SFS 6-08 - Lost Revelry (KS) (Inactive)

Game Master phaeton_nz

Tier 5-8. Subtier 5-6.
Signup Sheet
Tags: Drift Crisis, Exo-Guardians.

Silver Crusade

Recruitment Thread

Please add your details in the following format:

1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) SFS#-Character#:
4) Character Class:
5) Faction:
6) Preferred Starship Frame?:
7) Preferred Starship Role?:
8) Character Race and Size:
9) Perception and Initiative bonus:
A) Anything else you wish to add?:


1) Player name: Alex
2) Character name: Momo Strawberry
3) SFS#-Character#: 108716-704
4) Character Class: Solarian. How she got to be a Solarian is a long story for another day.
5) Faction: Exo-Guardians, for some strange reaosn
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Drake. Never fly a Pegasus, those things fall right out of the sky.
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Hiding in the turret
8) Character Race and Size: Medium human
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +5; Init +3
A) Anything else you wish to add?: Nervous flyer (Profile with character background - Relevant backstory). Zoey's older sister, which technically makes her "the space station's older sister", though Deedee just likes to call her "Momo Slow" whenever Momo is daydreaming.


1) Player name: Mustaparta
2) Character name: Terminatrix-42
3) SFS#-Character#: 192672-702
4) Character Class: Soldier (Guard)
5) Faction: Acquisitives
6) Preferred Starship Frame?:Drake is ok, though wouldn't object to Pegasus
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Gunner
8) Character Race and Size: Medium Android
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +3; Init +7
A) Hates slavers and drow in particular


1) Player name: Kishmo
2) Character name: Alkekenji (they/them)
3) SFS#-Character#: 127582-701
4) Character Class: Nanocyte VII
5) Faction: Exo-Guardians
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Anything but an Azata ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Chief Mate, but can be a passable Captain, or Gunner, if needed
8) Character Race and Size: Khizar, medium
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +11 (& +7 for accompanying aeon stone computer buddy with a video camera stapled to it), Initiative +1
A) Anything else you wish to add?: I made this character when someone on the forums said khizar are unplayable 'cause they can't see anything, with the prompt of "I wonder how many sense I can cram into one character?" @GM Phaeton_nz do let me know if you have any questions! There's, uh...a lot going on, but after playing this PC a few times I've got a good grasp of the Four Stages of Awareness! Also, if it's just too much, I have a lvl 5 biohacker or a lvl 6 spellspeaker envoy I could bring :)

As a khizar, Alkekenji has no eyes, but through species & class features, gear, and feats, they have:
Blindsight (Life): 30 ft [Species]
Blindsense (Vibration): 30 ft [Species] & within/adj to Cloud Array [Nanocyte Knack]
Blindsense (Electricity): 60 ft, only in contact with metal/crystal/etc [Feet Aug]
Blindsense (Thought): 120 ft [Feat]
Quasi-Blindsense(?) (sight): Telepathic computer sends visual info (low-light & darkvision, 60 ft)
Plus the Focused Sense feat which can momentarily sharpen any blindsense into a blindsight.

Different GMs parse Alkekenji's ersatz "sight" computer/camera combo, so, it's worthwhile having that discussion up front too. The idea is, Alkekenji has a magical computer with an artificial personality that is accessed via a magical nervous system connection (ruby sphere aeon stone), with an installed control module for an enhanced scanner held by a gear clamp.

So, their magical floating computer buddy perceives visual information, and can telepathically share it with Alkekenji. In practice, past GMs have said everything from "this is so abstruse as to provide no benefit in combat" to "it's good enough to provide a kind of 'blindsense (vision),' i.e. Alkekenji is aware of visual stimuli around them, but it functions as an imprecise sense." Both, and anything in between, are all are fair interpretations! Let me know what you think, Phaeton :)

Horizon Hunters

1) Player name: Half the Sky
2) Character name: Castana Fatris
3) SFS#-Character#: 2390470-705
4) Character Class: Solarian
5) Faction: Advocates
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Drake (or my Manticore if the correct tier, but this tier isn't it)
7) Preferred Starship Role?: As this char, Captain/Gunner
8) Character Race and Size: Lashunta, medium
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception 9, initiative 0
A) Anything else you wish to add?: Retired singer who joined the Starfinder Society after 13 years in the music business and being more burnt out from endless touring of the galaxy.

Horizon Hunters

Boons Slotted - Castana Fatris
Promotional: Shirt with 3 novas
Faction: Advocates Champion: Diplo or heal for +1 RP
Ally: Call a Cognate (5-11)
Social: Able Assistant - Advocates: Aids are +3 instead of +2
Vanity: Hexoglin Pup (5-14)
Slotless Boons:
(1) Drift Crasher (4-99): This scenario has Drift Crisis tag, so I can take extra serum of healing mk 2
(2) Determined Medic - Advocates: Once per game as standard action, remove one condition as listed.
(3) Encouraging Resolve - Advocates: RP used to restore Stamina/stabilise of others (see details if used)
(4) Enemy of the Organisation (6-01)
(5) Loyal Friends - Advocates: +1 will save to confusion effect

Link to character sheet here.


1) Player name: azjauthor
2) Character name: Flenn Cybertooth
3) SFS#-Character#: 108452-706
4) Character Class: Mechanic 6 (exocortex)
5) Faction: Dataphiles
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: No preference
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Engineer
8) Character Race and Size: Half-orc, medium
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception +6, Intiative +7 (Hero Lab is down right now, and I have to update my profile to level 6, so I might need to double check these)


1) Player name: Clebsch73
2) Character name: Luanna Farella
3) SFS#-Character#: #105836-703
4) Character Class: Mystic 1 (Star Shaman)
5) Faction: Wayfinders
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: No preference unless one has an arcane lab.
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Magic Officer or pilot
8) Character Race and Size: damaya lashunta, medium
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception: +7; Initiative: +0
A) Anything else you wish to add?: Luanna is a medical expert with profession (Doctor).

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