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Rusty packs up the basin. The Android thinks for a minute then questions, ”Alright, who gets the antidote potion now and who waits till we get back to the lodge to get help with the disease?”
Roll (highest wins) for the potion of remove disease? We have Ling, Navatsiyk, Nabla, Faceless Man and Cece infected.
We should wait and see who coughs the hardest.
Navatsiyk has the worst chance of all: 10% of 10% (= 1%). Therefore, I believe they should get the Potion of remove disease.
Nabla has a Fort save of +7, so she should beat the disease with die roll 11 or higher - with the help of the antidote vials this shouldn't take long.

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I'll of course allow Navatsyik to use the Remove disease potion on fist day. Lesser Restoration spells are 60 GP apiece, Remove disease costs 150 GP (or 1 PP)
@DM Lil" Eschie": Each diseased needs to overcome the sickness, of course. But do we have to heal our ability score damage? Until now I also did not heal hitpoint damage at the end of an adventure as it heals naturally over time. Ability score damage also heals naturally. And as there are indefinite days between missions...
Diseases, poisons, spells, and other abilities can all deal damage directly to your ability scores. This damage does not actually reduce an ability, but it does apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability. For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability. If the amount of ability damage you have taken equals or exceeds your ability score, you immediately fall unconscious until the damage is less than your ability score. The only exception to this is your Constitution score. If the damage to your Constitution is equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you die. Unless otherwise noted, damage to your ability scores is healed at the rate of 1 per day to each ability score that has been damaged. Ability damage can be healed through the use of spells, such as lesser restoration. (Link)
After taking damage, you can recover hit points through natural healing or through magical healing. In any case, you can't regain hit points past your full normal hit point total.
Natural Healing: With a full night's rest (8 hours of sleep or more), you recover 1 hit point per character level. Any significant interruption during your rest prevents you from healing that night.
If you undergo complete bed rest for an entire day and night, you recover twice your character level in hit points.
Magical Healing: Various abilities and spells can restore hit points.
Healing Limits: You can never recover more hit points than you lost. Magical healing won't raise your current hit points higher than your full normal hit point total.
Healing Ability Damage: Temporary ability damage returns at the rate of 1 point per night of rest (8 hours) for each affected ability score. Complete bed rest restores 2 points per day (24 hours) for each affected ability score. (Link)

DM Lil" Eschie |

@Ling: back at the lodge, do you use 1 PP or pay 150 GP for the Remove disease?
@Poindexter: send you an MP about a few infos
@All: Chronicles will come after X-mas, I'm afraid. Enjoy the holidays with families and loved ones!
Any feedback about this first time PFS mission will be appreciated, I feel I need to get better (and not only with the maps)

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Any feedback about this first time PFS mission will be appreciated, I feel I need to get better (and not only with the maps)
Pace is super important in PbP. And not just posting rate, but also keeping the group moving in a positive direction.
I know that is also partially the group’s responsibility, as we have to keep pushing the plot along. But it’s definitely important to have clear leads into the next task or location. Some scenarios are a lot better at this than others, so that can make things harder.
I appreciate you running the scenario and you did well for the first time. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

DM Lil" Eschie |

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It appears we should have two chronicle rewards crossed out and two gained.
Either we get ‘hero of the fey’ or ‘enemy of the fey’.
And also either get ‘exemplar of falcon’s hollow’ or ‘ failed savior of andoran’.
I don’t know what we succeeded on or failed though. You also need to put the event name, code and date on it. If you need help with that let us know, it’s what you will need or get when you report everything.

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Two of the boons have to be crossed out. Which ones, depends on instructions at the end of scenario. As Rusty points above, it can't be possible that we earned both "Hero of the fey" and "Enemy of the fey".
Also, as I hadn't entered 'start GP' you should leave 'subtotal' blank. We played in Tier 1-2 so cross out tiers 3-4 and 6-7. Otherwise everything seems good.

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Hope this will work...
Check your chonicles, and tell me if it's ok (first timer GM!) so I can report the game
Agreed. I can cross things out myself if I know which.

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You need an event and code for any society game. You can (and probably should) create your own event. You will get the code that way and can then report the game under that event. I have an event for home groups and for play by post. They don’t expire either, so you can just re-use the same event for future game reportings.
Things like game day and outpost are online conventions that have an existing event code and name to use when reporting. They also come with extra support from Paizo.

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I crossed the unused boons and the higher Tiers of gold
Where are the new chronicles. The ones at the dropbox cited here look like the old ones.

DM Lil" Eschie |

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I'm also up for it.
I have never played in standard but I'm currently playing it in core.
Regarding the Citadel of Flame:
Unfortunately, I have to revise my statement above. :-(I just found out that I already played it in standard, many years ago. I would have to use a precious replay, and I do not have that many.
Is there an alternative scenario we could play? Otherwise, I would skip the game and come back later (if you have room and you'll still have me).
Happy new year, everyone!

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re worked on the Chronicles, please check if everything is all right and thank you for your patience!
Happy new year to all!
Mine looks good, thanks again!

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Thank you, GM! I'm looking forward to the next adventure!
My chronicle looks good for the most part, but the numbers in the subtotals of gold and PP are not needed (and actually incorrect - but I just edited them out so I could write the correct subtotals, calculated from the start values that you do not have.)
No need to change anything, just a heads up for the future. ;-)

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Yes, leaving the subtotals blank makes it easier to fill correctly, but I can manage as it is otherwise ok. Thanks for running!
For the next adventure I'd like to suggest Before the Dawn parts I and II.

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I will check the scenarii I have and give you a few options.
Ling will be level 3, so not available for a Tier 1-2, but if you have another character it will be welcome
I do have this character, but it depends on the scenario. I track my plays with pfs tracker if you want to check whether I have played a particular scenario.

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I would have to bow out of Before the Dawn unless it is in core as I have played both parts in standard. I could play The Penumbral Accords, Murder on the Throaty Mermaid, or The Dalsine Affair from that season. Or Shadow's Last Stand parts one and 2, though I would have to use a replay for part 1.
And Ling could join in any of these as they all allow 3rd level characters.

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I also track my plays with pfs tracker.
I would have to bow out of Before the Dawn unless it is in core as I have played both parts in standard. I could play The Penumbral Accords, Murder on the Throaty Mermaid, or The Dalsine Affair from that season. Or Shadow's Last Stand parts one and 2, though I would have to use a replay for part 1.
And Ling could join in any of these as they all allow 3rd level characters.
I can play all scenarios mentioned above by Ling - except #2-11 The Penumbral Accords.

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Chronicle looks good. Thanks for the game.
I don't think I've played Before the Dawn, but I have plenty of replays to cover it if I did. Just let me know when.

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Got the chronicle, thanks again for the game. See you all around on the boards!
Cece says 'woof'!

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That's completely fine, real life comes first.
I wish both of you a quick and full recovery!