GM KoolKobold’s Rise of the Runelords (PF1)

Game Master KoolKobold

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

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Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

Hey GM KoolKobold this is not generally not uncommon for most PbP so just stay positive and keep moving forward it will get there.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Thank you Tomodai. I feel anxious about screwing up because this is my first PbP campaign I’m DMing and I’m trying my best

Female Halfling Bard 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 18 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 (+1 vs Charms/Compulsions) | Init: +5 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30' | Performance: 6/8

Don't worry GMKK, everything will be fine.

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

I see no fault in anything you have done -- and I encourage you to make the game your own as that will make things less of you being a train conductor and actually being a GM.

What might I mean by this, well presumably you have several player background stories you can play upon to augment the basic story arc plus you have a large bank of NPCs that you could utilize and just because the AP has a major story arc taking place that does not mean their are not other elements that might take advantage of the situation in minor to major ways which could dramatically muddy the waters and add even more spice to the game.

Further for anyone who has either previously played the AP or ran the AP or read the AP or read the numerous articles about the AP they will still find that your game has elements that were not outlined within the AP and perhaps you want to take the AP in a slightly different direction due to the PCs you currently have. As anything is truly possible with enough imagination and we have lots of folks to help with that imagination.

Now keep in mind the more you involve the PCs in their totallity the more you involve their players and the more a player is involved the more likely they are to stay involved.

Lastly PbP is notorious for having not only players ghost on a game but GMs ghost on games and what many players do not seem to understand is they are as equally responsible for making this game fun for themselves as is the GM and not only just fun for themselves but for the other players and the GM as well. That is the recipe for a win-win scenario for the player because the game they are playing is really fun for them and the other players and the GM continue to play/run the game because it is equally as fun for them.

F Half-Elf. Appearance. Cleric 1 (herald caller). HP 10/10. AC 17/FF 14/T13. Perception +8, init +5. Saves: F +3, R+3, W+4. Att: +3 vs AC, 1d8+1 (20/x3). CMB: +5. CMD: 14. Conditions: Reach weapon, +2 hit/CMB on AoO's.

Hey everyone,

I apologize for disappearing for the last two or three weeks; work has been extremely hectic and I don't think I've written pretty much anything at all since then across all my characters. The short of it is that in the last half year or so I've had three promotions in my line of work, the last of which very recent and which has been the cause of my absense. I've posted such on a number of my PBP threads but appearently not this one, my apologies for such.

While the promotion thing is great, my writing time has very greatly suffered. As such I've debated withdrawing from PBP entirely since my career might legitimately no longer be combinable with writing.

That said, I don't want to give up immediately, and now that the immediate logistics have been handled I'd like to try maintingting PBP in a few of the older PBP's and this new one. I can't promise there is no risk of me dropping out at a later time since the workload is just very high. But if that risk is acceptable, I'll jump back into the game thread tonight, probably in about four hours from now. I encourage everyone to give their honest opinion on such and I'll take take it in stride either way.

Kind regards,

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Understood and thank you Trevor/Mia, and I think we all agree that RL is more important than a game. Congratulations on the promotions! Please let us know if you have to back off again. A quick 1-line statement of intent? We'd prefer to continue with you but really just need to know what is going on.

GM KoolKobold, Sorry for jumping in front of you but I just wanted to respond with my feelings.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Congratulations on the promotion, Mia/Trevor, and good luck!

We’ll reopen recruitment for another player tomorrow. Today has been horrible mentally.

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 5/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg
GM KoolKobold wrote:
We’ll reopen recruitment for another player tomorrow. Today has been horrible mentally.

Imagine if today was your birthday! (Sadly, it is for Darius's player. Sigh.)

Female Halfling Bard 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 18 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 (+1 vs Charms/Compulsions) | Init: +5 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30' | Performance: 6/8

Uh, happy birthday? <sigh> who am I kidding? :(

F Half-Elf. Appearance. Cleric 1 (herald caller). HP 10/10. AC 17/FF 14/T13. Perception +8, init +5. Saves: F +3, R+3, W+4. Att: +3 vs AC, 1d8+1 (20/x3). CMB: +5. CMD: 14. Conditions: Reach weapon, +2 hit/CMB on AoO's.

All right, I'll bow out then. Have fun with the game, everyone!

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Aww.... I lose my little sis!?! OK. :(

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

Okay just chiming in to say hey I was okay with whatever everyone decided and I still am okay. Congrats on the promos Mia (if you even see this) and hope life treats you well.

P.S. If there are any resubmissions of characters (as I just saw one) that did not make it in your first go around I feel those ought to get priority but I am not the GM otherwise whomever everyone feels will work the best will most likely be fine by me. I personally do not like running contests as to me everyone is a potentially quality player if given the chance and all the guessing anyone can do will never allow for the unknown which there is far more of than anything else.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

I wanted to give at least a few people a shot. Plus, I had no idea if anyone from the previous submissions would see the announcement, let alone still have interest in playing.

How many submissions do you all think we should get? I was thinking 3 but if you think 4 or 5 would be better let me know. Either way I’ll have it come down to a group decision.

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 5/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

3 if we can. 5 if the interest is there. IMP.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

We already got 3. I’ll close the recruitment tomorrow and we’ll put in a vote.

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Minimum 3, which as you say we already have.

Vote by PM to GM KoolKobold? A public vote here could upset those not selected....

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Yes vote by PM

Here’s who we got, all three clerics

Dargrin Greystone, dwarf cleric of Angraad
Dagny Lyght, human cleric of Sarenrae
Julius Skreebeard, dwarf cleric of unknown deity

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 5/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

I vote for Dagny.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Please keep votes to PMs

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

Note I stated this before -- I vote for whomever the others vote for -- as I personally feel anyone one of those 3 would be a suitable player to join the group. Heck maybe we can let 2 or all 3 join.

I mean they all took the time and effort to create a character they ought to be rewarded for it by being allowed to join the game. Or at least that is my opinion but then I do not do contests when recruiting players as I find that to be very disrespectful to those players.

I mean we are already a bunch of strangers meeting in a tavern (aka town) and will choose to risk our lives with folks we do not really know of which anyone of could be a villain in disguise (and in my perspective at least one ought to be). ;-) I mean what better way to neutralize any potential would-be heroes by slipping a seeming comrade into their midst that keeps tabs on what they are doing so the bad guys can stay several steps ahead. Sure I am guessing the AP module does not do this but it would be what I would do if I were the mastermind of this evil endeavor.

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

One evil elf Arcanist.... Noted. Have to ask Darius to announce that he is detecting evil and see who ducks!?! ;-)

Percep +4|Diplo +8 (+9, Charming)|Heal +8|Kn. local +7|Kn. Rel +6|SM +6|Spell +6|Kn. Nob +6|Perf. String +9
HP 5/12|F 3R 2W 4|Init 2|AC 18, 12 (T), 16 (FF)|BAB +1 CMB+2 CMD +14
Paladin (virtuous bravo)/1st|Smite Evil 1x/day, +2 att. +1 dmg

[Darius detects evil.]

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)
Tomodai wrote:

Note I stated this before -- I vote for whomever the others vote for -- as I personally feel anyone one of those 3 would be a suitable player to join the group. Heck maybe we can let 2 or all 3 join.

I mean they all took the time and effort to create a character they ought to be rewarded for it by being allowed to join the game. Or at least that is my opinion but then I do not do contests when recruiting players as I find that to be very disrespectful to those players.

I mean we are already a bunch of strangers meeting in a tavern (aka town) and will choose to risk our lives with folks we do not really know of which anyone of could be a villain in disguise (and in my perspective at least one ought to be). ;-) I mean what better way to neutralize any potential would-be heroes by slipping a seeming comrade into their midst that keeps tabs on what they are doing so the bad guys can stay several steps ahead. Sure I am guessing the AP module does not do this but it would be what I would do if I were the mastermind of this evil endeavor.

This is my first ever PbP game I’m running so I’d rather not try something so wild

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

[While Tomodai the Elf Arcanist does not Detect Evil since having respect for fellow players ;-) is in fact the opposite of evil.]

Yeah GM KoolKobold I can see where that might be an issue for you. Still do as you wish as it is your game.

As for me, I will still abstain from voting because I find it minorly offensive to do otherwise. As I truly believe we were all created equal in one way or another and everyone should be treated with that equality in mind and when it comes to an RPG everyone is truly equal at least in my opinion. Then again it is just my opinion so it is neither right nor wrong just an opinion.

Also hi and hearty welcome to you Dagny Lyght I see you still need to finish converting your character from 5th-Level to 1st-Level. Still glad to have you aboard. Oh and I noticed that your background does not mention any connections here in Sandpoint if that be the case I would be more than happy to extend the invitation of Tomo having met Dagny and her mentor during his travels prior to arriving in Sandpoint. Tomo does share an interest in cooking so-to-speak however he tends to cook herbs and alchemical things rather than food.

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0


Agreed. Welcome aboard Dagny Lyght. Lets get this game going again!

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

Hi All

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

Yeah working on the connection to Sandpoint and traits.

Female Halfling Bard 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 18 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 (+1 vs Charms/Compulsions) | Init: +5 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30' | Performance: 6/8

Hi Dagny! Welcome!

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

Thank you

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

No problem, I already added you to the map. Just get your character sheet ready, and position to where you want your character on the map and we’ll begin.

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

Okay Ill doubel check traits and then last minute changes

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

My phone is being stupid so Ill have to finish when I get back home but Outlander Missionaty and shell be connected to the Pixie Kitten. Her master and company having frequented the place and she is staying there as the Cook and healer for the inhabitants

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

I thought I had linked the map but can't find it. Could you post it again?

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Here’s the map

Larry | Male Human Fighter | HP 5/12 | AC18 T12 FF15 | CMB +4 CMD 16 | F+4 R+2 W+1 | Init+4 | Perc +6 | Dipolmacy 0

Thank you!

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

I think she is ready now with Scale Mail and Wooden Hea y shield returned

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)
Dagny Lyght wrote:
I think she is ready now with Scale Mail and Wooden Hea y shield returned

You’re missing a trait, I think a campaign trait?

Also your morningstar has the ghost touch next to it, what class ability do you have that lets you have that?

Grand Lodge

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2

I forgot about the morning star.

Took Outlander: Missionary

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

You need a campaign trait from RotRL

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

Oh I thoight Outlander Missionary was one of the traits for RotRLs

Ill look at them again

Human Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

Ill take Student of Faitj +1 CL Healing spells and Channeling DC

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Alright, we will begin the next part of the campaign tomorrow. Dagny you’re free to start by making a post on what your character is doing. I was assuming that she would not know the group at first but join in the fight.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

Tomodai, where are the ability scores on your sheet?

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

noticed the error too late but here’s the link to the goblin song

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

I will be on mobile starting this afternoon for the next 3 weeks. We will still do the campaign, just wanting to let you all know.

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

Sorry GM KoolKobold did not realized I missed them. I have added those Ability scores to the sheet.

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

Also how close are these Goblins as I see no map.

Female Halfling Bard 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 18 (T: 14, F: 15) | CMB: +2, CMD: 12 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +3 (+1 vs Charms/Compulsions) | Init: +5 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30' | Performance: 6/8
GM KoolKobold wrote:
Here’s the map

Here's the map link.

@GMKK: It's a good practice to put things we'll keep needing over time in the "Campaign Info" tab. Having everything in one place that's easy to access helps a lot.

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)
Wyssal Freeling wrote:
GM KoolKobold wrote:
Here’s the map

Here's the map link.

@GMKK: It's a good practice to put things we'll keep needing over time in the "Campaign Info" tab. Having everything in one place that's easy to access helps a lot.

I will figure that out when I get to the hotel.

Tomo | Male Elf Arcanist | HP 9/9 | AC14 T13 FF11 | CMB +0 CMD 13 | Init+7 | Perc +9 | F+1 R+3 W+4 | Immune Magic Sleep; +2 vs Enchantments

awesome much thanks Wyssal I will record that URL for future use.

Okay GM KoolKobold does Tomo notice any of those other Goblins on the map or just the two that are nearby?

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