
Elondel Firehand's page

155 posts. Organized Play character for Ilmakis.


Paladin 6 |


AC 25 | HP 66/66 | F +11 R +11 W +10 +1 status vs Fear | Init +10 Perception| Low-light vision| FocusPoint 1/1 | resistance 2 fire

About Elondel Firehand

Male ancient elf (Hermean Expatriate) Thaumaturge 6
Common, LG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +10;
Languages Common, elven, celestial, draconic
Skills Acrobatics +9, Arcana +11, Athletics +12, Crafting +11 , Deception +5, Diplomacy (E) +15, Intimidation (E) +15, Pathfinder Lore +11, Dragon Lore +11, Esoteric Lore (E) +14, Medicine +8, Nature +8, Occultism +11, Performance +4, Religion +8, Society +11, Stealth +9, Survival +0, Thievery +1
Feats Champion Devotion, Scroll Thaumaturgy, Otherwordly Magic (Electric Arc), Nimble Elf, Talisman Esoterica, Dubious Knowledge, Hobnobber, Skill Training, Toughness, Healing Touch, Intimidating Glare, Divine Ally (Weapon), Assurance (Intimidate), Assurance (Esoteric Lore).
Str 18 (+4), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 18 (+4)
Items none; other Gear Healer's tools, Adventurer pack, +1 full plate, radiant wayfinder, fine clothing, Smoking Sword with a striking rune, Climbing Kit, flaming star (on armor).
AC 24; Fort +11; Ref +11; Will +10 +1 Status bonus vs Fear
HP 66 Hero Points 1 Focus Points 1
Speed 30feet (35wo Armor)
Melee [1] unarmed strike +14 (1d4+6 B, Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed),
[1] smoking sword +15 (2d8+8 S +1 Fire, Versatile P)
Ranged [1] +8
Innate Spells
DC22 Electric Arc (level 3)
DC22 Produce Flame (level 3)
Focus Spell
DC22 Lay on Hands (level 3)

Spell School
Items :

While you hold your regalia, you gain an air of authority and bolster the courage of allies who believe in you. Your regalia aids you when you attempt to convince others. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks. Allies who can see you can use Follow the Expert to follow you even if you're only trained in a skill and not an expert, due to the competence you clearly exude. When they do, the circumstance bonus they gain from Following the Expert is +1.

When you are holding your regalia, you gain an inspiring aura that stokes the courage of you and all allies in a 15-foot emanation who can see you, granting them a +1 status bonus to saving throws against fear. At the end of your turn, at the same time you would reduce your frightened value by 1, you reduce the frightened value of all allies within your inspiring aura by 1. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and visual traits.

Implement's Empowerment
The power of your implement can also be turned to the more common task of combat, its power adding to and amplifying the effects of runes and other magical empowerments. When you Strike, you can trace mystic patterns with an implement you're holding to empower the Strike, causing it to deal 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Channeling the power requires full use of your hands. You don't gain the benefit of implement's empowerment if you are holding anything in either hand other than a single one-handed weapon, other implements, or esoterica, and you must be holding at least one implement to gain the benefit.

Amulet Abeyance (↺)
Trigger The target of your Exploit Vulnerability would damage you or an ally within 15 feet of you
Requirements You're holding your amulet implement and are benefiting from Exploit Vulnerability
You forcefully present your amulet to turn away harm. You or a target ally within 15 feet gain resistance to all damage against the triggering damage. The resistance is equal to 2 + your level

Blade Ally
A spirit of battle dwells within your armaments. Select one weapon or handwraps of mighty blows when you make your daily preparations. In your hands, the item grants the effect of a property rune and you also gain the weapon's critical specialization effect. You can choose from disrupting, ghost touch, returning or shifting.


Action Symbol (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺)