
Guillaume Roy-Côté, Aquarelle's page

79 posts. Alias of Sir Longears.


Potential:✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ | Conditions: -


Delinquent | Danger +1 | Freak +0 | Savior +0 | Superior +2 | Mundane +2



About Guillaume Roy-Côté, Aquarelle

PLAYBOOK: The Delinquent
REAL NAME/HERO NAME: Guillaume (Gui) Roy-Côté/Aquarelle
LOOK: man, white, brown hair, laughing blue eyes, medium height, casual clothing with no brands, plain white costume with a hood, brightly coloured skin
>> Illusions.
How did you get your powers? Probably from one of his parents? Gui is adopted and his fathers for sure to do encourage him on searching for them. Nothing good will come of it, they say. Merde, they are probably right.
What do you do for fun? Crowds can be quite overwhelming for him, so to have some fun Gui prefers to hang out just with a couple people at once. He isn't picky and likes to experience different things. He likes to amuse people with his illusions by animating scenes from stories, specially those that have no movie/series adaptations. When alone, he reads and play some games.
Who, outside the team, thinks better of you than you do? Probably Mrs. Greene, owner of a small bookstore in downtown Halcyon. Gui goes there twice per month to animate some stories that she reads for children. The old lady keeps telling him, wrongly, how he is such a gentleman and how he should meet her 'rebel' granddaughter to put her on a 'straight' path. Until now, she never managed to set up a meeting.
Why do you try to be a hero? "All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants." - John 3:20-21
Why do you care about the team?

>> When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they think you’re cool. If they say yes, give them Influence and take Influence over them. If they say no, mark a condition or spurn them immediately. If they’re a teammate, then either way, add a Team to the pool.
>> When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, give them Influence over you, and ask them who they’d like you to be. Mark potential if you show them that person. If they’re a teammate, add a Team to the pool no matter what.

>> Are you watching closely?: When you mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll + Superior. On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, choose three. On a 7-9, choose two.
- you get an opportunity
- you expose a weakness or flaw
- you confuse them for some time
- you avoid further entanglement
On a miss, you’re hopelessly embroiled in it and under pressure; mark a condition.
>> Mary Contrary: When someone tries to pierce your mask, comfort or support you, or provoke you, you can interfere. Roll + Superior. On a hit, they take a -2 on their roll. On a 10+, you also take Influence over them or clear a condition. On a miss, they get a 10+ no matter what they rolled and you mark a condition of their choice.
>> Team? What team?: When you use Team selfishly, clear a condition or mark potential. The first time in a session that you use Team to help a teammate, take +1 forward

You swing between acting selfish and being a committed member of the team. You bounce back and forth over this line, over and over, but ultimately you're part of the team for a reason—you want to be here!

If you have no influence over any other PC, you cannot spend team selfishly.

If you have influence over each other PC, when you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add one extra Team to the pool. Your rolls cannot be teamed unless you spend team selfishly. When you spend team selfishly, you gain +2 on the roll, you may shift one Label up and another down, and you lose Influence over one PC.

Additional Background:
Guillaume was raised in Rimouski (French Canada) by his fathers Antoine and Charles, even none of them are biological. Gui is Catholic and very religious, and the same goes for his parents, even if each of them have different relationship with their beliefs. His powers manifested when he was 10 yo and he struggled with it at the begining. Gui moved with his parents to Halcyon last year, since Charles got an awesome job oportunity (Charles is an engineer, while Antoine works with motorbikes).

Personality Profile:
Emotional Disposition: At his natural state, Gui is very CURIOUS and EXCITED, but since he is very conscientious about his actions, desires and impulses, he is constantly ASHAMED about them, because he knows many of them clash against his religion.
Outlook: Gui is mostly PESSIMISTIC. He has a very CYNICAL and RESIGNED view about the world, is DISTRUSTFULL, and has a BLEAK prospective about the future. However, he is also IDEALISTIC that people like him can and should change the world. He is very CONFIDENT about his own abilities and those of his friends.
Integrity: His parents influence made him a very PRAGMATIC person and as a good Christian, Gui is HONEST and RESPONSIBLE. His words carry weight, he doesn't steal or cheat. He is, however, DECEITFUL and MANIPULATIVE. While fully aware that this isn't right, he just can't help himself so he tries to aim this impulse towards those he believes to be deserving.

Potential Track and Advances!:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Advance: Add +1 to any two Labels