DM Kludde |
Lapodie runs away with the last civilian as the rumbling ball of twine approaches. Evacuating the bridge, the ball rolls up to the makeshift barrier... and it stopped by it. The tourists on the plaza - most of them filming the ball rather than running away from being crushed by it - breathe a sigh of relief.
Not too long after, a cry can be heard from under the rope bridge. Tangled up in long pieces of twine is none other than Envar Tamm himself, tangled up after messing with a ball of twine. Help me! it sounds Get me out of here!
Atop the roof of one of Gruddonar’s stilt-perched buildings, a lashunta man waves. “Hello hey, Envies, beachgoers, and lovers of tunes! Gruddonar’s well-known as a tourist town, but I bet most people don’t know these stilts also make for great base jumping! Some people might be here to see the Galaxy’s Largest Ball of Twine, but I think we can do more than just look!” He pats a length of twine woven into his harness, blows a kiss to the camera, and jumps off the building. On the way down, he calls, “Check out the upcoming episode of Envar’s Expeditions for more!”
--- Envar's Expeditions, unaired episode preview found on a Data Tag
We're close to the end. Could you alreayd job day jobs if you have them?
Dr. Lakare Koob |
Koob flies down under the bridge and tries to untangle the elusive Envar.
Any checks required here?
Day Job: Profession (Researcher): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Tocti |
No Day Job
Tocti moves carefully down the bridge towards where Envar is trapped. Whiel Koob flies to assist him she asks the others. He was not on the brridge durring the ball chaos, was he? How did he - she stops as she then thinks about the likeliest culprit to cause the ball drama and growls softly. Looking around at the number of passers-by who chaos to also stream rather than save others or even themselves the pahtra mutters ruefully It is distrressing to see the influence of a perrson like this sprread so farr.
DM Kludde |
Rescuing Envar doesn't take much skill, only patience, much patience. The Lashunta eventually makes it up to the plaza, straightens his clothing and asks How do I look?
Whoah! Groovy rope burns, man! he looks at the battered-looking group Did you do the Ultra-Xtreme-Base-Jump? Been wanting to try that one out, makes for a good piece of bonus material!
If you want to convince Envar to contact his mother, I need a diplomacy or intimidate check
Tocti |
We did not quite catch that, no[/b Tocti says, glairng slightly at the influencer. [b]We've been a bit busy chasing you arround the galaxy. you have been visiting quite a few dangerrous places: colossi hunting grrounds, volcano corres, towerring peaks. Perrhaps it would be best to take some time on morre leisurrely strreams. Yourr mother has been looking quite widely forr you. I am cerrtain if you rreach out to herr she could arrrange some evnets forr you to cast that can look quite exotic without this level of rrisk.
Diplomacy (via hireling): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
DM Kludde |
Envar shakes his hair out of his eyes with a flourish. “Wait, Mom thought I was in trouble? That’s kind of a leap. I mean, my v-logs have been pretty comprehensive on what I’ve been up to! Doesn’t she watch my show? Actually...”
He chuckles, looking sheepish. “A couple of her messages mentioned she hoped I’d come back to Arch Energy. Can you imagine me sitting at a desk in a suit and tie? Yikes! I’m happy working on my v-log! Maybe I should have said something to her about it, I guess, but sheesh, I didn’t think she’d send a search party after me.”
Alright, then. I'll give the old lady a call... maybe she'll unblock my credit card, what do you think?
Twila-5 |
Unblock your credit card? Mommy still pays your bills? Geez, no wonder he's a nut case. Good think androids aren't prone to showing emotion. Instead of saying what she thinks he needs to hear, she says what she knows will get results: "Looks like she won't unblock it unless you have a good, long conversation with her. Maybe set a recurring reminder to check in once a week. Then she'll be less likely to hire people to hunt you down."
After an irritating job from the Society, her normal job seems less boring and more...zen.
Day Job (electrician): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
DM Kludde |
Chronicles are up!. I'll add Lapodie's day job once I receive it. Let me know if everything is ok. I hope you enjoyed the game, thanks a lot for playing!
Twila-5 |
Thanks for running, DM Kludde! It was a fun run.
The boxes on the Chronicles aren't checked. Do you happen to have the list handy? Otherwise we can go back and read through the game posts to find the info.
DM Kludde |
The boxes on the Chronicles aren't checked. Do you happen to have the list handy? Otherwise we can go back and read through the game posts to find the info.
I've updated the chronicles with Envar-themed check boxes and day job for Lapodie, so should be fixed now.