The Fallen Sons of Heaven: A Tristalt Hell Campaign (Interest Check)


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I'd certainly be willing to have ideas bounced off of me. ^^

Yeah, actually. That sounds good.

Mainly since I know you, and the caliber of player you are, I'd love to throw some character ideas at you.

Ya know, if you don't mind.

Actually, Deception and Wrath didn't work out very well--and are a little too overlappey with some of the other ideas around--so I've instead decided to go with zealotry as a theme. An angel who used to serve under Iomedae, and whose concepts of glory and battle have been significantly warped to become something brutal and dogmatic. I'm currently thinking Antipaladin/Bard/Oracle of Battle; lots of buffs/debuffs and combat-oriented magic on top of being very heavily martial.

bigrig107 wrote:

I'm guessing that means you're not going for Herald of the Apocalypse, Mordred?

Or are you still heading that route?

I think I've settled on War, what with it fitting so well, along with a pretty fantastic background, if I do say so myself.

I would be all up for Herald of the Apocalypse. Just don't know if that is ok, since GM mentioned we cannot have had heraldic positionis before.

If I go with the original Zen Archer/Emyreal/Shaman idea, I would go with Herald of Pestilence, for the Archery Synergy.

If I go with the Inveigler/Suzerein/Herald Route(i left that slot open on purpose), I'd go with Herald of Death.(Neither Famine nor Pestilence Fit that...but making people drop dead when they fulfilled their purpose and are no longer of use to me? Totally in-character.

Aw but I wanted to be Pestilence.

I think the whole "no Herald thing" specifically meant the CR 15 unique outsiders that serve the specific gods.

Herald of the Apocalypse isn't an actual Herald position, but instead a template.
If it's not, I have some replanning to do.

But yeah, how do y'all wanna discuss these characters? PMs?

I'd like to put my small and humble dot here, as a twisted Lorekeeper... Maybe "Fallen of Lore"? Several ideas running in the mind right now as I read the topic :)

Nidoran Duran wrote:
Actually, Deception and Wrath didn't work out very well--and are a little too overlappey with some of the other ideas around--so I've instead decided to go with zealotry as a theme. An angel who used to serve under Iomedae, and whose concepts of glory and battle have been significantly warped to become something brutal and dogmatic. I'm currently thinking Antipaladin/Bard/Oracle of Battle; lots of buffs/debuffs and combat-oriented magic on top of being very heavily martial.

Hmm...we have a lot in common, at least theme-wise.

Going magus/wizard/slayer/graveknight/herald of War, using Dimensional Savant to flank everything.

Hopefully the arcane/divine difference will be enough to distinguish us, unless I'm not fully understanding what you're going for.

The Heralds of the Apocalypse are not the unique Heralds that deities have. In fact, they're technically just fragments of the true Horsemen's powers - you're temporarily borrowing their energies, rather than becoming the Horseman yourself.

Incidentally, our GM mentioned five players - so someone would be the odd character out if all four templates were in play. XD I'd volunteer in that case, since the Herald template doesn't really fit my theme of Temptation. Speaking of themes...

Character Concepts

Fallen of Betrayal - Rynjin
Fallen of Blasphemy - Cthulu_Eats
Fallen of Contempt - TarkXT
Fallen of Corruption - TarkXT
Fallen of Dark Comedy - thunderbeard
Fallen of Destruction - bigrig107
Fallen of Fire - Johnnycat93
Fallen of Greed - JonGarrett
Fallen of Judgment - Tenro
Fallen of Lore - The Archlich
Fallen of Madness - Bane88
Fallen of Mind - Newbonomicon
Fallen of Patterns - Philo Pharynx
Fallen of Pride - Browman
Fallen of Rage - HighonHolyWater
Fallen of Retribution - Dragonflyer1243
Fallen of Survival - Battlespy
Fallen of Temptation - Rednal
Fallen of Trickery - MordredofFairy
Fallen of Vengeance - monkeygod
Fallen of Zealotry - Nidoran Duran
Fallen of ??? - The Benighted Regent

Sashin, I'm all up for teaming up for a triple pack submission with you and Rednal or something like that.
Also, thanks for the clarification on Heralds. I knew they are just fragments of the horsemen, but considering their nature I was not sure if they would be acceptable(since if their host is destroyed, they can jump on over into a new just run a contingency on each of us that says if you are the last one with a host, you get shifted back to our zoo demiplane where we keep subdued hosts in a mindfogged stupor to pick up new bodies.)

But I think we first need the full creation rules. A lot of our choices here may be pointless right now, considering how it works and what kind of things are available through fiendish powers, or how high you can stack certain attributes/things by point buy+eidolon+fiend.


Count me in for a Ranger/Psychic/Cleric. Deity = Me

I'd be down with being the third (fourth?) Herald, if you'll all have me (especially if we're just fragments). Just shoot me a PM.

I could go...Famine? Yeah, that should work.

I think it'd actually be pretty cool if we were to work this whole thing out. Besides Bigrig, is anyone committed to the idea?

I am, Johnny, it was my idea to begin with ^_^ So yeah, come on in.

One problem I see is that AFAIK, Monkeygod and Benighted Regent are fixed starters, so unless I misunderstood, that means 3 more people beyond them will get selected?
Which means even if we get a full team of Heralds + 1 Extra, only 3 of us have a chance.

Either way, I'm sticking with Death, then. So yeah, fixed Herald of Death, I'll make it work with either concept.

Ignored by Rednal :'(

I didn't think either Regent or Monkeygod were fixed, but maybe I just missed it.

But, yeah, sign me up for War.
Probably gonna do it even if my other three Heralds aren't chosen, as it just fits her so well.

Hm? Ah - missed that. ^^ You've been edited in, Archlich.

Thanks Rednal! So, I'm thinking in the lines of Dark, Deep Secrets - like Lies, Breaking Promises and Confessions, etc. - with all the Evil stuff and the true names thing, a Fallen angel with forbidden lore would be someone hated and hunted :)

Probably Bard/Rogue/Antipaladin :)

Here's an idea I think I'm going to pick up and run laughing into the night.

Start as an angel of progress and new horizons. New technology and new ideas bringing about further prosperity and peace.

Become the opposite of that. Become the angel of technological singularities, of malevolent AI's and out fo control constructs, become the angel of technology made only for the purpose of murder, of technology made not to ascend mankind but to hold their faces down in the filth while the priviledged few can live comfortably.

Now power that s&@$ with souls and the blood of the innocent. Construct my macines from the bones of my enemies and lash them together with the sheer force of my hate for all that is archaic. Progress without boundaries, ascension without morals, machines without empathy.

Yeah, me thinks I'm inspired.

Also, why should we stick to the traditional "four" heralds of the apocalypse?

There isn't a specific need to stick to the traditional four, but those are the ones that templates exist for. XD So you'd have to come up with a new template for anything else - or just have a theme and not use a template, which is a perfectly acceptable way of doing things.

The Archlich wrote:

... Lies, Breaking Promises and Confessions, etc. - with all the Evil stuff and the true names thing...

Probably Bard/Rogue/Antipaladin :)

just saying, I'm already going trickery, with inveigler, for lies, bluffs and suzerain for promises, pacts/betrayals(RAW vs RAI), with fixed Bard(Negotiator) class.

We may step on each others toes there, unless you stick more to the lore and true names bit :)

I thought you said you were going towards a "herald of death" type of thing... It seems a little all over the place, no? Either way, in my case, the focus is towards lore, fear, secrets, charms etc.

Well this exploded since I last posted and have been mulling over ideas :)

Just so its written down, my three ideas are;
Fallen of Dragons
Fallen of Hunger and Gluttony
Fallen of Movement

The Dragon will be built like a fire dragon, and be an aegis (to further build its body) and sorcerer (draconic, of course), with maybe going Draconic Disciple.

The Hunger will be built up as a worm, or as a lizard that crawls on the ground, and have swallow whole as an ability.
As an angel, he was the angel of purity who flew through the sky, but when he fell, he had his wings ripped off to be bound to the ground and trampled underfoot. No longer pure, he became ravenously hungry, desiring to eat everything. When he eats a lesser demon, he devourers them body and soul.
He will be an aegis (body again, +mutations) plus whatever else I can think of that has to do with devouring foes and grappling.

Fallen of Movement will be a psion (nomad), with a quickling template on one side. He will be about moving fast and far, even teleporting into the future.
But that won't be enough for him, no, he needs to restrict the movements of anyone else or cripple them. Only he is allowed freedom. Only he can move freely and fast.

The Archlich wrote:
I thought you said you were going towards a "herald of death" type of thing... It seems a little all over the place, no? Either way, in my case, the focus is towards lore, fear, secrets, charms etc.

na, not really all over the place. I brought up the heralds, and want to join in the idea. But I don't exactly see why those would have to blindly follow their creed...they are just ASPECTS of the horsemen. Also if the Heralds are not a "thing", as in, if the chosen players don't agree to form a Heralds-Team, then I can just as well replace it with something else, I'm not making my whole concept dependent on a single template that may or may not make it in.

Also: I am listed as "Angel of Trickery", and I quote from earlier: " (suzerain/inveigling/bardic/...divine trickster-style" - My main thing is trickery. Deception. Bluffs, Wordplay...but also, of course(we are tristalt after all), strenght in battle...and getting rid of enemies and allies who outlived their usefulness both inside and out of combat.
On the fusing of "Death" to that, remember the Joker? And the Bus Driver?...If I con-artist on divine trickery level, I'd still need to make sure there's no witnesses left in the end who can expose my shenanigans. That Finger of Death is mighty handy there(Note that it's once every 1d4 rounds and a successful save does NOT grant immunity for a time...if I do want something dead, sooner or later it will be).

So, I am not positive, and please wait till our GM confirms this himself, but it is possible he will run two tables.

Also, just as an addition to my above post about my concept, will be focusing on the bow, raining death from afar.

Where is the "fallen of" coming from?

Well, the name of the thread indicates we'll be "Fallen Sons of Heaven", so we're taking that, and just using the first part to give our little group a unique title, I guess.

I was surprised about the speed of interest and was searching through it looking for where all the "Fallen of X's" were coming from.

That was me. XD I thought it looked better this way.

I think it gives it a nice flavorful touch.

On a side note, I think I've mostly finalized my angels background before falling.

Thanks, Rednal and Bigrig! I'll consider you my character idea partners, and feel free to send me ideas.

Meanwhile, I'd like to see at least a short summary of fallen powers and starting level/wealth before I go too far with build specifics.

...But right now, using only minimal 3pp content (and heavy use of racial archetypes), I've found a way to force my enemies to LITERALLY laugh themselves to death, by making a Perform (comedy check) that requires me to swat at them with a slapstick prop. (Or, more accurately, I can use Perform checks to indefinitely nauseate people through dirty tricks, as long as I'm wielding an improvised weapon).

So... at least that's a unique combat role I've never heard of before.

Yeah, no problem!
Actually just finished sending you my idea/story.

I thought 12th had been set in concrete for starting I wrong?
And the wealth issue is a huge block to going forward with Azriel, as I've finished everything I can, really, without knowing how much I can spend on things.

I need to know what cosmology we're using first, because that'll change things a bit.

Basic outline is my guy was something mid-level like a Planetar (or I could bump that up to Solar) who was embroiled in some fight against the Demons (at the Worldwound?) when we got overrun and outnumbered, and started to lose (more plausible as a Planetar than a Solar given how ridiculously powerful they are, though could work if I was the leader of that unit) and I fled in terror, sabotaging others in my haste to escape so that it would slow down the advancing tides of demonic forces.

For my crimes I was cast out of heaven and fell to the lowest levels of hell (gaining power as a Planetar, but losing power as a Solar most likely).

The Planetar/Solar dichotomy kind of relies on what the GM meant by "no Heralds" but "You can be an Archangel". I.E. does he mean "You can't be a unique, pre-statted servant of a deity" or "You're CR 15 at maximum" since Solars are a generic Angel, but much more powerful than Heralds.

Oh, wow. I had much the same idea, Rynjin, except my Planetar (or whatever I decide to use for it) was captured by Szuriel after a foray into Abaddon.

Same basic principle, different executions at the end.

I am about 84.7% certain that the GM meant "You were not the special unique Herald of a deity". You could be important, but you were not the main servant of a given deity.

On Ideas: Feel free to send some to me if you want thoughts. ^^ I'm still working on my own, and will probably just post it up in the main recruitment.

Think the name I'll go with is Jagdael, a spin off Jegudiel, an angel associated with responsibility and mercy (which is what my character would have perverted by leaving his men to die and sacrificing them to a horrible fate to save himself).

I'm hoping there might be more options for things to wildshape into. Do you keep abilities from templates when wildshaping? or if you turn into a bear you just have bear abilities? normally that is probably totally balanced but I can't see wildshaping as useful in any way in this game.

HighonHolyWater wrote:
I'm hoping there might be more options for things to wildshape into. Do you keep abilities from templates when wildshaping? or if you turn into a bear you just have bear abilities? normally that is probably totally balanced but I can't see wildshaping as useful in any way in this game.

Wild Shape (well, all Polymorph spells) overrides abilities reliant on form, so it depends.

If your Template gives you two claw attacks and a bite, or wings, you lose those.

Any spell-like abilities, Damage reduction, Spell-Resistance, Su and most Ex abilities, etc. should stay, however.

Polymorph spells never change your type, and therefore don't touch your Type Traits.

So for example if you're a Vampire and you turn into a Bear, you lose your Slam attack, but keep your Telekinesis, Dominate, Spider Climb, Mist Form, DR/Silver and Magic, etc. and you still count as an Undead for the purpose of spells and whatnot.

Wild Shape is never anything but a power boost.

Yeah, not too sure how well wildshaping druid will fare, unless you can get some super-powered stuff going.

(The Conquering Ooze comes to mind.)

Ok that's not bad at all and quite acceptable.

"Tristalt? Really? Why did I not get a Dreamweaver Witch Side? You made me for the wrong game, human!"

Wait, wildshaping into elementals is a massive power boost for *anyone*

True. Honestly I haven't really played a druid before.

Monkeygod wrote:
In fact, I was thinking Tenro and I could possibly be working partners, similar to Bartleby and Loki from the aforementioned Dogma lol.

sounds great to me! hahaha (as long as you arent too chaotic)

Not at all. Probably leaning more selfish evil than anything else.

I cant decide if a giant hammer or a scythe is more Judge-ey.

Then again Lady Justice has a longsword... but that is kinda boring.

Definitely go for earthbreaker.

"I shall smite you with the Hammer of Justice!" and whatnot.
It's cool.

seem to have found the dicefreaks stuff here

thought i had a copy saved, guess not.

Just curious, will we have any racial modifiers at all, or is that covered by our 30 point buy?

oh, i thought the 30 point buy was for abilities. is that eidolon points?

Well, I meant like actual racial mods to specific scores, ya know like +4 Str and Con, -4 Int, +2 Cha, etc.

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