GM ShadowLord's Gatewalkers

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Book One: The Seventh Arch
Edra - Defending
Osiris - Navigating
Thunder - Scouting
Enyo - Scouting
Leiko -Scouting

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

Open! Please drop a post when you're alias is ready.

Female Half Elf | Gunslinger 2 (Vanguard) | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | F +8; R +9; W +5| Per: 7 | Init: 7 ( +1AC until first turn)


Male Gnome Thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 | F+8 R+5 W+6 | Percep +6 | Esoteric Lore, Deception, Diplo, Intimidation +7 | Athletics +6 ◈

No idea why it keeps eating my OOC post :(

Male Human Inventor 1 | HP: 22 | AC: 16 | F:+5 R:+6 W:+8 | Perception: +6

Am I in now we

Male Male Humanan (Mwangi) Reedeemer 2 | 32 HP| 19 AC | F/R/W 8/6/7 | Perc +5 | Init +6

Alias post

Female Half Elf | Gunslinger 2 (Vanguard) | HP: 28/28 | AC: 19 | F +8; R +9; W +5| Per: 7 | Init: 7 ( +1AC until first turn)

hp and stats updated to level 2.

Archetype added: Unexpected Sharpshooter.
initial archetype feat: Accidental Shot [two-actions] once per day
Effect You make a Strike with a ranged weapon, rolling the attack and damage twice and using the better results for each. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the attack roll and any flat check required due to the target being concealed or hidden.

Male Male Humanan (Mwangi) Reedeemer 2 | 32 HP| 19 AC | F/R/W 8/6/7 | Perc +5 | Init +6

hp and stats updated to level 2

Free Archetype: Mauler
Picked up Esoteric Oath (me no likey abberations!)

You've sworn an oath to slay the alien abominations that lurk in the remote corners of the world. Add the following tenet to your champion's code, after the other tenets. "You must slay evil aberrations you encounter as long as you have a reasonable chance of success."

Your Retributive Strike gains a +4 circumstance bonus to damage against an evil aberration, or +6 if you have master proficiency with the weapon you used. The resistance you gain from Glimpse of Redemption against damage from an evil aberration is 7 + your level. If you use Liberating Step triggered by an evil aberration, your ally gains a +4 circumstance bonus to checks granted by your Liberating Step, and the ally can Step twice afterward.

You don't consider evil aberrations to be legitimate authorities, even in nations they rule.

Grabbed a macuahuitl (2H greatclub w/ Versatile S)

Male Gnome Thaumaturge 2 | HP 28/28 | AC 18 | F+8 R+5 W+6 | Percep +6 | Esoteric Lore, Deception, Diplo, Intimidation +7 | Athletics +6 ◈

Level 2 changes
Class Feat - Scroll Thaumaturgy
Free Archetype Feat - Demonic Sorcerer Dedication
- Needle Darts & Shield
Skill Feat - Group Impression *blah*

Kineticist 1| HP 34/34 | AC 18 | F+10 R+8 W+5 | Percep +5 | Acro +6, Med/Nat +5

Hp and Ac increased accordingly

- picked up cat fall

- picked up extended kinesis

You’ve refined the control you can exert over your elements. Add the following options to Base Kinesis.
Proliferate You cause an existing element to expand. This works like the generate option, except that you can either create an equal quantity of the element in the same square as its source or in an adjacent square, or cause the element to expand to fill its square (making a flame bigger or turning a twig into a small tree, for example). After you proliferate an element, it reacts to the environment naturally—water you proliferated into thin air would splash back down, for example. This affects only natural forms of the element, not durable, crafted goods.
Regulate (air, fire, metal, or water only) You change the temperature of an existing element, making it colder or warmer. This can snuff out a flame or turn water to ice or steam. After this change, the element cools or warms naturally unless you Sustain the impulse. An item that gets cold or hot enough (as determined by the GM) can be used as an improvised weapon that deals 1 cold damage or 1 fire damage in addition to the damage the GM determines for the improvised weapon.
Sculpt (earth, metal, or wood only) Reshape an existing element into a small object of a design you choose. It looks crude and artificial on close examination. The sculpted element can be shaped into a functional short tool (or a long tool if your Base Kinesis can affect 1 Bulk or greater). It’s too fragile and artificial to be used as a weapon or have any monetary value.

- picked up Viking dedication

Male Human Inventor 1 | HP: 22 | AC: 16 | F:+5 R:+6 W:+8 | Perception: +6

HP and stats-> lvl2
-gained quick coercion
-gained marshal dedication
-gained construct companion

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