Those Halcyon Days III -- World's Finest

Game Master Stalwart

Core playbooks

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Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |

Thankful that the others are standing with him Indy stands his ground.

"The spirit in the rabbit hasn't done anything destructive since we bound it, and before that it was a misunderstanding of a new being in a new world and no one was hurt. So unless you've got a damn good reason I plan on taking it back to it's keeper."

He squints across at the aegis suits, "We aren't doing cloak and dagger, so we've got all the time in the world to stand here and play the waiting game unlike you. So maybe just go home."

provoke: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5) - 1 = 5

Could maybe get them to shove off if some team is put towards that. Hoping that arguement will make the agent susceptibleto my words, despite us having very little leverage here. Otherwise Indy'll get a potential

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +2, Superior +2, Mundane -2 | Potential 1/5 | Conditions: Afraid

Shifted Superior up and Savior down from Empyrean's prior move.

DD immediately regrets snatching the camera as Violet begins to infiltrate her very begin. She grits her teeth and growls as she fights off the domination. "Nngh! No! You can't have me!"

Superior: 2d6 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6) + 3 - 1 = 14

Superior is safe, shifting it back down and Savior up to prepare for Violet's next assault.

Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

Sam takes a pic of the card and starts to running all scans she can think of "This could take a few minutes to verify." she says flatly.

adding +1 team to Indarius' provoke

Delinquent | Danger +1 | Freak +0 | Savior +0 | Superior +2 | Mundane +2 Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: guilty

Aquarelle was completely lost at what was going on. Magic, angels and demons were all pretty scary and the stories always mentioned curses or side effects. Still, he needed to do something about it.

So he grabs an old keyboard and whacks it against the camera.

Directly Engage: 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 5) - 1 = 6
Want to destroy the camera. Picking "take something from them" with the intention of taking it from DD's hands. If you feel a defend would be more appropriate, the result would improve by +1.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1(?) Team
Praetorian Parkway

Andromeda demands several answers, but the agent fails to give anything away. "It's not an interrogation, either," she says flatly. The infuriating refusal to be baited or to give up info reminds the Bull of Smiler. Maybe these agents are working for him, or maybe he's playing both sides? Suddenly he seems everywhere and there's no escaping him. Andromeda, take Afraid

Indarius tries a different tack, hoping they'll give up by showing he's not going to budge. His words don't seem to concern them, even after Statian lends her assistance. Will hold off on this resolution in case Andromeda or Phalanx wants to use the last Team. If they don't, I won't count Sam's spend on a failed roll.

The phones buzz again with a couple more messages from Chroknight.

Photo Shoot

Max holds to herself and fights off the initial attack, but Violet's essence gathers strength and renews its assault, this time not against Max's sense of self, but against her belief of herself as a hero!

While Devil Diva struggles with a misty image of a demon that looks just like her (without the temporary tattoo of Jessica Rabbit), the others are faced with the question of what to do to help!

Aquarelle grabs up a makeshift weapon and tries to smash the camera, but the old keyboard shatters to pieces! The demonic essence turns briefly to look at Aquarelle locking eyes with him! For a moment, he feels his soul laid bare before her as she brings up Gui's worst, most private deeds and thoughts to the forefront of his mind! "We'll have fun later, you and I," he hears her voice in his head. Aquarelle, take Guilty

Violet turns back to focus on her true target, Max!

DD, you again have to resist Violet's domination. Roll the label of your choice (not Superior). On a hit, you keep the entity at bay and that label is safe. On a 10+, you can shift your labels to prepare for Violet's next assault. On a miss, that label is now Violet's.

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +2, Superior +2, Mundane -2 | Potential 1/5 | Conditions: Afraid

Max continues to cling to her identity as a hero, resisting the demon’s power!

Savior: 2d6 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 - 1 = 8

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

Group chat

Chroknight: In between sword swings, make this quick. I'm kind of worried about the clerk girl because she seemed liked she was going too break down in tears
Chroknight: So she's alone and I wish I could be there with her, but I'm extra tied up
Chroknight: It's not like I like her or anything!
Chroknight: Hey, is anyone listening to my messages?
Chroknight: BRB they're weremoths now

Influenced by: Aquarelle, Chloe, Indarius, Statian Influences: Aquarelle Empyrean, Phalanx, Statian
Labels: Danger: 3 Freak: 1 Savior: -2 Superior: 2 Mundane: -1| Conditions: Afraid, Angry | Potential 3/5 | Team Hold for (L/R): 0/0

"We're not just going to let you disappear anything without giving us some answers. Even the dragon is a better keeper than that," Andromeda adds flatly.

Spending the Team

character portraitLabels: Danger 0, Freak 2, Savior 0, Superior 2, Mundane -1 ★ Conditions: none ★ Potential 1/5 ★ Influence on: Empyrian, Influenced by: Gui, Andromeda

Digits grits their teeth, wondering, What here can I use to defeat that weird netherthing? How could we best end this quickly?

Assess: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13

1 person marked this as a favorite.

0 Team
Praetorian Parkway

The heroes don't budge, and while the agents don't suddenly agree that the object no longer needs to go with them there's a shift in their postures.

Agent Mckenzie gives Indarius a look that seems to say, I won't forget this as he gets ready to leave the scene.

End scene?

Photo Shoot

Max again holds to herself and keeps the invading demonic essence at bay!

Digits looks around for some way of helping, recognizing that this netherbeing is not going to be so easily defeated with the office supplies around them. Devil Diva is locked in a battle of wills, so anything that will help bolster her resolve would hopefully tip the balance in her favor! That she's resisted so far has been promising. Digits has noticed that DD has been at her most confident in front of her adoring fans, so maybe if they were able to see what was going on they'd give her the boost she needs to win!

What do you do??

Influenced by: Aquarelle, Chloe, Indarius, Statian Influences: Aquarelle Empyrean, Phalanx, Statian
Labels: Danger: 3 Freak: 1 Savior: -2 Superior: 2 Mundane: -1| Conditions: Afraid, Angry | Potential 3/5 | Team Hold for (L/R): 0/0

End scene (with Mckenzie at least)

"You'd better actually know how to keep a weapon like that safe, Indarius, safer than the last time. Now they know that they want it."

She looks down at her sweats and sportswear, already ragged, and fully missing a sleeve that had been too loose on her thin arms.

"Can you generate some kind of disguise? Just a temporary one. Mortal Peril needs help, but I don't want to scare the clerk."

Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +2, Superior +2, Mundane -2 | Potential 1/5 | Conditions: Afraid

Max continues to fight, though she's not sure how much longer she can keep this up!

Freak: 2d6 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 1 - 1 = 7

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |

End with the agents yeah

Indarius relaxes only slightly as the agents stand somewhat down, "It's not a weapon really. I'll put some wards on it so I can keep a better eye on it so something like this doesn't happen without my attention."

He looks over the entire group and then down to his own tattered outfit with a sigh. "Stand still."

Not sure if I need a roll since we're not exactly pressed for time
Throwing up the illusion of a circular curtain around Andromeda he begins a second spell to destruct and reweave the fabric she wears into a different outfit.
Feel free to describe what it looks like, but it'll basically shred her old clothes and reshape the threadwork into something else not really gaining 'more' clothes but rebinding the stitching in a different way so it'll still be a good outfit.

"I don't know where Mortal Peril is well enough to offer a portal though sorry." He steps in to grab the rabbit from it's containment wards and weaves his own into the fabric, a subtle scale shaped rune hiding underneath the fur. Stepping out of the toppled armored truck he offers it to Phalanx.

"I need you to take this to a little girl named La’Quesha the rabbit belongs with her she's it's guardian just as much as it is hers." He pulls open a portal to Rustside for him to go through before finally addressing Statian and her burnt shaking hands.

"I'll get you to the hospital, so just stick close."

Group chat:

Indarius: Sorry for the delay Chroknight Andromeda's en'route, armored truck situation was a bit more hairy than we originally thought.
Indarius: Statian needs medical attention for some burns I'll be taking her there while Phalanx finishes up with this.
Indarius: After that I'll be back to the shoot, Hope I haven't missed too many the director will probably be furious anyway the suit they gave me's in tatters.

Once Phalanx has gone through his portal he'll open another to take Statian to the hospital herself, assuming other emergency services arrive not too long after to deal with the unconscious drivers

Delinquent | Danger +1 | Freak +0 | Savior +0 | Superior +2 | Mundane +2 Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: guilty

Aquarelle stumbles back, reaching for his head. Get out. GET OUT! Devil Diva might not be a demon, but that thing clearly was. He should leave. She said they'd have fun. He steps back, as the thought did not sound bad at all. GET OUT!

Then he looks at the Diva again. She was in pain. He tries to look away, but now he could feel it. Too late. He lunges and grabs the camera. "Let it go, Diva!"

Defend: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 2) + 0 = 5

Danger+2 , Freak +0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1 Conditions: Angry

Phalanx takes the bunny from Indarius and then throws a crisp salute at his commanding officer. "Sir Yes Sir!" he barks.

Archie puts on a hat that says USPS and whips out a bunny sized cardboard box and places the stuffed bunny in the box carefully.

"Oh, where might I find this La'Quesha?" He adds before stepping through the portal.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |

"She lives in the trailer park I'm sending you too, or did at least you'll have to ask around for specifics. Thanks Archie be safe call if things go weird."

Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

Mortal Peril Comics & Games

The black & white car out front of the gaming store showed everyone that something was happening, creating a small group of rubberneckers trying to figure out what was happening. Inside, a teary eyed Chloe was trying to avoid slipping up and ruining her alibi to the police.

"So, I mean, I had a weird hunch that this guy was up to no good. He was muttering to himself and didn't like how he was eyeballing the front display, so I put myself out in front to dissuade rash action - I didn't know that he would pull some freaky tech weapon and zap me! I was so freaked out when I was finally unfrozen I ran to the back and holed up there, and...well, I froze again. Choice paralysis - call the boss, call the police? By the time I had called, there was a sudden blur and the diorama was back - but the most expensive piece is missing from it," She explains. "I mean, I know you think it's probably dumb, but the store needed to sell that - we had a buyer ready to make a purchase. And..."

She sniffs, pulling a tissue to dab her eyes free from tears. "My dad is going to lose his mind! Why would someone rob us with super tech like that?"

0 Team
Photo Shoot

Violet this time attacks Max's sense of being no longer fully human and tries to gain purchase via her demonic exterior. It's a close, tense battle but Max again comes out on top!

Aquarelle takes action and goes for the camera itself, trying to wrest it out of Devil Diva's grip. His hands clasp on the possessed object, but her demonic strength is too much and resists his initial effort! For a moment the camera gets ice-cold in his hands and a shiver races up his arms and up and down his spine. Then the camera breaks into pieces and tumbles to the floor!

The misty copy of Devil Diva solidifies where the camera fell, and she looks at her arms and body with an expression of surprise. "Oh, well, this is interesting," she says as her tail whips back and forth!

Max no longer feels the assault on her mind, evidently winning best three out of five, but now it looks like Violet managed to get free anyway!

What do you do??

Mortal Peril

The HCPD officer taps at her screen while taking the report, asking standard questions, taking pictures of the scene, and requesting a copy of the store's security video. She asks several times about what CardClix is, why the figure was worth that much, and still clearly not truly understanding its worth to collectors but accepting it anyway.

She waits for Chloe to compose herself. "I don't know, and I'm sorry. I'll send this report to Analytics to see if they can come up with anything similar. Maybe it's someone trying to come up with a gimmick, or maybe they're just a Card... Clicks? fan. If it's that unique then it could turn up at another store. Say, you wouldn't have a list of, like competitor stores? In the area, or nearby cities."

When Andromeda drops out of a portal, the officer spins around and puts herself in between Chloe and the new arrival. "Dispatch, possible 616," she speaks into her radio as she looks at the Bull warily.

What do you do??

Phalanx, Progressive Estates Trailer Park

Phalanx steps through Indy's portal into a place that takes him back to his early days. He stands amid rows and rows of trailers and tiny pre-fab homes, generally run down but still lived in. Getting his bearings, he realizes he's near the heavily-industrialized area of factories, warehouses and refineries known as Rustside, a far cry from the glitz and glamour of Halcyon City but still close enough to look on the City of Heroes from afar.

Locals eye Archie warily from their porches or behind their chainlink fences. Asking around for La'Quesha gets a number of suspicious glares, but his UPS disguise eventually gets him directed to a small group of children playing with rusted scooters or skateboards. One of the girls is playing with what looks like a brand new Princess Femtite doll.

What do you do??

Praetorian Parkway

Indarius does not get a response to his texts.

Emergency first responders arrive and deal with the usual cleanup required any time there is superhero action.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

Portals open, Portals close. Sam's green eyes take them in. The pain in her hand wants to scream, but computational control over emotions also allows one to dampen the epic desire to whimper.

Distract with reporting, so "The team response to a critical, potentially bystander lethal conflict, was lacking. You came alone, instead of gathering the rest of the team. Aquarelle's illusions would have been the most useful in this..." her assessment halted when she went to grab her tablet to bring up the charts her threads had prepared. The pain in her hand flared so bright, she stopped breathing for a moment.

After the moment, the world comes back, and her eyes come into focus on her leader. She raises her seared hand and panted out "
Andromeda's output... needs study and tempering... potentially aided with psyochemical augmentations...
" her head cocks, she frowns "... my matrix says she needs a friend."

As if she is thinking Indarius could be that, she adds, "I do not understand people well. Her, you, ANYone, but even I can see she is goading you. You are not allowing yourself to respond in kind. Why?" the question is real.

Logical angle: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8 pointing out mistakes, but working to opening them up to discussion

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

Portals open, Portals close. Sam's green eyes take them in. The pain in her hand wants to scream, but computational control over emotions also allows one to dampen the epic desire to whimper.

Distract with reporting, so "The team response to a critical, potentially bystander lethal conflict, was lacking. You came alone, instead of gathering the rest of the team. Aquarelle's illusions would have been the most useful in this..." her assessment halted when she went to grab her tablet to bring up the charts her threads had prepared. The pain in her hand flared so bright, she stopped breathing for a moment.

After the moment, the world comes back, and her eyes come into focus on her leader. She raises her seared hand and panted out "
Andromeda's output... needs study and tempering... potentially aided with psyochemical augmentations...
" her head cocks, she frowns "... my matrix says she needs a friend."

As if she is thinking Indarius could be that, she adds, "I do not understand people well. Her, you, ANYone, but even I can see she is goading you. You are not allowing yourself to respond in kind. Why?" the question is real.

Logical angle 8. pointing out mistakes, but working to opening them up to discussion

Indy escorted Statian through the portal to the hospital and even left it open for a bit incase the trauma teams thought it best to quickly transport the drivers.

Moving quickly to the sevice desk while listening to her he frowned and wanted to help with her hand, but beyond conjuring a cool towel which wouldn't actually help he was at a loss.

"Hey it's... stop thinking about the team for just a second you're hurt let's tend to that, then we'll deal with the rest."

After they sign in and get Statian something for the pain he tries to address her concerns. "Yeah it was just me, there was this photoshoot that's about body expression and it could help inspire a lot of well not normal folks. They stayed behind to do that while I came to help cause we thought the four of us could handle it."

"And well Andromeda... just like Phalanx and Aqua she's chaffing but it's not something I can let myself fall to. I'm angry when she does it yeah, of course, but if I actually give in then what does that day about me as a leader? Besides even with all her protective shielding. I'm sure it wouldn't matter if I really struck out to hurt her." He glances off remembering how little it helped someone else.

"I would like to be friends and buddy buddy with everyone, but if they aren't going to try and see things from my view as well then it's not exactly easy. And so far I've gotten a lot of pushback from her and others on that."

He smiles at her, "Besides I honestly think you're better at making friends than you give yourself credit for especially with someone like her."
comfort and support(angry): 2d6 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (5, 4) + 1 - 2 = 8

If stat counts that as opening up then i'll clear angry which makes my c+s a 10, which means if stat opens We get the following. They mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you. On a 10+, you can also add a Team to the pool or clear a condition yourself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

Sam listens, cataloging his words for future expansions to her matrix. Silently absorbing until "ME?!?" the shocked burst of confused mess rushed past her many intrusion countermeasures, showing a true emotional response for the first time Indarius has seen.

After the burst, Sam blinks wide, once, twice, considering what to say to THAT. The matrix offers discussions of his sanity, clearly disagreeing with his assessment. But she doesn't.

Frowning, sharply, she nods "Our personalities are the most aberrant of the collective group, coupled with our intellect, the choice might be sound but..." the small nerd girl looks at her hand, laid out all charred red on a tray, waiting for the nurse to come back. "... the procedure to accomplish that... is foreign." her voice becomes as flat and dead as the salt flats. She Might have never had one of those before.

But tasking is tasking, so as the pharmaceuticals she has been given for the pain start to muddle her own barriers, she takes a DEEP breath "Okay, leader. I will try."

surely SAM trying to make friends with Andromeda will go so well.

character portraitLabels: Danger 0, Freak 2, Savior 0, Superior 2, Mundane -1 ★ Conditions: none ★ Potential 1/5 ★ Influence on: Empyrian, Influenced by: Gui, Andromeda

Digits attempts to create a portal under the copy's feat, and another in the ceiling above, aiming to leave her sprawling at Devil Diva's feet.

Directly Engage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 5) = 7 Maybe create an opportunity / or take their mobility from them

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

Sam listens, cataloging his words for future expansions to her matrix. Silently absorbing until "ME?!?" the shocked burst of confused mess rushed past her many intrusion countermeasures, showing a true emotional response for the first time Indarius has seen.

After the burst, Sam blinks wide, once, twice, considering what to say to THAT. The matrix offers discussions of his sanity, clearly disagreeing with his assessment. But she doesn't.

Frowning, sharply, she nods "Our personalities are the most aberrant of the collective group, coupled with our intellect, the choice might be sound but..." the small nerd girl looks at her hand, laid out all charred red on a tray, waiting for the nurse to come back. "... the procedure to accomplish that... is foreign." her voice becomes as flat and dead as the salt flats. She Might have never had one of those before.

But tasking is tasking, so as the pharmaceuticals she has been given for the pain start to muddle her own barriers, she takes a DEEP breath "Okay, leader. I will try."

surely SAM trying to make friends with Andromeda will go so well.

Indarius nods, "Yes, you and thanks for being willing to give it a shot Statian. I think with your analytical side she'll know that you aren't giving her the run around or trying to lie to her or anything."

He glances down at her hand, "Sorry that I can't help with that by the way. One of the things my magic just.. can't do is well heal people."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Influenced by: Aquarelle, Chloe, Indarius, Statian Influences: Aquarelle Empyrean, Phalanx, Statian
Labels: Danger: 3 Freak: 1 Savior: -2 Superior: 2 Mundane: -1| Conditions: Afraid, Angry | Potential 3/5 | Team Hold for (L/R): 0/0

Andromeda starts as the curtain suddenly appears around her, taking a few quick calming breaths to avoid instinctively trying to tear down what isn't really even there. Her anxiety only increases as her clothes begin to be unmade and repurposed, but she keeps her sheath peeled back, forcing herself not to clamp shut on whatever energy Indarius is using to manipulate the matter. Her jaw clenches and her knuckles pop as she holds, holds, holds.... The last thing I want is to have him half finish

The spell ends, and the curtains disappear. It wasn't good. The gradual fraying and degradation of her clothes meant that he had less fabric to work with, so she was now dressed in a classic super suit and domino mask, the sort of suit that was meant to show off a heroic physique, and which even in spandex left her looking like a skeleton loosely draped in canary yellow.

Maybe it looks better if it's not so fuzzy?

Her contacts had been repurposed too, so Indarius, Statian, and Phalanx had all blurred out into scale or costume-colored blobs. Can't even see her creepy little tentacle things...

Not having to go through the portal was a relief though. "Guess your 'magic' isn't good for everything, huh?" She holds up her phone, grateful that she can turn on the voice activation with a button that actually presses. "Directions. Mortal Peril Comics"

And then she pops up into the air again, rocketing like a well-served tennis ball up and over the tops of the skyscrapers.


Andromeda drops out of the sky with a crack and immediately gets recognized as a threat. "I am a powered individual; I'm not here to hurt anyone. Don't shoot; I'll be fine, but you might miss or ricochet. My teammate Chroknight was here earlier to try to stop the thief. Apparently he was some sort of Umbrakinetic, but they might have just misunderstood his powers since he got away." She turns with a squint towards the most Chloe-shaped blob. "They were worried about you; are you okay?"

Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

Mortal Peril

"Oh my - wow. Oh." That's very yellow. Who dressed her in that?

Chloe pulls herself out of her increasing anxiety to wave at Andromeda. "What are you doing here - wait, no one showed up to the store to - though my friend Beebee says she followed and saw some armored person fighting the robber. That one?"

She approaches with the carelessness of a person who didn't think about energy shields. "But they still didn't get him! The thief stole my store's future. Can you help me get it back?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:
Percy Dorn, Indarius wrote:

He glances down at her hand, "Sorry that I can't help with that by the way. One of the things my magic just.. can't do is well heal people."

"Visual-i-zation" Sam worked through the suddenly hard pronunciation. Her brain wondered with worry, What Did They Give Her For The Pain "Understand how the body... works... how it is made and... then Poof... just have to factor in All the potential human variations." she waves that part away with her good hand and thinks about what word to use to explain the difficulty. Her matrix offers with odd hesitation "Cake. It's cake."

1 Team
Photo Shoot

Digits fires off a disorienting portal to send the replicant tumbling, but she doesn't fall through! Instead, she stands on the swirling entrance, as if her body was immune to the sub-spatial aperture, or simply that gravity doesn't work on her! She steps off the portal and onto solid ground, but looks at the forces arrayed against her. Deciding to flee from danger or difficulty, she blows Max a kiss. "We're not finished," she promises, and dives into the nearest computer!

Mortal Peril

The officer relaxes when it becomes obvious that Andromeda is there to help. The dispatch radio is heard, asking, "Confirm 616?"

She responds back into her microphone, "Negative, dispatch. MCP protocol underway." The officer then pops open a small vial and waves it under her own nose, reacting strongly to its evidently strong scent. She blinks and looks at the scene. "Five by five."

"10-4," dispatch confirms.

The officer blinks again and sniffs, recovering. She composes herself and turns back to Andromeda. "Don't take it personally, but I don't recognize you. I'm going to need your superhero code name if you want to be a part of the investigation," she tells her, but then turns to Chloe. "Assuming you want her involved."

Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

"Totally! Wait, did you just take some kind of antihypnotic?" Chloe asks in a bit of confusion. Her partner didn't seem to be phased by the sudden use of stimulants at least. And it appeared to be some kind of protocol.

"Anyways, the robber got away with Ahk'nathal. Not the villain, the Cardclix piece. It's worth a lot, but if they were after money they would have taken the whole diorama. They said something about that it wasn't time yet to be revealed? I got super culty vibes." Chloe wrings her hands, fiddling with a ring on her middle finger.

"I'm scared they'll come back. What if they bring friends?"

Danger+2 , Freak +0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1 Conditions: Angry

Trailer Park

Phalanx approaches the gaggle of kids with a smile on his face.

"I got a package for one Miss La'Quesha. Is there a La'Quesha here?" He says merrily.

1 Team
Mortal Peril

The officer waves off Chloe's concern. "Just smelling salts, but it can wake someone up if they've been mind-whammied or hypnotized into reporting that all's clear," she explains. "Just a precaution."

She writes down and checks the spelling of "Ahk'nathal." "I'll have Analytics run that name through their database, see if it comes up with anything. I'll also see that we step up patrols on this street for the next few days."

Trailer Park

The kids all look to the girl with the bright yellow Pixite doll. She raises her hand, appearing wary of Archie despite -- or maybe because of -- his merry demeanor.

Danger+2 , Freak +0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1 Conditions: Angry

Trailer Park

"Alright here ya go. It's from a scaly friend." He winks and hands the box to her and looks around at the rest of the kids.

"You kids like skateboarding to I see, I'm pretty good at it myself. Oh, you wanna see a magic trick?" Archie turns around to where the kids can't see his torso and generates a Birdhouse Tony Hawk 540 Pro-Model. He spins around with the board and does a showy reveal, then he plops the board on the ground and does a rad kickflip.

"Do you guys know any cool tricks?" He asks them.

La'Quesha accepts the package nervously, while some of the other kids surround her to see what's inside as she starts to open it.

Archie's trick in producing a top-of-the-line skateboard astounds the other kids, mainly the ones who were on their own shoddy ones. He has their attention for a moment as the others try to meet his challenge until they're all interrupted by La'Quesha shouting in excitement.

"Omigod!! You brought back Rusty! How'd you get him away from the gov'mint?!?"

Danger+2 , Freak +0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1 Conditions: Angry

"Well... Let me tell you about that story. It was in a super secret facility at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean! I donned my USPS super suit because I heard that someone has stole your belongings, and I dove down there with my team of super-delivery men and we fought a million underwater government ninjas and samurais. Eventually we reached the containment cells, and there I saw the big. Bad. Guy."

He pauses for dramatic effect. "An actual Minotaur! So then, I pulled out my trusty skateboard and rolled right at the beast, as I was rolling at his big ugly mug, I grabbed my favorite rocket launcher and blew him to bits!" He exclaims.

"Then I swam back to the surface and flew all the way here to find its rightful owner." He smiles mischievously at the kids.
"Job well done I'd say."

The kids all stare in wonder as Archie spins his story, but it starts outlandishly and only gets more out there as he goes. Only the youngest of the group still seem like they're buying it by the time he's through.

"I think you're full of s@@$," one of the kids tells him bluntly, getting a round of giggles from the rest of them. La'Quesha also looks at him with disbelief, then sits the stuffed bunny on her knee. It seems to regard Archie with its glass eyes, and then it shakes its head!

Danger+2 , Freak +0, Savior -1, Superior +2, Mundane +1 Conditions: Angry

Archie smiles and hangs his head, caught in his silly lie.
"Alright, alright, you got me. A friend of mine told me he got it from an armored truck that was being attacked by drones. Once he busted up the drones he called me up after he opened the truck and found the bunny cause he knew who it belonged to and wanted me to hand deliver it. Slightly less exciting I know." Archie says to the crowd of kids. He then stands up from his crouched position and stretches.

"Well, I must be going now, it was nice to meet all of you. Oh, and you can have that skateboard, it'll disappear in a day or two cause my magic isn't permanent." Archie smiles and rolls the skateboard over to the kids and bids them farewell. He then walks out of the trailer park wondering how the hell he'll get home.

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

"Visual-i-zation" Sam worked through the suddenly hard pronunciation. Her brain wondered with worry, What Did They Give Her For The Pain "Understand how the body... works... how it is made and... then Poof... just have to factor in All the potential human variations." she waves that part away with her good hand and thinks about what word to use to explain the difficulty. Her matrix offers with odd hesitation "Cake. It's cake."

Indy gives a hesitant laugh, "It's not quite as easy as just visualizing what I want to happen and knowing the mechanics behind it. Clothes are easy, just manipulate the fibers into a different shape. Same with most non-biological matter. But blood, platelets, veins, soft tissue stuff is way more conplex and my spellbook didn't have anything on manipulating it in that way."

He leaned back in the chair, "A big part of what I do with my downtime, now that I don't have my book is actually researching new ways to weave spells. Not that I've gotten any breakthroughs or anything. But just to sort of let you in in what else I do besides caping. Do you want me to stay while they do all this, sounds like you're gonna be pretty out of it. So, I can take you back to base or home afterwards."

Potential: 0/5 | Labels: None | Danger: 0 Freak: +2 Savior: +2 Superior: +1 Mundane: -2 | Conditions: None
DM Stalwart wrote:

0 Team

Photo Shoot

Violet this time attacks Max's sense of being no longer fully human and tries to gain purchase via her demonic exterior. It's a close, tense battle but Max again comes out on top!

Aquarelle takes action and goes for the camera itself, trying to wrest it out of Devil Diva's grip. His hands clasp on the possessed object, but her demonic strength is too much and resists his initial effort! For a moment the camera gets ice-cold in his hands and a shiver races up his arms and up and down his spine. Then the camera breaks into pieces and tumbles to the floor!

The misty copy of Devil Diva solidifies where the camera fell, and she looks at her arms and body with an expression of surprise. "Oh, well, this is interesting," she says as her tail whips back and forth!

Max no longer feels the assault on her mind, evidently winning best three out of five, but now it looks like Violet managed to get free anyway!

As Violet manifests, Empyrean's halo seems to sharpen, becoming like a spinning circle of blades of light.

"All that remains for you is to return to confinement, Fallen!" she says with an unexpected certainty.

"Turn back the evil upon my foes, in your faith destroy them!"

Savior: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 5) + 2 = 13

I see this as a direct action to try to weaken Violet or to constrain her in some fashion.

If I can't use Savior, the roll is still an 11 raw, which should count for something.

The impression that I get is that superpowers are flavor/narrative for the most part, so presumably this involves some kind of display of golden light and possibly an echoing voice a la Dune.

Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

"Yeah, I mean, I did like a little research on him - he's some alien that has shown up twice before, like once in the forties and again in the eighties. Oh, and he's always preceded by a meteor shower? But apparently he's so powerful that in the game, your best chance to beat him is using a Khopesh, which was the only piece the collection didn't have. Sorry, I'm talking a lot because I'm nervous and trying not to cry again. That's not relevant to the case. Um, the weapon he used was weird, like a wand only slightly bulkier? And it froze me and then seemed to take mind control over my friend, so it might have other things it does that I didn't see."

Worrying, Chloe turns to Andromeda. "Hey, um...nobody else is coming besides you?" They ask.

Influenced by: Aquarelle, Chloe, Indarius, Statian Influences: Aquarelle Empyrean, Phalanx, Statian
Labels: Danger: 3 Freak: 1 Savior: -2 Superior: 2 Mundane: -1| Conditions: Afraid, Angry | Potential 3/5 | Team Hold for (L/R): 0/0

Andromeda nods impatiently at the anti-telepathic safeguards, wanting the cop to just go away since he doesn't actually know anything useful. "Reliably effective against gamma and some beta-class manifestations, yes, but unrelated to me. My designation is... Andromeda. It's new. Again, do not shoot me." Turning to the blob she's now certain is Chloe, she answers, "The others are busy or got hurt; it sounded like the robber wasn't here anymore, so they're dealing with other things. I can stay until the shop closes though," she offers before thinking through logistics.

"Do the game mechanics matter? When he returns, existing database information on Ahk'nathal would be a better resource than whatever filtered out to rulebook writers."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

"Sounds..." a thread pokes out from her hoodie, and she smacks it, making it hide again. She makes a small growling sound at it, more cute than hostile. "I mean... unwinding complexity is my totality... reality based complexity and not the fantastical kind..." a narrow of her green eyes tells him her matrix is probably flaring "He knows I am not insulting his fantastical complexity..." she paused, blinks, focuses on him "You do, don't you?"

She does nod though at him leaving "Hospitals are where people go to die, so I will be fine." frowning again as something she didn't want to think about have escaped. "FINE" she repeated, waving him away with her good hand.

1 Team
Photo Shoot

Empyrean, that seems like a directly engage or unleash your powers; either way you've got a 10+

Empyrean's resonant voice and golden light echoes through the level of Praetor Tower everyone is on, shattering monitor screens and panes of glass while frying electronics causing showers of sparks!

When the lightshow finally fades, the room goes dark and quiet. Only the golden sunlight from the setting sun streaming through Venetian blinds illuminates the ruined cubicle farm. All signs of Violet are gone. She's either been driven away or completely obliterated -- but it's impossible to tell in the wreckage.

Ready to wrap up this scene?

Mortal Peril

The officer continues to take notes. "An-drom-e-da. Got it. And weapon is a... ko-pesh? Or wand? Which is it? And wait. Who are we talking about? Perp or this meteor shower guy?"

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

"Sounds..." a thread pokes out from her hoodie, and she smacks it, making it hide again. She makes a small growling sound at it, more cute than hostile. "I mean... unwinding complexity is my totality... reality based complexity and not the fantastical kind..." a narrow of her green eyes tells him her matrix is probably flaring "He knows I am not insulting his fantastical complexity..." she paused, blinks, focuses on him "You do, don't you?"

She does nod though at him leaving "Hospitals are where people go to die, so I will be fine." frowning again as something she didn't want to think about have escaped. "FINE" she repeated, waving him away with her good hand.

"I... didn't think you were insulting me or magic no. Not like Andromeda was earlier at the very least. I get that it's a bit difficult for people to think as real. But it's a science as much as any other. There are rules and formula it can't do everything, but it can do alot that seems unreal."

He hadn't gotten up to leave or anything yet and Sam's reaction to the idea left him feeling like he definitely shouldn't.

So he scooted a bit closer, "Statian, I won't leave." His glacial blue eyes searched her posture for more indicators of her unease, and held his hand out for her to hold. "I'm sorry."

Ptm(Sam not Statian): 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9
What do you want me to do?

Delinquent | Danger +1 | Freak +0 | Savior +0 | Superior +2 | Mundane +2 Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: guilty

Everything happened so fast, Aquarelle was lost, guilt eating him. He looks at the Diva. "I freed it, right? I... I broke de camera and it escaped. I am so sorry."

Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

Sam seemed surprised as Indarius's response. Her mind didn't understand.
She had told him to leave, it is logical to leave.

That mental leak about her... NO, no more leaking thoughts about the past, not HERE.

But as those bright green eyes stared at the team's leader, another leakage pooled at the edges and then slowly descended down her cheeks.

Sam does not want to be left alone here

"Chronknight needs you. You need to go." Statian (not Sam) answers, calm despite what is going on with her eyes. Her voice finding that cold dead tone as her algorithms seek to find those chemicals that are infecting her to such a degree and KILL them.

character portraitLabels: Danger 0, Freak 2, Savior 0, Superior 2, Mundane -1 ★ Conditions: none ★ Potential 1/5 ★ Influence on: Empyrian, Influenced by: Gui, Andromeda

Seeing the nether-thing gone, Digits runs over. "DD, how are you doing? I've seen some wacky s&!t in my time in the stars, but only came close to something from the netherworld once..."

Comfort: 2d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 1) - 2 = 4 Durp. Well, I guess that's enough for my first advancement anyway. And I guess Digits isn't used to connecting to earthfolk yet (or earth demons, for that matter)

"...Anyway, like Fruubas always says, 'When life gives you Zeknoids, hightail it to Ganzeen-Seven', you know what I'm saying?"

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

Sam seemed surprised as Indarius's response. Her mind didn't understand.

She had told him to leave, it is logical to leave.

That mental leak about her... NO, no more leaking thoughts about the past, not HERE.

But as those bright green eyes stared at the team's leader, another leakage pooled at the edges and then slowly descended down her cheeks.

Sam does not want to be left alone here

"Chronknight needs you. You need to go." Statian (not Sam) answers, calm despite what is going on with her eyes. Her voice finding that cold dead tone as her algorithms seek to find those chemicals that are infecting her to such a degree and KILL them.

"Hey, hey hey hey none of that. We've got plenty of people on the team and you clearly need someone right now."

Standing and grabbing a packet of tissues and tearing them open he handed one over. Not wanting to break any social boundries or scratch her with his talons.

"I can stay let me check in with Chro, but I'll make sure someone else gets to their aid okay. Not gonna leave you here in your current state."

Grabbing his communicator he opened the line.

Team Comms
"Hey guys can someone go help Chroknight? I'm here at the hospital with Statian and don't wanna leave her. The painkillers aren't setting super well and she needs someone to stick around."

He sat back down next to Statian to keep her company. "It's gonna be okay Statian. Just breathe and if you want to talk you can, but I'm not gonna force you to if you don't want to."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Appearance | Danger +0, Freak +1, Savior +2, Superior +2, Mundane -2 | Potential 1/5 | Conditions: Afraid

Max breathes heavily as Violet escapes into the computer. She cringes and covers her head as Empyrean's power blasts through the room. The demoness' tail lashes back and forth as she tries to get a hold of herself.

Digits' attempt to comfort her falls flat, and she gives her teammate a blank look. "How am I doing? Not great, Digits! Not great! This whole thing was a trap for me. I shouldn't have been so careless. This could have ended a lot worse."

She starts to walk away. "I've got to go somewhere. Clear my head."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Potential: 0 | Labels: Danger: +1 Freak: 0 Savior: +1 Superior: +2 Mundane: -1 | Conditions:
influence to:
Devil Diva, Aquarelle, Indarius
influence on:

The algorithms have rerouted chemical influence to once again damper all emotional responses, so Statian simply stares at Indarius as he talks. She cleans herself up, since mess is chaos, but otherwise just nods in acceptance to his decision.

The hacker does point out though "You should contact Devil Diva." turning her tablet around she shows a chart that creates a collective of the superstars chat history, both public and to the team. "She has not posted anything since you left, which is a statistical anomaly on par with extinction level events."

Potential: 0/5 1A Labels: Danger: +3 Freak: -1 Savior: +2 Superior: +0 Mundane: -1 | Conditions: Angry, Insecure
Andromeda, Empyrean, Indarius

"The perp had some kind of wand. I'm not a mage or a super scientist so I couldn't tell ypu if it was magic or science that made it work."

Chloe fidgets more while she's asked questions. "We're closing early, that's for sure. I have to clean up all the broken glass. I don't suppose you have like some superhero database you can use to look into this obsession of the robber?" She asks Andromeda. "If he is some cult fanatic that might give a clue to where he might have gone."

Grand Lodge

Potential[X][x][X][][] Burn: 0 Dragon, Silver
| Labels- Danger:-0 Freak:+3 Savior:+1 Superior:-1 Mundane:+1 |
Samantha Murphy: Statian wrote:

The algorithms have rerouted chemical influence to once again damper all emotional responses, so Statian simply stares at Indarius as he talks. She cleans herself up, since mess is chaos, but otherwise just nods in acceptance to his decision.

The hacker does point out though "You should contact Devil Diva." turning her tablet around she shows a chart that creates a collective of the superstars chat history, both public and to the team. "She has not posted anything since you left, which is a statistical anomaly on par with extinction level events."

"Just sent out a group wide, and they've got the texts. They were busy with a photoshoot so might not have their comms directly on them right now till they get a break. So I wouldn't classify fifteen minutes of not posting on Infini-gram as world ending."

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