. So, I'm spending too much time deciding on gear. What are good items? How many consumables? That type of stuff.

tomtesserae wrote:
I'm still here. I haven't played a character higher than level 4 or 5 in Pathfinder 2e. I made a character for a "Fists of the Ruby Phoenix" AP but it wasn't selected. Even in first edition, I rarely played a character over tenth level. So, I'm spending too much time deciding on gear. What are good items? How many consumables? That type of stuff.

I am right there with you, on the gear especially. I did play at 18th Level for a bit, and it was pretty cool to make that character, but yeah, the gear part gets tough. That is why the questions that Philo & I were asking were important, because if we really could spend 3200gp on items of any level, that would be awesome.

So even if this isn't happening, the exercise in character building is valuable anyway :)

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