[ACO] PFS2e 05-03 Heidmarch Heist (P2) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

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Radiant Oath

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Please dot (add a post) in here and then delete your post to add yourself to this campaign.

1) I am based in Southeast Asia (UTC +8) so my posting hours may be unusual (especially for those in North America). I usually update at least one or twice per day. Just to keep the game moving, please post at least once every day and at least once during the weekend.

2) Please keep all posts and communication in all channels limited to a PG-13 level and be both positive and inclusive.

3) Please label all three of your actions. Even if you think what you are doing is obvious.

4) If I am unavailable for longer than 24 hours, I will let you know in the Discussion Tab. Out of respect for your fellow players and myself, I ask that you do the same. Real life happens, and real life will always take priority over the game, but out of fairness for your fellow players, please let us know if you will be unavailable for an extended period of time.

5) Please note that on the following days, my posting can get unpredictable:
Tuesday/Thursdays - all day, as they are the 2 busiest days of my work week

6) Please complete the Macros and the Slides linked at the top of the page.

7) Questions, concerns? Feel free to share them in the Discussion tab.

8) Let's have some fun and tell a great story together! After all, that's what we are here for.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

An elven woman plays away on her piccolo. Her clothing is rather plain but animals seem to follow her movements for a few minutes before she shoos them away.

Performance: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

While the townsfolk like it, she thinks it's a pretty lousy rendition of The Sun Blazes Again.

Deroff howls and she stops to quiet him down and stop scaring people. At least 3 guards reached for their weapons when they saw the wolf walk past them. "Hush now. You'll frighten everyone." She huffs as she heads to her assignment.

The Pathfinder Society left her alone for months, and she was enjoying her old life again. Her friend in the city is doing well despite constant headaches. Her uncle was on a long journey again, probably chasing women and dealing with the punishments. Guiding people through forests didn't pay much but it didn't get her nearly killed, either.

"Howdy ya'll. I'm Miladistra. Pleased to meet ya."

HP 69 | AC 24 | Saves 14/15/13 | Perception +12 (low light vision, scent imprecise 30 ft) | Mature Animal Companion, Wolf (level 7) | Miladistra's Companion

A wolf squeezes alongside Miladistra, almost the size of a small wagon. Someone small could ride him like a horse. Mildistra's still a bit too big, so she simply skips alongside him for now.

Patiently allows pettings and shows of affection from Miladistra's soon to be teammates.

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

A male human nods to you, with short black hair and a goatee. He wears fine clothing in black and burgundy, with gold trim. A tiny green snake is draped over his shoulders.

”Delorn Malix, Esquire. Sorceror by birth, barrister by trade. I have a silver tongue, a steel-trap mind, and the fires of Hell at my command”

He declines to pet Deroff.

Grand Archive

Human Fighter 6 | AC 24 | HP 92 | F +14, R +12, W +12 | Perception +12 | Athletics +15 | Performance +11 | Acrobatics +10 | Intimidation +9 | Crafting, Sailing Lore +8 | ◆

A tall, Taldan man, with a softly glowing halberd at his back comes over to Deroff. "Hello, Dog. I'm Yakuthiel." He stands up, and bows exaggeratedly to the others.

Radiant Oath

CG nonbinary (they/them) Kayal Swashbuckler 7 (gymnast) | HP 99/99 | AC 26 | F+13 R+17 (Evasion) W+11 | Perc+11: Darkvision + Lifesense (imprecise 10ft) | Stealth+13 | Athletics DC 28 | 25ft (Panache: 35ft) | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: --

A somewhat small and indistinct kayal (fetchling), whose skin appears to be absent of color and partially void of substance, steps into the edge of town. They wear fashionable yet functional clothing underneath a somewhat bulky half plate that fits well and has a series of dots and lines etched into it forming what appears to be constellations. At their side is a kukri and a starknife with a central grip that depicts a silver dragon whose neck, wings, and tail wrap around the blades. Lastly, a moon-shaped medallion is worn around their neck and rests atop the armor.

Hearing a pleasant tune, the kayal follows to hear it more fully and soon finds themself looking at a crowd. Taking note of the wolf but not bothered by it's presence, they step forward, "Zenith. Just Zenith. By the stars I'll protect you, should you need protecting" they smile slightly. They then kneel down with their hand outstretched, palm open, to welcome the wolf. Zenith will gladly pet him.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Ah... he's not a d-" Miladistra holds her tongue as Deroff accepts all affection and gives it back.

She sighs. "It's good to meet ya'll. If yer representing the stars, and yer dealing with Hell itself, I guess I'm in the middle. I'm more of a forest type. Hometown is small, maybe a hundred people or so." She holds Deroff to stop him from licking everyone's face. "Like Mister Esquire I tap into the magic I was born with. So I'll let you armored types take the front."

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

"Hi all...I'm somewhat armored...I can go in front"

Radiant Oath

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You have been invited to stay overnight in the comfortable Harakan House on the grounds of Heidmarch Manor. After Ebrylis helps settle you at the cottage, Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch sends you a note inviting you to a mission briefing over breakfast coffee and rolls in the lounge of her private residence at Heidmarch Manor.

"If you’ve all finished breakfast, we can get back to business." Sheila Heidmarch snaps her fingers as a few servants run in to clean up the remains of the coffee and rolls that were served in the study of Heidmarch Manor. Sheila Heidmarch straightens her velvet robes as she stands by the fireplace. "I need you to escort an item back to the Grand Lodge. While cataloging some items from an old vault, a group of novice Pathfinders recently discovered a unique wayfinder, which we’re calling the wayfinder of the open road. Instead of pointing north, it points to the nearest entrance or exit to the Maze of the Open Road."

Sheila pauses to pull a small globe from the mantle of the fireplace and spin it. "The Society has been working on building alliances and new chapters of the Lantern Lodge in different locations throughout Tian Xia. In the past year, we were made aware of an ancient underworld dragon in that region. Valashinaz is a repository of ancient knowledge and her vaults hold an unrivaled collection of survival and adventuring gear. She’s shown herself to be open to trades of magical items and scientific innovations, and her influence could open doors for us all over the continent."

Sheila puts the globe back down, frowning. "However, it is customary to open negotiations with a gift, and Valashinaz has a weakness for novel items. We were stymied trying to find a gift she didn’t already have. With its unique ability, the wayfinder of the open road is exactly what we need to pique Valashinaz’s interests. Your task is simple: deliver this wayfinder to the Grand Lodge, where Ambrus Valsin will assemble a diplomatic delegation. It’ll be a short trip through the Maze of the Open Road. Just follow the needle to find the portal to enter the maze, then take these directions to the Grand Lodge." Sheila slides a map across the table. "I wouldn’t normally send such experienced agents on a delivery errand, but things have been quiet around here lately, and I suspect Ambrus will have something else for you to take care of.


Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

At breakfast a short olive-skinned human male with black hair bound in a turban and a neatly-trimmed black beard joins the group in the lounge. He is dressed in a loose shirt and trousers with a wide belt, all looking well suited to warm weather. He leans on a old wooden staff with very new bindings as he comes to a halt. "Khaldan, my apologies for not meeting up with you last night - I arrived rather late in the evening." he says with a rueful chuckle.

After listening to the briefing, Khaldan will respond "Given the issues with the maze that I have read in the chronicles, an experienced group may indeed be a wise choice. Hopefully it will be an uncomplicated journey though."

Grand Archive

Human Fighter 6 | AC 24 | HP 92 | F +14, R +12, W +12 | Perception +12 | Athletics +15 | Performance +11 | Acrobatics +10 | Intimidation +9 | Crafting, Sailing Lore +8 | ◆

"Find portal. Grand Lodge. Deliver unique Wayfinder. Do we know of any who would like this not to happen? Perhaps enemies or rivals of Valashinaz?"

Radiant Oath

CG nonbinary (they/them) Kayal Swashbuckler 7 (gymnast) | HP 99/99 | AC 26 | F+13 R+17 (Evasion) W+11 | Perc+11: Darkvision + Lifesense (imprecise 10ft) | Stealth+13 | Athletics DC 28 | 25ft (Panache: 35ft) | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: --
Miladistra wrote:
She sighs. "It's good to meet ya'll. If yer representing the stars, and yer dealing with Hell itself, I guess I'm in the middle. I'm more of a forest type. Hometown is small, maybe a hundred people or so." She holds Deroff to stop him from licking everyone's face. "Like Mister Esquire I tap into the magic I was born with. So I'll let you armored types take the front."

"Forest is my second home. That is, when I'm not trying to find a viewpoint for the night sky," Zenith relates, and was going to let Deroff lick their face before Miladistra holds him back. Next time... they think.


Zenith listens, puzzled, why they were called for a 'simple task' when they were enjoying their hiatus. "The stars told me new life or information are coming into the world. Perhaps it was a reference to this wayfinder of the open road. Has it helped discovered any new information, or have we learned about its origins, before the recent discovery?"

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"So we're deliverin' goods? It's like harvest." Miladistra munches on some cheese while Deroff sneaks away with some of the bacon. "I don't mind something simple. It's been a while since I've been on duty."

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---
Yakuthiel Treeflyer wrote:
"Find portal. Grand Lodge. Deliver unique Wayfinder. Do we know of any who would like this not to happen? Perhaps enemies or rivals of Valashinaz?"

”Or enemies or rivals of yourself?”, Delorn adds.

Radiant Oath

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Harsk dwarf ranger2 wrote:
"Hi all...I'm somewhat armored...I can go in front"


Please complete the macros and slides

Radiant Oath

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Sheila invites you to her office upstairs so you can view the wayfinder of the open road for yourselves. The top of the tower serves not just as Sheila’s home office, but also doubles as the manor’s tearoom. Here, Sheila can serve her guests a variety of coffees, teas, and cordials, and the glass windows offer a 360-degree view of the estate. As Sheila reaches her folding secretarial desk, she pauses. "Wait! It was just here." Her normal air of calm control completely gone, she falls to her knees and immediately searches the area around the desk.

DC 23 Perception:
There’s a damp spot on the windowsill closest to the outer wall, and a few damp spots on the wooden floor leading to Sheila’s desk. When they open the window, they also see a crossbow bolt sticking out the window frame.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13
Miladistra doesn't even think about looking for it. She loses stuff all the time and it shows up again later.

Eventually she realizes Sheila is very uncomfortable. "Er, Deroff, can you help her?"
Deroff's Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19

Deroff nibbles another snack off of a tray.

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Delorn’s brow furrows, as he and the snake look around as well.

Delorn: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Caveat: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

Khaldan will look around the desk but then quickly focus on the floor and follow a path to a window. Opening the window, Khaldan will say "aha, it looks like someone has gone to great lengths to find your wayfinder Sheila!" and will point out the crossbow bolt sticking out of the window frame. "There is a damp trail from the window to the desk - I think an intruder may have come in and helped themselves to the item."

Perception DC 23: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Grand Archive

Human Fighter 6 | AC 24 | HP 92 | F +14, R +12, W +12 | Perception +12 | Athletics +15 | Performance +11 | Acrobatics +10 | Intimidation +9 | Crafting, Sailing Lore +8 | ◆

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

Khaldan will have a look out the window to see if anyone is visible.


"Sheila, who knew about the wayfinder and might want to steal it?"

Grand Archive

Human Fighter 6 | AC 24 | HP 92 | F +14, R +12, W +12 | Perception +12 | Athletics +15 | Performance +11 | Acrobatics +10 | Intimidation +9 | Crafting, Sailing Lore +8 | ◆

"Well, maybe we have someone who can follow a trail?"

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

”I can cast a location spell”, says Delorn, ”if our host can describe how this wayfinder looks different from the others”

Radiant Oath

Paladin 6 | AC 25 | HP 66/66 | F +11 R +11 W +10 +1 status vs Fear | Init +10 Perception| Low-light vision| FocusPoint 1/1 | resistance 2 fire

A several centuries old elf, in full plate regalia, stands straight as a pole. His pure white hair forms like a halo around his sunburned face. A sinister look give him an air of grim determination and regal authority.

Strangely, with his pristine armor, decorated with flying dragons, he wears a lots of bits and bolts packed; broken holy symbols, scrap metal of diverse origins... On one side, a weapon who seems to be burning, as smoke gets out of its scabbard and on his hand a magnifiscent scepter with a head like the one of a golden dragon.

With a voice softer than expected, he presents himself after a short bow.
Greeting, I'm Elonded Firehand, servant of Ragathiel.

Perception DC23: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

I've heard that something is missing. I can help.

Radiant Oath

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Welcome, Elondel. Please complete the Macros/Slides/RPG Chronicles so that we can get started

Radiant Oath

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Still 19 CP. Nothing's changed.

Shiela turns to Khaldan. "Just me, Canayven, Ambrus Valsin, and a few members of the local staff knew of the Wayfinder. Canayven is the other venture-captain of Heidmarch Manor, as well as my husband. We manage affairs out of this lodge together. While I typically handle mission briefings and other social tasks, he has knack for behind-the-scenes logistics."

Before you can investigate much further, the floor to Sheila’s office shakes and teapots rattle on the shelves as the sounds of an explosion reverberate elsewhere on the grounds. Multiple voices shout, "Fire! The alchemy lab’s on fire!"

Rushing out, you see flames coming off the ground floor of a nearby building, Eurythnia House, as acrid smoke billows out the windows. A dozen other Pathfinders have started to form a bucket brigade leading from the pond and there are other efforts underway to calm the flames.

To help fight the fire (3 successes needed):
DC 20 Athletics/Survival
DC 18 Lore
Other solutions (alchemical bombs, spells to cut off airflow, water spells)

Grand Archive

Human Fighter 6 | AC 24 | HP 92 | F +14, R +12, W +12 | Perception +12 | Athletics +15 | Performance +11 | Acrobatics +10 | Intimidation +9 | Crafting, Sailing Lore +8 | ◆

Athletics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Firefighting Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Clever Improviser

Radiant Oath

Paladin 6 | AC 25 | HP 66/66 | F +11 R +11 W +10 +1 status vs Fear | Init +10 Perception| Low-light vision| FocusPoint 1/1 | resistance 2 fire

Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Elondel quickly rushes to help his fellow comrades to fight the fire.

Radiant Oath

CG nonbinary (they/them) Kayal Swashbuckler 7 (gymnast) | HP 99/99 | AC 26 | F+13 R+17 (Evasion) W+11 | Perc+11: Darkvision + Lifesense (imprecise 10ft) | Stealth+13 | Athletics DC 28 | 25ft (Panache: 35ft) | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: --

Athletics, master: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Zenith rushes in with multiple buckets ready to smother the fire.

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

Khaldan will get ready to cast hydraulic push to quench the flames, but seeing his fellow pathfinders handling the situation with extreme competence will hold off.

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Cheese and Crackers!" Miladistra braces as the ground shakes.

"Huh, looks like someone is stalling for time. But we have to put out that fire!"

Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
"The first thing to do is to figure out if it's an oil fire, or a wood fire. Water's no good on an oil fire, you want more dirt and sand to suffocate the flame." Miladistra directs the bucket brigade to seek out more soil.

Radiant Oath

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The other residents of Heidmarch Manor can only look on with awe as the visiting Pathfinders operate like an elite fire brigade. The fire is out in short order.

Entering the premises, you find that several locked fire-resistant cupboards and their alchemical contents are still intact and the residence in the upper half of Eurythnia House remains livable. A dwarf stumps towards you. "Name's Wumbrout Brios. I'm the custodian here. You did good saving Eurythnia House. You saved not only the lab, but the guest apartments upstairs. Only right you get some of the goods you helped preserve." He provides each of you with a pair of lesser elixir of life and a moderate eagle-eye elixir.

2 x Lesser Elixir of Life and 1 Moderate Eagle Eye Elixir

Soon after these events, Heidmarch Manor’s other venture-captain, Sir Canayven Heidmarch (NG male human Taldan manager) approaches you with a look of consternation. Dressed practically in sturdy leather pants and a chainmail shirt, Canayven hastily scrawls something in his notebook, then rips the page out and hands it to you. He says tersely, "Find those thieving arsonists."

GM Dice:

Khaldan's PFS Lore (E): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Miladistra's Lore 1 (T): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 (PFS)


Heidmarch Manor was founded by the adventurer-aristocrats Sheila and Sir Canayven Heidmarch as a Pathfinder training center. The outgoing Sheila Heidmarch soon became the face of the organization, and the venturecaptain most likely to give mission briefings. Meanwhile, Sir Canayven has focused chiefly on supplies and logistics, arguing that the correct gear is critical to any mission. One of the manor staff, Ekkie, recently had a large party celebrating the final discharge of her debt to the Pathfinder Society. Ekkie is a goblin who started her career burglarizing Bakrakhan House to impress a local gang. However, the Pathfinders who caught her recruited her away from her life of crime. She now teaches useful life skills to novice Pathfinders, offering classes in tomb exploration and trap avoidance. Additionally, she serves as a mentor figure to goblins entering the Society.

Radiant Oath

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Investigating the Theft:


Signs point to this theft being partly an inside job. As the most recent visitors to Heidmarch Manor, you’re the least likely to have been personally involved in this case. I would like you to conduct a thorough investigation. Here are some avenues where you can start:

• Investigate the two potential crime scenes: Sheila’s office and the Alchemy Lab at Eurythnia House.
• Interview the eyewitnesses to the fire.
• Ask around the lodge and find out if there are witnesses that have not come forward yet, and what they know.
• If you need to investigate any personal residences on the grounds of Heidmarch Manor, consider this your warrant. At the same time, don’t abuse this power. Wait until you have at least some evidence before invading the privacy of our visitors, guests, staff and students.

Do inform me of any of your findings,
Sir Canayven Heidmarch

Suspect List:

Venture Captains The two venture-captains of this lodge are a pair of married aristocrats who pay the lodge’s expenses with their own funds.
* Sir Canayven Heidmarch (male human Taldan manager). Sir Canayven handles the logistics and supplies of the lodge, making sure that Pathfinders stay well-supplied.
* Sheila Heidmarch (female human Taldan diplomat). The outgoing and fashionable face of Heidmarch manor, Sheila gives nearly all mission briefings.

Heidmarch Manor Staff
*Ebrylis (male half-elf guard). A stalwart and reliable long-term employee of Heidmarch Manor, Ebrylis is often the first face that greets guests and Pathfinders alike.
*Ekkie (female goblin scout). A former thief that once stole from the Pathfinder Society, Ekkie now teaches classes on traps and dungeon exploration.
*Helvi Durner (female human Varisian cook). Deaf from birth, Helvi is known around the lodge for her boisterous laugh as much as for her flaky breakfast rolls.
*Wumbrout Brios (male dwarf custodian). More than just a custodian, Wumbrout oversees the day-to-day operations of the Meeting House, including its rigorous class and training schedule.

Pathfinder Novices
*Ingrit (non-binary human Ulfen wizard). Ingrit hails from Kalsgard in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. They came here looking for better magical libraries than could be found at home.
*Tagheema (female human Keleshite fighter). The athletic Tagheema is from Solku in Katapesh and is known for her abilities on horseback. When not training, she frequently volunteers time grooming the horses in Heidmarch Manor’s stable.
*Tiki Stitchfeather (female goblin alchemist). Tiki hails from the Crookedtoe tribe, a tribe that once lived in the southern Fangwood forest but was displaced by the Whispering Tyrant. Quiet and shy, she’s an avid naturalist and alchemy student

You're also given a pearly white spindle aeon stone and a Greater Everyneed Pack to aid with the investigation.

Radiant Oath

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The Heidmarchs have tasked the PCs with investigating the theft at Heidmarch Manor. This investigation should feel free form in that the PCs can tackle subjects of this investigation in any order, but they earn Investigation Points throughout.

You get 1 Investigation Point for fighting the fire.

Essentially you investigate each location/person by making a skill check. You get Investigation Points if you find out certain info.

Please decide as a group where you want to go first. Please don't split the party if you can help it. The last group did and it was a bit of a mess :)

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"No problem, mister. I've had to put out forest fires before, so the principles are kind of the same. Thank you." She bows to Wumbrout Brios.

"So. Maybe we should check out Sheila’s office first? Whoever took her stuff must have done research in there, right?"

Radiant Oath

Paladin 6 | AC 25 | HP 66/66 | F +11 R +11 W +10 +1 status vs Fear | Init +10 Perception| Low-light vision| FocusPoint 1/1 | resistance 2 fire

I agree. Lets start by Lady Heidmarch's office.

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

"Yes, the office seems as good a place to start as any!" Khaldan will reply to Elondel and Miladistra.

However he will then turn to the venture captain and ask "Although if you wouldn't mind Sir Canayven, could you keep a watch on the laboratory here until we get back and are able to search it please?"
As they climb back towards the office, Khaldan will quietly relate what he recalls to the group "So I hear that this place has been set up as training school by the two venture captains. Ekkie, the goblin scout, has only just completed her term of service to the society after her previous indiscretion and had a party to celebrate. While her quick bio sounds sketchy, it seems she has been a mentor to goblins joining the Society and has been teaching tomb exploration and trap avoidance. I think we should ask about that party - who was there and if anything unusual happened."

Radiant Oath

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You head back to Shiela's office:

DC 28 Perception to search the shelves:
The realize that nothing else appears to be missing from the display of expensive teapots in the room, many of which would have been easier to sell than a historic wayfinder. This is enough for your to realize that that this was a targeted operation, rather than an opportunistic snatch and grab.

DC 23 Arcana/Thievery to examine the walls for signs of tampering:
You discover a painted rune that was used to disable a section of the wards

To search for clues on how the thief escaped the room:

DC 25 Perception to examine the area outside the window
DC 23 Athletics to recreate the thief’s escape route by leaping from the window to the tree
DC 23 Survival to follow the trail, they discover a trail of snagged branches and a few snagged threads from a blue and golden silk cloth.
2-3 successes needed

Each PC can make one check for each clue (each spoiler). Alternate skills ok if you can make it fit (DC 21/25 for lore/non-lore respectively)

Radiant Oath

Paladin 6 | AC 25 | HP 66/66 | F +11 R +11 W +10 +1 status vs Fear | Init +10 Perception| Low-light vision| FocusPoint 1/1 | resistance 2 fire

Perception DC28: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Look, the thief used a rune to disable a section of the ward.

Says Elondal as he searched for clues.

Perception DC25: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Athletics DC23: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Survival DC23: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Athletics HP Reroll: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

perception DC 28: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (17) + 13 = 30
arcana DC 23: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

"Looks like this was a targeted operation. Those teapots would have fetched a fortune and would be much easier to sell than the wayfinder, but the wayfinder was the single thing they took."

Then Khaldan will try to follow the trail but gets distracted by some interesting looking berries

survival DC 23: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"So they disabled the magic and ignored the valuable stuff? I guess they wanted the wayfinder." Miladistra moves on towards the window. "So, where did they go from here?"

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28 "Okay, so they went out the window..."
Athletics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 "Probably leap from tree to tree..."
Survival: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 "And, uh... hmm..."

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---

Delorn follows along with everyone’s investigations and conclusions. He checks the trees along the escape route…

Survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Elondel finds a rune used to disable the wards while Miladistra manages to see how the thief made their way down the tree.

Elondel keep your HP. Miladistra's got you covered.

Also appears I misread the instructions. It's one check per PC per location. I thought something was off since I ran this last time... there weren't quite as many checks... So enjoy your bonus this time :)

Radiant Oath

CG nonbinary (they/them) Kayal Swashbuckler 7 (gymnast) | HP 99/99 | AC 26 | F+13 R+17 (Evasion) W+11 | Perc+11: Darkvision + Lifesense (imprecise 10ft) | Stealth+13 | Athletics DC 28 | 25ft (Panache: 35ft) | Hero 2/3 | Focus 1/1 | Active Conditions: --

Zenith tests different escape routes with flamboyant style

Athletics: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

You manage to determine how the wards were disabled and how the thief escaped. One IP

Where to next, Pathfinders


Investigation Points: 2

1 Investigation Point awarded for successfully fighting the fire

Shiela's Office - 1 IP
Alchemy Lab
Dorm Rooms

Ebrylis (Guard)
Ekkie (Scout)
Helvi Durner (Cook)
Wumbrout Brios (Custodian)
Ingrit (Novice)
Tiki Stitchfeather (Novice)

Grand Archive

NG male human (Keleshite) wizard 5 (level bump) | HP 68/68 | AC 23 (24 w/shield) |F +10 R +14 W +12 | Perc +13 | Stealth +10 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 2/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Detect magic | Conditions: None

"Next I think we should take a look at the alchemy lab, before it gets too trampled or messed with."

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

Actually if you want to split up, go ahead. I'd like to test the tracking file I created :)

Grand Archive

N Male Human (Versatile) Sorceror 7 | HP 57 | AC 23/24 | F +10 R +12 W +13 | Perc +12 | Stealth +12 | speed 25| Hero 1/3 | focus 1/1 | spells 1:4 2:4 3:4 4:3 | Active Conditions: ---
Khaldan al Tephu wrote:
"Next I think we should take a look at the alchemy lab, before it gets too trampled or messed with."

”Time is of the essence”, Delorn replies. ”Take a group there, the rest of us will check the dormitory”

Verdant Wheel

| Deroff | ♥️ 48 | AC 22 | Saves 11/12/14 | Perception +12 (Whisper Elf) | Init +12 (+2 with Perception)| PFS ID: 133608-2002 |NG Female Elf Sorcerer (Nymph) 7 | Spells -/4/4/4/3 | Focus Points ☑☑ | ☘️ 1 | ◆◇ ◈ ↺ ☑□ |

"Which way are we goin'?" Miladistra hears two suggestions. "Uh, I'll follow ya to the Alchemy Lab. Maybe there's some herbs lyin' around that shouldn't."

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